Prologue: why am I here?
"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!" I yelled as I ran out of my prison into a very busy street filled with even more of these horned horses that kidnapped me. They were all wearing fancy suits and dresses which was strange because they're fucking horses! I couldn't really take the time to think about it though because of-
"GET BACK HERE, LUCKY!" The crazy ass mare yelled toward me as she was approaching the door ever faster. When she got close enough I slammed the door shut which resulted in a loud 'thump' to resound from the other side. With that part of my problem solved it was time to start running to... somewhere else because she is definitely going to be coming out soon. It was amazing how often she fell for that door slam too considering how often I had used it on her while I was running around that god forsaken house of hers, She could of at least dusted!
The horses all around me were staring at me now and I knew they were going to just hand me right back over to that thing if I let any of them grab me so I did the only thing I could I ran. My new hooves repeatedly hit the stone street as I passed tall stone buildings while running as fast as my now small blue body could take me, and even when I'd consider stopping another one of those horses in armor would be running toward me calling for me to stop. They keep saying my mother is looking for me as if I didn't know that, but them handing me back to that mare would only make my mother wait longer for me to get back home since that mare would never let me out of that damn room unless she forgot to lock the door which was how I was finally able to escape earlier.
I had to keep running or I would never see my family again so when I saw the huge ass castle of course I decided to duck inside of it. The armor wearing horses that stood out front didn't seem to mind me when I walked into the yard out front of it when their compatriots yelled for them to capture me, but I was already running for the hedge maze when they started to give chase.
"HOPE YOU GUYS KNOW HOW TO CHEAT THESE!" I yelled back at those horses as they chased me into the maze which was a lot bigger than I originally thought now that I'm actually in it. I always loved mazes when I was younger I guess that was why I ran in here now that I think about it, but because of that I also knew a few tricks to cheating your way out of these especially hedge mazes if you're small enough anyway. First thing though was to get far enough in to lose these guys so I decided to use my way of cheating and walked up to one of the walls that lead to another part of the maze and stuck a hoof in it to feel for where the branches were.
"There we are," I said to myself as I felt a separation of the branches inside of the hedge and started to push through the shrubs when the ones chasing me yelled at me to go over to them because my mother was worried, but they were not going to take me home they were going to take me back to that mare that kept me trapped here for so long. I continued pushing through the hedge until I was finally halfway through when one of them grabbed me by the legs, but that was a huge mistake on his part as one of my legs went directly into his jaw as I flailed around wildly trying to get him to drop me. He of course didn't let go and dragged me out of the hedge so that they could take me back to that crazy bitch.
"Oh thank Celestia you're alright Lucky," speaking of the crazy bitch there she was right now which meant I had do get the fuck out of here right now. I started to wiggle and hit the guy carrying me toward her but nothing would work until we got near a statue that I grabbed onto as soon as we got close enough, no way I'm going back without giving them hell. They kept tugging on me until I finally came loose which resulted in me flailing around in pure unadulterated panic as I was getting closer and closer to my demise.
I felt my heart stop when we got close enough because I felt myself be picked up by some invisible force as it levitated me toward the bitch. I didn't have anywhere to go and there was nothing to grab onto or use as a weapon anywhere near me as I inched closer and closer toward her. She had a devilish smile on her forest green face as she continued pulling me toward her before she said,
"I'm so happy to see you didn't hurt yourself Lucky, we have a big day ahead of us," My eyes widened as she said that because all of her 'big days' would hurt like hell as she would probe at my head looking for as much info on my home as she could. I never knew what she wanted to learn, but I was never in a position to answer as most of the time I was either unconscious or in to much pain to ask.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT!" I yelled when I was finally next to her which caused most of them to glare at me with disapproval at my choice of words, but can you really fucking blame me I don't want to be a lab rat! I didn't know what to do when I heard a very loud voice boom,
"WHY ART THOU SCREAMING IN TERROR!" Shit another one and she is a lot bigger than these other ones so I did the most logical thing I could and screamed even louder in its face. Now this was not my best plan of action as the crazy bitch holding me shoved a hoof into my mouth to shut me up I however took this opportunity to bite her as hard as I could. She yelped in both surprise and pain causing her to drop me giving me time to you guessed it run in the other direction as I yelled back at them,
"I WON'T GO BACK TO THAT HELL!" I began making a b-line for the door that the huge horse had come out of because I was hoping It'd follow video game logic and lead to safety and boy was I wrong. I entered into a large hall with a crystal chandelier and a few statues of horses were around, but I didn't pay much attention because I had to get away and this place to open to hide in so I ran toward the door at the other end of the hall. I was making good progress too, but nothing ever works out the way it's supposed to as when I was about to reach the door it swung open revealing a tall white creature just like the other in the garden.
"Well hello there small one," It said in a very calm quite voice that didn't really make me want to run from it, in fact when I heard the guards shouting behind me I took cover under its legs. I know it was a stupid decision, but I was terrified and it seemed like this was the only thing not trying to hurt me.
"Oh thank you for stopping my son princess. Come on Lucky time to go," The crazy mare said as she walked over toward me which made me shiver in fear. Celestia must have noticed my reaction and moved one of her legs to block the crazy mares path,
"Your son seems to be rather afraid of you, why is that," Celestia asked in a rather stern voice though it never gave up its regality.
"Oh he's just a colt Celestia, he just thinks he's in trouble. Don't worry about him,"
"Please, don't let her take me back," I pleaded to the creature I was hiding under as the crazy mare moved around the creatures legs. I moved to the other side of it's legs when the other creature from earlier came in and looked toward us with a confused look on its face.
"Sister why are you hiding the colt from his mother," it asked before it took a few steps toward us when the creature I was hiding under spoke,
"He's scared to death of her Luna, I think we should understand why before handing him back," This angered the crazy mare as she started yelling at the top of her lungs,
"There is a difference between fear of punishment and fear for ones life, he is showing the signs of the latter," The tall creature said before taking a few steps toward the mare, "If there are signs of some type of abuse we have the authority to investigate it"
The mare shrank back as Celestia took a few more steps toward her keeping their eyes locked on one another the entire time before the mare nodded and said, "Fine"
"Good we'll get a psychological professional, and see why your colt is so horrified of you,"
***4 hours later***
I told the doctor my story of how I ended up in this kids body and what that mare did to me while I was with her the past month, and to say the least he was shocked about what happened to me but he didn't believe that I wasn't actually a pony. They found magical residue in my head so they figured that the mare had erased my memory, and that me believing that I am human was some part of my previous minds imagination shinning through. They attempted to arrest the mare for using such magics, but she had ran before any of the guards could capture her for what she did to me. When they came in and told the princess she got away I was scared, not because she would comeback for me, but because she brought me here and one of the few that could get me home.
"Don't worry we will find your family Lucky just-"
"My name is Chance. She called me Lucky because it was ironic I think,"
"As I was saying we will find your family Chance, and we will find that mare so she can't hurt you anymore,"
"You won't find my family. I have to find my own way home."
well i gotta say, i really like the begging of this story. there were a few punctuation errors
At the end "Chance" should be capitalized because it's a name
there should be a comma here
It said in a very calm quite voice that didn't really make me want to run from it, in fact when I heard the guards shouting behind me I took cover under its legs.
also this next sentence just seems....clunky
try saying this out loud, it's... odd, wrong even.
also at the begging it was hard to discern where the story was taking place. i thought he was in Ponyville but then you wrote hedge maze and i was like "what?, where are we?" so, i dunno maybe write about tall buildings or a lot of unicorns or something, just to help new readers.
other than that I like how this opens. it's short, sweet, and sets the tone very well.
and lastly a few questions.
-how old is he in pony form?
-race? colors? Cutie Mark?
-is he gonna have to go to school? is the new school year just starting or is it summer vacation or something?
-will he have to talk to a psychiatrist?
-are you gonna make Diamond Tiara an irredeemable bitch? please don't
6287277 Thank god someone who can help me with my grammatical issues in my stories! First off thank you for the info about the errors and I'll try to fix them as soon as possible.
Answers to questions:
-He is around 9 in pony form while his actual age is about 18
-unicorn, Dark blue coat with red mane, no mark
-Yes he will attend the school
-A bitch maybe, but to say irredeemable and without reason wouldn't be good writing now would it.
Again thank you for your comment and for pointing out those errors for me.
Edit: I've just tried to figure out a way to fix that sentence so it's not so awful. I Just do all the editing while I write so things that look good at the time tend to end up like that. Oh and before I go yay for Screwball pictures!
Someone finally said they like my Screwball picture. OH HAPPY DAY!
Really excited about these kind of stories. can't wait for more
When this story showed up on the Human Turned group, I though "FINALLY! a story about an adult being turned into an OC colt/filly finally came up!". There are many, but there aren't many quality ones, and MUCH less ones that are complete. This one looks promising and I hope to get a lot of laughes out of this.
Hm... this story seems a bit rushed with not much information about the "colt" or how he ended there. I think that's information that should be in the prologue.
I will keep an eye on it and see what the next chapter is bringing.
6288568 Screwball is awesome who wouldn't say they liked the picture.
6288594 Well I'm going to finish this story for the exact reasons you just named. I hope to that this story will be one that you shall enjoy, and do not worry I have a rule that says I have to finish my stories.
My mistake, I'm still trying to improve my writing here so I can write higher quality fics. In other words thank you for contributing to improving this and future stories! 
6289570 No problem. And the Idea with a human turned colt and then ended up in the Button houshold is a fresh idea. For that alone I would give you a thump up.
Maybe you could try to rewrite the Prologue.
6289718 Maybe I should try to rewrite it. I didn't think it was a fresh idea when I started since button is so popular I figured that it was already done and I just never saw it. Anyway again thanks for the help and I hope to make this story one worth your time.
6289782 There are a few HiE stories where Button has maybe a chapter or two, but I haven't seen any where he was direktly involved in a HiE story. Try your best. If you need advice for an idea, you can ask me. Except for grammar.
6289793 Got it, and for ideas thanks for the offer if you are serious about it because I have ideas, but I don't know which are good and which should be scrapped. Again thank you for your time, and before I forget GRAMMAR.
6289819 Grammar is EVIL! It's the enemy of every writer!
6289848 Gather the soldiers because I hereby declare mustache war on grammar!

6289850 All Troops! Aim for the Prologue!
6289907 Ready. aim. FIRE.
Need periods a the ends of the dialogue.
I can't really say anything that hasn't been said already. But yeah, seems interesting...
Just gonna leave now.
6290097 Baby come back, you can blame it all on me.
Thank you for taking your time to comment!
6290212 Yeah no problem!
... I'm just gonna... just gonna go now... again.
Man the catapults, launch the edits!
I don't really blame you for this one (archaic language can be confusing) but in this case it's 'Why art thou screaming in terror', or alternatively, 'Why dost thou scream in terror'
missing apostrophe in won't
missing space after the full stop
this to requires 'too'
6291542 Thank you nice grammar person!
6291548 I think you forgot a word in the last parts:
"what happened to me but he didn't that I wasn't actually a pony."
"what happened to me but he didn't believe me that I wasn't actually a pony."
And I think it's a good rewrite. There are enough informations about the protagonist for a prologue (at least in my opinion) and the rest can come with the other chapters. Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to more.
P.s. I will give a fav when I approve of the next chapter.
6294114 Thank you for pointing that out for me. As for the next chapter I hope to earn that fav!
Don't tell me what to do

oh shit I just had an idea, someone photoshop those 2 emotes into "The Trixielestia Show" :D
6294114 hey! its you! hi. i think you are one of the people following me why? oh and you seem like a decent and smart person. kinda follow video game logic and lead him to safer situation.
Wow... I already like this story!
...alright. Let's see how this plays out.
Okaaay... It's unique, but not groundbreaking for a start. I'm interested to see where this goes, though.