• Member Since 8th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Lunatic God

I may stand there with 22 ping, but know that my widowmaker is reloading shells, I'm listening to voice chat as if I'm not lagging, and I'm watching my ping get higher than the age of the universe


  • MSuddenly, Sex! Part 2
    Cadance has gone into princess enhanced heat before. it's nothing new, and Shining Armor is usually there to help her. But what if he wasn't there, and it was only her and a stallion that... oh how and why is he so handsome?!
    Lunatic God · 2.3k words  ·  52  28 · 4k views
Comments ( 8 )
TinMan #1 · May 7th, 2020 · · 1 ·

I think you have the wrong tag. Anon is a human character, not pony.

I've seen him presented as a pony many times.

Little did he know but he just saved an entire species...

Anon is an entity which can find theirself in pony, human, anthro, or even other forms. The single unifying characteristic is that they are alien to Equestria.

Common, but not always.

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