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Timeless Lord Slayer

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Comments ( 19 )

Total word count says this story has 0 words in total.:unsuresweetie:

Fitst chapter has 1,765 words.:trixieshiftright:

Something is being a bit DERP right now.....:derpytongue2:

Aye. That would probably be because I revoked my original submission. Thoughts?

Well you have my attention so that's good. I just hopened it stays that way.

...... what costume is the Merchant in?

Any character in particular from anywhere?

Oh... So this is a displaced story, how disappointing.
I was hoping for some psychological horror but oh well.

Also the editing in parts of this chapter is either terrible or nonexistent. Just look at this.

"Deal," the cosplayer said afterSorry for the short as heck c some quick consideration,

part of the ending blurb has either been pasted or typed into this part of the chapter.
And that's not all either, when you get to the rest of blurb there is a misspelled word.

just wanted to get it out of the way and shiw that this is,

let me show you the correct spelling.

7526082 Ugh, knew it was there somewhere, terribly sorry for that. I tend to type too fast and misspell a lot. Also, it is still a psychological horror, but I'm afraid I can't tell you exactly what is, though you should hopefully know. And, thanks for showing me the error, I usually catch things like that.

7526436 as far as I know, a story can't be a psychological horror if the horror Is the main character.
It just doesn't work, you get to know the main characters too well to fear them. And the main focus of the psychological horror's I've read or experienced mostly used the fear of the unknown to get people scared.
But if you explain what you character will and will not do and what they can and cannot do, that doesn't work.

7527292 Almost, but not quite. Also, I did say for those who don't like Displaced stories to leave, yeah? So, why are you so adamant about stating your dislike? Just as well, why must you dislike a story for just that? And I'm talking about the counter above, not your emotions, that I don't mind, hell, dislike all you want, just don't go spreading that around without explanations. It's severely annoying and tiring. Oh, and sorry for the accusations, just want to set things straight.

7529261 it's not that I would hate a story's just for being a displaced story, I have read a couple that I did actually enjoy.
This is not going to be a 'good' displaced story.
As its already focused on what the character is rather than who.

The character 'is' a god from a video game. That is all i know about this character, nothing about who he is, only what he is.

And if the main character is 2 dimensional then the story isn't likely to fair much better.

7529740 Again, sorry for the accusations. And that's a good point, but, like every author, I have my reasons for not telling about the actual character's personality. You may be jumping the gun a bit by assuming it won't be good and that the main character will be two dimensional. I mean, it's only been two chapters. But believe me, your concerns are well noted. Perhaps you can explain more about this worry for him being two dimensional? And if it doesn't work out, I can, always rewrite the story. After all, nothing, and nobody, is perfect.

7529750 it is a good thing that you're not telling me the character personality as that needs to be shown through the actions of the character.
But since this story is starting where it is, it is likely that everything will be told by flashback.
The problems with using flashbacks as a narrative device are numerous but the main two are that it feels lazy and you don't get to experience these events in the flashbacks with the character so that you can see how they grow from it, You only end seeing the result, not the journey.

Also just a personal note screw the endless crossovers that comes with the displaced story thing.
I hated that ever since two characters from different authors had a argument in story about who was more powerful.

7529813 Ah, well, rest assured there will be very few flashbacks on the main character. That last one was...well, the last one, and will be for some time. Quite, some time. And on that part, I agree with you. I always disliked those kinds of arguments, however funny I might sometimes find them. Also, while, admittedly, I have fallen into the pit of just doing crossovers willy nilly, I'm trying to make sure that each one actually helps the story along, as well as the characters. Sadly, that makes the crossovers themselves a chore to write and also makes them much longer, but it works out well enough. But please, do not be afraid to tell me if I've strayed from these things, I like to hear my reader's thoughts.

P.S. There will be little flashbacks for the main character, so that's another thing. Hopefully none at all, if this all goes as planned. Or, well, no more from this point on. If there are, it will be more on the character he became, not he himself.

7529851 the real problem with crossovers is that they ruin all sense of pacing as well as all the suspense a story might have.

That happens because of that at any point if the character is really in trouble they can just summon someone to deal with it.

The only way I could even possibly see crossovers not damaging a story, is if they were only used in non-canon for comedy's sake.

Have you by chance read, "The Awakening of a Tactician," then? I can tell you this, and I won't be the last. That story did crossovers in a masterful way that, according to many, never harmed the story. They only built on it.

I actually have read the first three chapters of that story, and I do remember why I didn't read any more of it. It just didn't click with me, I'd seen the 'frozen by the elements then wants to make friends with the ones who froze him' set up a few too many times by the time I'd gotten to it I'm afraid and I couldn't really work past it at that point. I did make to chapter three however, and then it began jumping through time and started the crossovers before establishing the character.
I'm not sure what happens in the later chapters, there might be some really good character building and seamless crossovers. But those first three chapters were enough to turn me off of the rest of the story.

9292792 Understandable. I've been trying to work some things out with it for a long while now after all.

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