• Published 11th Jun 2012
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A Study In Nonsense - Professor Piggy

A compilation of stories written for Thirty Minute Ponies

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Baking With Dashie

Try as she might, Pinkie Pie couldn’t stop grinning – and try she had, because today was a serious day and it called for serious ponies. Today she stood alone, and had her second chance. Today she would prove herself worthy, and show those around her that she wasn’t just a silly, goofy, ridiculous pony that liked to throw parties – she was a super duper silly filly party pony goofball who could be counted on.

Today, Pinkie Pie stood in the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner - and it belonged to her.

Well, it didn’t actually belong to her – it still belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Cake really, what with it being their bakery and all, but that wasn’t really the point well it kinda was because she didn’t want anypony to think that she was some kind of bakery thief ‘cause that would make ponies think she couldn’t be trusted because really what kind of pony would steal a bakery? Not her, that was for sure – though if she did steal a bakery she’d go down in history as the pony who could steal whole entire buildings. That, she decided, would be the single best prank in history – just as long as she put everything back later. Maybe with more cookies. Or maybe with less. It really depended on how hungry she got.

But the pranks would have to wait. Today the Cakes had been kind enough to give her another chance even after she practically poisoned all those poor ponies the last time they’d left her in charge — at the thought her grin faltered, just a little, but didn’t disappear. She’d let everypony down before. Especially Applejack — Applejack was the best baker in Ponyville, and Pinkie had completely ruined her cupcakes! Sure, Twilight said it was Applejack’s fault but she knew her purple pal was just trying to make her feel better; there was no way Applejack would ever have made a mistake like that. Nopony would. Except dumb old Pinkie Pie.

No! Thinking like that was bad! That was a bad place for thoughts to go, especially her thoughts. She didn’t really want to relive her last episode, when she’d grabbed up all those…things and decided they were alive. She’d really believed it too – the flour sack, the turnips, the dust ball…. Poor Gummy had been terrified, and Rocky hadn’t spoken to her for weeks afterwards! Today was a happy day for happy thoughts. She was going to prove she could be counted on, and that she wasn’t just a Ponyville’s Premier Party Pinkie but also – in the words of her Rainbow – the best, most badflank baker ever.

Pinkie didn’t really know if she wanted to be badflank; if she was being honest she wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but she was pretty sure she wanted to be goodflank, not badflank. But that was okay; when Dashie had stopped laughing she had patted Pinkie on the head and promised her with that cute little grin that she was ‘totally that too.’

The thought of Dashie made her smile grow just a little bit wider, and as she spun where she stood mixing bowl in hoof, she was positively beaming. There sat Dashie, a tiny little chef’s hat perched atop her tiny little head and a wooden spoon casually leaning on her shoulder as she struggled valiantly to stir the mix. She wasn’t getting very far, but that was okay – Dashie meant a lot to Pinkie, and that she’d gone to all this trouble to help her almost made her start crying again. But at least this time they were happy tears.

On impulse she set the bowl down and pulled little Rainbow Dash into the tightest, warmest, bestest hug she had in her, remembering all over again how lucky she really was.

It had been Fluttershy who gave her the doll, originally, as a present for she and Dashie’s first anniversary – she’d given Dashie one too, but that was of Pinkie and not of Dashie so it really wasn’t quite as special as her one was. Ever since she’d gotten it little Dash had gone everywhere with her – much to the embarrassment of big Dashie, who didn’t really like it very much when Pinkie pulled out her tiny twin in public and started doing the voice.

But this morning she hadn’t been able to find her. Or the real Dashie either. She had woken up and they’d both been gone and she’d been so scared because her and Dashie had been fighting when she’d gone to sleep and she had to make sure they weren’t still fighting and make it all okay because she’d said things she didn’t mean and she really hoped that Dashie hadn’t meant some of what she said and…and...

Pinkie bit down on her lip to stop the tears coming fresh, and focused on what had happened next instead. She’d been sitting downstairs just before the bakery opened, crying like the silly filly she was, when a tiny little head had popped up over the edge of the table and stared straight at her with bright purple button eyes.

“What’s wrong Pinkie? Why’re you crying?” It had asked, adorable blue bobbing as it did so. She had stared at it in wonder for a moment before she had answered, barely able to believe her eyes.

“I…I thought you were gone. I thought I’d never see you again. I…I thought you hated me!” She had tried to keep the hitch from her voice, but hadn’t quite succeeded. Without a word the little doll had climbed up, all on her own, and raced across the table to latch onto Pinkie’s face and nuzzle her.

“Oh,” Said the voice from behind her as a hoof came to rest on her back, rubbing it softly, “Nah, I don’t hate you. That’s dumb – I’d never hate you, but especially not for wanting me to be here on your big day! I mean, that what I wanted too. They just kinda….conflicted is all.”

“You mean it?” She had whispered.

“Yep, sure do. And…I’m sorry I said this was less important than my trials. It’s not.”

“But it is! This might be your only chance to impress the Wonderbolts and I’m being all greedy and selfish and I shoulda –“

“You should’ve let me know a little sooner is what you should have done – and that’s the only mistake you made. You’re like, the least selfish pony I know – except maaaaaybe Fluttershy. And that’s only a maybe. And what you want matters just as much as what I want. Heck, it might matter more.”

“No! It can matter the same, but it doesn’t matter more!”

She had felt the Pegasus shrug as Dashie’s forelegs wrapped around her middle and squeezed her gently. “The point is, stuff happens. Just because we’re gonna be apart doesn’t mean we don’t love each other, right?”

Pinkie had nodded, pressing closer to the one she loved, and mumbled, “I’m sorry I said you didn’t care.”

“Don’t sweat it, Pinkie. I know you didn’t mean it. I’m sorry I called baking dumb. It’s not.”

“I know, silly. I’m sorry I called you a buttface.”

Dash had snorted then and kissed her gently on the cheek, “To be fair, I was totally being a buttface.”

Pinkie had grinned then, giggling as she spoke. “Totally.”

They had laughed together, for a while, and then Pinkie had reached up to detach the little doll from her face and look at it. “Dashie, I’m not imagining things am I? Dashie moved, right?”

“Heck yeah she did! When I got up this morning I didn’t want to ditch you on your big day, you know? But I didn’t know what to do, ‘cause I need this too. And then, awesome as I am, I figured it out! I grabbed Danger Dash here and I got the egghead to magic her up! So she’s gonna stay and help you out today – I’ll be right here with you the whole time!”

Pinkie hadn’t said anything for a long moment, staring at the doll as it leaned against the wall and tried to look cool. It was too adorable to really pull it off, but that just made her love it even more.



“You’re the best pony ever. You know that, right?”

“Yep. But thanks for saying it anyways.”

“I love you, Dashie.”

“I love you too, Pinkie.”


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