I may stand there with 22 ping, but know that my widowmaker is reloading shells, I'm listening to voice chat as if I'm not lagging, and I'm watching my ping get higher than the age of the universe
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Don't act so disappointed Cadance...
Shit I put in my oc instead of Anon
Thanks for pointing it out, I'll be sure to correct this heresy right away
Part 3 was gonna be Celestia and Luna to complete all 4 princesses. But maybe there can be a part 4 with Velvet?
Also, you could be my editor/proofreader, but honestly I'd totally forget to send it to you before posting.
Did he change colour from being drunk? Or maybe as a result of the hangover?
Shit- uh, yeah that's why!
I must say, though, I'm a touch disappointed that this one lacked the mild cumflation that its predecessor had.
I was in a gay state of mind, so I didn't focus on Cadance as much, hence the apparent lack of cumflation
What does gay have to do with it? It doesn't matter WHO gets a bloated cum belly.
He not only swallowed Shining's load, but took him anally. There was no reason NOT t round out Anon.
Then I may not have been thinking of cum inflation
As much as I would like to continue this conversation, it's approaching half three in the am, and my brain is in the beginning stages of turning into a fine paste, not unlike Vegemite, and I fear that if we keep going, I may fill your head with some absolutely bat-shit insane fetish-fuel, potentially nightmare-fuel, possibly both, probably something that outright erases the fine line between them.
Things like superfetation being on the mild end of the spectrum.
Fair enough. I now bid you goodnight and goodbye.