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Water monster

'Come and find me? What does that mean', thought Wind Rider. He looked around, scanning the barren trees for his companion. No sign of her.

“Dash, c'mon. This isn't funny anymore!”, Wind Rider yelled. No response. All he heard was the howling wind. Suddenly, he heard hoof steps. Now he was really freaked out. He turned around.

“Dash?”, he called out.

“Your friend isn't here now. You must turn back, or you will suffer the same fate as her!”, called a pony from the shadows.

“Show yourself!”, yelled Wind Rider. Out from behind a clump of trees came an alicorn. She was pure white, and her mane, tail, and wings were made of fire! “Who are you?”, asked the grey pegasus.

“I'm known as Fire Bolt, but that's not important. You have to get out of here now!”

“What about Rainbow Dash. I mean, where is she even? I'm Wind Rider by the way.”

“If I'm correct, she must have captured by the gatherers”. Said Fire Bolt. “The Who?”, asked Wind Rider.

“They are ponies, who once worked for this place. Most of them were actually in hiding, but the shadow caught up with them none the less. They roam this sanitarium, hideously deformed, hunting down whoever they can for reasons still unknown.”

“Wait a minute”, Wind Rider interrupted. “Your Saying that freakin' MONSTERS captured Dash? That doesn't make much sense. Besides, how wold they get her in the building? All of the doors and windows are sealed shut.”

Fire Bolt shook her head. This pegasus wouldn't understand that both of them were in danger, and that his friend was most likely dead. The wind howled, causing her flames to flicker for a brief second, causing the near area to go dark.

Suddenly, a low noise came out from the depths of the sanitarium. It was soft, so it had to be deep underground. Yet still, Wind Rider could hear his friend calling out to him from the lower section of the building. “Wind Rider, Wind Rider”, she called, although it was only a barley audible whisper.

“She's still alive!”, Said Wind Rider. “We have to go after her, get her out of the building.”

“No!”, yelled Fire Bolt. “If we try to rescue her, we will be captured, killed by the Gatherers!”

“Look, you can stay out here and be a scared coward, but I'm going after my friend”, said Wind Rider. He walked over to the large wooden door, grabbed the handle in his mouth, and pulled with all his strength. It didn't budge.

Fire Bolt Looked at the grey pegasus, who kept on pulling at the door. She sighed and walked over to him.

“Let me help you with that”, she said, grabbing the other handle and pulling just as hard as Wind Rider. The door, began to wiggle and creak. Both of them gave the door one more hard pull, and the door came free, sending both of them flying backwards into the court yard.

Wind Rider stood up, and brushed the dirt off of his green vest. The door was wide open, revealing the dark, gloomy hallway. Wind Rider walked to the entrance once more and looked over his shoulder at Fire Bolt. “Well, are you coming or not?”, he asked the white alicorn.

Fire bolt stood up, turning toward Wind Rider. She nodded, and walked up next to him. Both of them stepped inside. Fire Bolt's flames helped a little to help with the darkness, but not by much. Wind Rider looked around the room. Inside was a small desk with three drawers and a cabinet. A single lit candle lay on top of the desk. Wind Rider walked over to the desk, and notices there was another note on it. He read it over.

Hello, Wind Rider. As you may have noticed, your little friend has gone missing.she is still alive, but it is up to you to find her. Please, do take this key. And remember, you must hide from the Gatherers, or else you WILL be killed. Have a fun time!



“Okay”, said Wind Rider. He looked at the drawers, and opened the top two. Only the third one had anything in it. Two Small cylinders lag inside. Each had Tinderbox written on the side. He grabbed the tinderboxes, placing them in a pouch on his vest. He opened the cabinet and found an oil lantern, full of oil. He handed it to Fire Bolt, who used her magic to light a small flame on the wick.

The room suddenly got brighter, as the lantern lit up about thirty feet in front of them. A steel door lay in front of them. Wind Rider ran up to it, and grabbed it It was locked shut. Wind Rider remembered the key. Running over to the desk, he grabbed the key in his mouth and ran back to the door, placing the key in the lock and turning it to the left. The door unlocked with a soft click.

Fire Bolt stared at the grey pegasus as he ran back and forth. She could understand why he was in suck a hurry, she would be to. But did he have to be so noisy.

“Wind Rider, slow down. Your making to much noise. Remember, were not alone here!” she hissed at him,

“Oh, sorry”, he apologized as he lowered his pace. He slowly opened the door, and all seemed clear. The hallway was empty, yet full of water .Wind Rider took a step in to the water, when suddenly something growled, and a water monster started jumping and snapping at him, taking a small chunk of flesh out of his right wing. Wind Rider screamed like a little filly and fell back out of the doorway into the main room. To add insult to injury, Wind Rider landed on his left wing, causing it to bend upwards. He cried out in pain as the water creature sank back into the murky depths.