• Published 28th May 2018
  • 8,669 Views, 1,156 Comments

Three Kittens, Two Unicorns, and a BANANA! - Tatsurou

Tempest Shadow finds herself added to a rather...despicable family. Perhaps things will turn out better this time around.

  • ...

Preparing for the Future

It had been a few months since the El Macho situation had resolved, during which time the only real change to life at the Gru residence was Lucy's more frequent presence...and her staying over a time or two...dozen. However, despite the Minions jokes along those lines, nothing seemed to happen between Gru and Lucy beyond cuddling: Tempest would have noticed the scent if it had. She wasn't sure if it was because they knew that, they were both worried about that aspect of the relationship, or they were both traditional in that regard, but they seemed to be in no rush.

Lucy had attempted being motherly with the girls a few times. It had been...awkward but genuine, much like the first few attempts on Gru's part to be genuinely fatherly, according to Margo. This augured well for relationships all around, and was taken as a good sign.

The rate of progress in that regard startled Tempest, however, when she found Gru and Lucy sitting at the table one morning poring over wedding catalogues. "Already?" she asked in surprise. "I didn't think things were moving that fast."

"Oh, they aren't," Lucy allowed with a smile. "While we're both pretty certain of ourselves in our relationship, setting things like this up takes anywhere from three to six months even with the best of plans and intentions."

"And since we both feel we're three to six months away from being ready to get married, now seemed like a good time to get the planning in motion," Gru allowed with a wide grin.

Tempest tilted her head, more than a little confused. "I...thought that was what the engagement period was for," she allowed thoughtfully. "Did...did we miss you proposing, Gru?"

"And funnel my villainous gains into either the monstrous activities of conflict diamonds or the despicable economic practices of the 'honorable' corporations with their artificial shortages?" Gru declared in disgust. "As if!"

"Trust me on this, I've had assignments there while working in the O.G.A. before I became a full-fledged member of the A.V.L.," Lucy explained readily. "The last thing I want is a diamond ring from either of those sources."

"Besides, the tradition is a certain number of months wages, and I own my business, so I don't have a wage," Gru explained readily. "Rather hard to calculate that."

"So...no proposal but you...are engaged?" Tempest pressed, now even more confused.

"What's the difference between exclusive dating where you're treated as part of the family and being engaged?" Lucy asked curiously. "I mean, I've stayed over a few times, I've helped Margo with her homework a time or two, taught Edith a few combat tricks, and done some sewing for Agnes. Where's the line?"

Tempest blinked as she worked her mouth, trying to make sense of that. She tried turning to the Overthought for answers-

Error: Information regarding human courtship rituals does not compute.

-but the Minions didn't understand human behavior any better than she did. She turned desperately to Gru.

"What makes you think I know what normal social customs are supposed to be?" Gru responded with a smirk.

Tempest let that turn over in her mind for a time, letting it bounce around the Overthought as well. "...okay, fair enough," she allowed as she hopped up to the table to look at what they were examining. "So, picking venues? Dress patterns? Best Man?"

"Well, what venue or dress pattern we decide on will really depend on when we decide to hold the wedding," Lucy pointed out thoughtfully. "So we're looking at a few options."

"As for Best Man, it's supposed to be a very close, long time friend who can fill the toast with all sorts of embarrassing and heart warming stories," Gru continued thoughtfully. "Obviously, it's Nefario-"

"Actually, I feel like it would be best if I passed on that," Nefario said as he brought coffee from the kitchen and a mug of hot chocolate for Tempest. "I'm not the best at speeches. I tend to get tongue tied speaking in public. It's why I prefer being the technical expert in villainous activity. I get to sit in the background and tinker. Maybe one of the Minions would be better?"

"I'm not sure it's a good idea having someone with a direct mental connection to your underage daughter anywhere near planning your bachelor party is a good idea," Lucy pointed out thoughtfully, smiling apologetically at Tempest. "While you certainly can't and shouldn't stop them from attending, that they can easily partition off until she's old enough to see as individual memories and experiences. Planning would involve a lot of back and forth communication that would have to go through her, though."

"An excellent point," Gru agreed. "So...not Nefario, not any of the Minions...but someone I consider a close friend who could make the occasion really memorable and not afraid of public speaking. Someone who can make a real...presentation..." His thoughtful gaze suddenly turned to one of wonder. "Liiiiiight~bulb!"

"I do so love it when he says that!" Nefario confessed to Lucy and Tempest. "So what is it? Want me to build a Best Bot?"

Gru blinked in surprise. "Let's call that Plan B," Gru allowed as he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through his contacts. "There's someone who I think would work quite well, and won't freak out too much over Tempest."

"Oh?" Lucy asked in surprise. "Someone you know from your villain days?"

"Indeed," Gru confirmed happily. "Though we were never really in competition. I did big heists where I couldn't be tracked. He went in for direct confrontations with a super hero. Still, we got along well whenever he wasn't in jail but hadn't put his next plan into action yet. Quite fun...and I hear he's gone straight recently. I'm curious how that's going...though we'll have to talk about all that in person." He pressed a contact and selected 'Call'.

"If we're going to meet him in person, why are you calling him?" Tempest asked curiously.

"Because it's good etiquette among villains - former or otherwise - to alert someone with an established territory if you'll be visiting or passing through," Gru explained happily as he held the phone to his ear. "Avoids a lot of accidental clashes."

Tempest wanted to say more, but she paused as she heard someone pick up on the other end. Her ears twitched as she heard a somewhat cultured - if playful - voice speak a single word from wherever Gru had called.
