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The eastern tunnel

Wind Rider walks uneasily alongside Fire Bolt. Why are they following this pony? They just met her in the belly of a forsaken mental hospital, for crying out loud. She has told them nothing about herself, other than that she knows how to avoid the grunts and knows where the laboratory is. The latter is actually crucial. In order to get through the debris, Wind Rider needs to find some chemicals that, when mixed to together, are highly reactive. And it might be difficult, no, it would be difficult, to obtain these compounds on his own. But how did he know that this pony wasn't leading them straight into a trap? A room full of grunts, all ready to flay the flesh off if his skeleton? Into some room filled with fungi that give off deadly poisonous gasses?

Something in his gut tells him she's not, though. I mean, who would be stupid enough to walk up and speak to the Powys they were trying to murder? he thinks as they walk along. The ground begins to slope downwards at an alarming angle. "Be careful here," silent echo says. "This slope will lead to the eastern tunnel."

"What's the eastern tunnel?" asks Wind Rider. Before Silent echo can answer, Wind Rider slips and begins to slide, or rather roll, down the slope at a rapid speed. Both him and Stephano begin to scream, wind rider out of panic, Stephano out of pain from being crushed in the pocket he currently sits in over and over as Wind Rider rolls. "Owowowowowowow! Stop rolling you pice of crap!" Stephano screams from the pocket.

He gets his wish when the ground becomes level again. Wind Rider comes to a stop, coughing. He looks at his surroundings. He's in a very large tunnel, one that must be about twenty meters high. He can see about ten feet ahead, but then it's just black. A single torch burns in its container on the wall beside him.

"Wind Rider, take me out of this damn pocket or I swear that I'll feed you to the barrels!!!" Stephano screams at him, and his voice echoes down the hall. Wind Rider removes him, and as he does he hears a soft crunch, like broken glass. He sets Stephano on his head and checks his satchel. It's covered in a dark bluish liquid that looks similar to ink. Oil. And in the oil are the shattered remnants of his lantern. He pulls out the metal frame and notices that everything inside the pouch was ruined.

"Hey, are you okay?!"

Wind Rider hears Fire Bolt scream from down up the slope. She and Silent Echo emerge from the darkness. Wind Rider throws his satchel and its ruined contents at the wall, and it plops into a drainage ditch on he side that is flowing with a bit of water. "Yeah, I'm fine. But my lantern broke, and the oil ruined all of the stuff in the satchel."

Silent Echo's face reflects seriousness and concern. "A shame. We probably could have used the items in it. Do you have anything in your vest that may be of use?"

Wind rider checks. "A few tinder boxes and a bottle of Laudanum. That's all I've got."

Fire bolt laughs. "You've still got Stephano," she says.

Wind rider looks up at the statue on his forehead. "That's true."

Stephano shouts indignantly, "I am not Wind Rider's little doll!"

Silent echo grins. "Ah, Stephano. It's been a while. About six months, I believe?"

Stephano glares at Silent Echo and says nothing. Wind Rider begins laugh along with Fire Bolt. "Wait, wait, wait. You two know each other?"

"Unfortunately, yes. She's the one who gave me the ability to speak."

"And thats a bad thing?" Wind Rider asks. Fire bolt rolls her eyes. "Some would argue so," she mutters.

"No matter," cuts in Silent Echo. "Now, you guys have a couple of choices as to where we can move on from here." She motions to a wooden frame on the wall. Inside is a map of the entire facility's subterranean levels. "Now, we can gather the ingredients that Fire Bolt mentioned, so you two can clear the debris. That option requires less time but more effort, and judging by how old many of the items in this building are, the chemicals may be too old to be able to react properly."

She points to a section of the large map with her hoof. "This is the eastern tunnel. See all of the small lines branching off of it?Those are small corridors. This spiral one...here leads to the level that the debris is on. If we get to it, we can ascend the stairs and emerge on the other side. This is the preferable method, as an explosion will most certainly alert the gatherers in his part of the asylum. If we travel through the tunnel, then we can get to the other side quietly. It will just take more time to do so."

"How much longer are we talking about?" Wind Rider says.

"If we can avoid any brutes, then there should be only...an hours time difference. Two if we stop to look for replacement supplies to make up for the ones that were ruined."

Wind Rider considers this. "Okay, I'll think the one that doesn't put us in jeopardy is best."

Silent Echo chuckles. "Wind Rider, we are still going to be in jeopardy.there are brutes down here."

"What's a brute?"

"It's similar to a grunt, but much more lethal. They have their heads split in two, are covered in in plates of metal in a similar fashion to clothing, and their left foreleg is replaced by a large blade that could cut your head clean off."

"How will we know of ones coming," he asks. She responds after a moment of thinking. "You'll hear this low groan, kind of like a whale. That's when you need to run and hide."

"Freaky shit," Stephano whispers to Wind Rider. "Yeah, no kidding."

"Let's still go through the tunnel" says Fire Bolt. Wind Rider nods in agreement. Silent Echo agrees, and tears off the map, folding it up. She hands it to Wind Rider, who puts it in a vest pocket, and they get moving. The tunnel is damp and damn near terrifying. They travel, searching for the right exit for about a half hour when Wind Rider hears the soft creak of metal. They all stop, frozen, listening for more. It comes again, and is followed by a low moan that sounds not like a whales, but one straight from hell. Fire Bolt holds her lantern up high, trying to see more things in the dark. She does.

Because that's when they all see a horrendous monster with a large blade, it's head split open and filled with teeth, coming at them, and fast.

Wind Rider screams like a little filly and sprints away from the monster. So do the others. They run, fast as they can, for maybe three hundred yards or so when Silent Echo spots a metal door. It's dark inside the room, perfect for hiding. "In here!"

They all duck into the room, and Silent Echo slams it shut. There's no lock, not that it would help, so Fire Bolt begins to stack up heavy crates in boxes against the door. The brute sprints right up to the door and begins to throw its mass against it again, and again. The crates begin to move. Wind Rider and Fire Bolt hide behind a large pile of crates. A small hole in the wall big enough for one pony is where Silent Echo takes refuge. The beast slams itself against the door once again,and the crates come tumbling down and away.

Then, slowly, as if trying to scare them into trying to flee, the beast lets out a hellish shriek, much different from its normal moan, and enters the room.