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Chapter 2

The bright morning light shone through Wind Rider's bedroom window. The sounds of bird calls and the splash of fish jumping on the lake instilled a feeling of peace in Wind Rider's mind. As he climbed out of his bed, he walked downstairs, grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter, and headed out the front door. He strolled over to the edge of a pier extending about ten feet out into the sparkling blue water. Dipping his right foreleg into the water, the chill sent a shiver through his body. Grabbing the apple, he threw it in the air and caught it in his mouth, and he proceeded to eat it in one bite.

Walking back into his house, Wind Rider headed up to his bedroom, retrieved his vest, and went outside. Heading downhill, he tied the straps on with his teeth, and headed down towards Ponyville. The town only had a few ponies walking or talking to friends, but it was still early. As he sat down near a tall oak tree, he noticed a green unicorn with a lyre as a cutie mark staring at him. He stared back, and she blushed a little. He laughed a little and winked at her, causing her to blush an even brighter shade of red. Her friend, an earth pony who was pale yellow with a pink and blue stripped mane waved her hoof in front of the unicorn's face. “Lyra, it's not polite to stare”, said Lyra's friend. Wind Rider just shrugged and shot up into the air, soaring to the other side of Ponyville.

Upon landing on the other side of Ponyville, Wind Rider noticed that a group of ponies were lined up, like a race was about to start. Walking over to the crowd, he saw Rainbow Dash arguing with a orange pony wearing a cowboy hat. “ Hey Rainbow”, he said as he walked past the two arguing ponies. “Wind Rider”, she called out to him. “Tell Applejack that I should be able to use my wings in this race”, she said to Wind Rider. “Does anyone else here besides you and I have wings?”, he asked. “Well no, but that doesn't mean that...”. She was cut off by Wind Rider waving his hoof. “Well, it's not fair if no one else has wings, so I don't think you should get to use them.”, he said. “I thought you were my friend”, she said, sounding angry. “I just met you yesterday, how does that make me your friend?!”, he asked / yelled back. “I barley know you, so don't call me your friend!”, he yelled at her before storming off.

Around noon, Wind Rider began to feel an ache in his gut. Somepony on the side of the side of the street was selling boiled peanuts, one of Wind Rider's favorite snacks. He reached into a pouch on his vest, but found out that his wallet was empty. “Damn”, he mumbled. 'I guess I need to find a job', he thought. He wasn't getting paid until later that week, so he needed something to supply him with a few bits. Searching the nearby buildings for any place where he could work, he noticed a ''Help Wanted'' sign in the window of Sugar Cube Corner. Sighing, he walked through the front door, where he was immediately greeted, once again, by an overly happy Pinkie Pie.

“Oh hi it's you again. Did you see the sign? Do you want to work here? Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?”, she asked him. “Well, seeing as my only other option is to go broke, yes, I would like a job”, he said. “YAY! Let me show you around”, she said excitedly. 'Dear Celestia, this is going to be a long day', he thought, following the skipping pony down the hall to the baking room. Cooking trays, bowls, and several ingredients that Wind Rider couldn't identify were strewn across the room. “Could have been a little cleaner”, he mumbled under his breath.

Two excruciatingly boring and song-filled hours later

After his tour of Sugar Cube Corner, Wind Rider heard what sounded like a bell. Glancing at the clock hanging on the wall near the tables, it read 6:00 p.m. “Aww, it's closing time”, he heard Pinkie say. “Oh, that stinks”, said Wind Rider, pretending to be sad. “Well, I had better go home, see you on Monday”, he said to Pinkie Pie, flying out the front door back to his his house. “Thank Celestia”, he said as soon as he was out of hearing range.

Around 9:30, somepony knocked on Wind Rider's door. “Who could be here at this hour”, he said, putting a bookmark on the page he was on in his flight training manual. Walking over to the door, he saw, well, nopony. His doorstep was barren, but there was a lingering felling, a presence, that he could not identify. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something illuminate in the Ever Free forest. 'What the hell', he thought, taking flight to get a clearer look form above. From about thirty feet in the air, he saw that the light was coming from an old abandoned building. One that he felt like he had seen before. He shuddered as he remembered what the building was. It had been Ponyville”s insane asylum, back when almost a fourth of Equestria's popularization had mental problems. The manager said the patients had been treated kindly and gently. In reality, they were tortured, beaten, murdered by any way possible, form stabbing to electrocution. Legend has it that the place was possessed.

“Whoa! Did you see that?”, said Rainbow Dash. Her appearing behind him caused him to fall about ten feet, before he flew back up to her height. “Don't do that. Ever”, he said. “Sorry”, she apologized. “Anyway, did you see that glowing thing?”, she asked him again. “Yes, Ponyville insane asylum. Some ponies say that it's possessed or something”, he replied. “Wanna go check it out?”, Rainbow Dash asked him. Wind Rider gave her a confused look. “That depends. Do you want to observe it from the air or actually go inside?”, he asked Rainbow Dash. “I never thought of going inside”, she told Wind Rider. “Fine, but lets not stay to long”, he hesitantly agreed. With that, they both flew of towards the abandoned asylum.