• Published 26th Jun 2016
  • 3,669 Views, 1,727 Comments

Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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Then Again...

Castle of Friendship – Second Floor

"...so while Spike was going out of his way to distract me in the Ponyville shopping district, my friends went and dug up part of the wooden foundation to the Golden Oaks Library."

Twilight Sparkle trotted alongside Lyra. Together, the two shuffled down one of many vastly empty hallways. Crystalline walls and glass doors reflected their tiny pony figures.

"They then etched several photographic images into a series of jewels that Rarity hung from the exposed roots." Twilight sighed happily, her eyes sparkling ahead of them. "It hangs above my throne room even today. Anytime I feel lonesome for my old Ponyvillean home, all I have to do is look up and there I'll find warm memories of the past dangling above me."

"Huh..." Lyra nodded. "That sounds... miraculously thoughtful for something so random."

"Mmmm..." Twilight nodded as well. "But sometimes randomness can be sincere."

"Well, sure. When you put some thought into it."

"Heeheehee..." Twilight shook her head. "Not always. Pinkie's one of the most sincere friends I know, and she hardly thinks about anything."

"Uhmmmm... yay?"

"Oh, she's a bit hard to handle at times, but I still love her." Lyra hummed. "I love all of my friends. There's really no way of telling where I'd be without them. Why, if I made a checklist of all the times that Rainbow Dash alone has saved my life—" She suddenly scuffled to a stop, wincing. "Oh no!"

Lyra turned to face her. "What?"

"I'm doing it again!" Twilight face-hoofed. "Mrmmfff... I'm talking endlessly about myself."

"Yeah, so?" Lyra smiled. "You've obviously got a lot to get off your fluffy lavender chest."

"Yes, but that's not the sole reason why I invited you here!" With a sigh, Twilight turned to face Lyra with a tired grin. "Please, Lyra. Before I get carried away again." She pointed. "Tell me what you've been up to these days."

"What... I've been up to..."

"That's right!"

Lyra clenched her teeth. "Yeahhhhhh... well..." She stared down the long, empty hallway. "Uhhhhhm..."

"You're rooming with Bon Bon these days, right?" Twilight asked.

"Well... yeah." Lyra squinted. "You know Bon Bon too?"

"Well..." Twilight giggled. "I make it a habit to know every villager in Ponyville by name. Of course, I'm not nearly as good at that as Pinkie Pie... heehee... but I'm getting there."

"... ... ...Pinkie Pie knows Bon Bon too?"

"And Spike loves the hard candy that Bon Bon bakes at her confectionery," Twilight said. "So we're frequently making visits." She winked. "They remind him of jewels."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense."

"Also, I see the two of you hanging out all the time!" Twilight smiled. "You seem like the bestest of friends! I find that very admirable."

"Heh... yeah." Lyra nodded, gulping. "I admire that too."

"So you're doing alright, then?"

"Oh... well... you know..." Lyra waved a hoof around. "Bon Bon works and I... I..."

Twilight stared at her, blinking.

"I... erm... work on stuff too... I-I guess..."

"You're a musician, right?"

"What, you mean my cutie mark?" Lyra rolled her eyes. "It's just the image of a warped lawn sprinkler."

Twilight blinked. "Uhhhhh—"

"I'm just joshin' ya, Your Highness." Lyra chuckled breathily. Then, a sigh. "Truth is, Twilight... uhm..." The mare shrugged. "There's nothing really all that snazzy to talk about on my end."

"Oh?" Twilight cocked her head aside. "Says who?"

"Well... says me, really." Lyra cleared her throat. "I keep putting samples of my stuff out there, but nopony's biting. The record industry is a real b—uhhhh... female dog, to put it lightly."


"And then there's this..." Lyra exhaled with a shudder. "...stupidly long masterpiece I've been progressively working on over the past months... seasons... years." She coughed. "Let's just say 'all my life,' alright?"

"Uh huh..."

"The symphony's called—ironically enough—'Ballad of the Princess.' But if you asked anypony around town—Octavia Melody, Noteworthy, even Bon Bon—it might as well be called 'Ballad of the Train Wreck' cuz that's about as much chance as it gets of getting me any sort of acclaim in the Equestrian music scene."


"But, I-I'm trying not to let that get me down," Lyra said. She avoided Twilight's gaze as she brushed her bangs back. "I've just been... taking each day as it unfolds. Working on stuff around the house so that Bon Bon can feel like she's not the only one looking after the apartment. All things considered, I've got a decent handle on things. Nothing to complain about. Just the usual... First Whinny Problems." She gulped. "Even if the past year or so has been... a bit stress-inducing."

"Stress-inducing?" Twilight asked. "In what way?"

Lyra smirked and waved a hoof. "It's no biggy. Really. All in all..." Her nostrils flared. "...nothing's going to change in my life. At least... not until I finally land a big break. Musically, that is."

"Hrmmmm..." Twilight tapped her chin... tapped it some more... then smiled. "Let me show you something."

"Hmmm?" Lyra glanced at her. "Show me what?"

"Something that will pique your interest," Twilight said, turning around and trotting towards the nearest shiny stairwell. "Something here in the castle."

"But..." Lyra fumbled after her. "...I thought you were already showing me a tour of the castle."

Twilight giggled. "I haven't shown you this yet. Come on. Follow me."

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