The challenge in Too Many Pinkie Pies has traumatized Pinkie.
The Challenge: What is going through Pinkie's mind during and after the challenge.
The Nightmare: Pinkie has recurring nightmares of Twilight.
POV of the Pinkie we are lead to believe to be the real Pinkie Pie.
I got the idea some time after watching Reviewing is Magic 5. (Watch it, it'll help explain some things, and get you into the proper mindset)
Tragedy tag is for Pinkie being emotionally scarred by Twilight.
Gore tag is just to be safe.
This is the first time I've written something like this. Tell me what you think, and any questions.
Written in the space of about 2 hours. My own head canon of the events that transpired.
WARNING: Twilight is put in a darker light.
It wasn't murder, but the clones watching wouldn't know that...
Well Pinkie you're just going to live with it, I guess.
5379213 This was originally going to be a one-shot, but since you talked me into it, I think I might be able to come up with a sequel. No promises though.
All I could say was "Holy fuck, that sounded terrifying!"
I guess that in a way, Pinkie being uncharacteristically childish and flanderized as the series went on could actually be proof that the Pinkie that was saved from the clone murder spree is actually... a clone.
Damn, Twilight! You're scary!
5400798 I hope that means you enjoyed it.
This is the 1 episode I cannot rewatch.
is a good question, twilight has used the magic of king sombra, and we know that the dark magic corrodes the hearts of the ponies ....... pinkie could be right ..... I also noticed behaviors not so right from twilight, I mean she already was not the best as sanity, as evidenced by the episode lesson zero, to this add a type of magic that corrodes the hearts and minds of those who use it.
Interesting question