• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,483 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Other Side of the Wall

The Other Side of the Wall

“What’s the look for?” Twilight asked, tilting her head as she watched Rainbow Dash descend slowly from the wall she had just been peering over, “Is everything alright over there?”

“Oh, yeah!” Dash nodded quickly, shaking the image of Alex and Alpha dancing from her mind, “I uh, was just thinking about- er, all the planning I need to do for the uh… wedding! Yeah, wedding!”

“Now darling, you can rest assured that Pinkie and I will handle all of the difficult work for you,” Rarity said from her corner of the tub, with a towel wrapped around her head, “We already have a venue, a caterer, most of a guest-list, a band, a bunch of—“

“Band?” Dash interrupted, “I don’t remember talking about anypony singing at the reception.”

“Well, I handled that one… myself.” Rarity coughed, looking away from the group that was now staring at her.

“It’s your acapella group, isn’t it?” Fluttershy said flatly.

“So what if it is?” Rarity said somewhat defensively, “In my opinion, we’re spectacular! And I think Applejack would appreciate having her big brother get the opportunity.”

“Don’t go draggin’ me in tuh’ this.” Applejack said from below her hat, which she had been using to keep the outside world out.

“I don’t really mind,” Dash shrugged, “As long as I can hear you guys do a few songs, and you let Alex DJ your wedding, everything is fine with me.”

“Well, of course we’d audition for—wait. What was that?” Rarity stopped herself, eyeing the colourful mare.

“Well, so long as Alex can scratch being a DJ off his bucket list at your wedding, I’d be happy to let you guys do your thing at mine.” Dash said with a perfectly straight face.

“N-Now darling,” Rarity stammered, “I was planning on having several classical pieces played by a live group…”

“Oh, if that’s what you want.” Dash said quickly, “I wonder if Celestia could get us a really big name, like—“

“Mmmmm…. Wait!” Rarity said, biting her hoof nervously, “I’ll let Alex do a set after Spike and I have our first dance!”

Dash burst in to laughter at just how much Rarity wanted to perform at the reception. She hadn’t expected her to go for the ridiculous offer she had made for her.

“Rarity, you really think I want to let Alex loose on the stage with some playlist of cheesy rock songs?” Dash said through her laughter, “I’m happy to let you sing at the wedding! I’m just that awesome.”

“Well… Thank you,” Rarity coughed.

“Oh, Dashie! I almost forgot to ask you! What kind of games do you want at the reception?” Pinkie asked, pausing as she waited for an answer.

“Uh…” Dash said awkwardly, scratching the back of her head, “You know, I wasn’t really feeling like having any games…”

“What?!” Pinkie almost shouted, splashing her arms in the water, “No games? Wh- I- Just-“

“I mean, of course they’ll need to be games for the fillies and colts, right?” Trixie spoke up, trying to help Pinkie come down from her hyperventilation.

“Well- of course,” Dash faux-scoffed, as if that had been her plan the whole time, “I just meant no games- you know, around the dance floor or the tables.”

“Oh!” Pinkie said, her smile returning and her flailing slowing down, “That makes waaayyy more sense. I almost had a stroke when you said no games!”

“So what does that leave to prepare?” Twilight asked.

“Well, I wanted the two of us to learn to… dance…” Dash frowned deeply, glancing at the gap over the wall, genuinely curious if the two were still over there dancing with each other.

“Oh, I think Marick knows how to dance!” Twilight said, with a bright smile.

And yet the scowl on Dash’s face grew deeper.

“He’d be able to teach both parts by changing to look like the two of you!” Pinkie giggled.

“Moving on,” Dash coughed, “I was having a tough time thinking about who I should choose to be my mare of honor.”

A silence fell across the pool as everypony looked between one another nervously, none of them wanting to start a fight over who might be the one she would choose.

“Like… would it be tacky to have six? Or seven?” Dash asked, looked between them all with a slight frown.

“I… think it might be,” Rarity nodded, “Even having that many maresmaids would be a little strange.”

“Then who should I pick?” Dash asked, looking between them all, having no idea of the uncomfortable position she was putting her friends in, “I don’t wanna hurt anypony’s feelings.”

“Well, whoever you choose, just know that I won’t hold anything against you, should it not be me.” Rarity said, trying to remain composed as she frowned slightly.

“Now see?” Dash said, huffing, “That’s the problem! How am I supposed to hurt all of your feelings by picking just one of you?”

“Well, I won’t mind…” Fluttershy said softly.

“Neither will I!” Pinkie smiled, “You can pick whoever you like!”

“Don’ worry ‘bout me.” Applejack said from under her hat.

“Don’t pick me! I haven’t known you as long as everypony else!” Twilight said, shaking her head.

“Not as short as me!” Trixie added.

“See? Now nopony is going to let me choose them!” Dash said, throwing her hooves up in the air, “What do you guys want from me? To pick nopony?”

None of them spoke once again.

“Well, who’s your best friend out of all of them? Just pick them!” Trixie asked.

“I don’t like any of you more than any of you,” Dash said, “What if I just chose nopony?”

“Well, that might also be odd…” Rarity said.

Dash growled, “This is stupid! I-I’m going to sit with the guys! I don’t care if Alpha already looks like me!”

With that, Dash flew over the wall, leaving everypony scratching their heads.

“So… who should be the mare of honor then?” Rarity spoke up a few moments after Dash was over the wall.

“Me!” Everypony except Trixie said.

“This… is going to be a pain.” Trixie said under her breath, as all the girls starred daggers at one another.

“It should be me!” Pinkie said, “I was Dashie’s first friend in Ponyville!”

“No, after all the work I’m doing for this wedding, I should be the one to stand by her!” Rarity argued.

“You’re getting married soon yourself…” Fluttershy pointed out.

“I’ve read every book on being a good maresmaid!” Twilight fought, “I’d be the best choice!”

Trixie only closed her eyes and sighed.


“So, who should I pick?” Dash asked, having just explained the situation to the men on the other side of the wall, “They all acted like they were fine with whoever I choose, but I’ll bet you ten bits that they’re over there fighting about it right now!”

“Oh!” Spike said, laughing as if he had the best solution in the world, “Just pick me!”


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