• Member Since 1st Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen March 27th


My favorite character is Spike. That's basically all you need to know about me.

Comments ( 20 )

Glad to see this update! Enjoying what you've got going so far :D

Why thank you! I can't wait to see what I come up with, either. :unsuresweetie:

I blinked. Was that right? The bunny looked like it hated my guts, but animals usually didn't have that level of emotional depth.

I'm guessing it's because he's a griffon, and Angel knows about how Gilda treated Fluttershy?

I calmed down a bit at that, though I still subtly moved to put some distance between us. Just in case.

I love Starlight and all, but yeah, I completely understand.

I can tell you were probably working through a block, as some sections *seemed* tense, more than they should, but other than that, it seemed fine overall.

You're working to progress the story, and sometimes it just takes a couple blocks to get where you wanna get to, which is understandable o/

I'm still enjoying the story, awkwardness or no. That ending seemed to probably answer his question, huh? :P

What can I say but "Love is in Bloom!"

And yes, this chapter was REALLY hard to write.

I flustered, feelings I hadn't felt since we first parted ways returning.

The next day, Graff was pummeled by chocolate milk rain and cotton candy clouds. Discord claimed innocence.

Funny you should mention Discord... :moustache:

He was also glaring at me furiously. "Stay away from my Fluttershy."

Well, it was nice knowing ya, Graff.

cerulean petals

Hmmm, Discord is certainly starting on a high note ... :fluttershysad:

I was too hungover to wonder why the name was in quotes. Instead, I gave a dopey smile at the first part, and brought it inside.

*Grabs popcorn* dis gonna be gud.

And from the conversations between Graff and Gallus, it would seem that the human Graff hasn't met the human Gallus yet. And it'll be interesting to see how the two Graffs will relate to each other. Will they end up becoming friends or will they activate the "other is the evil twin who must die to save the world" trope.

Since the human version isn't a total bitch, does that mean Chrysalis would be transformed straight into a reformed changeling rather than our favorite cheeseleg bug? :derpytongue2:
Oh, the fun she would miss with all the reactions. :rainbowlaugh:

Seems the author forgot Fluttershy feed lots of omnivorous and carnivorous animals that she cares for in her daily routine, she shouldn't object to her friends who are omnivores and carnivores. :facehoof:
I refer you to: i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/518/183/5db.png :yay:

He nodded, although I distinctly remember that one of his arms was reaching behind his back. "I wish you luck, Graff..."
Then his expression became the most sadistic grin I've ever seen as he finished, "You're going to need it."
And with that, he disappeared.
I blinked, then turned to the crowd. "You all saw that, right? I didn't just imagine that whole thing, did I?"
The members of the crowd nodded their heads, causing my drunken self to shrug. "Alright, I guess I'm the enemy of a Chaos God now. Time to hit the drinks!"
With that, I took a long pull of cider, and the rest of the night became a blur.

Oh, poor Graff.
He's totally misunderstood the situation. He's not needing luck for dealing with Discord.
He's wishing Graff luck for dealing with Fluttershy: SHE'S AN ANIMAL in relationships! :flutterrage:

I have seen that image, and I love it to death. I tried to make it clear that she's not objecting in this scenario, she's just personally uncomfortable with it.

Hmmmmm, Photos from Sunset??

Honestly, I'm undecided about that.

Okay, I've been trying to decipher this comment for a while now, and I've just decided to give up and ask you directly: what did you mean by this (if you can still remember)?

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