• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,101 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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The Twilight Dialogues, Part Six

At last, the rock gave way completely. The floor turned to pebbles and then into gravel until the earth was reduced to drifting islands of inert gray sand. The tributaries in between thickened, growing deeper and wetter. Shallow streams gave way to rippling pools of bitter cold seawater, collecting between the sporadic sand dunes of a dying continent.

It took greater and greater feats of combined effort to force the wagon past each liquid divide. Flynn explained that—for the last few miles—the Herald would have to ditch the cart completely, share the load between them, and traverse the last remaining pools of liquid by hoof. At the same time, the stallion insisted that it wouldn't be long until they stumbled upon his moored vessel. Rainbow Dash pondered over how the stallion would remember where he had left it, seeing as the monochromatic array of saturated dunes before them looked the same from every conceivable angle—but she had too much faith in the Heraldite to voice any concern out loud.

Besides, she still had a lengthy, in-depth conversation to fascilitate... not to mention an enchantment from Luna to continuously receive. As the wagon rolled for the last few lengths of relatively "dry" landscape afforded it, Rainbow Dash stared east, her eyes absorbing the gray malaise of dull sand and duller water reflecting a thunderous, starry sky.

"Oh, believe you me, there's been no end of excitement over here!" Mrs. Sparkle exclaimed. "We're constantly having our ears filled with one thing after another to be proud of!"

"You're right, honey." Mr. Sparkle's voice changed in pitch; Rainbow and her friends could almost envision the old stallion pivoting about to speak "in the direction of" Luna's enchantment. "Between you, Shining Armor's experiences along the West Edge of the world, your sister-in-law's tales of Ward, and Spike's adventures in mastering magic—it's almost like we're living four lives at once!"

"In addition to our own, of course."

"Heh... but of course. Granted... our careers in Canterlot aren't nearly as exciting in comparison... eheheh..."

"Just... hold on a second," Twilight Sparkle stammered, squinting at the glowing sky above the wagon. "I'm still reeling from what they said about Spike. Did... did he actually turn into a dog?!"

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. "Uhm... Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle? Twilight's still kinda... freaked out about the whole dog-dragon thingy." The pegasus' brow furrowed. "Care to run that by her one more time?"

"Hah!" Mr. Sparkle's voice chuckled. "I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's true!"

"He chased that evil unicorn through the portal and became a dog in a magical land!"

"A really tiny lap dog. Almost like a poodle, if I recall."

"Hah hah! So adorable!"

A deep, draconian voice protested: "It was not a poodle!" There was a fuming sound as Spike cleared his throat. "But... erm... it wasn't exactly a labrador either. Go figure. Yet another cosmic joke of the universe."

"But... this portal you went through..." Twilight Sparkle rubbed her aching head. "...there were no ponies in there?"

"Hey Spike, how come there were no ponies beyond this portal?" Rainbow asked. "Twilight's totally jaw-dropping over here."

"Well, that's beyond me. Princess Celestia says that the portal and others like it are as old as they are mysterious. They've existed deep in the bowels of Canterlot Mountain for as long as Equestrian Civilization can recall. They were... probably used as gates to a trans-dimensional prison crafted by Starswirl the Bearded. Like... try to imagine miniature pockets of a bottle-universe, constantly shrinking and dissolving over time due to accelerated entropy. It's the perfect place to banish monsters, if you think about it."

"Uh huh..." Twilight blinked.

"Uh huh." Rainbow blinked harder.

"Yes, well," Mr. Sparkle said, "What matters is that a diabolical unicorn stole a very dangerous artifact and attempted to escape through the portal. And—lo and behold—your brave apprentice ran in there and stopped her!"

"Who, again?" Rainbow asked?

"Sunset Shimmer," Princess Celestia suddenly spoke in a sad, melancholic voice. "A former protege of mine... whose soul—sadly—has been twisted by an insatiable lust for power. She fled through one of the portal years ago, taking refuge in this sub-dimension. Then—several weeks ago—she returned through the gateway and procured the long lost Alicorn Amulet from the shadowy confines of Canterlot. With a such powerful relic, she no doubt sought to control all of the denizens of her sub-dimensional refuge. Spike gave chase, and—through much heroism and bravery—was ultimately able to defeat Sunset Shimmer and return the Alicorn Amulet to safekeeping."

Rainbow bore a crooked smile. "And he did all of this as a dog?"

"Hey! I can hear you snickering, Rainbow Dash!" the deep voice protested as Pinkie and Rarity giggled. "Believe you me—it wasn't easy! Still, it could have been worse. You should have seen the... freaky creature that Sunset turned into. Brrrrbrrrrr... nothing should ever be that hairless. Well... besides a dragon, of course..."

"But... if Spike turned into a dog..." Twilight's jaw hung agape. "...how could he have gotten the amulet back? Without the ability to utilize his green flame, he'd have no magical strengths whatsoever!"

"Hey Spike. Twilight wants to know how you saved the day with no magic."

"Not very easily. I assure you. From the very first moment I landed in that crazy world, I was struggling to even walk straight. Plus... it didn't help that a random police officer caught me and threw me into the local pound. I was stuck behind bars for hours!"

"Oh no!" Fluttershy grimaced. "A brutal animal kennel in a strange, alternate world? That sounds horrible..."

"How'd Spikey-Wikey get out?!" Rarity squeaked.

"How'd you manage, Spike?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh! Heh... this is where it gets good! I had lots of help from the other dogs in the kennel. What were their names again... Lucky? Cookie? Niblet? Anyways, it was as though they could tell I wasn't a normal dog and they helped me stage an escape! Once free, I ran across town and snuck up on this local high school where Sunset Shimmer was using the amulet to... uhm... turn into this... crazy she-demon thingy. Well, I pounced like the ferocious dog-dragon I was and wrenched the amulet from her grip! The teenager never even saw me coming!"

Rainbow squinted. "Teenager?"

"Eheh... long story. Anyways, I took control of the amulet, and for a brief moment I was this... pretty wicked sweet looking canine dragon thingy. I overpowered Sunset and dragged her back to Equestria where she awaits a trial for crimes against a magically inferior culture. Heh... pretty sweet, huh?"

"Spike employed every lesson in patience and tenacity that you taught him, Twilight," Mrs. Sparkle jubilantly said. "He acted in the name of Equestrian harmony—just like you and your good friend Rainbow Dash!"

"That's so... so amazing, Mom... Dad..." Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath. She smiled, misty-eyed. "I can't even begin to say just how proud I am of Spike right now."

"She finds that totally amazing, Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle," Rainbow Dash said. "And she's super friggin' proud of Spike. Like... she's getting teary-eyed over here, the nerd."

"Pfffft!" Twilight sniffled, rubbing her rosy cheeks with a smile of protest. "I am n-not!"

"I, for one, am glad for Spike's indomitable spirit," Princess Celestia said. "What he's done is the best for the kingdom as a whole. Although I am not proud of Sunset Shimmer for her villainous actions, it is... a very good thing to have her back in Canterlot, albeit under lock and key. Now—more than ever—I believe there may be a chance to appeal to her better senses. The road to rehabilitation will be a long one, but—as her mentor—I will do my best to make sure she sees the light of harmony once again."

"I wish there was more time to talk about this, Your Majesty," Twilight said. "I wouldn't mind getting to know more about this Sunset Shimmer."

"Your Highness? Twilight Sparkle says that she wishes she could learn more about Sunset Shimmer. But... y'know... I doubt we have the time for that."

"Indeed," Mrs. Sparkle interjected. "I-I almost fear that we've spent too much time rambling about Spike, Shining, and Cadance. It's probably for the best that we save the good-byes for later, along with the rest of the families, and allow Fluttershy her time to converse."

"Huh?" Pinkie Pie blinked aside. "Fluttershy?"

"Did I hear that right, Mrs. Sparkle?" Rainbow Dash craned her neck as the wagon jostled along. "Somepony's come to speak with Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy sighed. "Of course not." She smiled delicately. "Mrs. Sparkle didn't know. It's okay. Twilight's parents can take all the time that they—"

"Well, uhm..." Spike spoke up. "As a matter of fact, we... do have somepony to speak with Fluttershy. Well... some ponies, to be exact."

Fluttershy merely blinked.

"I stumbled upon them quite incidentally the last time I passed through Cloudsdale. They heard all about Rainbow Dash and her friends and... they really, really wanted to have a chance to speak with Fluttershy."

Applejack hovered closer to Rainbow. "Well... shucks! Let's hear it! Reel 'em in, Spike!"

"But..." Fluttershy turned to look at Rarity. "...who?"

"Ahem..." Rainbow saluted the air. "What are you waiting for, Spike? The floor's open."

There was a brief lapse in dialogue. Then three masculine voices hesitantly sounded off across the silver heavens:

"Uhhhh... Rainbow?"

"Rainbow C—er... Dash? Are you really there?"

"Wow... this stone building sure is glowy..."

Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie merely flung Fluttershy a confused look upon hearing the voices.

Fluttershy's jaw had dropped. Her ears folded back.

"Hello? Is the spell working? I... I'm afraid to ask Princess Luna. She looks like she's in a deep trance, and Princess Celestia's trying to contain this dark flickering evil portal thingy..."

"Dumb-Bell?!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "Hoops? Score?!"

"Holy cow, she remembers us!"

"Whoah... heh... guess that makes things easier."

"Confusion levels..." Pinkie teetered. "...r-rising!"

"Wait a gul-durn minute..." Applejack floated up higher. "Ain't those the thick-headed varmints who used to pick on poor lil' Fluttershy when she was at flight camp?"

"Oh dearie me..." Rarity grimaced. "Is it possible to hang up a lunar spell?"

"No-no!" Fluttershy waved a hoof. "It's... it's okay! Uhm..." Gulping, she floated closer to Rainbow Dash. "Uhm... hello, old... old friends." A nervous smile. "How... uh... may I... help you?"

Rainbow exhaled, resisting the urge to frown. "Fluttershy wants to know how she can help you dudes."

"Yowsers... ain't she a ghost or something? How can she help anypo—Ooomf!"

The alpha male of the group cleared his throat, his voice rising the loudest. "Hey... uh... Fluttershy! So, like... all of Cloudsdale is abuzz with what Rainbow Dash is doing right now. Heh... it's pretty killer sweet knowing that a pegasus from our cloud is single-hoofedly saving the world... and a former classmate to boot!"

"Heheh! Yeah! Hey! Ask her how many awesome sonic rainbooms she's done beyond the borders of Equestria—"

"Shhhh! Dude! Shut up!" Another throat clearing. "We just want you to know that... like... lots of us are super proud of what you girls are doing. I can't imagine it's very easy."

"No." Rainbow muttered. "It isn't."

"And... like... erm... we j-just wanted to tell you how... how sorry we were for poking fun of you so much when we were younger."

"It was totally lame of us."

"Yeah. Real uncool."

"We thought we were big shots and the only way to stay awesome was to shove it in other ponies' faces. But it was wrong and we're sorry."

Fluttershy bore a sweet smile. "Apology accepted, boys," she said. "I know that can't be very easy to say." Her eyes darted over to meet Rainbow's.

Rainbow sighed and said, "Fluttershy accepts your apology." She gulped. "But... seriously... you came all the way just to say that?"

"Well... yes. But... there's more." Dumb-Bell's voice shuddered slightly. "Like I said—Cloudsdale is all abuzz with what two of our finest pegasi are doing to save the world. And... like... I dunno how we found out exactly. I think it was something the purple dragon said on one of his visits. But—like—we heard that none of Fluttershy's family members have shown up to wish her good luck or... or even say anything? Tch... that's total lame-sauce, dude. We figured that we'd... like... show up and bridge that gap, y'know? Like... if you're cool with it, Fluttershy, you can tell us how you're feeling... and even any messages you might wanna give to your family. I promise you, we'll spread it around so that all of Cloudsdale knows."

"Yeah! Heh... we'll even nail it to the cloudstone doorframe of the House of Flutter if we have to!"

"Cuz what you're doing is truly awesome and we think Equestria deserves to know all about it... especially before you get to the Dank Side."

"Uhm... bro? I think Princess Celestia called it the 'Dark Side.'"

"Shhhh! I'm the one talking to Fluttershy here!"

"Well, technically you're talking to Rainbow Dash through Princess Luna—"

"Shuddup! Same difference!"

Rainbow heard a squeaking sound. She turned her head from the silver-laden argument.

Fluttershy smiled tenderly. A tear or two trickled down her muzzle as she said, "Tell them... I'm game to talk about whatever." A sniffle. "And I think it's very... very sweet that they would want to do this."

Rarity and Pinkie Pie smiled.

Rainbow took a breath, then faced the illuminated sky with a smirk. "Alright, dudes. The floor's yours. What would Cloudsdale like to know first from Fluttershy?"

"Whoah, seriously?! We're not being told to scram?!"

"Woohoo! Alright!"

"Yo! Shut it! Get a paper and pencil out, idiots!"

"Ahem..." Spike's voice rose. Rainbow could hear his smirk in his breath. "I've got it covered. Fire away."

"Oh! Uh... sure thing! Thanks, Purple Dragon Dude." Dumb-Bell's voice rose again. "So... uh... what's it like being... a ghost pony?"

"Very scary," Fluttershy said. "But... all things considered..." A tender smile. "...I'm suddenly feeling less invisible than I used to be."

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