• Published 31st May 2017
  • 2,677 Views, 25 Comments

Transference: Tale of a Tenno - Ahrazell

Have you ever dreamed? Have you ever wished to live a different life, one filled with adventure and heartache, tears and Laughter? What if one day, you closed your eyes, just to open them in that world you dreamed?

  • ...

Party, family, and Dating? (Edited)

Aileen looked around and couldn't help but feel nervous. ”I can take down hordes of enemies, but I freak of crowds wanting to be friendly.” She thought as she walked around the gym. Pinkie had dragged her here saying this is the only place big enough. That should have been the first clue. Aileen wasn’t expecting the entire student body to be invited! “Pinkie, why all the people…” She says in a way Fluttershy would have been proud of.

“Three reasons.” Pinkie says. “One, it’s your ‘Welcome to Town’ party, and your ‘Congratulations on being Luna’s new daughter’ party. Two, I always invite as many people as I can to wonderful parties. And three, you were going to have to meet everyone at school anyways, you’re going to be going to Canterlot High anyways.” Pinkie giggles, pulling a cupcake out of literally nowhere. “Have a cupcake, it’ll make you better.” She smiles, holding it out for the very shy girl. “Thanks…” Aileen mumbles as she takes a bite, and a figurative explosion of delicious flavor burst in her mouth. “How are these so good?” She says between bites. “That’s because the Cakes always make delicious sweets, and I help out.” Pinkie giggles.

As Aileen digs into the cupcake, Sunset shows up behind her. “I see you're enjoying a cupcake.” Sunset chuckles. “Hey at least Pinkie didn’t force it into your mouth...wait...that doesn’t sound right.” Sunset frowns. “You're a girl so I suppose that doesn’t count.” Pinkie shrugs.

“As long as I have this, I’m happy.” Aileen says, taking another bite from the cupcake.

“Look over at the food table.” Sunset says, pointing over to the food table. When Aileen actually looked over she could see stacks of cakes, drinks, snacks, and literally anything you might find in a candy store made into some kind of delicious food. “You’d be shocked to hear that no one ever gets diabetes from all the sugar they eat from Pinkie’s parties.” Sunset chuckles as Aileen goes wide eyed and licks her lips. “I might be eating more than I should before the day is up.” “Don’t eat too much, you wouldn’t want a stomach ache.” Luna says, walking up to the group smiling

“I’m pretty sure it all go to her butt anyways…” Sunset mutters to herself, having seen Aileens rump. “But how are you doing today Luna?” Sunset asks curiously. “Enjoying the party?”

“Yes I am, though I was hoping to keep the adopting on the down low for now.” Luna says with a giggle. “But this is Pinkie.” She says, giving the pink girl a knowing smile. “I couldn’t help it.” Pinkie giggles. “Hearing something so great needs to be shared, especially when there’s a new friend to meet.” The party girl explains happily.

Aileen looks around, seeing Rainbow bragging about Aileen’s athletic prowess or showing off her sword to her sport friends, Applejack helping a green old lady and a large red boy with the food and Rarity is gossiping with a few others about who knows what. Fluttershy on the other hand was nowhere to be seen. Looking around, Aileen spotted the shy girl in a corner, away from the main party. “Should we go to Fluttershy?”

“We probably should.” Sunset says honestly. “She’s normally afraid of crowds...by the way you exercise regularly right?” Sunset asks, wanting to know something…’important’. “On occasion. Most Tenno stick to their Warframes, but I knew there would be moments where the Warframes would be unavailable. So I’d say about twice a week I do a serious work out, or at least practice.” Aileen replies as the group starts to head in Fluttershy’s direction. “That’s good to hear.” Sunset nods. “But how do you still have…” Sunset frowns, not sure how to say this.

“A big behind?” Pinkie finishes for Sunset innocently, causing Sunset to glare at her. “What? You wanted to ask her why her butts still so big even with proper exercise. It’s a normal question.” Pinkie shrugs. Aileen blushes before coughing. “I...I don’t know. I’d chalk it up to genetics, but that's all I have to answer that.” “Alright then.” Sunset nods, blushing a little and fixing her hair. “Sorry...just...curious was all.” Sunset says nervously.

“No need to be nervous. If you want to point out something you like you can say it to your friends.” Pinkie giggles, causing Sunset to blush even brighter. “Pinkie!” Sunset groans, face palming at her antics. Aileen regains enough composure to only have a faint blush by the time they reach Fluttershy. “Hey Fluttershy, how are you doing?” Aileen asks the shy girl.

“O-oh! I-I’m f-fine…” Fluttershy says nervously, holding a cup filled with soda. “I’m...still not good with parties.” “It’s okay Fluttershy. If I’m honest I don’t like crowds either.” Aileen admits with a nervous chuckle. “That’s...surprising.” Fluttershy says. “I thought you were...a people person.” Fluttershy says sheepishly, not sure if Aileen will be happy with her assumption. “Not really. I mean, fighting a crowd is different then all of them wanting to talk to you. It’s scarier, every word you say could affect how they see you for years or ruin your life, meanwhile other words make them your friend.” Aileen explains.

“Trust me Aileen, these people are understanding enough.” Sunset says. “Given that you told us a bit about yourself...I’ll tell you a not so happy thing about me.” Sunset starts. “You say you're a demon...well I literally became one awhile ago. So basically I was the biggest bitch in Canterlot High, bullying everyone, blackmailing others, and just downright shitty stuff...then I stole a magical artifact that wasn’t mine from a different dimension...world...thing.” Sunset frowns, not really knowing how the proper word for that was. “Anyways, so after a bit of harassing the actual owner of very powerful magical artifact, she was about to win it back in the ‘Fall Formal’...which then I stole it, telling everyone to go fuck themselves and then put it on...weird things happened and I turned into a demon. Turned two...slow freshmen into demons as well and hypnotised the student body...then I got hit by rainbow of friendship, lost my powers and became a crying mess…” Sunset sighs out. “After that...everyone wasn’t entirely happy with me in anyway shape or form...but thankfully they now see me as a friend...all because my friends gave me a second chance.” Sunset explains with a warm smile.

“Not the strangest thing I’ve heard, but it’s definitely up there on the list.” Aileen comments with a small smile. “Considering...all that you’ve told us...that does sound about right.” Sunset nods. “Have you tried any of the food?” Fluttershy asks curiously. “I tried one of Pinkie’s cupcakes, but that's about it.” Aileen admits sheepishly. “Well...there always the table if you want food.” Fluttershy says. “I’ll stay here...where it’s more…’open’.” Fluttershy says sheepishly.

“Oh come on Fluttershy, come walk with us to get food.” Pinkie says with a smile. “It’s a party, no need to be scared, we’re all friends here.” “If it makes you feel better, I’ll be with you, so no one will harass you or anything.” Aileen says softly. “Oh...th-thank you.” Fluttershy says with her own little smile. “So on to the food?” Sunset asks. Aileen nods as they head on over, Applejack seeing them and waving them over. “Yah enjoying this here party sugar cube?” She asks Aileen.

Aileen nods. “It’s rather big for my tastes, but I am enjoying myself.” The tenno says while Pinkie giggles at hearing what the teen just said. “That’s good to hear. You try one of em apple products yet?” The country girl asks, a spark in her eye. “Not yet, but I am willing to try them.” Aileen says while Sunset face palmed. “No…” Sunset groans. “You just...gave her the go ahead…” Sunset sighs out. “Save room for the rest of the food okay AJ?” Pinkie asks with a smile.

“Ah phooey, since when have you been a killjoy Pinkie?” AJ says with a laugh as she goes around the table and stacks a plate full of stuff like apple pie, fritters and other such apple products. “I’m not being a killjoy, I never kill joy.” Pinkie giggles happily. “Have fun eating all that.” Sunset says, patting Aileen’s shoulder. “Trust me, when I had to go to one of AJ’s ‘family reunions’...I had nightmares about all the apple products...I think that nightmare involved me being an apple for some strange reason.” Sunset says, shivering at that horrid memory.

“At worst it goes to my butt and breasts.” Aileen says with a shrug before taking a bite from one of the fritters. “That’s not...entirely a bad thing.” Sunset says slowly, blushing a little and grabbing a cupcake to hide her face.

“Mmm! These are really good!” Aileen says with a smile to Applejack as she continues to eat. “And this is just a small portion.” Sunset says honestly. “Well, this is still amazing!” The Void Child says happily. "Glad to hear that.” Pinkie smiles.

“Don’t push dude.” A boy yelps, getting the attention of Sunset. “Why is Flash pushing Crimson over?” Sunset asks, seeing the guitar player pushing over his friend. “Who’s Flash?” Aileen asks, looking at where Sunset is looking. “The tall guy with blue hair.” She says while pointing over. “Wearing the black jacket and a white t-shirt with his special ‘symbol’.” She says, knowing full well she can’t say it’s his ‘cutie mark’ since cutie mark’s don’t exist here.

“Special mark? I take it everyone has one?” Aileen asks as the guys start to get closer.

“Oh yeah.” Sunset nods. “Imagine it like a…’special talent’. Rainbow’s ‘mark’ is a rainbow lightning bolt, which is to show both her hair is rainbows and her natural affinity for speed, Applejack is apples because...well she’s an apple farmer. Fluttershy is butterflies because of her natural affinity with animals, Rarity’s is diamonds because...somehow she just finds those damned things like it’s nothing and all her clothes are all gems to someone’s eye. And Pinkie’s is three balloons, and you can clearly see why.” Sunset explains.

Flash and Crimson finally reach the girls as Flash wraps his arm around his friend’s shoulder. “Hey girls, hows it been?” Flash says. “H-hi…” Crimson says, Aileen noticing both the new kids hair and eyes, which were both crimson in color. The kind of scrawny teen was wearing a green t-shirt with a symbol of a red droplet falling into a pool of red ‘water’, and otherwise regular pair of jeans. “H-how are you doing today?”

“It’s nice to see you two. We’re doing fine. Guys, this is Aileen, Aileen, that’s Flash Sentry.” She says while pointing to the more ‘toned’ teen. “And that’s Crimson Tide.” Sunset says. “Nice to meet the both of you.“ Aileen says, bowing her head a bit, her eyes never leaving Crimson. ”I don’t need to be a genius to know he’s nervous, but he doesn’t look like a bad guy.” She thinks.

“So how are you two doing today?” Sunset asks. “I hope you're enjoying the party!” Pinkie pipes in happily. “Um...well…” Crimson says nervously, trying to find the right words as he looked at Aileen and seeing her eyes, the green and purple blended eyes staring at him and only causing him to blush and look away nervously. “We’re...enjoying the party…” Sunset looked between Crimson and Aileen, before getting a cheeky grin. “See something you like?” Sunset asks, causing Crimson to go still. “Uh...what do you mean by that?” He asks worriedly. “You sound like you're assuming something…” He says nervously, before hearing Pinkie giggle.

“Oh come on. It’s obvious you like Aileen.” Pinkie states. “It’s written all over your face.” “No it’s not!” Crimson says quickly, before Pinkie takes a step forward and looks him straight in the eye with a series look, before literally writing, in black bold letters, ‘I love Aileen’ on his forehead. “What the hell!?!” “See? It’s written on your face.” Pinkie giggles.

“God damn it Pinkie.” Crimson grumbles, walking over and grabbing a tissue and rubbing the damned thing off. Aileen blushes and accidentally thinks out loud quietly “Why does everyone like me so much?” “Because your hot?” Sunset points out.

“Because you look beautiful?” Pinkie adds.

“Uhm….because you are very sweet when you want to be…” Fluttershy says quietly.

The group hears Rainbow nearby. “Well duh, I wouldn’t like her if she wasn’t loyal and a badass to boot!”

Aileen is blushing like mad at this point. “W-well, I don't think I'm ready for dating just yet.....” She says, trying to hide her face with her hair.

Crimson’s face fell slightly before perking up a bit. "Can we at least be friends then?" He asked

“I would like that.” Aileen says while Flash nudges Crimson before walking off with him, laughing the entire time.

“Well glad to hear your making friends." Sunset said, getting a bit jellious that Aileen already has a potential partner. “Wait a minute…” Pinkie frowns, shoving her hand in her hair and pulling out a big book. She flipped through it till she got to ‘H’. “Hmm...oh here!” Pinkie says while reading through it and gasps. “I knew it!”

“Knew what Pinkie?” Sunset asks curiously.

“Should I even ask darling?” Rarity asks, having listened into the conversation for a while.

“Please don’t be bad…” Fluttershy mutters.

“What is it?” Aileen asks, blushing.

“Harems are legal! And up to a total of ten actually.” Pinkie explains to the group, while everyone stares at her.

“Wait, they have those here to?” Sunset asks, kind of confused about that.

“Oh...my…” Fluttershy said meekly.

“It’s gonna be awesome right?” Pinkie cheers, closing the book and putting it back in her magical hair of hammer space.

Rainbow over heard and blushed. “So Aileen is going to have a harem?” She says, walking to the group.

Pinkie immediately grabbed a tissue and shoved it in her nose. “Your right…” Pinkie nods, blushing brightly at the thought.

Aileen looks as if her mind has stopped, staring blankly forward. “A….Harem?”

“Yes...a harem.” Sunset nods, before walking over to the table and grabbing a plate, and putting a warm piece of red velvet cake. “Here’s you go, delicious red velvet cake. It will help restart your brain.”

Aileen took a bite and let out a small moan as her brain rebooted. ”Thanks….”

“Your welcome.” Sunset nods..

“N-Now, why did you bring that up, and whats this about me having a harem?.” Aileen asks

"Well duh, Most of us want to- mph!” Pinkie said before her mouth was filled with food from Sunset.

"Pinkie, you say one more word about harems until Aileen finishes adjusting to our world, and Dash and I will have a long talk about ending parties." Sunset said as pinkie gulped and chuckled innocently.

"Anyone want cake?" The pink mare asked the group.

“Did someone say cake?” Celestia says, her ears ringing as she dashes towards the group.

“Hello Celestia.” Sunset nods. “How are you doing?”

“CAKE!” She says, her mouth watering while Luna starts to drag her off.

“Sorry Aileen, I need to talk to my sister. Meet me in front of the school when your done.” Luna says irritated as she drags a yelling Celestia away.

“She...really likes the stuff.” Sunset says nervously.

Aileen doesn't answer as her mouth is filled with cake and her plate filled with other sweets. “Hmm?”

“Luna said to meet her in front of the school when your done.” Sunset says, chuckling at seeing her starting to stuff herself with sweets.

“Awe fine…” Aileen says dejectedly. “I guess I’ll see you all later then? Oh and there is a girl pretending she’s sneaky trying to spy on us at the door.” She says as she starts on her way out.

Pinkie gasps before vanishing and appearing near the new person and she stopped, finding the person oddly familiar. “Twilight?” Pinkie asks the girl.

Aileen walked out into the cold night air as the group started to talk to Twilight, asking about how’s it been since they saw her last. Aileen quickly spotted Luna by the statue in the front with Celestia. "Ready to head to your new home?"

Aileen smiled, not noticing a tear run down her cheek. "Yeah... mom...."

Comments ( 10 )

Yes a harem, always wanted ome in real life.
There is nothing wrong with me, but a man can dream

You know what...

Damn bucking harems, you can't kill army's or communism with only females and the power of whatever the buck they use. I want me some actual god damn fire power, not whatever the heck they do.

Hold on a sec... John came through with Roseluck. She ain't a nurse?

Okay, that's your opinion. I understand it but don't worry, right now is just build up for the shit fest later. The story is more action oriented than romance so the Harem thing will not be mentioned every 5 seconds like in other stories.

It was half complaining and half joking.
Never take me seriously unless I am talking 100% seriously.
Though I can guess that it won't be used like it has been in this story so carry on with the insanity.
It is what I eat after all.

P.S. On a serious note, keep that attitude and don't let people dis your story. Listen if they do have actual advice to improve your writing and don't delete comments unless they are being complete a:yay:es alrighty. You have a good story going and I will support it for as long as I see that you try to improve. I am a bit of a sucker for a good story, we all are our own stories after all.

Hehe yeah. Thanks for that. Please point out any real flaws you see and we will be just fine!

This story is Awesome! your a really fantastic writer!:scootangel:

hay do continue it i hope to see more soon:twilightsmile:

Sadly no. This project I canceled a while ago due to thinking it just... uninspired.

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