• Published 23rd Dec 2014
  • 555 Views, 5 Comments

Regents - Admiral Q Ponyform

Twilight Cloud and Moonbeam Sparkle were a rare twin unicorn Pegasus pair living the average life in Ponyville. But Destiny will show otherwise

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Night of the Long Knives

Night had fallen, and the sisters prepared themselves for a royal ball. Being related to the Princess; they had to make appearances, and go to one of these every once and a while. Twilight helped adjust her sister's dress. It was a replica of a dress first made by the legendary Rarity, made as the headlining gown when she opened her second shop in Canterlot. The design survived the fall, and was considered a family treasure.

“There you are, all set now Moonie.” Twilight said, patting down the last wrinkle with a hoof.

“Thanks Twi, you look rather ‘dashing’ yourself!” Moonbeams snorted. Twilight was wearing a dress that was roughly based off the ‘Elements Collection’, specifically one worn by Rainbow Dash. Twilight rolled her eyes, but responded in kind;

“Well to quote my boss; it makes me twenty percent prettier.” They both shared a laugh, but Moonbeam soon turned it into a sigh.

“I wish we weren't expected to show up at these functions. I only raised the bucking moon two hours ago, so I’m still rather dead on my hooves. I’d much rather spend the quiet night in with you. Not with these annoying nobles who just want us for our connections.” She looked over to her sister and pointed a hoof at her. “Twi, I bet we both will have ten ponies, of either gender, proposing before the end of the night.”

“Not taking that bet - it's far too likely to happen.” They both rolled their eyes to the idea. “But seriously Moonie, our aunt needs our support. If Solar Glory was any indication, things are worse then we thought.”

“Fine. FINE! We'll go to this bucking party, and be bored to tears throughout.”

Soon after, they head out, and Moonbeam locks the door to their cottage. They walk the streets of Ponyville until they can easily see the castle. Moonbeam could normal teleport the pair of them from home, but having not long finished work, her reserves were still refilling. Now much closer, Moonbeam was able to spool up her remaining magic, and teleported the pair of them to one of the upper balconies.
Being part of the royalty; Moonbeams magical signature was recognized by the wards that surrounded the castle. She was able to complete the teleport that would normally have been prevented. The wards did, however, alert a nearby guard, who arrived to check on them before clearing them. As they headed for the ballroom, Moonbeam looked around at the décor. She felt that the Late Princess Twilight Sparkle would probably still recognize her old home. The feel of a comfy home was carefully preserved by the royal family that lived there, despite attempts by some to make it regal. But the family thought the place was regal enough, being made of stylized crystal. The only major changes were the occasional bust of some family member or pony of note, added over the last few hundred years.

They entered the ballroom, finding that it was filled with ponies of all tribes; Nobility had slowly but surely become a more diverse bunch, mush to the ire of the Unicorns. Regardless of the race, the sisters could practically smell the snobbery present. They maneuvered through the crowd, smiling, waving, and giving non-committal answers until they heard a voice cry out.

“Twilight! Moonbeam!” The girls looked and saw Velvet Sparkle waving at them before rushing over. Velvet Sparkle was large for a unicorn. She was nearly two ponies high, with a lush gold coat, and a mane and tail pair in pink with a blue and purple stripes. She had a giant smile on her face and she gave the sisters a big hug. “I am so pleased to see you my nieces. Come, sit with me, and help me endure this ball.” Moonbeam gave her sister an 'I told you so' look, to which Twilight rolled her eyes.

“We would be happy to accompany you aunty.” Twilight lied through her smile, and Moonbeam gave a curt nod of acceptance.

“Well come on then girls. Oh waiter! Waiter! Please get miss Moonbeam some food – she looks positively famished.” Velvet looked down at Moonbeam. “Bet you're hungry after your daily duty?” Velvet got an eager nod, causing both Velvet and Twilight to chuckle.
Velvet lead them over to a temporary throne, and the girls sat at her side. They helped welcome guests, and engaged in light conversation in the lulls between. It soon became apparent that Twilight’s answers we becoming more distance. Moonbeam and Velvet gave each other a worried look, before looking to Twilight. They found her staring off to one side, and a quick glance in that direction revealed a rather large cake on a nearby table. Both Moonbeam and Velvet were washed with relief, but sharing a knowing chuckle.

* * * * * *

A few hours later, and after a few failed attempts by possible suitors, the boredom was finally getting through to Twilight. This lead to her taking an active role of scanning the fellow attendees. She noticed quite a few ponies she knew, she had seen her parents earlier and said hello; but many who were connected to Solar Glory and other high up unicorn families were not present. It was odd for them to snub the princess like this. Was the dissent really that bad? Twilight was grabbing a bit of food when she heard an explosion.

“What in Equestria?” Twilight said aloud, dashing to the closest window. Looking out, Twilight saw flames slowly falling out of the sky, attached to clumps of white, roughly where the Dash Weather Station was normally floating.

It wasn't floating there anymore.

Before she could fully register what she was looking at, another explosion shook the castle, this time from the direction of Fort Apple. Fort Apple was the main base of the local ground bound military.

They were under attack.

Before she could think further, a guard in the old style gold armor approached her.

“Ma'am, I am to escort you to the map room by order of the princess.” All Twilight could do was nod. This was very serious, especially if Princess Velvet wanted her in one of the most hardened and secure areas of the castle. She followed the guard out of the ballroom and through the stairs to the center of the trunk of the castle, before entering the legendary map room. She had only been in once or twice before, but it still inspired awe.

The first thing ponies notice is the chandelier, made from the roots of the original Golden Oaks Library. It illuminated the room with the crystals that hung from the limbs. Each crystal contained pictures of the memories her ancestor had made with her friends. The seven thrones still were in place, though nopony but a filly would be able to sit in Noble Spike's throne. The others were occupied by Velvet and her advisers. While Velvet sat in Twilight's throne, her advisers sat on the thrones that matched up with the cutie marks they represented. Economy for Rarity/Generosity – Military for Rainbow Dash/Loyalty – Courts and Law for Applejack/Honesty – Media and Public Relations for Pinkie Pie/Laughter – and Home Affairs for Fluttershy/Kindness. Twilight noticed her sister, and sat next to her as they both joined most of the ponies looking at the Cutie Map.

The Map hasn't fully worked since Twilight's passing. It still displayed Equestria, but no friendship missions have since shown. However, they had managed to repurpose the map to show events happening in Equestria. Right now Twilight saw a lot of red and she started hearing the conversation.

“Princess, we haven't been able to get any survivors from the DWS and communication with Fort Apple is cut off. Sporadic signals we have gotten suggest an attacking force of unicorns.” A staff member said before another jumped in.

“We are getting reports from all over Equestria of attacks on either government structures or military bases. Those that have been able to contact us report of unicorn forces attacking. Several bases are holding for now. Camp Scootaloo has recently gone dark after a request for reinforcements. Rainbow Falls has also requested help, and the Airship HRPs Spitfire has already changed course to assist.”

“What are your orders your highness?” Asked Marshal Windfire, the current head of Equestria's military. Velvet looked at the map for a minute before she finally spoke.

“They have done it. They have crossed a line. This is the United Unicorn Front's doing. Their patience has ended so now they revert to force to get their way. Marshal, have Cloudsdale move to us in Ponyville. We must secure the capital if we have any hope of ending this rebellion. Mister Pants, let it be known that the UUF is now considered a terrorist organization and any member will be treated as such. The country is now in a state of emergency. The United Unicorn Front has declared war on Equestria and we shall meet the challenge.” Twilight saw a cold fire unlike any she had ever seen in her aunt's eyes. Princess Velvet Sparkle was going to protect her nation.

Or die trying.

Comments ( 5 )

how did twilight even die is she not an immortal alicorn like the others

6533884 She and the others died fighting this evil. Celestia, Luna, And Twilight all died because the evil was that powerful. Heck it took out Discord. Cadance was lucky to survive.

6533933 kay it's just sad that they had to live whiteout their mother

6533992 well some did. at the point of her death Twilight was a couple centuries old. Also another reason she fell. the girls had passed away and no clear replacements had happened so the EOH couldn't be used.

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