• Member Since 9th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 15th, 2019

Dee Bee Doo-wop Cooper

Fire, Water, Earth, Bear

Stuff About Me

I'm a average college kid, that likes ponies. I enjoy writing and drawing as creative outlets and video games as more mindless entertainment. I am now about three years (give or take) into my creative writing hobby and prefer to write darker adventure stories. I am also an avid reader and enjoy reading much the same kind of genre, as long as it also has romance (I'm a sucker for tender moments).

If you have interest in what I draw, just take a look at my banner. That was drawn by myself and if you want to see progressively less skilled art work from me, you can see the rest of it on my DeviantArt account which is linked underneath my profile info.

If you have an interest in what I play, you can visit my steam page also linked underneath my profile info.


Alright Everyone · 1:16am Jul 31st, 2016

So here is what is up. In the fall, I am starting at a new college (just transferred from Community College) where I will be finishing my degree in computer science. I have been work for a while now on the design for an engine that me and a friend could use to build our own visual novel, and I am hoping I can spring board into something even more universally useful. I feel like as far as free time goes, I will be better off spending my time work towards that as it will give me much need

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Report Dee Bee Doo-wop Cooper · 305 views · Story: An Icy Existence ·

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Comments ( 20 )
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No problem, I thought it was cute and fluffy, something I need to read way more of considering my unhealthy relationship with darker stories.

Thanks for adding my fic to your library!

1620563 your very welcome. My bookshelfs use a rating system based on a friend of mine whos absolutely highest complement is "pretty good". So you can feel sure that I did enjoy the story very much.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for thinking 'An Apple for Ya Trouble' was decent :rainbowkiss:

I'll be a quick as I can! Thanks for the fave on The Celestia Code, too!

  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20
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