Smaug the Great, the largest dragon ever seen on Eques as well as a father, but before he was Smaug, he was a human known as Marcus who died from a gunshot wound to the neck. All he remembers is his name, what he was and how he died. Now he awakes early from a 1,700 year nap before his mate to find his domain empty of earth pony Dwarves and the only two eggs of his hatchlings gone.
Rated T for cursing and gore.(YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)
If you have not guessed it yet this Equestria is the size of middle earth with Dwarves, Elfs, and many more that are from the Hobbit and the Lord Of the rings but the Dwarves are ponies and the Elves are ponies.
EDIT: Chapter 1 rewritten!
..the hell is going on???
What? What? Seriously I'm really confused all this action just thrown right at the reader with much too fast pacing, and everything is just boom! Explaination! Now you know everything!
Like slow down bro, though this is pretty good so far the pacing needs to be slowed down alot and not having everything just thrown at the reader it will confuse alot of people and may give a bad impression.
The storyline and lore is really good though but some descriptions of how things may have happened to the present characters will give more interest and depth.
But the part that irks me was the badly placed "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" it hardly makes sense at all. Why is it even there??
I agree with what you're saying as I have reread the chapter many times and realized that I sped up in some cases. I am planning on fixing the chapter after the second chapter is published in hopefully a few weeks as I haven't been on for quite a while.
Gandalf's line is hilarious.
Man this is more dead than alpha protocols community
Honestly I would be satisfied with one really good fic that is really LONG that I don’t get an aneurysm Reading.....
So smeagol didnt turn into gollum in this alternate universe, cool
Please don't let this story be dead.
is this story dead or did the author give up on it?