• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,771 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 41: You're the Inspirational One Apparently

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Hmm…There’s already enough going on tonight, I’ll broach the subject later, you conclude as you start tapping away. Thankfully you've been practicing using your fingers to text with your phone, so you “quickly” (not as quick as actual humans obviously) text Hu-Light.

Hey, now isn’t a good time to talk. Just tell Cadence I’m sorry OK?

Almost immediately you get a response back.

Huh? What’s wrong with Cadence?

What? Isn’t that why you’re upset? You ask.

No, I just wanted to vent to someone because Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet trashed my locker again. What did you do to upset Cadence?
Eyes widening at your slip you quickly attempt to divert that conversation.

Oh, nothing to worry about. But hey, why are they targeting you again? I thought you used scary technology to get back at them?

I did, but I never said it was me that did it.

Well there’s your problem. When taking vengeance, you have to own up to it so they know where retribution is coming from.

“Who are you texting?” Sunset Shimmer asks seeing your concentrated face.

“This world’s version of Twilight Sparkle,” you mention off hand and her eyes widen.

“Wait, what?” she gasps. “How long have you-“

“I’ll tell you later,” you cut her off as you send out your next text and she frowns.

Get them back immediately and make sure they know it was you. Also, I might have some new people for you to meet in the future so keep that in mind.

OK? Well thanks for the advice. I’ll put something into motion tonight. And thanks but I’m not too keen on new people. Also whatever you did to Cadence I’ll know soon enough, I’m asking her now. Also, I have other questions to ask you still about the mall.

You cringe at that since she’s constantly been asking questions about the mall incident since you got fired. You haven’t admitted to anything, but you know she might be on to you.

Stupid bookworm, too smart for her own good.

I’m just surprised she’s the only human to investigate further than what the media presented, Selena adds.

Exactly! Now if only the real Twilight would see past all the bullspit, you think in melancholy over her immediately accepting that Selena was using you as a puppet. Shaking your head from these thoughts you respond with a classic text conversation stopper that humans implement.


Looking up from your phone you notice that aside from Sunset, noling else has paid attention to your texting. The partial Human Deadly 6 are still huddled up and whispering to each other while Flash and B2 seem to be muttering about something.

Hmm. Guess it’s so commonplace it doesn’t raise many eyebrows.

Humans do love their technological wonders after all, both in reality and fantasy, Sombra concludes.

Too much maybe, you shrug before you notice that Sunset seems a bit distressed.

"Hey Sunset, what's up? You look a little pale. Sorry about the whole Twilight thing, but it wasn’t really important till n-"

"It's not that,” she interrupts and looks down. “Well, not just that anyway…”

“Oh?” you question.

“It’s just…” she lets out a sigh. “So much has happened since I left Equestria. Princess Luna's return, Discord's return and reformation-"


"A changeling invasion, the return of the Crystal Empire, an entire terrorist organization's rise and fall. I guess..." Sunset goes silent for a few moments before she sighs again and says, "I guess a part of me feels like if I wasn't so selfish and bent on power, then maybe I would have stayed and been able to help out."

Poor dear, the guilt she was able to hold back during her reign of 'evilness' must be hitting full force now that she knows all the events from her home...
Can't say I blame her, I would feel pretty crummy too if I found out a bunch of stuff happened while we were here that we could of helped make less worse.

For some reason you feel an immense amount of irony at that thought, but you shrug it off and focus on comforting Sunset. You place a hand on her shoulder before you say,

"Hey it’s not that bad. Sure you may have missed out on a lot of stuff, but you probably had plenty of adventures while you were here right?"

"Sure, but most of those 'adventures' were me being am evil and manipulative bully, so not many good memories there,” she says in a depressed tone.
You cringe slightly at that before you quickly say,

"Well my life isn't exactly full of sunshine of rainbows either. Well I mean rainbows in the sky not Rainbow the pony-" At Sunset's 'really' look you quickly stop talking before stuttering out "Er-what I mean is that my life ain’t peachy either. But I'm still a reference spewing, flank-kicking, badflank with only a slightly extreme case of paranoia and destructive habits! You wanna know why?"

Multiple untreated head traumas? A lack of self-discipline and common sense?

Too many video games and media influencing you?

Okay, quiet peanut gallery I didn't ask you for the Semi-Truth!

“Why?” Sunset asks unsurely and you smirk.

"Cause I got folks like Nightshade to keep me going. Every day I remember that there are those out there who care about me, and so I make sure to keep on moving so that they don't worry. Now I know before you didn't have that, but now you do with them."

You point over to the still mumbling girls, who are also shooting you looks of what you think may be awe at your little speech, but you ignore them when Sunset still has an unsure look.

"And if they don't, then you can count on me and B2 to be there." You point a thumb back towards B2, who is stuffing his face with Donuts. When he notices you pointing at him he gives a muffled,


You roll your eyes at that before looking back at Sunset, who now finally has something besides unease in her eyes. Something you yourself have constantly had to fight to keep.


"Do...do you really mean that Mr. Bugze?"

"Sure, why not?” you smile. “You’re really my only hope to get back home, so I’m putting all my faith in you, so why not return the favor?”
She smiles at that.

“Besides what's one more ex-villain on my friends list anyway? What's Sunbutt gonna do, accuse me of making a 'League of Villains?' Ha!"
Sunset lets out a laugh at your comment as well, and you decide to ignore the slight dread you felt at it. You were probably just imagining things anyway.

“Is-Ha-Is that even a thing? The Ex-Villain club?” she asks.

“Eh, kind of,” you wave your hand thinking of Selena, Aqua, the Changeling 5, and even Sombra to a lesser extent. “But “reformed” or not, Discord is on thin bucking ice around me…”

“Oh…OK?” she mutters as she hears the heat in your words. You told her and the rest about the one sided battle you fought against him and the dirty trick he pulled before he was stoned.

Not like those false memories matter anymore with everyling thinking you’re controlling me, You think bitterly to Selena.

Indeed, though I wonder sometimes if I as I am now would even be here were it not for his meddling. Our bond did grow through our plight, she points out.

Huh…Yeah, You nod. Who knows what would have happened to you if I’d been all buddy buddy with them way back when?

And with that thought of “What If,” the human girls finally break their huddle and turn to your side of the table, causing you and the rest to pay attention.

“Alright, we’ve reached a consensus,” Rarity says and pauses.

“…And?” you ask impatiently.

“Oh sorry, just building up suspense,” she smirks and you roll your eyes.

“Really Rares?” Rainbow asks.

“What? A monumental decision like this needs the appropriate flair.

“Alright, I’m flared, what’s the answer?” you ask.

“The answer’s of course we’re gonna help out,” Applejack says, cutting through all the fanciness and causing Rarity to harrumph.

“Alright awesome!” you cheer as you pump your fist. “Was kind of nervous there for a second.”

“Well you shouldn’t have been, any sorta-kinda friend of Princess Twilight’s is a friend of ours,” Pinkie says bubbly.

“You could have fooled me,” Flash chimes in. “What with the group huddle and everything…”

“Oh, that was to discuss whether we should ask for merch and stuff for when The Wanted get back together as payment, or not,” Rainbow says looking to B2.

“Uh…we don’t actually have anything out right now?” he says nervously.

“Don’t worry partner, we all let Rainbow know that was a bit extortiony,” Applejack reassures.

“I still want an autograph!” Rainbow grumbles.

“Well regardless, we’re helping you darling,” Rarity says to you.

“We would have helped Sunset anyway, even if Twilight hadn’t of asked,” Fluttershy pipes up. To this Sunset seems to be in disbelief.

"Bu-but I ruined your friendships! I turned the school into a miserable warzone of cliques against cliques. I turned everyone into mind-controlled zombies! Why would you help me out still!?"

To her, and the others, surprise it’s not one of them who answers, but you.

"Of course they would Sunset. If these girls are like the ones from back home, they would have helped even if you turned Sunbutt into a statue," you chuckle.

"I don't understand, from what you said Equestria isn't exactly on your side and you've even fought their pony versions before. How can you be so sure that they'd help me?"

I have to agree with her my bug, just why do you believe the Element Bearers would be so set on helping a former enemy?

You smile knowingly at both Sunset and Selena's questions before you say,

"True...but trust me on this, you never really know a person till you’ve fought in battle with them, or however that saying goes.”

“Who said that?” asks Fluttershy.

“Some dead guy from the past I’d assume, but anyway the real versions of you girls are some of the most stubborn, violent, crazy and head strong ponies I’ve ever known…but they’ve also been kind, loyal and caring as well. Of course they’d be willing to give her a second shot.”

The girls’ smile and Sunset seems more at ease from your words.

My Bug...did you really mean all that?

I...I don't really know Selena. I mean, they did supposedly reform Discord after all, so it is in their nature, just not for us. Either way, it helps them think I’m a little friendlier with their counterparts than I actually am, so more power to them. So long as it’s not you or me, the real Deadly 6 help anyling, you think a little bitterly.

Oh…Selena says sounding a bit put off herself.

…If it helps any, I doubt they’d give me another chance either, Sombra tries to comfort.

Well of course they wouldn’t, you still want to mind control them, you snark.

How else are you supposed to get 100% compliance?! He counters.

Rolling your eyes at his antics, you see that Sunset is gracefully accepting the girls’ words.

“I guess…I guess after how quickly things went last night I didn’t fully believe it,” Sunset says with a happy sniffle.

“Well seeing is believing, we’ll be your best buds. It doesn’t matter that Mr. Bugze’s entire hopes and dreams are riding on the outcome, we’ll be your friends till the end,” Pinkie smiles.

“Wow…thanks you guys,” she says gratefully.

“Yeah, thanks…” you say a bit sarcastically.

“Yeah…maybe I should have that same optimism as well,” Flash says to her causing her to turn. “I know things between us got…rough. But I won’t leave you hanging like an outcast.”

“…Thanks Flash,” she nods.

The girls and Flash then all keep reassuring Sunset and talking about plans and activities for them all to do and you smirk.

“Looks like they’re all on board,” B2 says impressed.

“Eyup. I don’t know exactly how long redemption takes, but I know that with their help I’ll be seeing my little filly much sooner than 2 years.”

“Right…your Nightshade…” he mutters while looking off into space. You raise a brow at how he said that.

“You OK?” you ask.

“Yeah I’m fine, I just…” he trails off before shaking his head and standing up. “I’m gonna go use the restroom.”

“Oh, alright. I’ll be right here still,” you say as he walks off and you take one of his donuts.

Bugze, Selena scolds you.


He’s clearly upset about something.

He is? You think in surprise as you see him enter the bathroom.


How can you tell?

I’ve been with you nearly 4 years, I know your tics. Your counterpart has the same ones.

Oh…you then look guiltily at the stolen donut and put it back on his plate. There, that should help some.

Oh for…Selena trails off and you hear her facehoof.

What? The last thing I need is to make him more upset. Besides, he’ll be out in no time and I’ll ask him what’s up then, you placate.

Bugze, he jumped out of a window earlier when he was panicked. Don’t you think he might do the same now? She argues.

…Good point, you nod as you stand up.

“I’ll be right back,” you tell the humans as you jog to the restroom.

“What’s up with that?” you hear Flash ask.

“When you gotta go, you gotta go,” Pinkie shrugs.

Opening the door to the restroom, you see that Selena is right like usual as B2 has one of his legs hanging out of the window leading to the alleyway.

“What are you doing?” you ask him causing him to stop and turn to you nervously.

“Oh, uh, hey Bugze. I was just, uh, stretching my calves on the window sill,” he stammers before mimicking a stretch and pulling his leg back inside. “Need to keep limber ya know?”

You are not convinced.

“Dude, you were just going to ditch me? What the buck bro?” you scold and he wilts down. “I mean, I understand the whole Cadence and Luna situation, but why now?”

He looks at you guiltily before letting out a sigh.

Kichi’s Comment

“Look, I’m just…I just felt a little uneasy is all.”


“Yeah man,” he nods. “I mean, here I am hearing your life’s story once again, but now you got a bunch of happy go lucky high schoolers hearing it and jumping on board to help you.”

“And? What’s to get upset about that?” you ask confused.

“I don’t know,” he shakes his head. “It’s just…they’re just going for it, hook line and sinker. They wanna help the bacon haired girl, and in turn they want to help you so you can get home to your daughter and…and that’s awesome.”

Still lost at why he is upset about this he just waves his hand and looks down at the ground.

“I’m not upset that good things are happening man, It’s just that…I think I might be a little jealous.”


“Yeah. You’ve got a goal and people to help you, and it’s a noble goal as well,” he then looks up at you. “But what the buck do I got? I’m still all but broke, got very few friends, and a vague dream like goal of putting my band back together…but I’ve got no real plan or goal.”

“Oh…” you say in sympathy as he quivers a bit.

“I’m nothing man…and I feel like a piece of crap for being upset at something good for you, so I was just gonna bounce so my negative attitude wouldn’t bring things down.”

“You don’t have to leave B2, I understand where you’re coming from,” you reassure and he looks up at you a bit in surprise before he laughs.

“Maybe you do…but still, I can’t help the way I feel. Especially because you have someone like Nightshade in your life.”

You raise a brow at that and he continues.

“Hearing your story again, the main point you kept hammering home to those girls was how important she was to you and…well, I don’t have anyone like that in my life.”

“But…you’ve got, uh…” you stammer and he smirks.

“Who, Sombra? Big whoop. Maybe he’s the closest thing I have to a best friend, but I’m not invested in him like you are with your daughter,” he sighs again. “Grandpappy’s resting in peace, my folks died when I was little, and I know my Grandma’s real family doesn’t even know about me. Bunch of yeehawers probably wouldn’t like me for being a metal head anyway.”

You raise a brow at that.

Wait, does he already know that him and Applejack are related? Before you can inquire this, he sighs and slumps his shoulders once more.

“If Chrysalis hadn’t destroyed my band…could I have had a Nightshade of my own?” he shakes his head. “Whatever, it’s far too late for that anyway. I’ll never have a kid to care for like you do…”

You don’t say anything as he ponders.

“I mean, Nighthsade was one of our best songs, so I probably would have named her that. But things with Nimmy…” he trails off and shakes his head. “Guess I’ll never have what you have…”

You give your sad human counterpart a few moments of silence as he wallows in self pity before you slap him upside the head.

“OW!” he cries out.

“Quit your bucking moping already,” you scold and he looks at you in surprise.

“What? I-“

“Sure you don’t have a Nightshade, and sure maybe things went wrong with your Ex, but don’t think the whole world is against you. Believe me, I know how that feels,” you chide.

He looks down at that, and you place your hand on his shoulder.

“Look, don’t beat yourself up too much, you can come back from this. And who knows, maybe it’s not too late for a Human Nightshade to come about…”

He looks up at you at that.

“I don’t know man…Nimmy…”

“You never know unless you try B2. You just can’t keep jumping out of windows and running away.”

“He’s right,” comes a feminine voice. Looking backwards you both see Sunset and the rest of the Humans standing in the doorway of the restroom.


“You can’t just run when the going gets tough. I’m starting to see that now,” Sunset says looking at her smiling friends. “You just gotta give it a chance, no matter how scary.”

B2 looks at her and her words of conviction and nods. He doesn’t say anymore, but you can see the gears turning in his head.

“We’d be willing to help you anyway we can Mr. Hooded Offender music man,” Pinkie adds helpfully.

“N-No thanks kid. I think…I think this is something I gotta do myself,” B2 says.

“Okie Dokie Lokie,” Pinkie says with a smile.

“Uh, thanks for the encouraging words and all guys, but uh, are you sure you should be in here? This is the colt’s room.”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Just as you say that, there is a flushing noise from one of the stalls and all of you look over to see Prince Blueblood’s human counterpart open the door and walk out wearing headphones. He immediately stops and his eyes widen when he sees the 6 girls, one guy, and two homeless looking dudes all crowded around looking at him.

He stares in shock for five heartbeats before he slowly backs into the stall and gingerly closes the door and starts screaming in confusion.

Both you and B2 facepalm at that as all of the girls get red in the face with embarrassment and Flash laughs like a loon.

“We should go,” you say to the girls as the teen continues screaming in confused terror.

Suffice to say, when your whole group steps out of the restroom, you all garner quite a few stares from the other patrons, but you all try to ignore them as you make your way back to your table.

“That probably wasn’t the smartest idea,” Sunset mumbles in embarrassment.

“You’re telling me. My street cred’s definitely going down after this,” Rainbow grunts.

“What street cred?” Applejack says sardonically causing a scowl from the rainbow haired girl.

Talk about mood whiplash, Selena mutters.

I know right?

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As you all settle down and everyone laughs nervously, still kind of embarrassed, you get another text on your phone.

Oh thank Luna, a distraction, You think as you look down at another message from Twilight. But this one you know is serious because it’s in all caps.


You give one good look at the phone before slowly looking up. You then remember where Twilight got the robots in the first place.

Fazbear's Fright. FAZBEAR'S FRIGHT. You get a flashback to the last time you dealt with those animatronics.

"Oh buck." You get up and grab your counterpart much to the confusion of the girls.

"Whoa hey! What's going on?!"

"No time, Robots! Kidnapped teens! Fazbear!" You yell in a crazed stupor as your hatred for machines begins to take the wheel. You burst out of the restaurant while carrying your double in tow as you race down the road. You don’t know where this place is, but running randomly seems like the best option. Meanwhile the girls (and Flash) stare slack jawed at what just happened.

"Should we follow them?" Rarity asks.

"I don't...." Flash continues. However Sunset butts in with a gasp.

"Did he say Kidnapped teens?" It takes a few moments before the group races after you two, but not before Pinkie runs back in and pays the tab. She turns to the viewers.

"What? You always have to pay for your food. It's the law!"

She smiles before running back to the group.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

After running down the street madly for awhile, B2 eventually gets out of your grasp.

“Dude, what the hell’s going on?”

“Robots! Evil Demonic Robots! We Gotta Stop The Machines!” you shout before he slaps you.

“…Huh, déjà vu,” you mutter as you calm down a bit.

“OK, now where are the robots?” he asks.

“…I don’t know actually,” you say before opening The Internets on your phone.

“Magic Phone Lady, Where is Fazbear’s Fright?”

The lady that lives in your phone then gives you directions. Surprisingly, you were kind of heading in the right direction already.

“Huh, that’s neat,” you say.

“Alright, now why are we running towards robots?” B2 asks.

“Oh, right. Twilight’s kind of taken her pranking too far and the animatronics she hijacked to scare her bullies have kidnapped them and her and in my experience, they’re probably going to disembowel them alive.”

“…Oh…OK…” he says taken aback. “Well, I guess we should go stop that then.”

“My thoughts exactly, and since Sombra ain’t here, and I don’t want to take a death bus, running is the best course to-“

Just as you say that, a car and a truck come rounding the corner and nearly hit you two.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” you both scream and hug each other, but thankfully both vehicles stop, and you see that the drivers are Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

They all get out of the vehicles and rush up to you.

“OK, who’s been kidnapped? And where are we going?” Sunset asks.

It’s then that you realize maybe Sunset saving some humans could bump up her redemption faster, so you give her the quick rundown.

“Wait, Fazbear’s Fright?” Fluttershy asks with a gulp and a shake. “Oh dear…”

“That place is creepy with a capital C,” Pinkie says. “Plus I still remember the original Freddy Fazbears, I had so many birthday parties there and it was fun.”

“Those animatronics were always creepy,” Rainbow argues.

“That’s true, but that just begs the question, why do you think they’re rampaging now?”

“Oh, Twilight told me. I actually met her when I first crossed over and was gonna introduce you all eventually, but now’s a good time as any.”

All their eyes widen at that, and even Flash is taken aback.

“Twilight’s here?” he asks hopefully.

“Down boy, it’s our world’s Twilight,” B2 shuts him down.


“Our world or not, we gotta save her and the others!” Sunset says in determination.

You all then pile into different vehicles with you, Sunset, Flash, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy in one car, and the rest in the AJ’s truck. As Dash breaks every speed limit known to man and beast, you try to keep your focus and not vomit.

“So, uh…what exactly are we going to do to these scary robots?” asks Fluttershy nervously.

“We’ll break them of course,” Rainbow says.

“How? Do you guys have access to your magic from last night?” asks Sunset.

“Well…no…” Rainbow admits. But we’ll think of something.”

“Just use basic fighting moves and avoid their sharp teeth. Also fire, fire is good too,” you say as you squeeze your seat belt hard.

“Is karate good enough? I know karate,” Rainbow asks.

“That’s a start, but just watch me when I go in. I’m sure a Falcon Punch here is as good as one in Equestria.”

“Ooooh, are you gonna teach us your moves you kept bragging about?” Rainbow asks hopefully.

“Yeah sure, they’re quite easy to pick up, even Fluttershy could learn them.”

“Eeep, I don’t think I could actually,” she shrinks down.

“Also, I’m not sure your moves will work here since you’re not a hooved creature anymore. Also, the media differences your moves are based on might not translate for them,” Sunset points out.

“Well whatever, just throw out a few good moves and learn to defend yourselves so it’s not on my head if you get hurt. I’ve got a few goodies I can implement as well.”

Although I suggest not using the plasmids unless necessary, your arm is only just now almost healed, Selena warns.

Yeah, I was thinking maybe tying out Gloriosa’s Crystal for a change. You know, make Sombrero happy for once.

…What? He asks when you both wait for him to respond. That is a good idea, and who am I to say no to crystals?

See, there you have it.

Alright then my bug, just be cautious and don’t burn the entire place down this time.

No promises. And definitely not getting another robot pet out of this.

Eventually you all arrive at the attraction, and all the lights are out, though the sign out front clearly labels it as Fazbear’s Fright, with a picture of that bucking bear to boot.

“Well we’re here…You sure there’s folks inside?” asks Applejack.

B2’s phone then buzzes and he looks down.

“I’d say so yes,” he nods as he shows a text from Twilight which says Help, over and over again.

“Alright, rescue operation is almost ago. Now, all you Humies line up here and I’ll show you a few basics before we go in,” you order.

“Yes!” Rainbow pumps her arm in triumph.

You then attempt to show them the Falcon Punch, Psycho Crusher, and a few other melee moves…but Sunset was right, your new body is just not cut out for it.

“Are you OK?” asks Flash as he helps you up from the ground after a failed Psycho Crusher.

“…Yeah, I just hate this world,” you grumble before looking to the rest. “OK, you all get the basic idea. Just stay behind me, and for the love of Luna, don’t act like a bunch of kids and their dog that my Grandbuggy kept trying to scare off and split up. That’s horror movie 101 there.”

“Got it,” Pinkie salutes. “By the way, what are the other girls names that got kidnapped?” she asks.

“Uhhh, I don’t know, I don’t exactly remember their names,” you admit thinking of a few of the bullies. “Zappy Sour and Inigo Montoya? Something like that, but whatever, let’s get to it!” you declare before you rush at the door and kick it…only to have your leg go jelly as you fall onto the floor.

“AAAHHH, funny bone, funny bone!” you groan rubbing your leg as the rest look at you in pity. As they do, B2 simply walks up to the door and pulls it open.

“It’s a pull door dude.”

“Well we all know that NOW!” you groan as you sit up. Once you’re up and leading again, you all one by one nervously and cautiously enter the building…

Ello Calebero’s Comment


Inside the building, Human Twilight is sitting comfortably with her digital pad on as Spike chews on a piece of pizza.

“Hmm, this isn’t good, he brought a group with him,” she says aloud to the puppy who looks at her and wags his tail.

“Tck…This complicates things. If he has help, then there’s no guarantee that he’ll display that power he exhibited at the mall.”

She then looks over stills from the news broadcasts and internet videos.

“Everyone else might be convinced it was a spectacle, but outside of digital manipulation, there’s no way that was a practical effect. Whoever that giant monster was, and whatever Mr. Bugze used was something unknown, and I need to get to the bottom of it.”

Spike barks happily at that.

Twilight then flips through her pad and looks on the camera feed of the freaked out Indigo Zapp and Sour Sweet that have barricaded themselves in the “Arcade Room” from her hacked animatronics and are crying.

“Hmmm, I’d hate to frighten them and these other people more…but Mr. Bugze did ditch Cadence at lunch today, and that whip cream in my locker attracted ants so maybe some more comeuppance is necessary.”

She then presses a few buttons, and a few more of the creepy robots come online.

“There we go,” she says before looking to her puppy who looks like he’s judging her. “What? It’s all in the name of science. If I can learn more about Mr. Bugze’s power source then…” she pauses as she looks at the camera feeds.

“…Why are there two Mr. Bugze’s?”


As you all walk through the entrance, you see an abandoned ticket booth, and the ominous Enter sign above the door.

Once entering, you are all treated to a warehouse sized labyrinth of hallways and creepy imagery.

“You know, it kind of does lose it’s creepiness when they try to be scary,” you point out.

“Not for me it doesn’t,” Fluttershy all but cries as she holds onto Rarity.

"And all these cameras about, it does feel voyeuristic," Rarity shivers.

"Yeah, plus why is nobody here? It'll be Halloween in like a month, and nobody's here?" Pinkie deduces.

"Hallo-What?" you ask, but noling answers you.

"School Night Pinkie," Sunset answers her question.

"Ah...still seems counter productive for business. Almost cliched and convenient..." she says looking at the audience.

"What, is there something on my shirt?" Flash asks as she's looking in his direction.

"Nope," she smiles.

“Well aside from whether it's closed or not, I mean, should we really be destroying the animatronics inside? They’re somebody else’s property,” Applejack says.

It’s then that creepy music plays over the intercom, and several deep laughs are heard.

“…I’m all for destruction of private property,” B2 says.

“Yeah, me too,” Flash nods.

“Me three,” Rainbow cracks her knuckles.

“That’s the spirit,” you say pulling out your Boom Stick. “Now…if I were a bunch of teenage girls kidnapped by machines, where would I be?”


Author's Note:

I guess they’re ready for Freddy, which is against the norm from what I understand.

Hey Hive-Mind,

Well, I guess this is what happens when a scientific genius of a girl decides to get vengeance and do research at the same time. I would question the morality of this, but she was coached by two Bugze’s after all.

Anyway, I’m sure I don’t have to say anymore, it’s evil robots, go nuts, and I’ll see you next chapter.

Brown Dog.

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