• Published 29th Apr 2015
  • 2,017 Views, 52 Comments

The Fury of the Reindeer - HopeFox

Twilight journeys to Deerheim, an icy land ruled by proud reindeer warriors, to persuade them to stop raiding northern Equestria in their longships. On her mission, she forms a very intimate relationship with the reindeer king and queen.

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Comments ( 8 )

Idjiot, you would slaughter Deerheim for pride? Celestia's fury is not something to be trifled with, your best warriors will be slaughtered like lambs before her might. Twilight is Learning the art of sleighder and will soon be strong enough to over power you on her own.

6676790 It's not a terrible idea, quite. He still has the loyalty of an entire island worth of reindeer and goats, and there are plenty of reindeer on the other islands who are much closer to his ideological views than Twilight's. But as to what would happen if his warriors went head to head with Equestria... yeah, that probably won't work out well.

The story telling in this is great but I have to say, every time I read Storm Crow I die a little inside.

If you are unaware, storm crow is the worst creature card ever printed in Magic the Gathering. If you are aware, why did you pick that name?

6689205 The phrase "storm crow" has a much longer history than M:tG - for example, Théoden calls Gandalf "Stormcrow" because whenever he appears, trouble is not far behind him. In this instance, Storm Crow is a reindeer version of Aslaug, one of the wives of Ragnar Loðbrok's. Aslaug was also known as "Kraka", a Norse word for "crow".

I wasn't aware of the Magic card, but I would have used the name even if I had been.

6690361 I didn't actually relies it had the colloquial meaning, thank you for the information. I didn't want to sound like I disliked the character, it just made reading the story a bit funny with personal context.

This is interesting raindeers as vikings and having twilight as a important guest i be waiting for the next chapter. All in all amazing story

7465865 Thank you for your comments! I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Sleighdr is the magic that reindeer does perform, with runes made from antlers shed by bucks, typically their fathers, husbands, brothers or sons. It's a subtle and versatile magic, though not quite as spontaneous as unicorn magic. Its name is a pun on the historical Norse magical practice of seiðr, and on sleighs, which are pulled by reindeer.

7505086 Thanks for the explanation. Also great work on this chapter.

King Furypant,you're an idiot and an A$$hole! Drinking out of a severed Unicorn's horn in the presence of an Alicorn?:facehoof:

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