Lightning is far from the average student at CHS. He is the top of his class, by a significant margin, and aside from his best friend Sunset Shimmer, he is a complete social outcast, almost completely incapable of holding any form of conversation with anyone who isn't a teacher. But all of that changes after an incident at a school field trip. Or, so he thought. Turns out having powers doesn't really change your social status if no one knows about them, nor does it really make it easier to talk to the pretty girl from English class. But as major threats start to rise in Canterlot City, Lightning realizes that someone has to stand up to them. As a great man once said, with great power comes great responsibility.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I think you’ve got a pretty good start here, will this fic be following the plots of the EQG movie that take place after the first one?
I liked the beginning to your story and I really look forward to how it will progress. Quick question will your story be following the plot of Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks?
You talking about Rainbow Rocks?
It takes place after the events of the first movie, but it won't be following the plot of Rainbow Rocks at all
Thanks for answering my question.
No problem!
So then are the dazzlings not showing up at the School at all or is the whole spider man thing gonna affect the stuff that happened in canon?
I was debating the Dazzlings making an appearance, but that is highly unlikely to happen. The whole Spider-Man arc is most definitely going to be the main focus, but I may sprinkle in some like references to the movies here and there.
Not bad. It will be interesting to see how Spider-Man's foes come to be in the EQG world. I like Lightning's crush on Rarity and I think it would be so funny if she actually developed feelings for SPIDER-MAN, similar to how MJ did in the first Rami film
. Though something tells me SUNSET could be the Gwen Stacy to Lightning's Peter and have feelings for him. Let's see where THAT goes.
One thing I sorta don't like however is Flash standing in as Flash Thompson for the story. It seems like you're just going with him because his NAME is Flash. I'm sure there could be better choices, like maybe those jocks who had a feud with Rainbow in the show (Hoops, Dumbbell and Score.) I can totally imagine them being jerks to him. Sorry if I sound like I'm complaining. I just kinda like Flash despite what some say about him, and I'm just not too comfortable seeing him as a bully. Though perhaps he could go back to his old self later on. Sort of like how Flash in Spider-Man became better in the comics and a great friend of Peter's.
I definitely get what you're saying about Flash and understand where you're coming from. To be completely honest, the fact that the two characters share a name was definitely a factor, another reason why I wrote him that way was that I thought it would be an interesting turn for his character. Like, imagine if Flash already had anger and bitterness towards Sunset due to how she treated him in what was most likely a toxic relationship prior to the events of the first EG movie, and then the Fall Formal was like the icing on the cake that pushed him over the edge, so to speak, causing him to be the Flash seen here. As far as how his character might develop in the story, I do plan on giving him a redemption arc so to speak later in the story. I hope that helps clarify things, and I'm glad to see you're enjoying the story so far!
I can see a mix of Tobey Maguire first spider-man movie and Andrew Gardfield first spider movie, cool.
It better be a Stan Lee cameo in this story.
Sleep well.. Also. No!!!!!!!!! Uncle Growen!!!! *cries*
Hey, does Lightning ned to build his own web shooters?
Love how Flash changed. He is no longer asshole supreme
Aww yeah I saw that Sam rami spider man line ahh classic you sir just made me remember when I first watched that spider man movie in the cinemas ahh memories
Woot! He made friends with the girls. Yay~
Awwww YEAH! Glad to see your back. Love Spider-Man. One of my fave and this is doing a good job being him.
There was scenes from Spider-man 1 and Homecoming.
I hope you’ll continue this story. I really like it.