• Member Since 29th May, 2014
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Timeless Lord Slayer

"Don't be better than everyone else. Be better than yourself." - Now with a Patreon! Check it out! Commissions open!


Late Update · 10:36am Apr 5th, 2023

Thing's are...still going slow, and I'm sorry for that, as well as the delay in getting this and everything else out. I'm still struggling with my personal issues, and...they aren't really getting much better, honestly. Therapy is ongoing, and a little...tenuous, but suffice to say writing has become...a stressor more than a creative outlet, much as I hate to say it. I'm still able to have fun with it, but those times I am are...short lived, really.

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A Singing Lotus in a Crescent Pond · 4:00am Sep 16th, 2022

Hello, everyone! You all know the story "Your Own Fault For Leaving Fruit Out", the one that ran for Bicylette's One Thousand Word contest? Do you know the story "Don't Move" with Fluttershy and Sombra? What about "Twilight has a Baby?!"

If you know Lotus Moon, you know these wonderful stories. She's a wonderful friend, and her work speaks for itself! She also does voice acting, dramatic readings, and has plans for so much more! 

Go give her a look! 

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Update: Some Honesty · 3:14pm Aug 10th, 2022

Hey, guys.

So, let's get right down to the meat and potatos, the actual fucking reason my dumbass hasn't gotten a thing out since... God I think it's been a year or two, fuck. :facehoof: Point is, real reason I've not been updating or posting new stories is because I'm paralyzed with anxiety when I look at the submit button. I won't say why it brings me anxiety as that is a personal subject. I'm going through therapy and psych shit to try and deal with it, but it's...a process.

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Update + Taking things slow. Again... · 3:59am Jun 28th, 2022

Hey, guys. I know there haven't been any updates to Storm Queen or Pale Eagle for almost a year now, so I want to give an update; I'm still dealing with personal issues, and Pale Eagle is sadly a bit low on mine, Nova's, and Rez's priorities right now. Storm Queen thankfully has gotten more work done, but while it does have a chapter finished, the editing and reviewing is slow going. At current, I've decided to try to get chapters ready for as many stories as I can and then roll them out in a

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Frustaz has an ongoing stream! · 4:29am Jun 10th, 2022

Hey everyone, this blog is not about me, but instead my friend Frustaz! They've got a stream going right now, a full-on Twitch and Vtubing setup! Check 'em out! They even got Nel Celestine with 'em!

Watch cafe_darcadia with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/cafe_darcadia?sr=a


Starting Commissions · 1:27am May 21st, 2022

Hey, guys. I know this isn't the best way for me to apologize or make up for my lack of results or my broken promises, much less what I did earlier last month and into this one, but I'm hoping this will allow me to eventually give back with more than just slow, snail's-pace updates.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm uh, opening commissions again, eh heh...

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For a Friend · 9:28am May 15th, 2022

Hey, guys. I know this is unusual and...well, after my whole bout of stupidity a few weeks ago, I don't have the right to ask this of you guys, but...

...I wanted to ask a favor of you all, for Frustaz's sake, this month. I won't go into any specifics so as to not breach boundaries with him, but...he's going through some tough times still.

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Apology · 8:21pm May 9th, 2022

Hey, guys. A few...fuck it's barely been a week since, but on the 26th I said I was leaving for three years. And now I'm back.


In short; I was unprepared, I was reckless, and I got caught.

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I'm Leaving On A Personal Journey · 8:11am Apr 26th, 2022

Hey, guys. So, as the title states, I'm leaving on a personal journey. I've been killing myself mentally and emotionally, and it's affected too many people I care about, you all included. I'm tired of my toxicity, my narcissism, my current self. So, in short, I'm leaving not to just improve myself, but find myself, and...well, make myself a better me, like my bio says.

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Sneak peek of what I've been doing! · 3:54am Feb 27th, 2022

Heyo all! Just wanted to give some updates on what I've been up to and doing this whole time, as well as some sneak peeks! First! Y'all know I Dream?

Well, in one of the major arcs I'm designing, Hamin will be going to my version of Thestralia! Bear in mind though that this has been adapted from a crossover that sadly is up in the air at current.

The Night-Blessed Ducal Province of Fangcall

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