• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,785 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

Breakfast Anyone?

Chapter 3: Breakfast Anyone?

I woke up in my bed with my good old alarm clock blaring louder than a volcano that had too many burritos for dinner. I stretched my arms and legs, and I received some satisfying pops from my back and neck. The sun outside was shining into my bedroom through the window that didn't have any curtains on it, strange. It was not matter though as I got up from my bed so I could go and say good morning to my mother before I'd head out for a college interview today.

As I walked through the hall a very familiar smell was ever present in the air, and only grew stronger the closer I got to the kitchen in the house. As I grew closer I began to recognize the smell as Bacon, and there was also something else, Pancakes maybe? Whatever it was it definitely smelled good, and it probably tastes even better if mom used her special pancake recipe.

Just before I reached the kitchen however I passed my older brother's door which hasn't been opened for a long, long time. He was a complete ass to me while he was here, but he was always there even when I didn't deserve him to be. I looked down toward the floor because I couldn't bare to think about him anymore; Not since he disappeared a year ago without leaving a trace. This wasn't something I could dwell on though as I had to be at that interview in half an hour.

"Morning, mom," I said as I walked into the kitchen with my mom by the stove flipping pancakes like I thought. She didn't seem to notice that I said anything though so I tried again, "Morning, mom."

Again she didn't do anything so I decided to walk over toward her to see why she wasn't talking to me. When I got closer though everything started to get bigger and darker for some reason. My mom turned around and I saw her; not my mother but that damn mare that trapped me.

"Good morning, Lucky" She said before grabbing onto my hand which was now a hoof attached to a blue leg. I started to panic, and flailed around in an attempt to loosen her grip on me, but it only grew tighter! I had to do something, anything to get her off of me when I realized that the pan was still on the stove.

I reached for the pan, and thankfully I was able to grab it and hit the mare over the head with it. She screeched in pain as I realized that the pan was searing hot, and it had left a scorch mark on her face! I was free though so I took this opportunity to run as fast as I could to the front door so I could get out and find help. When I opened the door however, The neighborhood I grew up in was replaced by a strange city with ponies everywhere and they were all looking at me.

I froze under their gaze as I remember all of this happening before somewhere, but I couldn't remember when. I felt something grab my shoulder though, and I was pulled back into my house which was now just a bedroom with the windows boarded up. I looked around and saw the mare walking toward me with a demonic smile across her face.

"Are you ready for another big day, Lucky!" I curled up into a ball and began whimpering.

"I want to go home! Please, God let me go home!" I cried out as I felt the mare's magic envelop me.


I shot up out of bed in a cold sweat. I took in my surroundings to realize that I was still in Button's room, and there was no crazy mare about to poke at my brain with her damn magic. Looking toward the window I saw that it was still early morning, and that nobody was currently awake. Turning to the clock on the wall I saw that it was currently 5:30 in the morning, but since I'm one of those people that can't sleep after waking up I decided to be nice to these ponies, at least this once.

I quietly made my way out of Button's room so that I would wake him up which was actually difficult considering all the junk he owned. I entered a hallway that lead to some stairs, and tiptoed or tiphoofed in this case down the stairs to make sure that I wouldn't make any noise that would wake up anyone in the house. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I realized that I didn't know where their kitchen was and promptly facehooved.

After rubbing away my self inflicted pain I began to explore the place to see if I could find the kitchen anywhere. I did find a few interesting things in my search as well which included a Gameboy, (though it did say Joyboy) a few stray bits, and one Playmare magazine. I was not going to open up that magazine as I've already seen one of them in Manehatten, and that was enough to last a life time. In the end though I found the kitchen right beside the living room which is probably where I should of started at.

I made my way into the kitchen, and started to look around for where I might find what I need to make breakfast for everyone. The first thing I had to look for was pancake mix so I could get started, and after that I can try to make some Hay Bacon again. I started looking in the lower cabinets in hopes that these ponies put their food down there, They did not. Looking up I saw a row of cabinets a few feet above me; I sighed before getting to work in getting up there.

After searching around I had a broom, a chair, and a lot of legos stacked on one another for my plan. I positioned the chair and used my magic to open up the cabinets so I could place the tip of the broom in them. I then hopped up onto the chair and used the broom as a tightrope while holding the legos to help keep my balance while I made my way across the gap. To say I succeeded on the first attempt would be a lie, but I did get close!

After much trial and error as well as a few modifications to my plan which included that Playmare I was finally able to make it into the cabinets! I lit up my horn and began my search for the great pancake mix that made me waste a solid half hour to get. It took a minute or two, but I was eventually able to get it before I threw it down for use with making breakfast. Next on the list was milk and butter; I sighed as I knew this wasn't going to be easy either so I went ahead and opened up the fridge door.

I was pleased however as the milk wasn't on the top shelf like I thought it would be, and not only that I found some Blueberries! I was much happier than I should of been, but then again I haven't had Blueberry pancakes in over a year so I had a right to be excited. My excitement gave me the energy I needed to make Bacon, but sadly the Bacon would be one of the harder things to get this morning.

I however had a semi ladder to use this time however so I began climbing up the fridge toward my prize. The shelves creaked and groaned as I made my way up them, but they can't complain this is bacon we are talking about! I finally reached the freezer after a lot of climbing, but I was finally able to grab the bacon so I could actually begin making breakfast. I took one last look at the clock to see that it was now 6:20 so I had plenty of time to make this the best damn breakfast they will ever eat!

*** some time later***

"What smells so good?" Loving asked as she walked into the kitchen to see me setting the table with three plates filled with food, and one extra plate for anyone that wanted seconds. I was grinning at her slack-jawed expression when Button came in behind her with a smile across his face.

"YAY, PANCAKES!" He said as he ran toward the table and took a seat with one of the plates ready. He wasted absolutely no time before he stuffed his face with pancakes.

"Slow down, Button," Loving said which caused Button to look over toward her, and smiled revealing a piece of Hay Bacon rather than teeth. I swear I can still hear the sound of a hoof smacking into a face at an incredible velocity. Loving then turned toward me before she asked,

"Did you do this?"

"I figured that I didn't make the best introduction yesterday, so I figured that making breakfast would help. It did, right?" I asked as I looked her in the eyes to make it harder for her to lie to me. She giggled a little before saying,

"You went to all this trouble, because you think you made a bad impression?" I nodded before pointing to the chair at the end of the table.

"That's your stack" I said before taking a seat beside button who went back to devouring the entire plate of pancakes. It was actually quite flattering to see someone enjoy my cooking so much, but it was something that I did normally so I wouldn't get to see people enjoying it too often.

"Where is , Seas' food?" Loving asked which caused me to choke on a piece of Hay Bacon I was gorging on.

"Who the he-" I looked over toward Button who was listening into the conversation, "-ck, who the heck is sea?"

"Oh, right you haven't met my husband yet. He came in late last night, but he should be up in a few minutes," Well looks like seconds for everybody just became this Seas' Breakfast, but I supposed I should of figured that she was married since she took me in with her already watching Button. I then heard heavy footsteps come from the stairs which was a telltale sign that someone was about to come down them soon.

I finally saw the stallion when he entered the kitchen. He didn't really stand out from any other stallion I've met other than his coat being the same brown as Button's, and his mane being almost pure white. He looked over toward me before he spoke,

"Loving, why is there a random colt at the table?"

Author's Note:

I decided to write this chapter a day early, why? Because I felt like it that's why. That is actually the reason, but it's more because this is actually a story that I've really started to like. Don't get me wrong I love writing my stories, but this one in particular just has a unique feeling as I write it! Anyway enjoy the chapter and remember to be as paranoid as possible to avoid being captured by horse people!