Erebor, fortress city and capital of the Dwarves and also the home to the King of the Northern Mountains. The Dwarves were known to be small, but were superior in strength and were known for being good at mining. But before they were Dwarves, they were common earth pony miners until they discovered the heart of the mountain, the Arkenstone. When they unearthed the Arkenstone it gave them immortality, but at a cost. They became half the size of average ponies, and were not the only ones to be given immortality. In the earth pony city of Dale, where the miners came from, all the villagers were given immortality. Soon one Dwarf took the responsibility of his fellow villagers and united them under one name, The Dwarves of Erebor. Later the Dwarves gave each other new names and the Dwarf, whose original name was long forgotten, renamed himself as Thorin Oakenshield, King of the Erebor Dwarves. Years passed as Thorin was named King and the Dwarves began to build Erebor inside of the mountain. When Erebor was finished, Thorin had his cousin, Thrain Oakenshield, to be next in line for the throne. But when the Dwarves were beginning to build Thorin’s main treasury, they stumbled upon a huge cave system. What they found in the cave was shocking, the cave was home to two of the largest dragons, male and female, on the planet. The male took up more than half of the cave while the female took up the rest. But when they found the cave, they ended up waking the male from his slumber. The male, as the Dwarves soon discovered, was called Lord Smaug or as he called himself, Smaug the Great. Smaug was furious for having his home be used for making a city inside his mountain. Thorin tried to reason Smaug, but to no avail. It was then that the female was woken from her sleep to see her mate attacking the Dwarves. She was the only one who was able to calm him down and bring peace between them and the Dwarves. But as said before the Dwarves were not the only ones to be given immortality. There were the Wood and Sky Elves, unicorns and pegasus who were given immortality from the Arkenstone, that lived in the nearby woods. The Elves lived together and created their own kingdom ruled by Aethorion Tathviel, a Wood Elf, and his wife Araina Tathviel, who was a Sky Elf. Both, the Dwarves and the Elves, were always fighting each other over who should keep the Arkenstone safe, until Smaug stepped up and claimed to guard it until his final breath. This then led to the peace agreement between the Dwarves and Elves with Smaug and his mate. 30 years after the peace agreement, a new nation was formed by the earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasus. The nation was named Equestria which was ruled by the alicorn sisters, Celestia and Luna. Thorin soon left to make peace negotiations with the new nation, only to come back to bring news that Equestria has declared war on them for having dragons live among them. This war was soon named the War of Middle Earth, but no one knows why it was called that. The war was a two front war for the Equestrians due to the peace agreement the Dwarves and Elves made with each other. The war, however, went in the Dwarves and Elves favor as they took more and more Equestrian land. Soon the war ended with the Princesses signing a ceasefire, which allowed the Dwarves and Elves to keep the land they've conquered. After the ceasefire, trade was established between Equestria and the Dwarves and Elves, but that was when evil began to rise. During Celestia’s and Luna’s reign, a Draconequus known as Discord terrorized Equestria for many years until he was turned to stone by the Elements of Harmony. After that a unicorn by the name of Sombra took over the Crystal Empire, but was also defeated before he could cast a curse on the Crystal Empire to make it disappeared for a 1,000 years. But Sombra wasn't defeated by the Princesses, he was defeated by Smaug himself. Smaug was able to trick Sombra into thinking that he had come to help him while a small group of Dwarves and Elves searched the city and castle for the Crystal Heart. When Sombra discovered Smaug’s true intentions, it was already too late. When the Crystal Heart was returned to its podium, the shock wave it caused destroyed Sombra. But what was kept secret about Sombra was that he was no ordinary unicorn, but a Wood Elf. Unknown to world though, was that Sombra had a son. Sombra’s son, Sauron, was also a Wood Elf and witnessed his father’s death, in which he vowed to seek revenge. Many years passed before Sauron forged a ring of great power that rivaled the Princesses’ magic and could corrupt any who wore it. Sauron used the ring to increase his dark magic and bend the will of others to his interests. Sauron’s first legion of his army were the Orcs, former Changelings bent to Sauron’s will, who were merciless and ill-tempered. Sauron used the Orcs to spread terror and increase his rule across Eques while increasing his army. But he did not expect the Dwarves, Elves, Equestrians and the Dragons to unite against him. Sauron, enraged by this, unleashed his army on the Dwarven and Elven kingdoms, which lead the Battle of Erebor. The battle lasted for 3 days inside the fortress city, as well as in the city of Dale. But during the second day of the battle Sauron learned that Smaug had recently became a father of two eggs, which Sauron believed he could use them to exact his revenge on Smaug. Sauron ordered his army to capture the eggs at any cost, even if it meant his entire army being obliterated. During the third day Sauron arrived at Erebor, when he received word from his spies that the Elves, Dragons and Equestrians were marching to the Dwarves’ aid. Sauron took command of his army and charged into the lower levels of Erebor, decimating any Dwarves that stood in his way. Thorin soon fought Sauron, but was wounded by him. But not before Smaug could destroy Sauron’s ring and weaken him to his former power. Sauron then cursed Smaug and his mate to sleep for 1,700 years. After he placed the curse on them Thorin plunged his sword into Sauron’s heart, killing him and fatally wounding Thorin in the process. Thorin died the next day, but not before Thrain was titled king and Smaug’s eggs were given to Celestia and Dragon Lord Torch by Thrain, with each of the egg’s personal guards with them at all times. After that the remaining Dwarves began to rebuild Erebor with help from the Elves, when they noticed that Sauron’s body was missing from where he was killed. Saruman, Sauron’s apprentice who was Starswirl the Bearded’s former apprentice, retrieved Sauron’s body to resurrect him. Saruman was able to make his master a new ring, but it caused Sauron’s soul to be bound to the world of the living. Sauron and Saruman then fled to Mordor, the former Badlands, where they will be planning their revenge. As for Smaug’s eggs, the one that was given to Torch was adopted by a drake and his mate and hatched a few months later, while the one given to Celestia was hatched years later by none other than Twilight Sparkle. Both were given new names, even though they looked like Smaug and his mate, which were Spike and Garble. But before Celestia and Torch were given Spike and Garble, they are to reveal Spike and Garble’s origins when they come of age. But now evil begins to rise again, and this time it is more powerful than before.
(POV: Spike)
I was flying towards the Shire, a region the girls found on the other side of the Everfree, to see a hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins at Hobbiton. I don't know what he looks like since I wasn't with the girls when they discovered the Shire. I was with my beautiful love of my life, Ember, when they found it. I may have also mated with her, and by the way........IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!! IT'S NOT MY FAULT I DIDN'T KNOW THAT MATING SEASON WAS HAPPENING WHEN I VISITED HER!! *Sigh* Anyway, I was flying over the Everfree Forest when I heard a familiar voice behind me.
“Hey Spike!” said Garble, my former rival, as he was flying behind me.
“What do you want Garble?” I growled.
“Whoa easy there dude, I just want to tag along.” he said.
“And why is that?” I said.
“I hear there’s someone there that told stories about the War against Sauron.” Garble said causing me to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” he said.
“The fact that you believe in that fairytale about how Dwarves and Elves fought side by side with Equestria and the Dragon kingdom against Sauron and his army of Orcs.” I said before I noticed we were passing over the Everfree Forest.
“Because they’re real!!” Garble yelled as we began to land in a small field.
“Whatever.” I said before I realized that the field we were standing in was a corn field.
“What are you dragons doing in my corn field!!” yelled a very angry earth pony farmer.
“Sorry.” Me and Garble said while we flew out of the corn field and landed next to the farmer.
Upon closer look of the farmer, he was actually a human except he was half the size of a human and had big hairy feet. The farmer also had a strange blade sheathed on his thigh while he had a green cloak on him as well.
“Who are you?” I said.
“I am Samwise Gamgee, but you can call me Sam.” the farmer said.
“You are a hobbit correct?” I said.
“Yes and what brings you dragons to the Shire?” Sam said.
“We are looking for a hobbit who tells stories about the War against Sauron named Bilbo Baggins.” Garble said.
“Why are you looking for him?” Sam said.
“Just to talk with him.” I said.
“Okay, but I’ll be watching you.” Sam said before he gestured us to follow.
As we were following Sam, we came upon a hilly field with homes built into the hills. I was shocked to see how they are able to build homes in hills and live in a small community. I then noticed a sign with the words “Hobbiton” on it. As we were walking into Hobbiton, many Hobbits were quickly entering their homes upon seeing me and Garble.
“Looks like we’re the first dragons to come here?” Garble said.
“Yep.” Sam said before I noticed an old human in a grey robe with a grey hat and a staff approach us.
“Hello Gandalf.” Sam said.
“Hello Mr. Gamgee.” Gandalf said as he looked at me and Garble.
“And who are you?” I said.
“Ah, where are my manners. Gandalf the Grey at your service.” Gandalf said.
“Name’s Garble and this guy here is Spike.” Garble said while also pointing to me.
“Mr. Garble your parents wouldn’t happen to be Blazer and Serena correct?” Gandalf said shocking Garble.
“How’d you know that?” Garble said.
“I think it’s best if you follow me.” he said.
We followed Gandalf through Hobbiton until we came upon a Hobbit burrow in the top of a hill. Gandalf approached the door and knocked.
“No thank you! We don’t want anymore visitors, well-wishers, or distant relations!” said an old and cranky Hobbit.
“And what about very old friends?” Gandalf said before the door opened a few seconds later.
“Gandalf?” said the old Hobbit.
“Bilbo Baggins.” Gandalf said causing both mine and Garble’s jaws to drop.
“That’s Bilbo Baggins?!?!” Me and Garble yelled causing Bilbo to look at us.
“Smaug?” Bilbo said looking at me.
“No my name is Spike. And who is Smaug?” I said as Gandalf let out a sigh.
“He is the largest known dragon to ever live. He’s also your biological father Spike and Garble.” Gandalf said causing Garble to laugh.
“Good one gramps. Saying that me and Spike are brothers and you are saying that we are the sons of the largest dragon ever.” Garble said before he was hit by Gandalf’s staff in his left claw.
“Ow!!” Garble yelped.
“Well I got to go, the wife is going to be worried if she finds out I’m not back soon.” Sam said before he left.
“Wait if me and Garble are brothers and the offspring to the supposedly largest dragon ever then that means…..” I trailed off before it clicked.
“Dwarves and Elves exist and are very real.” said someone behind us.
We all turn around to see a Hobbit with Dwarves and Elves behind him. The Hobbit was wearing what looked to be fisherman clothing but was resting a small sword on his right shoulder.
“Smeagol how are you old friend.” Bilbo said while giving the Hobbit a hug.
“Good Bilbo, though you would not believe what I seen beyond the Shire.” Smeagol said as he, the Dwarves, and Elves approached me and Garble.
“Hello Prince Ancalagon and Prince Aiden.” Smeagol said as he, the Dwarves and the Elves bowed in front of me and Garble in which our brains decided to just shut down and we both fainted.
(3rd POV)
Dream realm
Spike awoke to the sounds of battle and the presence of dark magic. What he saw before him was a legion of changelings that didn’t have holes in their legs as well as no horns or wings fighting against a group of Dwarves, but there was also two Elves and two familiar Hobbits with them.
“Bilbo?” Spike said confused at the now younger Hobbit.
“Bilbo! Watch out!” yelled one of the Dwarves.
Bilbo blocked a sword slash to his chest while his blade was glowing a bright blue aura. The changeling who was holding the sword soon fell over with an arrow in his head.
“Thanks Legolas.” Bilbo said to an Wood Elf who shot two arrows at the same time at an changeling.
“Hey Gimli how many Orc kills do you have right now?” yelled the other Hobbit to a Dwarf.
“12, Smeagol.” Gimli said.
“15.” said Smeagol.
“I have 19.” Legolas shouted.
“What?!? How is an Elfling beating me?!” Gimli said before he swung his axe at an Orc and embedded his axe in its nervous system.
Spike could not believe what he was seeing with his very own eyes, real Dwarves and Elves fighting the servants of Sauron. But a loud roar of a dragon brought him out of his thoughts. Spike turned around to come face-to-face with the largest dragon ever, Smaug. Smaug was twice the size of Spike if not bigger, but the one thing that shocked Spike is the resemblance between him and Smaug. The similarities end with Spike having wings on his back rather than on his arms like Smaug.
“Who dares attack my domain?” Smaug growled causing the Orcs to freeze in fear.
"I dare, King of the Northern Mountains." said a dark being in pitch black armor as it approached Smaug.
“Sauron, you dare face me.” Smaug said while Spike looked in shock.
"Face you? No. Take your eggs? Yes." Sauron said shocking both Spike and Smaug.
"Oh yes, I know your mate laid two eggs and I intend to take them so I can use them in my army to enact my revenge on you for killing my father." Sauron said before Smaug roared at him.
"You will not get anywhere near my eggs!" Smaug yelled as he prepared to breath fire on Sauron before everything went black.
“He’s waking up!” an all too familiar voice said.
Spike opened his eyes to see an doctor’s flashlight shining in his left eye while he see Nurse Redheart on his snout holding the flashlight with his right eye.
“Nurse Redheart?” Spike said causing Nurse Redheart fall off his snout.
“Easy there sugarcube.” Spike heard AJ say.
Spike looked around to see that he was in Ponyville with the Mane 6, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Dragon Lord Torch, Ember, Gandalf, Bilbo, Smeagol, Dwarves, and Elves. He also noticed Sam was there with three other Hobbits and Spike saw Garble unconscious next to him.
“How did I get here? Last thing I remember is being in the Shire before…..” Spike trailed as everything came back to him. Spike was about to scream but was cut off by Garble.
"HOLY SHIT!!!!" Garble yelled as he instantly got off the ground.
“Language!!” shouted Pinkie as both Spike and Garble began freaking out.
“Calm down you two.” Celestia said.
“Calm down? Calm Down?!?! I will not calm down! How long have you known about this?!?!” Spike yelled staring directly at Celestia, shocking everyone.
“Spike, sweety you need-” Celestia said before Spike cut her off by furiously slamming his long tail near her .
“DON’T ACT LIKE YOU’RE MY MOTHER BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT AND NEVER WERE!!!” Spike yelled shattering Celestia’s heart.
“That is enough!” yelled Torch.
“NO IT’S NOT!” Garble yelled as he got in the former Dragon Lord’s face.
“YOU KNEW ME AND SPIKE WERE BROTHERS! YET YOU DECIDED TO NOT EVEN TELL US!!” Garble yelled before moving to Spike’s side.
“Spike, Garble you both need to calm down before you do something you’ll regret.” Luna said before getting launched by Spike’s tail into the Mane 6.
“GET AWAY FROM US!!!” Spike roared barring his teeth at them with Garble doing the same.
“SPIKE STOP PLEASE!” Twilight yelled while tears rolled down her face.
“DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!” Spike screamed before he breathed fire at Twilight, but she cast a shield spell before the dragon fire reached her.
Everyone was horrified at what Spike tried to do. He tried to kill the one pony that he called sister and didn’t even care. But then Gandalf approached Spike and Garble while chanting in a different language. Spike and Garble both growled before unleashing dragon fire at Gandalf, but were shocked to see the wizard cast a shielding spell before continuing to chant some kind of spell. Gandalf could see that both of them were no longer in control of their anger and obviously had Smaug’s temper and rage.
“I am the servant of the secret fire.” Gandalf chanted as both Spike and Garble prepared to attack him.
“Wielder of the flame of Anor.” Gandalf finished before Garble somehow summoned a dragon sword and swung at Gandalf, only for Gandalf to block it with his staff causing Garble to stumble backwards.
“You can not pass!” Gandalf yelled as Spike roared at him and began to charge.
“YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!!” Gandalf shouted as he raised his staff and then slammed the bottom of it on the ground causing a shock wave that stopped Spike.
Spike snorted before approaching Gandalf, only for the ground to give way and cause him to backup. Garble roared and flew towards Gandalf, only to slam into a dome like shield covering Ponyville. Everyone was shocked to see the dome but looked back to see Spike and Garble glare at them menacingly.
“I take we are not welcomed here anymore? Then we’ll just head to the Northern Mountain and try to wake up our father.” Spike said before taking off with Garble behind him.
“SPIKE WAIT!!” Ember shouted while taking off after them, in which she passed through the dome with ease.
“Ember wait!” Torch said going after her, only to slam into the dome, “ What the?”
“The only ones who can calm them down are Smaug and your daughter Torch. Spike and Garble are no longer in control of their actions.” Gandalf said as the Hobbits, Dwarves and Elves were nowhere to be seen.
Spike and Garble were flying over some mountains they didn’t recognized before landing in a field near a strange forest. Garble started looking at the sword he still had in his claw, surprised at how he was able to summon it out of nowhere. Spike was in deep thought about how him and Garble are brothers and that their father is Smaug, the largest dragon to have lived, who is known to be the King of the Northern Mountain or the Lonely Mountain as the Dwarves called it. Spike then began thinking how Smaug would react upon meeting them, would he even recognize them or not.
“Spike!!” a voice Spike knew brought him out of his thoughts and gained his and Garble’s attention.
“Ember what are you doing here?” Garble said as the blue dragoness landed near them.
“I’m not letting my mate leave without me and I may be laying sometime soon.” Ember said shocking Spike and Garble.
“Wait are you saying you and Spike are..” Garble said before it clicked and his entire mind went blank.
“Garble you okay?” Spike said waving a claw in Garble’s face only for Garble to shake his head.
“Okay? When were you going to tell me you mated with Ember!?!?” Garble screamed in Spike face before a blue tail slammed into his face.
“OW!!” Garble yelped as he rubbed the left side of his face.
“Calm down Garble or I’ll make you. And every male knows not to go up against a pregnant female.” Ember growled as she sat down next to Spike.
“Remind me to never get on your bad side.” Spike said to Ember before he noticed the scent of Elves, since he smelled the Dwarves and Elves scents back in Ponyville.
Spike followed the scent into the forest next to them while Garble and Ember followed him from behind. Spike followed the scent for a few minutes before he heard something moving quickly with his advanced hearing. He growled letting Ember and Garble know that they aren’t alone and quickly began to search the trees for movement. Before they could react an arrow bounced off of Garble’s scales, causing him to unleash his dragon fire at a few trees. As he did that, a single Elf jumped out of one of the trees and slid underneath Garble before climbing up his tail and aim his bow at Garble’s head.
“Don’t think I can’t kill you dragon, it would be my pleasure.” the Elf, who was actually a Wood Elf, said before more Elves appeared with bows aiming at Spike, Ember and Garble.
“I like to see you try. Cause there’s no way your arrow will pierce my scales. ” Garble said.
“And why is that?” the Elf said.
“Because I am one of the sons of Smaug. Your arrows would just bounce off of my scales.” Garble said before the sound of an arrow being notched came from behind the Elf.
“I suggest you listen to him.” said a familiar voice.
Spike looked at who the voice belonged to see the very Elf from his dream. The Elf upon closer inspection was an Wood Elf. Not soon after more Elves appeared and aimed their bows at the other Elves while Dwarves appeared with their weapons drawn.
“Legolas?” Spike said causing the Elf to look at him.
“Hello Prince Ancalagon.” Legolas said.
“I guess that’s my birth name?” Spike said before the sound of an arrow was heard and the other Elf fell off of Garble with a arrow in his chest.
“What the….” was all Spike could say before a pack of Orcs appeared out of nowhere and attacked any of the Dwarves or Elves.
“Drepa avhem gith!” commanded a Orc.
Spike looked at the Orc to see that it had what looked like pieces of armor embedded in its torso and had a chunk of metal covering part of its head as well. The Orc was pale and was wielding some kind of mace. He could tell that it was no ordinary Orc and was bigger than the others.
“Who is that?” Spike said as an Orc managed to climb on his back, only to receive an arrow in its brain.
“It can’t be.” Legolas said as he jumped off of Garble and landed on a Orc before killing it.
“What?” Garble said as he burned some Orcs.
“That’s Bolg, spawn of Azog the Defiler. But he’s supposed to be dead.” Legolas said.
“What do you mean he’s supposed to be dead?” Ember said before she grabbed an Orc with her jaws and threw it into a tree.
“I killed him during the Battle of Erebor.” Legolas said before he stabbed an Orc in the head with one of his knives.
As the battle raged on the sound of an horn was heard as Wood Elves riding horses came out of nowhere and began attacking the Orcs while Sky Elves riding giant eagles dealt with the surviving Orcs,but a few including Bolg escaped in the chaos. Spike was awestruck at how fast they were able to decimate the Orcs. He then noticed one of the Wood Elves approaching him and the others.
“Greetings I am Lord Elrond and welcome to Rivendell.” the Elf said.
“Thank you Lord Elrond, I am Prince Ancalagon or Spike as I have been called for many years.” Spike said as he included his birth name.
“And I am Prince Aiden or Garble as I also have been called for many years.” Garble said also including his birth name.
“I am Dragon Lord Ember, mate to Ancalagon.” Ember said using Spike’s birth name.
“So the sons of Smaug are finally returning to the Lonely Mountain.” Elrond said as he looked at Legolas.
“Hello Legolas.” Elrond said.
“Uncle.” Legolas said causing Spike’s, Garble’s, and Ember’s jaws to drop.
“Uncle?!?!?!” they screamed in unison.
“Yes, Legolas is my nephew and speaking of which how is my younger brother doing?” Elrond said.
“Father is doing fine although he and uncle Aetherion recently got into a fight, again.” Legolas said as Elrond just sighed.
“What was it over this time?” Elrond said as they began walking towards Elrond’s group.
Bolg and the remaining Orcs approach the ruins of an old Elven fortress. The fortress, however, was none other than Dol Guldur, Sauron’s stronghold within Mirkwood. Bolg passes two Orcs in black armor standing guard in front of an entranceway to a dark hallway. After walking for five minutes through the dark hallway, he comes upon a pair of large metal doors. Beyond those doors is the temporary throne room of Sauron. Bolg enters the throne room to see his father and Saruman looking at him before a large Hellfire eye appears behind them as Sauron steps out of it.
"(My lord I bring news.)" Bolg said as he bowed in front of Sauron.
“(And what news would that be Bolg?)” Azog said.
“(Smaug's sons are heading to Erebor.)” Bolg said before Sauron’s mace slams into his chest and launches him a few feet back.
“(And you are here to report your failure to capture them!?)” Sauron yelled.
“(My lord we were close to capturing them until Elrond attacked with a legion of Wood and Sky Elves.)” Bolg said in fear.
“(Elrond? You were in the Rivendell Forest?)” Azog said.
“(Yes and we would have captured them if it wasn't for their personal guards showing up.)” Bolg said before an Orc enters the throne room.
“(My lord our army attacking Gondor was defeated.)” The Orc said, only to be grabbed in the neck by Sauron.
"(Worthless.)" Sauron said as he crushed the Orc’s neck and dropped the lifeless body in front of him.
“(This meeting is over.)” Sauron says as he walks out of the throne room.
Sauron walks out of his Hellfire eye and finds himself in a large grassy meadow. He’s soon engulfed by a bright light and as it quickly disappears, Sauron is no longer wearing his black armor but now is wearing armor of the Elven Royal Guards without wearing the helmet. His long snow white hair blowing in the wind as he sees a familiar face.
“Father!” Sauron’s daughter, Tinuneth, said as she hugs him.
“Are my eyes playing tricks on me cause there’s no way my daughter is this beautiful.” Sauron teased before returning a hug.
“Well at least I’m a better shot than you are.” Tinuneth teased back.
“Okay let's not go too far.” Sauron said as they began walking to a house in the middle of the meadow with the Black Speech inscription glowing as a voice could be heard.
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
..the hell is going on???
What? What? Seriously I'm really confused all this action just thrown right at the reader with much too fast pacing, and everything is just boom! Explaination! Now you know everything!
Like slow down bro, though this is pretty good so far the pacing needs to be slowed down alot and not having everything just thrown at the reader it will confuse alot of people and may give a bad impression.
The storyline and lore is really good though but some descriptions of how things may have happened to the present characters will give more interest and depth.
But the part that irks me was the badly placed "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" it hardly makes sense at all. Why is it even there??
Gandalf's line is hilarious.
So smeagol didnt turn into gollum in this alternate universe, cool