• Published 15th Dec 2016
  • 3,861 Views, 541 Comments

For science (Mature Version) - Znegil

Stella finds a new world full of wonders, what starts as pure research becomes something life changing for her. There are stories with characters dance around each other and finding each other just at the end of the story... this is not one of them.

Comments ( 80 )

Awesome chapter my friend and I can't wait for book 2 of this story I'll be waiting my friend and keep me posted on the story thanks

this is a super good ending to book one and a cliffhanger all at the same time. love it.

Thanks for your kind words.

Ugh... Well all good things must come to an end. But what better way to end a book then with a BANG! Lol see what I did there? Good story

Few mishaps
Fifth paragraph from the top, when AJ is talking you have you have "girlfriend"not "marefriend".

Third paragraph from the bottom, "bought" dosent really fit in that sentence. "Buy" sounds more appropriate.

Last paragraph, replace "everything" with "anything"

7920332 Always end with a Climax :rainbowkiss:

Thanks for pointing out these flaws in the text, already corrected them.

----- End of book one -----

Is there gonna be a sequel or something?

A inflatable Dildo... Hmmmmm I wonder if it's actually a thing:rainbowhuh:... * Does not go look it up* whelp I'm scared for life.:twilightsheepish: that was fun I guess I'm going to bed now.... Wait book 1? Dear sweet Celestia there's more:twilightoops:... * Puts off hibernation for actual end. :yay::rainbowlaugh:

7920464 I guess you're downloading the epub version, because the authors comments don't show up there (please fix this fimfiction).
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: This Blog post

7921017 It is a real thing, I did some research before :raritywink: there are dildo and plug versions :rainbowhuh:


* Wears cowboy hat and takes it off out of respect* then you are a braver soul then I lol:pinkiecrazy: it's the dark side of the internet... Like black magic :rainbowlaugh: no but seriously I give you props for researching I would have just said " Magic! Ponies! Deal with it!" * Puts on rage face* :rainbowlaugh:

7921072 if there is one thing to learn from the Internet: someone is into everything you could imagine

7921141 pretty much. "If you can think of it, there is porn of it"


Lol * shaking my head* :rainbowlaugh: anyway keep it up I love it so far :twilightsmile: can't wait for book 2.

"Of course, I won't lie about yesterday. And in addition, I'm very proud to have such a beautiful marefriend. I think it could get quite interesting when she meets my family for the first time, I can't predict Granny's behavior about her."

okay that is dark humor, but I can image the day Luna visits her family being Granny Smiths Death, after she starts to realize it is the princess and not some other pony.

"Well, since Luna and Celestia seem to have an enormous lifespan we can't really compare them to Granny.", I explained. "Maybe they are still in their early years."

Sometimes I think, that since they are so old, that they maybe learn a bit different or even slower in some aspects, since they don't have to have to hurry with everything they want to do if you know what I mean. (Die haben halt mehr Zeit und nutzen vielleicht nicht alles daführ um neues Wissen zu erwerben wie andere das mit Ihrem kürzeren Leben vielleicht tun würden).
Das macht sie vielleicht in einigen Dingen weniger Erfahren, speziellere oder normalere Dinge.

meeeh maybe she should have bought one of those dildos, that both of them can use, I think I saw one of those somewhere, but of course that doesn't means they exist there....and I forgot for a moment that they can feel everything the other one is feeling, which maybe would bring a night with that thing to a quicker ending then they would expect it.

Well a nice first book the only thing I had to complain about were one moment with Luna and me being a bit interessted in how she saw things once in a while and that the story maybe wouldn't overdo it it with their horny behavior, while it was funny a while it started to get a bit to much, but we already talked about it. The rest of the story felt pretty much perfect and funny.
Thunderlane....hhhmm this is probably the first story in which I don't hate him, I still try to get used to him a bit more but you made a pretty good job with those shippings. I would kind of like Rarity to be the boss in their relationship even if she is probably going to act in a way that makes Thunderlane treating her like a lady and protect her.

7921305 it would be pretty grim to let Granny die on their first meeting.

Maybe, if your get old enough, you find that it is okay to be childish sometimes and you do a lot of things just to get a different / not boring reaction out of others, because you have been in every situation a hundred times.

If you look into my blog, I posted my story ideas document from book one yesterday (Deutsch steht unten) you will find a double dildo as s possible toy, but I discarded the idea because their connection works just as well.

I think Thunderlane is a nice guy and he will probably act like that.


If you look into my blog, I posted my story ideas document from book one yesterday (Deutsch steht unten) you will find a double dildo as s possible toy, but I discarded the idea because there connection works just as well.

your right about that and I have to admit that I usually only read few blogs, since I have enough to do with the many stories I something get updates for.
well I'm going to read it now I think.

The granny scene was more meant as a joke like in some of those old cartoons.

Those notes are somehow still interessting, even if the story happened already, that way I can see how the characters may meant some of their actions.

A good chapter to end with. I look forward to the next story. You've left me wondering about Lyra and Indigo's journals. What's going on there? Good work.

7925956 Thanks.
Indigo we be a plot point right from the start. Indigo and Cadence's name had both been random idea's while I wrote chapters. Had some problems to connect everything in a logical way, but I'm happy now.

Really? You tied them up pretty well. Interesting prospects to be sure.

Wait guys.... I figured it out.... The company Stella works for is a company that makes technological advances to advance human life... So in a since ' Life is there Business'.... It's the Umbrella Corporation...:pinkiecrazy:

7934007 That an interesting thought :pinkiegasp:


I know right :rainbowlaugh:but then I would be extremely worried about her employers lol I would think twice about letting them in Equestria:twilightsheepish:

7934361 Newsflash: Zombie Outbreak in Equestria :pinkiegasp:

7934821 I'm to scared to play something like that, I even have PS VR... I think I would get a heart attack.


Bahaha:rainbowlaugh: I watched it on YouTube sooooooooooo ik how you feel I'm a coward too :twilightsheepish: I live by my nope lifestyle in horror games

Nice story - I liked it a lot :-)
I look forward to Book Two. :rainbowwild:

Idea: maybe they can find a way to give Stella a magical prosthesis, and give her the same kinetic grip ponies have in her stump?

I saw a few goofs - in some places, "you're" became "your" ("you are" vs. "belonging to you"), and have a look at its vs. it's (first being "belonging to it" while the second is the contraction of "it is").
This PDF has helped me a lot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5550674/Grammar%20crash%20course.pdf
Oh, and the slang word for a female's...opening: slit. Slid is past tense of to slide :-)

7940612 I used the search function but found no "slid" in the text. I will try to look out for the your/you're and its/it's premium grammarly found a lot of these errors, but it's to expensive.
about a prosthesis: In the second chapter of book two it will me the main focus

7945793 Well if these portals show black space nearly all the time the excitement fades fast.

7968311 Thank you so much, also loving to here things like that :pinkiehappy:

that is the one older apple she is the crazy cat lady of the show.
I just forget her name we see her 2 times the family reunion and pinky apple pie.

7977338 that would have been funny

7977486 golden delicious :pinkiehappy:

7977565 yep that is hear ty.

8025024 what a jurassic idea :pinkiehappy:

8045535 Yes, we are capable of evil stuff, but Dr. Caput isn't an evil character, like I told someone else before:

he isn't cold hearted. From his perspective Stella is doing a great crime against humanity... and you could say she did. He is the good guy from his perspective, he never saw sentient life behind the portal. She did what was absolute forbidden and brought danger to humanity this way. And Stella broke his f***ing nose out of nowhere, of course he was mad as hell. He didn't cut her arm on purpose, he just wanted her back for the portal data so humanity could reach for the stars.

Try to see it from his perspective, he isn't a bad guy in the way you think.


I know but your saying you would do what he did i wouldn't know anypony i know that would do that.i know some people are like that but not everyone

8047876 okay, of course not everyone is like that. There isn't one thing that everyone would do, people are very diverse. I just wanted to let people know he isn't some kind of monster when you try seeing the situation from his point of view.

8070487 Then I'm happy to tell you she is in the sequel as well.

8085199 Corrected all mistakes, I'm very thankful for your help finding them.

Na, klar. British English appears to allow all of those…though, apparently, not repeats like a «,",» or «?"?», which I didn't note. I don't generally encounter it. Though, then, you changed

quite normal," I responded.

from being «.",» so, since you are consistently using British rules, you may wish to change that back, as I bundled it in with the other correction.

To borrow possibly being „sich(Dat.) etw. leihen“ and to lend being „leihen“ is annoying (and it doesn't look like I can clear it up by use of „borgen“, either, since it looks like it's also usable for either.)
Borrow is to take as lend is to give.

8085391 Yeah, I did just copy - paste your sentence and didn't watch out for that. Thanks for all this good information and for being so observant.

8086256 she just couldn't resist :rainbowwild:

8087423 And only a chapter later, you got your answer.

8087441 I got myself inspired by some saucy picture I saw of them.

8096103 The changes are bigger 0%, so it is worth a try and better then nothing :-)

8096450 You should write a spinoff story about that ;-)

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