• Published 28th Jun 2012
  • 2,845 Views, 50 Comments

Her Little Angel - Kandagger

Angel Bunny tries to get Fluttershy laid; hilarity ensues.

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Comments ( 50 )
Wanderer D

Was that a 'Peter and the Wolf' reference in there? :rainbowderp:

Yes, yes it was...

There are several others in there as well. Try and find them all!:pinkiehappy:

rabbit of caerbannog XD

Philip of Macedon

Tank is... Japanese or something?

the fanfic: mweh, not funny or good. Sorry. But you have satisfied the grammar nazi's I believe.

Liked on principle. Reading now :yay:

That was ballin'.

Good work sir!
:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache: / 4

Seems funny

Angel is from Scotireland and Tank is Japanese. Huh.
Anyway, likes the characterisation and plot. Following this!

I was laughing before I even started the story. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm liking where this is going. I'm loving Angel: Ranger and Protector, the Twihooves shipping was both touching and hilarious, all characterisations seem solid, references to mythology and the like are fabulous. Also, sexually frustrated Angel is a laugh.

Strongly looking forward to more.

This is going to be one hell of a ride. For both the readers and Fluttershy.

I have to say, I'm not too good with sex references and hidden meanings, so what did "five" mean, or was that just his size?:derpyderp2:


Number of orgasms Twilight had.

Intersting. IN a good way

Tank and Angel make my day. Just the sort of dialogue I'd expect to see in a Disney movie.

Love it.

When I read this, I began to laugh.

Do carry on, my good sir.:moustache:

This has my interest.

You have explained Angel's attitude to me with precision, expertise, and humor.

Plus the references are just faboo.

I await further ribaldry with rapt attention!

Excellent! Keep it up.:yay::yay:

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar fine work indeed

liked and fav :yay:


Loved it! Make more!

The description forced me to read this :rainbowlaugh:

Oh this is a new favourite of mine for sure.

Am I the only one reading this in Black Dynamites voice?

When is the next part out?


No idea...not for a week or two at least but hopefully you'll have something new in less than a month.

The entire story is quasi-outlined already. The only problem is it's another five chapters of similar length. We'll all see if I'm capable of any sort of regularity with this.

I, Angel Caerbannog—First-son of First-son back to the dreaded “Killer” Caerbannog of Myth

That's no ordinary rabbit! :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

For some reason I kept reading Angel's voice as Bugs Bunny....Strange.

Well, yer duin' it WRONG.:facehoof:

I assume that we'll be seeing a bit more of the pets, so I'd like to recommend characterizing them a bit more. I just had a bland, generic female voice in my head reading Winona's lines. Angel (I like to think his given name was ANGUS Caerbannog) is Scottish, Tank the Turtle-Tortoise is Japanese... I'd like to think that all of the pets could be represented by different nationalities. You could give give them all slight accents and dialects as long as you have a little prior knowledge of them.

And don't worry about coming off as racist. Minorities in Friendship is Magic are represented as entirely different SPECIES! Black people are Zebras, Native Americans are Buffalo, and I suspect that the Cows are Canadian.:trixieshiftright:

Angel, you are a playa.

How has this thing got seven downvotes? Banishment Decree has seven downvotes, and that's been up for six months and was written by a fucking idiot.

On the other hand, Munincipal Engines, Chatoyance, Sieurin and yours truly fucking love it, which is possibly one of the best marks of quality a story can receive. I'm envious of the quality of your fans :derpytongue2:

Got instantly favoraited when I read the description.
I liked this first chapter, hoping to crack up at angels choices of colts.

829350 Hey whats this aboot MOOOOO.:rainbowlaugh:


The cows have a nice rural Wisconsin accent, I would know :ajsmug:


But that would make them American!

... I suppose you could break everything down further than 1 race = 1 species.

And remember that one time they showed Rarity's folks? I think they were from Chicagoat or something, but maybe they were part Cow themselves?

Yeah, they probably just reference different cultures based on what the animal is or even the character of the person. It makes sense that Zecora is from Africa, where zebras are from. Cows are a big thing in Wisconsin, the (former, screw California) dairy state where it's all about cheese and milk. It's funny though, most people don't realize the aboot thing applies to the rural midwest of Amuricah.

On another note:
Suggesting that the most elegant and Lady-like pony is part cow :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Must. Have. More.


HOLY-! :twilightoops: Good LORD!!! No pun intended...

Update this. Soon.:fluttershysad:

Is this really how girls talk about their first time? Asking how big he was and compairing how many orgasims they had?


That's a tough call honestly...on one hand it's not exactly something to be discussed in polite company, on the other we're living in an increasingly frank society and stuff like this gets tossed about in media all the time.

But that's not important

What is important is that I don't believe "girls" would talk about stuff like this...I believe some of the mane six would talk about stuff like this.

To Rainbow Dash it's all about the accomplishment: Twilight got laid...that's great, now how well did she get laid?
Rarity the Romantic wants to know about all the stuff before hand, the dinners the grand gestures the kissing in the rain...all that jazz
Twilight the lecturer, the analyzer and the show's viewpoint character probably has the events categorized and ready to go for a friendship report anyway, so it would only take a little goading to spill the beans orally instead.

Applejack, while too polite to start a conversation on the topic wouldn't shy away from it once it started
Pinkie Pie, the eternal child, wouldn't see the significance of the act and lump it in with other "fun things to do." But since she focuses on parties that are for everyone, sex doesn't really come up in her brain all that much.
And of course Fluttershy would be terrified of the subject, yet too fascinated to leave the conversation.

But that's not really the point.

The point is Angel needs to know three very important things for this story to continue
1. Fluttershy is old enough to get laid
2. Sex for ponies is a pleasurable experience and one they put a lot of value in.
and 3. (though he doesn't realize it yet) Going from meeting another pony to having sex with them takes time. Especially compared to his experiences with female rabbits, ponies take a lot more finagling and a lot more intangibles before making that step.

Twilight telling the story was the best way to get that across, and since at the moment she seems pretty happy with Whooves (of whom I REALLY wish I knew his official name before I started writing), Angel can make the jump of logic over to Fluttershy and decide SHE needs the same thing. It's all a vehicle for that decision, because it's the catalyst for the rest of the tale.

889581Well, thank you for writing it out to expalin why it happened. Thanks

We demand an update


Alright, here's the best I can do.

I hit a snag early in the process for chapter 2...I think I'm over it, but only after spending most of a day reading various writing blogs to find an adequate way to smooth it over (FILM CRIT HULK IS NEW BEST FRIEND :rainbowlaugh: ) so now it's just a matter of getting back into the swing of things. What's complicating matters is that I'm trying to write the word doc in the same format I'd use for posting it here (Having to go back and put in 30 pages worth of format changes was a pain I'd not like to repeat). If it works it will save time in the long run, but after several years of college, if it ain't MLA I feel Iike I'm doing it wrong :twilightoops:

Thank you for your concern (fans are always nice :pinkiehappy:) and hopefully it won't be too much longer before you have something new. But don't expect miracles. Expect me to be doing my darndest to give you something worth reading.

895249 YAY! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::yay::twilightblush: Blue balled Angel :rainbowlaugh:

I never thought of Angel with and Irish or scottish accent, not sure which it is, but its very interesting. This was pretty good, and I cant wait to read more.


Thanks for the comment.:pinkiehappy:

Angel is supposed to have a light Scottish accent, which as properly guessed earlier in the thread is a direct homage to "The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog" from Monty Python.

I tried really hard not to make it too thick...A few Brian Jacques novels and you learn why doing so is a bad idea.

905282 Aw, for some reason I thought this would be a Angel/Fluttershy romance but since it's not.....I'll take a Fluttershy/Big Macintosh or Rarity, or Rainbow Dash or Spike or Applejack or even Pinkie Pie or....NO!!! I got it....Fluttershy/Lyra!!!!!! BUCK YES!!! Or even a Fluttershy/Derpy....DERPY!!!!!!!! Loved how Angel spoke and Tank is a bad ass, I wonder who the falconis though and like everyone forgets, you forgot poor Peewee, my favorite pet and should not Spike be able to join pet play date? (Hate calling it that because they are all animals) but I'll be awaitng more of this very impressive and amazig fic, if it's not to much to add, mind adding a little bit of Angel/Fluttershy? And also you can add more then just a few swear words to a rated mature fic.

Yuou need any ideas, advice or help, I got your back, peace.

cant wait for next chapter! :pinkiehappy:
but dont let anything or anyone rush you.... quality > quantity :heart:

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