• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,778 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...


Chapter 2: Tutorial (hehe puns)

"How much further?"

"Not much farther,"

"But I'm hungry!"

"Don't act like a baby," Loving said to a disgruntled Arrow who had been trying to hurry up and get Button so that he could eat at some bakery in town called Sugar Cube Corner. He would go on and on about he used to love going there when he lived in Ponyville a few years ago, but since he grew up here I didn't hold it against him even when it got a little annoying. Loving Care however had a whole other opinion on it, and constantly would tell him to stop complaining about having to wait.

I however was content to wait for the food as complaining about it would only serve to annoy Loving, and make me think about how long ago it was I ate. My stomach however had different plans and growled letting everyone within a ten foot radius know it's displeasure in being kept away from food. Arrow looked toward me before saying,

"See even Chance is hungry. Maybe we can just go ahead and-"

"We're almost there so you can stop complaining Arrow," Loving said, cutting off Arrow before he could continue with the idea of getting some food without Loving's son. A small old time looking school house appeared as we were walking; I was just going to guess that since this town looked like it belonged in a history book that the building was probably the school. It was really simple in design, just a basic square with one of those small tower things at the top that contain the bell.

Speaking of that bell it began to ring and many fillies and a few colts started to rush out of the building at break neck speeds. One of the colts however had seen us and waved toward loving with a smile on his face. He was a little smaller than me with brown fur and a kind of orange hair with a propeller hat on. When he walked over toward us he gave Loving a big hug before looking over to me and Arrow,

"Mom, who are they?" he asked

"Button, this is Lucky Chance. He will be staying with us for awhile." Loving motioned over toward me, and I gave a small wave to let him know it was me she was talking about. He looked me up and down, analyzing every minute detail about me before speaking,

"Why are you wearing a vest?"

"Because they wont let me wear pants," I said giving him a smile before continuing, "I prefer to wear something at least."

My response seemed to be enough for him as he turned toward his mother, and told her about everything that happened that day at school, every single thing! I did my absolute best to tune him out until he I realized he asked me something else,

"Hmm... I'm sorry, could you repeat that"

"I was just asking if you liked video games," I actually wasn't prepared for that question as every family I stayed with wouldn't let me near those arcades I saw. I remembered playing plenty of games back home, but I wasn't exactly good with limiting myself to a reasonable amount of gaming as I would spend most of my day playing them. Button though was still waiting for an answer so I gave him a nod to signify that I did enjoy them.

This answer seemed to put a big grin on his face as he started to name off various games that he liked playing which all resembled games from back home. I didn't even ask when he talked about an old school game called Mareio, and just pretended that it wasn't a horrible horse pun of a gaming legend.

"Button, honey. I think Chance is tired after his trip from Manehatten." Thank you Loving Care for getting Button to stop talking. I could go on and on about video games, but Button here didn't have an off switch when it came to them. Normally, I'd gladly continue this conversation as well, but Loving was right; I was still tired from the trip from Manehatten, and all of my panic attacks from earlier had taken a lot out of me.

"Psst... Hey Chance," Arrow was trying to whisper toward me, though he wasn't exactly good with keeping his voice down as he was essentially talking at his same volume, "When we get there, can you get Loving to buy me a Super Duper Splatter Milkshake?"

"I am NOT spending fifty bits on a milkshake!"

"But...But... It's awesome, and I don't have the bits,"

"You're lucky I'm buying your food in the first place. The last thing you need is that milkshake anyway,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Arrow asked before I patted him on the stomach to signify what I believe she meant. He looked at me with a frown while I was grinning up at him before saying,

"Don't worry, just cut out the soda and you'll get much better,"

"I don't even drink soda that often!"

"I know, It's not like I'm much better," I said as I patted my stomach while chuckling a little, "Not at all"

A large building that appeared to be made of various sugary food came into view after we walked for a few minutes. Arrow and Button both seemed to become possessed by Sugar hungry demons as they both rushed ahead of me and Loving only to stop when they reached the door and realized that we were still halfway down the street.

As we approached a group of three fillies covered in chocolate came out of the building with disappointment of their faces. I don't know why they'd be sad I mean they're covered in chocolate one of the most beautiful things on the planet! One of their faces however seemed to brighten up when she saw Button, but quickly turned away when he looked at her and waved.

"So... This is a bakery? I'm kind of worried that if I go in a witch will eat me,"

"What?" Arrow asked which resulted in me face-hoofing. Never face-hoof kids it hurts a lot more than a face-palm.

"It's an old story about two kids who go out into the woods and find a gingerbread house. I'm not going to tell you the entire thing though" Taking a step into the building I was immediately hit with the smell of chocolate, donuts, and other baked goods, and I could see all of said baked good behind a glass showcase. My stomach rumbled at the sight which caused confetti to shoot out of a nearby trash can with a pink mare flying out of it.

"HELLO," The pink mare practically screamed in my face before jumping across the room landing behind the counter. I was surprised, confused, and still freaking starving all that the same time so I didn't question what happened and just accepted that these horses are also confetti ninjas.

"Can I get...-"

"Ooooh, you're new in town! You must be the new colt Loving is taking care of"

"I suppose I am... As I was saying can I get-"

"I'm Pinkie, and I-"

"Please let me speak,"

"Whoops, sorry I talk a lot more than most ponies care for because I just talk and talk which amazes most ponies because it seems that I never take a breath, and I never realizes that I'm talking too much unless somepony tells me I am so-"

"You're talking too much, Pinkie," I said which finally got the overly energetic mare to be quite long enough for me to order something from the many, many sweets that they had for sale at this place. Arrow wasn't able to get the Milkshake he wanted, but he did get one that was bigger than my head which in all honesty should of taken him longer than four minutes for him to drink.

I however was eating my food at a slower pace so I could actually enjoy it though Button's staring was making me uncomfortable. I understood that I was new to him, and I was going to stay with him for awhile but I could do without another shadow. I finally had enough of it after maybe ten minutes of his constant staring,

"What?" I asked which came out with a bit of a hiss slipping into it. Arrow and Loving glared at me while Button shrank away before whispering,


"Sorry, I just don't like being stared at. It makes me feel like people are judging me," Arrows glare softened a bit after my apology and reasoning. He probably remembers how bad I was when one of the fillies back in Manehatten made fun of how I spoke; It's not like I was hurt I just didn't want to talk to anyone for awhile...

"Oh... I'll just, um"

"I didn't mean to say it like that, Button. You can look at me just don't... just don't stare, please" It's hard for me to speak to new people especially when I get annoyed and say something that I don't mean, but I don't want Button or Loving seeing me as someone who will get angry at everything.

After awhile we eventually finished our food, and began heading toward where I would be staying. The house was relatively similar to all the other building around with it being two stories with a few windows and a garden out front. Arrow decided that this was the time for him to leave for his friends place where he'd be staying for as long as I was here.

Entering the home I looked up to Loving who was still looking at me with a slight angry expression, but I didn't blame her after all I did get angry at her son when I had only just met them. She lead me through the house passing various rooms until we arrived at a door at the end of the hallway.

"You will be staying in Button's room until we can get the guest room ready for you" She said in a rather flat tone. Button walked in first with me following in after him; his room had a large T.V. against one of the walls with what looked like a Nintendo 64 connected to it. Normally I'd be excited to see one of those, but after screwing up so much in one day I just wanted to go to bed and forget about my day.

"Hey, Chance. You want to play mareio world?" Button asked with two controllers next to him.

"You really want me to play with you?"

"Sure! I like playing with somepony else"

"Even with how I acted earlier?"

"You don't like being stared at. It's not like you got angry for no reason,"

"Sure, Button I'll play a game with you." We played various games through out the night while Button talked about various things he found interesting while I listened, and told him various things I liked. Maybe I was quick in assuming that he would just be one of those ponies that would only annoy me.

Author's Note:

I just figured I'd ask this real quick, but if someone actually did become a pony how many other people would also try to find something to wear? I'm just asking because I realized in almost every human to pony story the human is completely fine with being in the nude.