• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 2,140 Views, 15 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Stable Life (Choose Your Own Adventure) - Cloudiest Nights

Be the post-apocalyptic pony YOU want to be!

  • ...

Part 1: Birth


Hello there, dear reader! I wrote this story as my bit of reference for the script writing position of the Fallout 3: Equestria total conversion mod. I considered multiple different story scenarios and decided that a Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) would be the best approach as it would be in a similar style to how a Fallout game plays out. Now a bit of instruction is needed to go about reading this story and it is as follows:

When you come upon a choice during reading, you will be offered multiple options in this format:

Travel down the unlit passageway. (X001)
That place looks too creepy; you'd better call in some backup. (X002)

The code (X001) represents the choice. Use "Ctrl+F" to open a search tab and then copy in the code of the choice you want to make.

And that's it! I will be updating fairly regularly with more scenarios to do, since a Stable can be a VERY interesting place. If you see an option with (WIP) then that means that section is still a work in progress.

Fallout Equestria
Stable Life

Part One- Birth


You open your eyes and look around, startled by all the bright lights and unfamiliar faces that you are seeing for the first time. An infinite number of unknown smells assault your nose. Your only action to all this is to ball like a baby; which in all reality is a normal thing to do since you are one. A colt in a white lab coat with a wide smile on his face enters your vision. He turns to someone out of your field of vision and says something; the smile gets wider as he looks at you.

One Year Later

A noise.

You open your eyes to see the room door slide shut as your father trots in with his lab coat slightly swaying around his legs. He pulls it off and sighs quietly before continuing his daily routine of settling down for the evening.

You see your mother walk into the room and brush her mouth against your father's cheek. He smiles tiredly and looks over to you in your crib.

"When that one takes the C.A.T., I hope he gets something, anything, other then lab technician."

You mother turns your father's head with a hoof until he is looking her in the eyes.

"He's going to be whoever he wants to be and he's going to do whatever he wants to do." She softly comforts and reassures him.

Sixteen Years Later

You stand in front of your desk and look up at the numerous pictures of the numerous years of your life spent in the Stable. The picture of you taking your first steps. The first picture you drew of your family; your father, mother, and sister standing in front of a tree, or at least a decent resemblance of one. The picture of your first baseball game. Birthdays, parties, first this, first that. Family.

You look down at your homework and sigh. Everypony has to take the C.A.T., but it doesn't make it any less nerve racking or worrisome. At least it will all be over in a few hours.

Loud voices echo down the hall outside your door, though you can't here what they're saying thanks to the muffling effect of the Stable's walls.

Go out and investigate. (C001)

You decide to leave your desk and investigate the cause of the commotion. With a hiss, the door slides open to a nasty scene. Weather Top, a pony you've known since your early years as a young foal, is backed against the wall and surrounded by three other colts, who you've also know since forever. Star Hit, the all-star and leader of the baseball team, has a baseball bat out and raised, posed to strike down on the defenseless Weather Top.

Go up and shove Star Hit away. (C002)

Go find security, pronto! (C100)

There isn't time to think; you can only act. Rushing over, you barrel into Star Hit and the two of you tumble to the ground in a mass of flying hooves and a bat. The bat goes flying out of the fray and you shove the bully away from you giving yourself time to recover.

Out of the corner of your eye you see Weather Top run for it, which is probably the smartest thing for him. He never was any good at baseball and always seemed more interested in computers.

You turn your attention back to Star Hit who, in the moment you weren't looking, retrieved his bat and is now looking extremely pissed.

Strike a battle stance and prepare for anything Star Hit might do. (C003)

Follow Weather Top's lead. Running is a great idea! (C010)

You take off running in the same direction as Weather Top and pray to Celestia that you'll survive the day.

You dare to take a quick glance behind you and yelp as you see Star Hit in hot pursuit only a foot behind you. As you round the next corner you trip and tumble into a surprised security mare.

"What is going on here?" she says annoyed.

Before you can respond, Star Hit rounds the corner and charges into you, knocking you and now an even more agitated security mare over again.

Star Hit shakes himself off and looks around for his bat, which he can't find. He gives up his search and charges toward you at full speed. You decide to do the same now that he doesn't have a weapon and the fight is much more fair.

"Stop!" the made shouts. Her words don't effect the either of you. "I said STOP!"

The security mare resorts to magic and quickly levitates the two of you into the air immobilizing you. You attempt to struggle free, but to no avail.

"Shouldn't the two of you be preparing for your C.A.T. instead of wasting my time? Now I know you're all over-excited, but could the two of you calm down?!"

You stop struggling and agree without hesitation. Star Hit isn't so easy and continues to struggle against the magical bonds holding him in place.

The mare cocks and eyebrow and gives the colt a stern look. "Now I know you don't like the C.A.T., but would you really rather spend the rest of the day in solitary confinement?"

He stops struggling and the security mare puts the two of you down. "That's better."

Your Pipbuck and Star Hit's beep at the same time. You check the message you've received and see that it's from Ms. Witherbee, telling you to head to class to take the C.A.T. Both you and Star Hit groan in unison while the security made smiles.

"Looks like its time for the two of you to take your C.A.T." she puts on an obviously fake smile and says sweetly, "I just know that the two of you will have such fun!"

Star Hit grumbles something about stupid tests and stupid mares before heading off to class.

You should head to class, too, to take the C.A.T.

Head to Part 2
Code: (Trials01)WIP

You study Star Hit to try and figure out your best move.

While Star Hit may have a bat that could do some serious damage to somepony's bones, he easily loses any sort of agility and coordination carrying the thing. So while you might be lacking any sort of weapon, you have agility on your side!

The bat comes swinging toward your front legs as you kick yourself up onto your back ones. The bat's momentum carries it into a nearby wall with a loud thunk. Small cracks spread down from the top of the bat. Star Hit looks slightly confused upon seeing you standing above him, all your bones intact.

Wait and dodge the next attack as well. (C004)

Send a massive buck toward his face. (C020)

Now's your chance to strike! You ready yourself and send a huge buck right toward his face. He attempts to dodge but the bat gets him stuck. Star Hit's face smushes slightly as he goes reeling backward. You ready yourself for another attack you know is coming but you are surprised to find your buck knocked Star Hit unconscious.

You consider what to do next, but stop as you see Weather Top coming toward you with the Overmare and two security officers right behind him.

"Hm." the Overmare says as she surveys the battle scene and then looks at you. "It appears the situation has handled itself, Weather Top, without my interference. Now I have some more important matters that need attending to. Thank you for the help." she says to you before turning and walking back the way she came. The two officers rush forward and pick up Star Hit to take him to the Medical wing.

Weather Top starts to say something to you, but is interrupted by a loud beep that issues from his Pipbuck as well as yours.

"Oh..." he says. "I guess we have to head to the C.A.T. now." He seems to start to say something again, but reconsiders. "Let's get going." He turns and heads down the hall to the classroom.

You should head to class, too, to take the C.A.T.

Head to Part 2
Code: (Trials01)WIP

You take a step or two back and wait for the other pony's next strike.

He swings again, this time at your head, and you weave to the right, barely missing the flying chunk of carved wood. The bat hits the wall again and shatters into a hundred splintery pieces. Star Hit looks dumbfounded, the handle of the bat hanging limply out the side of his mouth.

He spits the remains of his mouth and complains loudly, "You broke my bat!" He looks at you with eyes slanted and angry.

Actually, you did that all by your little self! (C005)

Yes, it appears I did. Now are we done here? (C300)

With a snarl, he lunges at you. You back up out of his reach just as the Overmare and two guards approach. Behind them you can see Weather Top bouncing along happily.

"What is going on here?!" the Overmare shouts upon seeing the splintered bat and an enraged Star Hit charging toward you.

Star Hit instantly slides to a halt and looks toward the Overmare and the security officers with wide surprised eyes.

"I was just, just... Just-"

"Yes you were just just just. Weather Top here already told me everything, though he didn't mention that you were attempting to assault a second pony as well."

With almost a bored glance, she tells the guards, "Take this one to solitary and notify his parents. I would think they'd like a word with him."

"Thanks for standing up for my son like that," she says to you. "I wish there were more ponies like you here in the Stable."

Your Pipbuck issues a loud beep, showing you you've received a message. You scan over your messages and find one from your teacher, Ms. Witherbee, that is calling all students to class for the C.A.T.

Head to the C.A.T. and hope it won't be too painful.

Head to Part 2
Code: (Trials01)WIP

"Oh no," you respond with a hint of a smile on your face. "I think you did that yourself!"

With a snarl, he lunges at you. The odds now even, you decide to do the same.

Your met in the air by a hoof belonging to one of the security guards. You look over to your attacker and see that he is similarly stopped.

"That is enough!" A voice booms from behind the small group of guards and colts and fillies that has formed in the past minute. The crowd parts as the Overmare steps her way through the crowd to get closer to the incident. You can see Weather Top slowly skulking behind her.

"What have we here?" she demands. "Don't the two of you know the rules against brawling in public hallways? Specifically rules 23, 365, and 367? You should both be ashamed of yourselves!"

"Yes ma'am." the two of you reply and dip your heads in unison.

The Overmare looks from one of you to the other and continues in a softer voice, "Now I know tension and nerves are high today because of the C.A.T., so I'll let the both of you off with a warning for breaking rule 23. However-" she looks down at her Pipbuck and is silent for a few seconds. "Rules 365 and 367 have both net the two of you to a month of toilet washing on top of your daily duties once you have your jobs assigned. That will be all."

A loud beep resounds around the room as the Pipbucks of many students sound off in unison, telling them that it's time for the C.A.T. She turns to the rest of the group for her next statement. "Now, unless you all want to have a similar fate to these two, you'd better get along to the C.A.T.!"

The group disperses until it is only you Star Hit who remain. You look at the colt and see that his enraged expression has now become one if a slight simmering anger. He stares at you before stalking off to class.

You should head to class, too, to take the C.A.T.

Head to Part 2
Code: (Trials01)WIP

You know that there is a security pony stationed in every hallway and that finding one of them is the best way to solve this problem without anything serious happening. You rush down the hall you hope leads to the closest stationed officer.

After only a few seconds you find a security pony heading toward you at a slight trot.

"Halt!" she says stopping you. "What's going on down there? I heard a commotion down that way."

"Its a friend of mine," you reply before adding, "and it's also Star Hit and his gang."

The pony's eyes go wide. "Him? Again?!" The security mare takes off down the hall and you follow in quick pursuit. "When will that kid ever learn?" she says under her breath.

You round the corner to see the mare rush toward Star Hit just as he is about to hit Weather Top with his baseball bat.

"Drop that weapon, Star Hit!" the mare shouts as she levitates out her police baton. The other colts around take off running at the appearance of a security officer.

Star Hit looks up from his prey with fearful eyes and then looks for his buddies who are now long gone. He quickly drops his weapon and takes off running in the same direction as his friends. The security mare gallops after the group shouting out a wide array of threats. You head over to see how Weather Top is doing.

"Hey, what happened back there?" (C102)

"Are you all right?" (C110)

"Yeah, thanks to you!" he replies looking grateful. "He's always going after me, but this time he seemed really serious about something."

Weather Top pauses for a moment, and looks around carefully.

"Actually, he was really serious about something. Do you have a place we can talk privately?" (C112)

Oh, it's you!" he says, mouth going wide in a huge grin. "You just saved my life!" He reconsiders, "Well, you at least prevented a few broken bones!"

You repeat your question.

"Well, its a long and complicated story that you don't want to hear."

"I'm a fan of long and complicated stories. Entertain me."

Weather Top sighs before glancing to his left and right. "Ok, ok. I'll tell you; do you have someplace we could talk in private?"(C103)

(C103) (C112)
You consider a couple options before remembering an old classroom that's now used for storage. It's down a hall that's barely used and is the ideal spot for trading secrets. You lead Weather Top to the room and sit him down in a chair.

"Now you can tell me. What did Star Hit want to beat you up over?"

"Well... You see..." he pauses for an uncomfortably long amount of time.


"Ifoundawaytocheatthecatandhewastryingtobeatitlutofme!" he blurts out at the speed of a sonic rainboom.

You try to suppress a laugh and fail. "Just a bit slower please."

"Sorry." he replies meekly. "I found a way to cheat the C.A.T. so you can get whatever job you want, and Star Hit found out and was going to beat it out of me."

You look at your friend surprised that he was able to find a way to cheat the C.A.T.


"Well, it was quite simple. I was worrying about the upcoming C.A.T. when I stumbled upon an old record in one of my dad's computers that detailed three years worth of results of the C.A.T. So, I just cross-referenced the files and figured out what answers assign you where."

"Would you mind sharing this information with me?" (C104)

"That isn't something you should have done." (C114)

"Sure!" he says without hesitation. "I was considering telling you last week, but I couldn't work up the courage or find a time to say anything to you. I was worried about what would happen to me if the Overmare found out what I had found out. You understand, right?"

You do understand. If everypony knew how to cheat the C.A.T. the entire way of life in the Stable would be compromised. Plus, Weather Top would be doubly punished since the Overmare is his mother.

"But anyways, now that you saved me and now that we're here, I can tell you how to cheat the C.A.T."


It only takes a little while for Weather Top to explain the whole thing to you. It's all based around each question having an answer that goes to a specific skill, whether it be filing paperwork, fixing pipes, or punishing the delinquents in the Stable, and each answer has a certain value of points. Whichever job at the end of the test has the most points is the job you're assigned to.

"There is the second part of the test, though, where you really have no control over what job you receive. Since your job has to be related to your cutie mark, you have to figure out a way to make your cutie mark represent what job you want to have."

At the look of confusion on your face, he continues, "Say you want to be a singer and your cutie mark is a... is a rosebud. Normally this would put you under a gardening or farming role, but you could change the test, give yourself a musical job, and then say that the rosebud represents love. Then people would think your job was to make beautiful romantic music." At that he laughs, "Now, if you can't sing like crap then you're stuck in a bit of a predicament. It's all about twisting the truth and doing it well."

A loud beep issues from his Pipbuck as well as your own. You glance down and see a message from your teacher, Ms. Witherbee, calling all the students to come to her class for the C.A.T.

"And what a way to end the lesson!" he says. "Let's just hope you can remember all that I told you." He heads out the door and toward class. You feel a whole lot better now that you know your say around the C.A.T., but what job should you choose?

You should head to class, too, to take the C.A.T.

Head to Part 2
Code: (Trials02)WIP

You scold him for doing something so wrong. Jobs are meant to be assigned by fate, not chosen by what sounds fun!

"Look, I know that, and that is why I didn't want to give this information out to everypony. But if only a few ponies knew about it, like you and me, what could go wrong?"

You think over his words and agree with him.


It only takes a little while for Weather Top to explain the whole thing to you. It's all based around each question having an answer that goes to a specific skill, whether it be filing paperwork, fixing pipes, or punishing the delinquents in the Stable. Whichever job at the end of the test has the most points is the job you're assigned to.

"There is the second part of the test, though, where you really have no control over what job you receive. Since your job has to be related to your cutie mark, you have to figure out a way to make your cutie mark represent what job you want to have."

At the look of confusion on your face, he continues, "Say you want to be a singer and your cutie mark is a... is a rosebud. Normally this would put you under a gardening or farming role, but you could change the test, give yourself a musical job, and then say that the rosebud represents love. Then people would think your job was to make beautiful romantic music." At that he laughs, "Now, if you can't sing like crap then you're stuck in a bit of a predicament. It's all about twisting the truth and doing it well."

A loud beep issues from his Pipbuck as well as your own. You glance down and see a message from your teacher, Ms. Witherbee, calling all the students to come to her class for the C.A.T.

"And what a way to end the lesson!" he says. "Let's just hope you can remember all that I told you." He heads out the door and toward class. You feel a whole lot better now that you know your say around the C.A.T., but what job should you choose?

You should head to class, too, to take the C.A.T.

Head to Part 2
Code: (Trials02)WIP

Comments ( 15 )

Grammar needs work in some places, along with the occasional wording mix-up (greatful =/= grateful, etc.), but certainly an interesting idea. I'll wait for more before I decide anything else.

OK dude i'm going to totally be honest applejack and tell you what i feel about this....THIS IS AWESOME!

You have my attention

got me interested, will we also get to choose the race? if you do i hope you include all 3

This is interesting. Carry on.

I meant for the story to be race neutral so the reader could choose whatever, but I'll try and figure out a way to have that choice put in.

Exilent can't wait until the next part but one thing. You're supposed to get your Pip-Buck on the day of your cute-ceañera so if you don't have a cutie mare yet (implied by the fact you're about to take the C.A.T.) how do you have one?

Well, since all the Stables are build differently, I decided to make this one of the Stable's quirks that separates it from all the others. One of those for this Stable would be to have a Stable-wide C.A.T. that all the students have to take, and another is that all the foals get a Pipbuck at a specific age when they are younger. I based this Stable off of the starting one from Fallout 3.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Interesting, but it's kinda complicated for me. Maybe I'm just stupid, I dunno. :derpytongue2: Anyhow - thumbs up!

Ahh, a history about a new upcomming game, that is about a history that got inspired of a cartoon and tha same game...

I like where this is going. Added to my watch list and a tump up from me. And do not think about that tump down that you have, Fo:E have some haters that give all the stories tump downs.

The only bad thing i have to say is that there is none emphasis on the type of pony that you are. And a history after this point would distinguish a lot, upen if you are a unicron, earth pony or a pegasus. Think abot how difrent the jobs are for them, just to take one example

Thanks for the tips. This isn't at all an official part of the FoE Game, just a bit I wrote so I could have some reference when I applied.

I'll add in the choice of earth, unicorn, or pegasus in the next update.

you are wellcome

I like where this is going. I think you should make it so certain choices let you succeed at choices later. Like (If you have the bat and want to use it, turn to X004. If you don't have the bat or you want to use your hooves, turn to X008).

Already planning that for the next part, though it'll all be more behind the scenes then that.

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