• Published 24th Aug 2018
  • 644 Views, 11 Comments

Home Again - MysteriousStranger

Shortly after the battle with Tirek, Twilight is upset for the loss Golden Oak. Her friends are determined to cheer her up.

  • ...

There's No Place like Home

It has been six months since Twilight Sparkle chose to leave her royalty behind to allow an unfortunate colt to have mobility. Once Dusk was released from the hospital he was in, Twilight adopted the colt since he had no family left to care for him.

They lived in a tight space at the Golden Oak Library, but they managed. That was until two months ago Tirek tried to take over Equestria by stealing all of its magic.

Princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadence summoned her to give her all their magic and asked her to hide. With the magic of all the Princesses, Twilight became an Alicorn. But when she gave up her magic in exchange of her friends’ freedom, she turned back into a Unicorn again.

In the end, she and her loyal companions managed to defeat Tirek with the Magic of Friendship. All the magic returned to where it belonged, and Twilight received a castle. It seemed perfect since she now had more space for Spike, Dusk and herself.

But it wasn’t the same.

Twilight hasn’t been herself lately. She smiled to everyone and tried to act normal, but her friends knew something was wrong. They gathered together at Fluttershy’s cottage to speak about Twilight’s situation.

“Alrigh’, everypony is here, so, let’s get started.” Applejack said once the mares were sitting. “We all noticed Twilight actin’ weird lately.”

“Yes! She’s not smiling!” Pinkie Pie was the one to speak this time. “Well, she is, but it’s not a smiley smile. It’s a fakey smile! I know one of those non-smiles when I see them.”

“But why is she like that? What’s bothering her?” Rainbow Dash joined the conversation. “Has she told anypony why?”

“If she had, we wouldn’t be having this meeting, dear.” Rarity said, frowning.

“I don’t like seeing her like this…” Fluttershy said.

“None of us does, sugarcube.” Applejack placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s wither. “We’ll find out what’s happenin’.” Shortly after the farmer pony finished her sentence, there was a knocking on the front door. All the mares focused their attention towards the door.

“Is it Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked in a whisper.

“I-I don’t know…” Fluttershy said before slightly rising her voice. “W-Who is it?”

“It’s Spike and Dusk! Can we come in?”

“Oh, sure…!” the timid pony trotted towards the front door and opened it. “Hello, Spike.”

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Spike greeted the shy mare as he walked in, with a brown coated colt flying next to him.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in.” Applejack received the newcomers.

“So, here’s where you all were. We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Twilight assistant said with a smile.

“You have?” Rarity inquired. Both Spike and Dusk nodded, but it was the young colt who was next to speak.

“My mother is upset. We’re were looking for you to see if you could help us.”

“That's why we met here, darling. But we're not quite sure what's causing her grief.” Rarity replied.

“Oh, we know!” Spike raised a hand, with a claw pointing to the ceiling. “She’s misses her library, her old home. She had so many memories there. She hasn’t adapted to her new castle. She doesn’t feel like if it’s her home.”

“But she has so much space there! It was all cramped in Golden Oak before.” Rainbow Dash said.

“But it was her home. Her true home. She was happy despite the space restriction. In all honesty, I miss it too.” Spike lowered his head.

“That… makes sense. More space ain’t always better.” Applejack was the next to speak after a few seconds of silence. “But Golden Oak is completely destroyed. We can’t resurrect a dead tree…”

“It doesn’t mean that we can’t try.” Rarity said.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I mean-” Rarity stood up as she spoke. “-We only know a fragment of what’s magic capable of. There could be a way to fix her home, maybe ancient magic.”

“How the hay are we going to find a solution? Are you expecting us to read books until we stumble across it?” annoyance was clear in Rainbow Dash’s voice.

“Do you have a better idea? Darling, I would love to hear it.”

“We could ask Princess Celestia. Maybe she or the other Princesses could give us a suggestion.” Spike suggested.

“There, a better idea!” Rainbow Dash pointed at the baby dragon, causing Rarity to groan and look away.

“I’m going back with mother Twilight to make her company.” Dusk said with a smile, which everyone shared.

“Okay, see you later!” Pinkie Pie said as she and everyone else waved at the young colt while he flew away. Once he was gone, Rarity looked at her best friend.

“Fluttershy, please, be a dear and bring a piece of parchment, a quill and ink.”

“O-oh, sure!” Fluttershy trotted to another room and returned shortly after with what she was requested to bring. She placed the quill and ink on the table carefully setting the parchment on to not accidentally get ink on it.

“Alright, I seriously hope this works.” Rarity said as she took hold of the feather with her magic, plunged it in the ink flask and began writing the letter while everyone else looked.


It has been a few hours since Twilight’s friends gathered. After writing the letter to Princess Celestia, they returned to their daily life to wait for a response. Having worked hard, the farmer pony took a well-earned rest by lying on the grass under the last tree she bucked. She was resting her eyes, when she felt hoofsteps approaching. She opened her eyes to see her younger sister, Apple Bloom, approaching. “Howdy, sis! Ah was seein’ you work, and ah must say, ah’m glad that you decided to rest.”

“Ah figure ah should. Ah needed to keep mahself busy to avoid thinkin’ on the letter the girls and ah sent to Princess Celestia.”

“What letter?” Curiosity invaded the filly.

“We’re tryin’ to help Twilight. Applejack rested her back on the tree behind her as she spoke. “She hasn’t been herself lately, Spike and Dusk told us she missed her home, which was destroyed.”

“Oh, and the letter? Do you know how to help?”

“Yes and no.” Applejack sighed. “We want to restore Golden Oak, but we’re not quite sure how. So, we asked Princess Celestia if she knew of a way to revive the tree.” Just as she finished the sentence, Applejack saw a purple figure approaching running. “Ah’ think that’s Spike comin’. Maybe we have an answer already.” Apple Bloom looked at the same direction as her older sister and watched Spike approach with a piece of paper between his claws.

“A-Applejack!” the young dragon started to pant when he stood still in front of the mares. “I…I… Celestia… she…” Spike couldn’t form any more words, so he raised his arm to give Applejack the piece of paper he was holding.

“Thank you, Spike. Apple Bloom, could you bring Spike something to drink?”

“Sure!” the energetic filly galloped towards the farm while her sister started to read.

My dearest subjects:

I am pleased to hear that you’re trying to help my former student. I understand what you’re trying to do, but I regret to inform that neither Princesses Luna, Cadence nor myself have knowledge of magic that can bring a tree back to life. However, we desire to assist you. Twilight has been of great service to Equestria. She deserves to feel comfortable at home. My sister and Princess Cadence will do our own research on the matter. Please, contact me if you find a solution before us.


Princess Celestia

Applejack sighed after finishing reading the letter. What was supposed to bring hope turned into a dead end. Spike figured the idea didn’t work as expected upon noticing the mare’s reaction.

“They can’t help, huh…?”

Applejack shook her head. “No…” Apple Bloom arrived with a glass of apple juice moments later.

“Thanks, Apple Bloom.” The young dragon said before starting to drink.

“You’re welcome!” the filly grinned, but then noticed her sister’s mood. “Everythin’ okay, sis?”

“The Princesses… can’t help us…”

“Oh… so they don’t know any ancient spell that can help?”

Applejack shook her head again. “They’ll do research, but we’re back where we began.”

“But if the Princesses don’t know, what are we going to do?” Spike asked. However, there was no reply. Silence ruled the ambience, until suddenly, Apple Bloom spoke.

“Wait!” Spike and Applejack glanced at the filly. “What about Zecora? She knows about magic that’s a mystery to us!”

Applejack’s eyes widened. “Apple Bloom, yer right! Ah can’t believe we forgot about her!” Apple Bloom grinned and giggled. The grown mare looked at the young dragon. “Spike, gather the girls at Fluttershy’s home. We’re goin’ to pay Zecora a visit!”

“Yes, ma’am!” Spike saluted before setting on his way.

“Can I go, can I go?” Apple Bloom skipped on her spot, excited.

“You want to come, sugarcube?”

The filly nodded. ”Ah want to help Twilight too! Plus, ah haven’t visited Zecora for a while.”

“Well, alrigh’, Apple Bloom. Follow me.” The blonde mare said before galloping towards her shy friend’s cottage, with her sister following behind. She allowed herself to smile now that hope was restored.


“Everyone ready?” Applejack asked to her friends. She stood in front of the Everfree Forest, alongside her sister and friends, including Spike.

“Yuppers!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with excitement. “My bag has all the essentials! Cupcakes, confetti, and party poppers enough to last three days!”

“We’ll be back within hours. Why did you pack so much?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Better safe than sorry!” the party pony didn’t lose her grin.

“I seriously hope we don’t come across any unwanted company. I have just had my hooves done and I don’t want them to go to waste by galloping.” Rarity commented.

“Ah wouldn’t worry about that, Rarity. We’ll use the safe path as always.” Applejack said as she started to walk into the Everfree Forest, followed by everyone else.

“I-I hope we don’t take long. I don’t like it here…” Fluttershy’s tone showed signs of fear.

“We’ll be fine, Fluttershy. Zecora has been living here for years, using these paths and nothing has happened to her.” Rainbow Dash comforted her friend foalhood friend, but she sounded slightly impatient.

“Nothin’ will happen to us if we stick together.” Applejack gave her scared friend a reassuring smile before focusing on the road ahead. They arrived in no time and with no incident whatsoever. The farmer pony knocked on the door. “Zecora, It’s us! Would you let us in? We want to ask you somethin’.” It didn’t take long for the door to open, revealing the zebra on the other side. She smiled and moved aside to allow everyone enter her hut.

“Thank you, darling.” Rarity said as everyone smiled and walked in. “We apologize for the sudden intrusion, but I’m afraid we have an emergency on our hooves.” Zecora nodded, smiling.

“Uhh, are you okay? Why aren’t you talking?” Rainbow Dash asked, confused. Zecora shifted her head from side to side. She took a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote something before showing it to her visitors. Apple Bloom approached the zebra to read.

“She has a cold and has lost her voice. She was brewin’ a medicine when we arrived.” The filly noticed that even Zecora’s writing was in rhymes, but she didn’t think it was necessary to read exactly what her friend wrote.

“Oh, ah see.” Applejack scratched the back of her head. “We’re really sorry. Can we help you with the medicine?”

Zecora wrote on a piece of paper again and gave it to Apple Bloom to read. “She says it’s no problem. She can brew her medicine later and asks about our emergency.”

“W-Well…” Fluttershy was the one to speak this time. “Our friend, Twilight is upset. She misses her old home and isn’t happy with her new one.”

“We want to know if we can bring Golden Oak back.” Rainbow Dash continued for Fluttershy. “Do you happen to know of ancient magic capable of reviving a dead tree?”

Zecora took a hoof to her chin to think. Then, she rose it into the air, smiling and trotted to a stand where she kept books and vials. She took one of those books and quickly searched for a specific page. When she found the page in question, she placed the book on the table and pointed at it. Applejack and her friends approached the book.

“I don’t believe it…” Rarity’s jaw dropped in surprise before smiling. “There is one! We can give Twilight her real home back!”

Zecora nodded, smiling, before writing one more time and Apple Bloom read again.

“She says we can find most ingredients here, at the Everfree Forest, but she’s missin’ a Phoenix’s feather. She will also need the help of ponies with powerful magic.”

“Oh, Princess Celestia has a Phoenix. Philomena!” Fluttershy grinned.

“The Princesses will be delighted to lend their assistance!” Rarity, like everyone else, was overjoyed. “We must get to it at once!”

The zebra wrote again and Apple Bloom read. “She’s goin’ to give us the list of what she needs. She also wants me to stay to help her with the brewing while you look for the ingredients.”

“Oh, yeah! Let’s do this!” Rainbow Dash flew into the air, raising a hoof in her excitement. Zecora wrote down the ingredients needed and gave it to Spike.

“Thanks, sugarcube.” The farmer pony said before turning to her friends. “Alrigh’, let’s go! We have a friend to help!”


“Come on, Mom, let’s do something!” Dusk was trying to everything to distract Twilight from her sorrow. So far, all he managed was to make her move from her bedroom to the living room. The anguished Unicorn was laying on the couch, with a foreleg and hind leg hanging from it.

“I’m sorry, Dusk, but I’m not feeling like doing anything today. Why don’t you go to play with your friends? I don’t want to ruin your day.”

“No way!” the young colt flew to the couch and placed his forelegs on it. “I won’t leave you all alone while you’re upset. I want to make you company.” He added before climbing to the couch to hug his foster mother. “Please, let me make you smile. You brought happiness back to my life. I want to do the same for you.”

“You already make me smile, hun.” Twilight said as she hugged the colt on top of her, smiling slightly.

“Let’s play, mom. Chess! We can try chess. Say yes, please, please, please!”

Twilight giggled by Dusk’s insistence. “Alright, alright, we’ll play.” She said as she sat on the couch, with the brown Pegasus on her lap. Her foster son clasped his fore legs together and grinned in excitement. “After, you do your homework.”

“Aww!” Dusk pouted. “I have to do it now, really? Can’t it wait?”

“I’ll help you if you want. Sharing knowledge is one of my favorite activities. It will be fun!”

“Yes, to you.” Dusk used his wings to fly to his room, with Twilight following him. Although he wasn’t looking forward to his homework, he was happy to see the Unicorn behind him smile more than she did lately.


It took Applejack and her friends almost the entire afternoon to gather all the necessary ingredients. When it was just a couple of hours before the sun started to set, Pinkie Pie trotted excited into Zecora’s hut. “I have the green mushroom with a smiley face!” Her friends were all inside. The Zebra was using a small cauldron for the mix.

“Great! That’s the last ingredient!” Apple Bloom grinned while Zecora took the mushroom from Pinkie Pie.

“What about the Phoenix’s feather? The Princesses haven’t arrived yet.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“The feather has to be placed on the tree before the potion is applied on it.” As the filly explained by reading the book, Zecora added the last ingredient in the mix. “Then, when the tree starts to glow, the Princesses have to use their magic to help the potion to revive Golden Oak!”

“That’s great!” Spike, like everypony else, was optimistic. “The Princesses should arrive any minute. They’ll be expecting us by the entrance we entered the forest. How much until the potion is ready?” Zecora pointed at the clock with a hoof before tapping the floor with a hind leg twice. “Two minutes?” the zebra nodded. “Sweet! Twilight, Dusk and I will be able to sleep in our real home tonight!”

“I don’t know, Spikey-wikey. The tree will be unfurnished and there’s no time to move the most basic equipment before night falls. You must consider the possibility of spending one more night at the castle.” Rarity said.

“Hmm, that’s true… but I don’t mind! Golden Oak will be waiting for us tomorrow!” Spike recovered his good mood as soon as he lost it.

The mix in the cauldron started bubbling. Zecora took a flask and filled it with the all liquid within the cauldron. She covered the top of the flask with a cork and extinguished the fire used to prepare the mix before smiling.

“It’s ready?” Rainbow Dash asked. The zebra nodded in response. “Awesome! Let’s do this!” the cyan Pegasus rushed toward Zecora to grab the flask, but Applejack stopped her by raising a hoof and standing in her way.

“Hold it right there, Rainbow! It took us all day to collect the ingredients. If the glass breaks, it will all be for nothin’.”

“Are you saying that I won’t be careful with it?” Rainbow Dash asked, frowning.

“That’s exactly what ah’m saying. It needs to be in good hooves, ones ah can trust.” The farmer pony said before looking at her fashionista friend. “Rarity…”

“I’ll be more than delighted to carry the potion. It will reach its destination without a single scratch.” The fancy unicorn said as she took hold of the flask with her magic.

“Alrigh’, come on! We must get to Ponyville before the night falls!” At Applejack’s command, Zecora, Apple Bloom and all of her friends joined her on the way back to their town. They exited the Everfree Forest in no time, where Princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadence were expecting them at the end of the road. A few guards accompanied them. Philomena was standing on Princess Celestia’s back.

“Good evening, my little ponies. We’re pleased to see you again.” The Princess of the Sun greeted her subjects. Applejack and her friends bowed before their rulers.

“Thank you for coming all the way here, Princesses.” The farmer pony said.

“We’re eager to help Twilight.” Princess Cadence smiled. “I have prepared a surprise for her, but her home needs to be here.”

“Are we certain the potion you brewed will work?” Princess Luna was the next to speak.

“Yes. Zecora has never failed us.” Rarity said as she and her friends stood up. “I can assure you, your Highness, that it will work.”

“Very well. Let us begin immediately.” The Princess of the Night said as everyone started to walk towards where Golden Oak used to be. “Is there any possibility of Twilight Sparkle meeting us before its due time?”

“No, Princess, don’t worry.” Spike smiled. “Dusk is with her. He will keep her busy until we’re ready.”

“Good. I would hate to have the surprise spoiled.” Princess Luna smiled. As they approached to the dead tree that used to be Golden Oak, Ponyville residents started to gather around because of the unexpected arrival of the three Princesses.

“It appears we have spectators.” Princess Celestia said as she glanced at the ponies surrounding them. The Princess of the Sun didn’t lose her gracious smile.

“Should we do something about the crowd, my dear sister?” Princess Luna asked.

“There’s no need, Luna. I believe they must see what we’re about to accomplish.” The Princesses and their closest subjects only stopped walking when they reached their destination.

“Well… here we are…” Sadness was clear in Spike’s voice when they laid eyes on the remains of Golden Oak.

“Such a dreadful sight. To think how much our poor Twilight suffers every time she sees this.” Rarity commented with anguish.

“We’re ‘bout to change that.” Applejack said, stepping a few steps towards the dead tree. “Princess Celestia…” the farmer pony turned around. “In order for the potion to work, a phoenix’s feather must be placed on the remains.”

“I understand.” The Princess of the Sun looked at the phoenix on her back. “Philomena, if you were so kind…” Philomena stood still and nodded. She allowed Princess Celestia to magically remove a feather. “Thank you.” Princess Celestia, then, walked towards the remains of the tree and placed the feather within some branches to avoid the wind from blowing it away.

“Good. Now, we must pour the potion on the feather. As soon as the tree starts to glow, use your magic to complete the process.” Applejack added.

“Understood.” Princess Cadence said with seriousness. Rarity gave the flask to Zecora, who carefully emptied the content on Philomena’s feather on the tree. They all waited, holding their breaths, until, all of the sudden, the remains started to glow.

“This is it. Focus your magic on the feather!” Princess Luna said before she, and the other Princesses casted their magic on the glowing tree. The remains started to gradually glow more, and then, it started to grow. Gasps and excitement could be heard among the present. This was a spell that hasn’t been seen for centuries, thousands of years, maybe.


“Ready to watch the stars, Dusk?” Twilight asked with enthusiasm.

“I’m more than ready!” the colt smiled. “I’ll remember the name of the constellations this time, I promise!”

The Unicorn giggled. “It’s okay, Dusk. I don’t expect you to memorize them so fast. It’s only the third time you’re joining me.”

“But you love stargazing! I want to love it as much as you!”

Twilight smiled. “Dusk, I’m flattered, but take it easy. I’m not pressuring you nor I’m giving you an assignment.

“I know, but I still want to learn fast to be able to teach my friends. The stars are amazing! Everypony should know more about them!”

Dusk’s excitement warmed Twilight’s heart. Giving him the ability to move around on his own was something Twilight would never regret. He’s attending to a regular school, he has friends, but most importantly, he smiles. His bliss always brightened the mare’s day. “Okay, Dusk. I’m going to adjust the telescope.”

“Okay!” Dusk sat on the floor and grinned. His foster mother giggled and walked out of the room. The colt looked around whilst waiting. Since Twilight has been visibly upset, he has felt uneasy with the castle. He hoped Spike and the rest were able to restore Twilight’s home. While he was glancing through, he heard a noise on the window. He turned around and found his dragon friend on the other side. “Spike!” Dusk whispered. The young dragon gestured a thumb up, letting him know everything was ready. Dusk grinned and nodded. Spike left just as Twilight walked into the room again.

“Everything’s ready, Dusk!”

“Oh, mom! I have a better idea!” the colt said as he used his wings to levitate. “My friends and I play on a cool place across town! I think we would be able to watch the stars better from there!”

“Is that so?” the Unicorn smiled. “Alright, honey, we’ll go there. Just let me get the portable telescope.” Dusk nodded and flew to the couch to wait for Twilight. She came back within minutes. “Let’s go.”

They started on their way to Ponyville. “Just follow me and we’ll be there in no time!” Dusk said with a smile.

“Yes, sir! Guide me!” Twilight didn’t lose her smile. She followed her foster son towards Ponyville. Her smile started to fade when she realized they were using a familiar path. One that caused her too much pain. “Dusk…? D-Do we have to go this way?”

“It’s the only route. Don’t worry, mom! We’ll be there before you know it. Trust me, you’ll love the place I’m taking you.”

“I know I will, Dusk. But this path… you know where it takes… I really don’t want to… wait… why is everypony gathered there?”

“I don’t know…” Dusk faked confusion.

“Look, they’re here!” Pinkie Pie pointed at the newcomers.

“Pinkie? What’s…?” Twilight noticed that all of her closest friends were there. “What are you girls doing here? What’s going on?”

“Well, sugarcube, we noticed that ya weren’t bein’ yerself, so we got an idea to cheer ya up.” Applejack smirked.

“Wh-What do you mean…?” Twilight was still confused. She raised an eyebrow.

“Look over there, egghead.” Rainbow Dash said as she gestured to a side with her head.

Twilight glanced towards where her friend pointed and gasped loudly. Where the remains of Golden Oak used to be, there was now a tree larger than her old home. The tree had a door and windows, just like the library she used to live in. She also saw ponies carrying furniture inside. “Wh-What? H-How?! Is this for real?” Her friends nodded.

“It is, darling.” Rarity stepped forward. “You see, we asked Zecora for aid to restore your precious home. We spent all afternoon looking for the ingredients to prepare a potion to bring this tree back to life while Dusk kept you entertained.”

Twilight glanced to the colt beside her, smiling. “Is that so?”

“I didn’t want to leave you alone. Plus, we had fun, didn’t we?” Dusk said before flying to Twilight’s back to lay on her. He kissed her on her head and wrapped his fore legs around her neck.

“Yes, we did.” The bookworm pony was starting to cry of joy. “Thank you… thank you all! I can’t express my gratitude with words.”

“You’re welcome, Twilight.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Let’s go inside, darling. The tree was revived, but you’ll still need to do a remodeling. The fashionista said as she leaded Twilight inside, followed by their friends.

Inside, some of the furniture was already in place. Twilight gasped in awe. “It’s really huge!”

“We already took a look. You, Spike and Dusk have your own rooms.” Applejack said.

“I always wanted a room of my own.” Everypony glanced towards where Spike’s voice were from. He walked in from upstairs, alongside Princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadence.

“It’s good to see you again, Twilight Sparkle.” The Princess of the Sun smiled.

“Princesses!” Twilight quickly bowed, almost making dusk fall.

“M-Mother!” the young colt was holding himself, unable to climb back to the Unicorn’s back due to his paralyzed legs.

“I’m so sorry, Dusk!” Twilight stood back up and accommodated Dusk back on her back with her magic.

"My dear Twilight, I believe I told you you no longer need to bow to me."

"But, Princess Celestia, I'm not royalty anymore. I must bow before your presence."

"That's true, but you're no longer my student either. You amazed me, Twilight Sparkle. I'm proud of everything you have achieved and I admire your generosity for giving little Dusk a mean to move on his own. I was expecting you and I could leave our Student-Teacher relationship aside."

"Princess?" Twilight tilted her head, confused.

"I'm speaking about Friendship. As you know, being a Princess isn't easy, and sometimes I need a breather. I would enjoy if you came to visit to talk, and, maybe visit a spa. Being able to have a conversation with you is much better than doing it by letters, don't you agree?"

"I... umm... yes... I-I would love that, Princess Celestia." Twilight smiled slightly, but she was still puzzled.

"Please, drop the formality. As I recall, you didn't want your friends to use a title on you, am I correct?"

"Y-Yes. I'm sorry... Prin-I mean, C-Celestia." Twilight grinned awkwardly, but Princess Celestia didn’t lose her gracious smile. The bookworm pony then glanced at the ponies bringing objects into her reformed home.

“If I may ask, where is all the furniture coming from?”

“That would be my doing.” Princess Cadence stepped forward. “When I heard what your friends were doing, I just had to help you somehow. They worked fast, so you’ll be able to sleep here tonight, if you want.”

“Really?” Twilight squealed and started to skip on her spot. “Yes, yes! Absolutely! For the first night in awhile, I think I won’t have trouble sleeping!”

Applejack approached to her friend and placed a hoof on her wither. As soon as she felt it, Twilight hugged her friend. “Oh, sugarcube…”

“I love you all…”

“We love you too, Twilight.” Applejack replied as she hugged her back. The rest of their friends approached to join the hug as well while the Princesses smiled at the scene.


Later that night, Twilight was in Dusk’s room, tucking him in. Pinkie Pie wanted to throw a Welcome Back Home and Golden Oak’s Second Birthday Party, but it got late and the smart Unicorn asked her always cheerful friend to save the party for another day. The young colt hasn’t lost his smile.

“You’re on a great mood now, mom. I’m glad you’re not pretending to smile anymore.”

“Dusk, honey, when I lost Golden Oak, it wasn’t just the tree that died. Part of me did as well. I tried to give the castle a chance. I tried to start over, but it wasn’t the same. I always felt like if I was living in someone else’s home. Not mine. What you all did for me… I feel whole again.”

“I’m happy to be back here too. This was my new home after you took me in. It’s special for me too.”

Twilight leaned to kiss Dusk’s forehead. “We’ll have a proper celebration after we bring all furniture and books.”

“I haven’t been in one of Pinkie Pie’s parties for a while. It will be fun.” The young colt yawned and slowly closed his eyes. The Unicorn remained with him until he fell asleep. “Good night… son.” Twilight whispered before walking out of the room. She sighed happily and walked past Spike’s room, where he was already asleep. The Unicorn took a brief moment to look around her home, with a huge grin on her face. She has dreamt to be back in Golden Oak ever since it was destroyed, but she never thought her dream would become true. “I… I’m so lucky to have the best friends in the world… thanks to them... we're home again...” Twilight removed a single tear from her face and started to walk again. She didn’t go to her room. Instead, she went straight to the library, where an important guest was expecting her. “I’m sorry for making you wait. Spike and Dusk are already asleep.”

Princess Celestia put down the book she was reading and smiled at her former student. “Do not worry, my dear Twilight. I was enjoying this book while I waited. Do Mind if I take it with me?”

“Of course not! You’ll be the first pony to borrow a book at the new Golden Oak.” Twilight said as she walked towards where her mentor was sitting. “Thank you again for staying. I hope I’m not causing problems by asking to stay up longer than you’re used to.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time I go to bed late. I think my sister would enjoy to make the night last longer.” Twilight sat next to Princess Celestia while she was speaking. “If I may ask, what do you want to talk about? You said it’s important.”

“It is…” the Unicorn sighed. “It’s about my castle. Now that I recovered my home, I won’t be living there anymore.”

“Have you thought what you will do with it?”

“I have.” Twilight smiled. “I was already using it as the headquakers for the Friendship missions my friends and I do. I’ll keep using it for that. I’m also going to use it as storage for things I can’t place here, like books! The library here is bigger, but I still have more books than I can place here. As for the furniture I won’t be using… I might follow Rarity’s advice and donate them.”

“Seems like you have a plan, Twilight.” Princess Celestia smiled. “Royalty or not, what you and your friends did for Equestria will not be forgotten. I can assure you, wherever you go, you will be respected. I’m glad to hear you are not forgetting about your former home.”

“I never considered it my home, but it gave me a place to live, a roof to protect Spike, Dusk and me. There’s no way I’m going to just forget about it.” The Unicorn hugged her mentor. “Thank you, for supporting me.”

“I will always support you, my dear friend. No matter what.” Princess Celestia said before yawning.

“I suppose I denied your slumber for too long.”

“If we have no more matters to discuss, then I’ll be taking my leave.” The Princess of the Sun took the book she was reading and walked outside. “I’ll be waiting to hear from you on the following days.”

“You can assist to Pinkie’s party if you wish.” Twilight smiled.

“Thank you, Twilight. I’ll see if my schedule allows it. Good night.”

“Good night to you too, C-Celestia.”

Princess Celestia giggled softly. “You’ll get used to it, I hope.”

“I will, I promise.” With one last hug, Princess Celestia used her magic to teleport herself back to Canterlot. Now, all alone, Twilight yawned and walked towards her room to sleep. She had to wake up early to organize her moving in.

Author's Note:

Hello, there! It’s me again! :pinkiehappy:

Some people asked me to write a sequel for “From Twilight to Dusk”. Honestly, I never thought it needed one, until I realized, I could write one to bring Twilight back to Golden Oak! :scootangel:

I hope you enjoyed reading this! But don’t get used. I don’t normally write non-romance stories :raritywink:

I want to thank zalla661 for revising this story before it’s release! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 11 )

This was an awesome story you wrote!

The Golden Oak Library should never have been blown up, Hasbro fuck up on that part. But you brought it back, yay. :pinkiehappy:

9133957 Yup! It should have been rebuilt. It was, and still is, Twilight's real home :twilightsmile:

One of the biggest mistakes people didn't like. I didn't mind too much myself, but I liked the chandelier roots lights they made later. Kinda felt like a nod to the fans.

9141241 They shouldn't have destroyed her home to begin with. I could go all night listing the mistakes Hasbro made with both MLP and EqG, but I don't do that anymore.

Yeah, that's media for you. You satisfy some and anger others. Its always a gamble when you change things. Lord knows I did that a few times in all my stories. Most notably when I killed Discord on my Dark Souls Crossover. Still regret putting him in it to this day. I really hate him.:twilightangry2:

Other than that, the story was nice. I definitely see that reading the first made this one a lot easier to follow knowing what happened prior for context. other than that nicely done.

9141265 Then you know how I felt when I had to write characters refering to Twilight by a title she should never have accepted. I feel your pain :ajbemused:

Thanks! I'm glad you still enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

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