• Published 14th Sep 2020
  • 963 Views, 9 Comments

A New Night Dusk - Twilight Star

Luna watches the stars to reflect on her new role while having a conversation with her alternate self.

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A New Future

Princess Luna, now the solo princess and ruler of Equestria, was sitting on the light blue moon-shaped throne with a red feather signing policy papers. Her mane now had more stars than before, her wings were now bigger, her horn grew, she now wore a big black crown with a greenish jewel and the breast perk was black and she had a greenish black jewel too, but her shoes were still silver. Her throne was like her throne from before, only it was bigger; and the throne room had changed. The walls and floor were light blue, the carpet was purple, and beside the walls were navy blue tapestries of hers and moon.

Although at first she agreed to retire with her sister, since that would mean she could have free time to have Celestia, but after the petrification of the Legion of Doom, she started to reflect better on her retirement. She started to wonder if she should really do this, since it would mean she could no longer raise and lower the moon, and she would lose her connection to the moon, but also because she had just returned to Equestria a few years ago after a thousand years banned on the moon, and she wanted to have the chance to rule Equestria for a long time like Celestia. When she explained to Celestia that she no longer wanted to retire, Celestia was curious and wanted to know why she changed her mind, she explained and said because she returned to Equestria a few years ago, Celestia understood why, and offered to rule Equestria in her stead. Luna accepted the offer, but she didn’t know what would happen with the coronation of Twilight, her sister explained that it would be canceled and that it would be replaced by her coronation as the ruler of Equestria, and would warn Twilight about it. When Celestia warned and explained to Twilight about Luna remaining on the throne, Twilight obviously understood why Luna changed her mind so suddenly in the end, and decided to return to being the handmare of the School of Friendship while Starlight was once again the counselor of the school, since Luna would remain on the throne, but would be the solo ruler of Equestria. Celestia, on the other hand, had not changed her mind and would actually retire, but she would help Luna with her duty while she was retired, since politics was never her strong, but the dream world was. At her coronation, she wore a black and dark blue dress and her mane was attached to a ponytail, Celestia used her crown to change the shape and color before putting it on her sister’s head and naming her princess Equestria soil.

The castle corridor was the same color as the throne room, and her royal guards were at the doors, watching over. Luna opened a light blue door with a moon-shaped handle and entered the room. This room was nothing more than her room: the walls were light blue, the bed was moon shaped, the blanket was dark blue and had stars, next to the bed was a side table that had an alarm clock, and there was a balcony. Luna approached the balcony, and closed her eyes and used her magic as soon as she got close to the supporter.

The sun began to disappear on the horizon while the color of the sky changed from light blue to pink and then to dark blue, making the full moon and the various stars appear. Luna opened her eyes to see her work. She could see that the moon was at the highest point in the sky, and the stars were very bright, it was as if you were going to practically look at the sun. She started to remember her sister, she wondered what Celestia was doing now that it’s night time. Did she go to sleep or was she still awake? Like, Celestia slept early on account of having to raise the sun, but did she sleep early even though she knew she didn’t raise the sun now, but Luna now?

The younger sister let out a slight sigh as she closed her eyes and smiled, she was happy to have changed her mind and not to have retired. At least she could now rule Equestria for a thousand years like Celestia, which, was something she could not during her exile as Nightmare Moon. She opened her eyes as she looked up at the starry sky and the moon lit up the sky. Now with her ruling Equestria, the night sky looked more beautiful than before. It was as if before, she didn’t have it in her final form, just like Celestia. Of course, when she found out that her shape had changed, she was surprised and speechless, since she didn’t imagine that her shape would change, but on the other hand, it made her powers with the sun easy. But there was something that happened that made her even happier: with her ruling Equestria now, her subjects started to stay up longer and enjoy her night. She may feel a tear fall from her right eye.

You’re happy to be ruling Equestria now, aren’t you?

Luna soon opened her eyes when she heard a familiar voice, that voice she knew very well. She didn’t have to think twice to guess the owner of the voice. She looked to the right and saw Nightmare Moon looking at her with a smile.

“Yes, I am very happy, Nightmare Moon,” said Luna as she looked back at the night sky. “After a thousand years, my subjects have finally started to enjoy my night.”

“Really? I knew Celestia prevented you from achieving this.” Nightmare Moon said. “I also knew you would try to destroy her a third time.”

Luna looked quickly at Nightmare Moon, not happy. “I didn’t destroy my sister!”

“So how did you get your night to be enjoyed without taking that princess of the sun out of our way?” asked Nightmare Moon, now confused by the answer.

“Celestia has retired, and with that, I am now the ruler and solo princess of Equestria,” Luna replied.

Nightmare Moon can’t help but smile at the answer. “Did she retire?”

Luna nodded while saying, “yes, Nightmare Moon.”

Nightmare Moon could not stop smiling, her enemy retired and now everypony enjoyed the night, she didn’t even have to make an eternal night, Celestia’s retirement has already made her subjects appreciate her night.

“When did they start enjoying the night? Was it from the beginning that you started to govern Equestria as a ruler?” asked the black alicorn.

Luna looked to the side sadly with her ears down. “Unfortunately it took a few years for them to start enjoying the night.”

“When did they start enjoying the night?”

“About ten years.”

“Gosh, you must have been strong to put up with all these years with your night being ignored.”

“Well, I’m not going to deny that it made me sad before about the fact that I am even ruling now Equestria my night was not yet appreciated,” Luna say with a hoof in her chest as she looked at the floor sadly, but then looked at Nightmare Moon with smile. “... but, now I finally managed to accomplish what I most wanted: my night to be enjoyed by my subjects.”

Nightmare Moon can’t help but smile at the last sentence of her other self. She never imagined that Luna would get her night to be enjoyed without having to destroy Celestia and cause eternal night a third time. She noticed Luna turn around and start walking.

“Where are you going?” asked Nightmare Moon in a confused way.

Luna looked at Nightmare Moon. “I’m going to sleep.”

“But why? The night is young.”

“Yes, but I need to sleep early to be able to get up early to get the sun up.” Luna started walking again and entered the room.

Nightmare Moon let out a breath, knowing that for Luna’s night to be enjoyed, Luna would have to sleep on her own night. But the queen of the night soon smiled, knowing that now everypony enjoyed the night. She did not get the love and attention through the eternal night, but because Luna was patient and the solo princess of Equestria. She may not know what comes and what happens in the next generations, but she knew that now everypony would have their eyes only on Luna and her, even if they did not know about the existence of the black alicorn.

Comments ( 9 )

I love this story this is what should have happened in the 9th season!:pinkiehappy:

Do not forget that the Mlp Staff confirmed that The Last problem is not a canon, so that does not stop us from imagining that Luna may have changed her mind about retiring and started rule Equestria at Celestia's place.:raritywink:

Nice! I like that conversation between Luna and Nightmare Moon.

“Saw? I knew It had a Celestia hoof that prevented you from achieving this,” said Nightmare Moon. “I knew you were going to try to destroy her a third time.”

"Really? I knew Celestia prevented you from achieving this." Nightmare Moon said. "I also knew you would try to destroy her a third time."

“So how did you get your night to be enjoyed without taking that princess out of the sun out of our way?” asked Nightmare Moon, now confused by the answer.

princess of the sun

Because the staff of MLP have explicitly left leg room for fans like us to decide for ourselves if it’s canon or not

So allow for any future branching from the last problem to be canon in theory. Would allow for wiggle room in a way. Generation 5 being a potential branch. :D

That's news to me. Do you have a link?
They stated that certain ships were indeed intentionally implied, but not canon and therefore up for interpretation.
Why would the finale of the entire show not be canon?

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