• Published 18th May 2015
  • 9,652 Views, 231 Comments

Scratch One Off - Holy

After a drunken night with a local DJ, you drag her and Sunset into a week of cleaning your apartment in some very revealing french lingerie.

  • ...
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Comments ( 52 )

Now that's an ending! Well done! :pinkiehappy:

Just... perfect. I knew the ending would be good, but I never thought like this. I love it. Good job.

yaaay happy ending. now, just asking, will there be a sequel?

Congratulations! You finished the game and got: The Sunny Ending!
But is that all there is to the story?
Try again, and try things differently, something strange and exciting might happen!
Click Here to Reload. . . .

Comment posted by GoldenBoomers deleted Jan 22nd, 2019

I came to this story expecting a bit of good clop, and some crappy standard story about how everybody will fuck and then live happily ever after. Instead, I was treated to a story that was not only meaningful, but heartfelt and fulfilling. The clop that I had come for was well written, but the reason I stayed, and the reason I am bothering to write this is because the story behind the actions, and the non-clop segments of the story. I was expecting some bullshit like "Person A is a shallow bitch who feels nothing for me, so I'm gonna love Person B." You didn't do this, you didn't even come close to doing this. The characters actually developed, and more importantly, the protagonist realized his mistakes and worked to fix them. I can fully say, thank you. Thank you for the clop, and thank you even more for a story that had depth, meaning, and most importantly thank you for characters that were more than characters from a show, thank you for characters who were real.

6445910 No, if anything a threesome would have killed this story. This ending is the best ending a story like this can have, a threesome would leave the reader feeling unfulfilled and indifferent about the ending.

But that's none of my business.

You bury your face in your shoulder,
Too tired to catch anything else
Loved the story

6445910 With how Sunset was talking a "Vinyl Route" would probably involve at least one funeral. Possibly more if she went murder-suicide instead of just suicide.

Awesome story man. You managed to pull everything off pretty damn well. Definitely a fave.

Nuuuuuuuu! It's over!

But my god it was good, great storyline!

But really, consider doing a sequel?

Well i've had a great time reading this, so thank you. :pinkiesmile:

Bravo! A great ending to great story.


Would like to see a bonus '5 Years Later' chapter.

I suppose I'm in the minority that dislikes the ending.

As the story heads to a conclusion it forces the reader to accept contrivance after contrivance. With a bittersweet confession Vinyl rids herself of any emotional investment in pursuing a romantic relationship with the protagonist. It's an out-of-character moment for someone who has distinguished herself as being petty, snarky, violent and prone to acts of jealousy - whether it's a chance to get back at her ex-boyfriend, humiliate Sunset or cheat her former workplace out of the money she owes. When it comes to this, her best chance at a meaningful relationship, she's apparently fine with letting things go. The protagonist doesn't have to break any hearts or make any difficult decisions because Vinyl conveniently absolves him of the opportunities to do so: she's content with being in the friend zone and with the consolation prize of a rebound relationship (featuring an unnamed character which the protagonist just so happens to introduce in that moment as the perfect choice).

I hate to use this term because it's so reductive - and perhaps you'll take offense to it -, but what Sunset Shimmer amounts to in this story is a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. I know that one of the themes of this story is about the the protagonist finally realizing Sunset Shimmer to be The One - his better half, Miss Right, the one girl that completes him - but when it's propped up by a thoroughly unconvincing love triangle I can't see how you would expect anyone to root for Team Vinyl.

That being said, I liked the story and I'm looking forward to your next work. You have an inspired approach to smut that sets you apart from other fimfic writers.

YESSS! I'm sooo happy he chose Sunset! :pinkiehappy:

Sad to see the story end... But happy to see how it ended. While things with Vinyl felt weird (she let go way too fast), it was still a nice and heartwarming ending. Good jow :twilightsmile:

I'm probably one of the few that feels this way but I disliked the ending. I hoped vinyl would win but even him picking sunset wasn't the disappointing part, it was that vinyl seemed so out of character compared to the rest and the ending just felt forced. The rest of the story was amazing though , 10/10 probably will read again later. Hope you do a what if chapter on the other side of the coin

Fuck that, sunset commits suicide, Vinyl becomes a homeless drug addict, and you become an alcoholic who forever lives his life in regret eventually leading to his untimely demise of over drinking. That makes more sense to me.

Expected. Satisfying.


That being said, wrapping things up with Vinyl was probably the more satisfying part of this. Was it too quick and easy? Maybe. Maybe it's character development? Who knows.

This is a somewhat expected ending but enjoyable:rainbowkiss:,

also while I'm commenting, why did you change the cover picture :rainbowhuh: but anyways bravo, and I will sit here( my school desk) where I'm at in till a sequel comes out:pinkiecrazy:

Also must have sequel like 2 years after the "ending" of scratch one off

But this is going on my "best story ever crated" book shelf, reserved for the few, the proud, best books ever

Holy #22 · Sep 23rd, 2015 · · 1 ·

I'm happy you enjoyed it so much.:twilightsmile:
I don't actually have a direct sequel planned for this story, but I do have plans to write something that could be considered to be along this timeline. Thanks for reading!

Also I changed the picture for certain reasons I outlined in my most recent blog post. My intentions for this story changed drastically along the course of its creation, and by the end of it the character who I planned to be the endgame changed entirely. I didn't want to bait and switch anymore people, and there really aren't any good pictures of sunset and vinyl together.

Holy #23 · Sep 23rd, 2015 · · 1 ·

Thank you guys for the feedback. It makes me sad to hear that you were disappointed with the story/ending, but I really do appreciate you guys taking the time to tell me why.

This story was really my first attempt at a more complex level of characterization that revolved around emotional conflict in multiple individuals. I'm not so conceited to say I didn't expect some slip ups in that throughout the story. Not to say that excuses my fuck ups, but it was definitely a learning experience. Hopefully I can build on this and figure out what to do to fix it.

Hope you guys stick around for my next attempt. If not, thanks a ton for reading and providing feedback. :raritywink:

6454240 Perhaps a bit of a long shot in asking, but could we expect a bonus chapter of him and Sunset properly consummating their relationship? :pinkiehappy:

I've actually been thinking about writing a little addition like that. I'm not sure if I'll get to it or not, but rest assured, there will be plenty of sex scenes with Sunset in my works to come if I don't. I absolutely adore her.:twilightsmile:

6455506 I, as a new follower, look forward to whatever you've got in store :twilightsmile:

Dat cover change is a slick move, yo.

Yes. Well done!

Damn, it's done. You did well, though.

I'm happy it is finished. Before you fucked it up : ^).

OK first off loved your story, I think it's was well written and I love the two characters you used. I found this story last night. When I started reading it I couldn't stop, again loved it hope to see more:twilightsmile:

I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

I now know why I like this story so much, I have read some of your other stories and those were great as well. Please keep up the good work.

Well the time is now 4:20 AM and i have just finished this. great story loved it completely, and now i have about 4 hours rest before i have to get up

TRUE. LOVE. 'Nuff said.

This was the my fifth time reading this story for me and it still pisses me off when he is being a dipshit and when vinel (hate my lack of spelling) is being an asshole. It also still brings a smile to my face at the end. That is why I love this story. Plus every time I read this story I keep analysing the detail and finding deeper meaning in the text. Some I'm even sure you didn't mean to put in there. So thank you for writing such a good story.

Five times? Wow. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! Thank you for reading.:twilightsmile:

Such an amazing story. This is one of the main reasons I like what you write. This story feels perfect.

I would read this until the day I die because it is so fantastic.

I would love to see a prequel. The protagonist stated that he hated Sunset at one point due to her actions in the first movie. So It be interesting to see how he forgave her, how they met, how they became friends, how his interactions with the EQ Maine 6 went, when she fell in love with him, etc.

Do you think you might ever make a prequel? I am sure it would be a hit :).

I have an idea that's already extremely similar in the works. Not going to be a direct prequel but still very much alike with what you're looking for.

Wow. Just wow . You had to hit me right in the feels Holy.

Finally got around to reading this. It was as sexy and awesome as expected. And yet, I have a nagging disappointment. He never called Sunset on her BS. That she was 'waiting and waiting', and yet just a couple of chapters earlier, when he asked if she liked him, she said no. Really? And she's yelling at him for not wanting more from her when she told him no?

Great story though.

Really great story. Sorta sad that the best clop scene (which sorta represents a climax [no pun intended] in ships) ended like it did, but what can you do? Great work.

Your story inspired me to make an action/drama/sex story that's gonna surprise the crap out of people. Great job!

Its good its just a shame most of the story kind of implies this will be harem. Even the description implies it. Its a bit disappointing to be honest.

Man it's been a while since i cried while reading. this was fantastic and its definitely one of my favorite stories of all time!

Great fic, but I can't help but still feel partially responsible for Vinyl... I'm glad we made up and what not, but what is she going to do for housing now. Like I feel like I should at least provide housing for her long enough for her to get her own place... I dunno, it could be just me.

This was fucking good. This one's definitely getting a like and a favorite, and I'm definitely following and checking out some more of your stories.

Good stuff. Glad I read this.

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