• Member Since 8th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Lunatic God

I may stand there with 22 ping, but know that my widowmaker is reloading shells, I'm listening to voice chat as if I'm not lagging, and I'm watching my ping get higher than the age of the universe


  • MSuddenly, Sex! Part 4
    After being caught fairly quickly after his little stunt with Celestia, instead of a life sentence in the dungeon, Luna offered him a lifetime job as a night guard. Little does he know she's in heat as well, and has other plans for him.
    Lunatic God · 1.1k words  ·  44  12 · 1.4k views
Comments ( 2 )

I don't have any ideas on the setting or approach, but Luna needs to be ABSOLUTELY in charge.

I would also like to see Celestia’s reaction after the time spell ended maybe you can use it as the reason why Luna is in control she figures out who did it and uses him as a public sex slave
Maybe she likes to watch him have sex with other mares in public and then have sex with her

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