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A helpful hint?

Listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODIyUwS2p2M&list=PL6674FE0F7323E5BC

Crapcrapcrapcrap, Wind Rider thinks as the...what did Silent Echo call it? A Broof or something? Ill just stick with scary dude. He cowers behind a crate, his whole body numb, as the scary dude shuffles right beside him. The only thing keeping it from tearing the poor grey pegasus to shreds is the ever present darkness. However, Wind Rider can still Make out the creatures silhouette by the dim light coming from a lit torch in the tunnel outside. It’s skull...dear celestia, it’s skull is split open. Bits of bone poke out like splintered wood, and he notices that they're almost like teeth. How can this thing still be moving? It’s brain must be destroyed...he thinks. It crosses his mind that something more beyond his comprehension is at work here. Not that it matters now.

The beast turns away from him and shuffles over to a stack of large pieces of wooden debris, where Fire Bolt is hiding. Unfortunately, even with the strange darkness that seems to swallow excess light, her flames are still emitting a faint glow. Not one easily noticed, but the light still catches the attention of the beast. And if it sees Fire Bolt...

Listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qqTU7zc1As&list=PL6674FE0F7323E5BC

He cant let that happen, and what he does next seems to be out of his control. Wind Rider stands up, and whistles to get its attention. it works. Just before the beast is about to look behind the pile of rotted wood, it hears Wind Rider and faces him, letting out another horrific moan. This sends a chill down the pegasus’s spine and turns his legs to jelly, but he takes a deep breath and steels himself. “Hey ugly! I hear you're so stupid you couldn't pass nap time in preschool!”

Okay, really bad insult, but its not like the beast could understand him anyways. it did understand the tone of Wind Riders voice though, could sense the lack of fear. And it didn't like that. It rushes Wind Rider, who screams like a little filly and bolts out of the room, back into the tunnel. The scary dude follows, determined to chop the pegasus up into tiny pieces of bloody flesh for the rats. Wind Rider sprints down the hall, out of the torches light and into unknown darkness. He hears Fire Bolt call out his name from a distance, her voice echoing down the dark hall. But its quickly drowned out by the sound of clanking metal as the monster draws near. Wind Rider runs as fast as his four legs can carry him, but he is barley able to keep a few yards ahead of the beast.

Wind Rider sees light. Another lit torch, directly ahead. he can see it, held in place on its metal holder. Maybe...

A plan begins to formulate in his mind. All living things have some sort of fear of fire, right? Not that this thing could be qualified as living, but if any of its lower brain functions were still operational...

Wind Rider reached up and hit the bottom of the torch. it shot out of the holder and landed on the floor. he seized it with his right fore hoof and spun around. The beast was quite literally on his tail, trying to hold him down. He pulled free though, and waved the torch in its face. It howled and leapt back, startled by the flame now being waved inches from its face. Wind Rider grinned. “Back! Back I say!”

Stephano, who had fallen off of Wind Rider’s head a few yards back yelled, “Thats cliche bro!”

Wind Rider grinned at the statues comment and focussed on the beast, its only eye locked onto both of his. It let out a low rumble from its throat, not quite a growl, it sounded more like it was trying to communicate. Then it slunk away into the shadows, down another, smaller tunnel connected to the side of the main one. Wind Rider let out a sigh of relief. Now it just has to stay gone.

Silent Echo and Fire Bolt run up to him, following the light of his torch. Fire Bolt Says to him instantly, “What were you thinking? Do you know how dangerous that was?!”

He doesn't t know how to respond to that. “I don't know Fire Bolt. Just, the thing was about to find you and i just couldn't let that happen.”

“And you gave us a helpful piece of information about how to ward off Brutes,” Silent echo adds before the awkwardness in the air gets any thicker. “Now we know that large flames can ward them off.”

Wind Rider picked Stephano up off of the cobblestone floor. “If that’s the case“ Said the golden statue, “then how come they don't avoid us when were with FireBolt?”

Theres a moment of silence. Yes, that is odd. Could it have been because the flame was so close? Or does the flame have to not be part of ones body to work? Whatever the reason, he was just glad that his plan worked. “Look, it doesn't really matter. It worked. End of story. Now can we please get a move on? The tunnels are probably swarming with brutes, and I don't think one torch will hold them all off.”

At Wind Rider’s suggestion, they all head off down the tunnel. taking several turns down a few smaller ones. Wind Rider keeps the torch for light and as a precaution. After another hour or so of walking, They reach an iron door, which to Wind Riders dismay is locked. He doesn’t want to spend another moment in these tunnels. But then, Silent Echo reaches into her satchel and removes what looks to be a thin, white needle. She jams it into the lock and jiggles it around. Theres a click and the door creaks open. Inside is a large stairwell, going up in a circular fashion. They ascend and reach an actually normal looking door. Thankfully, its unlocked.

Silent echo opened it. “Were almost there. The torture chambers are hidden around here somewhere.”

They enter the room, which is full of more modern devices. Electrical lamps and the like, versus the older stuff near the entrance. Silent echo opens a dest drawer and pulls out a couple of flashlights. “Here. Use these instead of the lanterns. It'll help pierce the darkness more. But use them sparingly. I don't know if there are any spare batteries.

Wind Rider blew out the torch and took hold of the flashlight. It was sleek, painted black, definitely could be used as a bludgeon. When he turned it on, it let out a bright whitish light. He turned it back off. Sweet.

Silent Echo opened a door on the opposing wall. It leads down a sleek corridor, with cells for containing the mentally insane on each side. “There are three levels,” she said, “And then there is a hatch that leads to the torture chambers. You know, where the doctors performed all sorts of disturbing procedures on the patients.”

Wind Rider nodded and shinned his flashlight down the hallway. “Great. Well, lets get this over with. Im really tired of this creepy building.”

And they proceeded to walk down the corridor, not knowing of what might lay behind that hatch.

Comments ( 2 )

great work bro, keep it up.
Just do something about that grammar, it kills the atmosphere

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