• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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From the perspective of her friends, Pinkie had been almost been completely unaffected by the revelation of Rainbow Dash having been under the control of her dark side for over two years. She had remained uncharacteristically apathetic, leading her friends accompanying her back to Ponyville to worry that she wouldn’t forgive the mare yet.

As the overnight trip came to its end, all the girls, save Pinkie, were involved in a conversation of which the party pony was the main topic.

“What do you think she’s going to say when we get back home?” Fluttershy asked worriedly, being visibly stressed over the possibility of Pinkie never forgiving Rainbow Dash, “Will she just ignore her?”

“Ah’ ain’t got the slightest clue,” Applejack sighed, hiding her own anxiety over the issue a little better than her friend, “Maybe she’s just lost’n thought?”

“I don’t know…” Twilight said, looking around the train car once again to make sure Pinkie wasn’t somehow listening in on their conversation, “Pinkie’s the type to explode in happiness when something like this happens. Why in Equestria would she be so silent at a time like this?”

None of them had a reply further than a nervous glance to each other.

“Does she have some kind of reason to hold this against her?” Rarity asked, trying to recall anything beyond the fake affair Dash had with Speed, “I can’t imagine staying mad at Rainbow Dash myself! How could Pinkie?”

“She’s one of the most forgiving ponies I’ve ever met!” Twilight added, as Applejack and Fluttershy nodded along with her, “You could push her off a cliff, and an apology would put you back in her good books!”

“I think Applejack is right!” Fluttershy said, obviously not sure whatsoever, “Everything will be just fine tomorrow!”

“I’d love that to be the case myself…” Rarity added quietly.

“Oh! Here she comes!” Twilight said almost silently, as the door at the end of the car opened up, and the pink pony made her way toward them, “Uh, hey Pinkie! How was your night?”

“It was fine.” She said simply, her expression neither happy, nor sad.

“Have any good dreams?” Fluttershy asked, trying her best not to sound awkward.

“Nope.” She said, confusing them once again.

“Should ah’ jus’ ask’er?” Applejack said, as her friends gave her no helpful response.

“Ask me what, girls?” Pinkie asked, her tone slightly happier, as she looked to the four of them, each one fiddling with their front hooves.

“W-well, ya’ know…” Applejack stammered, truly worried that this could explode in her face one way or another, “The whole thing with RD…”

“Oh…” Pinkie replied, her expression now saddening, “Well, I—“

Pinkie was cut off mid-sentence as the train started to slow down, as they reached their final destination of Ponyville.

“Oh, I guess we’re back,” Pinkie said simply, walking away from her friends and heading toward the entrance to the train car.

“Alex said they were coming back here, right?” Twilight asked, looking out her window and looking around the platform, “Do you think they’re—Oh, I see them right there.”

The girls huddled around the window to see the two lovers standing next to one another, their own happiness almost radiating from their bodies, as they waited for the train to finally stop.


Alex and Dash stood in silence as they watched the train finally stop, and the doors open up.

At first, a few random ponies made their way off the train, followed immediately by Pinkie Pie, as she took a few steps, making sure to clear the door, and made instant eye-contact with Dash.

The strange energy was enough to put anypony in the area off quite a bit, as Dash’s apologetic face was met with Pinkie’s indifferent one. It threw so many questions in the air that Alex felt his stomach start doing backflips.

“Pinkie,” Dash began, frowning at the mare in front of her as she broke away from Alex, “I… How—How are you doing?”

“I guess I’m okay,” She said, her face now beginning to show her own inner conflict, “It’s good that you’re finally home…”

“Look, Pinkie,” Dash said instantly, approaching her just in time for the rest of her friends to file out of the train and take a position to look on from, “I’m so sorry for everything! I can’t image how much you’ve been hurt over the last few weeks…”

“What?!” Pinkie asked, her face showing true shock as Dash begged for her forgiveness, “Why are you apologizing?”

Dash opened her mouth, but paused and crinkled her nose in confusion, “Uh… Because of my dark side? You know?”

“You don’t need to apologize!” Pinkie said, shaking her head rapidly as she closed the last of the distance between her and Dash, “I stopped trusting you! You never cheated on him! I should have kept my faith in you…”

Dash shook her head as she smiled to Pinkie, “You went back in time with Discord and saw everything! Treachery had all of us fooled!”

“But that’s not the point!” Pinkie argued, her eyes welling with tears, “You’re the most loyal pony I ever met! How could I believe that you were anything less than that?”

“Pinkie!” Dash said loudly, a smile still plastered across her face, “You trusted me, and when you found out that I cheated on Alex… It’s fair to react the way you did.”


“Pinkie, your heart broke.” Dash said softly, stroking the side of the mares face, “And I could never be mad at you for something like that. Never in a million, billion years.”

Pinkie finally allowed herself to smile, as the tears started to pour down her cheeks.

“I was so worried that you wouldn’t forgive me!” Pinkie squeaked, locked in place as she looked at the ground, “I stressed out over it all the way home!”

Dash didn’t answer her. She just wrapped her arms around Pinkie’s neck, as she carefully placed her hind legs directly under her, as to not fall over.

Neither of them said anything for the next few minutes, as Dash comforted the hysterical mare.

Alex genuinely surprised himself by the lack of naughty thoughts he was having about the two of them at this moment. All he could feel was a massive weight being lifted off his chest as they made up. But, at least this way, in the future, he could imagine them in any way he wanted without feeling awkward about it.

“This is so sweet,” Rarity smiled, happy that her fears had all been for nothing, “Our group would simply be ruined if they had stayed upset with one another.”

“No kidding,” Twilight nodded, happy that they wouldn’t have to pick and choose sides, “maybe we can have a few weeks of peace and quiet before the next big event.”

Applejack and Fluttershy both seized up at the mention of ‘the next big event.’

After the big hoax Rainbow Dash’s dark side had created, it made Applejack worry about what could possibly happen to her. What if she came in to contact with her own dark side months ago, and there was some massive secret that she couldn’t even remember?

Fluttershy was on the same page as her friend, worrying that her hidden desires were going to come out with her own dark side.

But, those were all problems for the future. Right now, all that mattered was the two ponies who had just made up in front of them all.

Pressing the side of her head in to Pinkie’s, Dash whispered quietly in her ear, “I finally told Alex about those few times we… you know…”

Pinkie let out a small giggled, as she looked back on that time in her life and sighed, before whispering back, “I’ll bet he loved hearing that!”

“Aren’t men pigs?” Dash laughed, retracting from her position, to standing normally once again.

“Come on, Dashie!” Pinkie beamed, happy that she could smile again, “You were asking me ten times a day! What does that make you?”

They both exploded in to laughter and giggles and the rest of the ponies around them idly wondered what they had found so funny.

“But just so you know…” Pinkie whispered, wiping a tear from her eye as she leaned forward once again, “I’d be happy to help you give Alex a special birthday present when the time rolls around!”

Dash only gave a single ‘Ha!’ as she pulled away from the pink mare, and started heading back toward Alex, “I guess we’re both dirty mares.”

Alex perked up, praying that they were somehow planning on double teaming him, “What were you guys talking about?!”

“How awesome monogamy is,” Dash said, a smirk plastered across her face as Alex frowned harder than he had in a while, “And that’s all you need to know.”

Pinkie returned to her group of friends with the genuine smile that they had all truly missed.

“So, Pinkie?” Rarity asked, smiling warmly to the pink mare, “Are you feeling better now?”

“Way better!” She exclaimed, jumping up from the floor of the platform and somehow sending streamers all around the ground of girls, “But you know what I think this calls for?”

“Let me guess.” Twilight said frankly, “Is it a party?”

“Nope! It’s a Pinkie Party! They’re way more fun!” Pinkie exploded, as she picked up her bag with her mouth and ran toward the main entrance, “Everypony! Be at Sugarcube Corner at five! We have lot’s to celebrate!”

“Should we tell them now?” Alex whispered in his fiancés ear.

“No. Tonight we’ll do it.” Dash replied, “At this party.”

“Might as well have even more attention on us, right?” Alex smiled to her.

“You know me too well,” Dash laughed, as she pressed herself against Alex, and started leading him toward their house, “Now take me home, hubby.”

“Uhhh… Don’t call me that.” Alex flinched, as he briefly looked over his shoulder to the girls waiting on the platform and smiled toward them, “I’d prefer ‘sexy’ or… ‘Incredibly handsome.’”

Dash just rolled her eyes and shook her head as they left the platform.

“Geez,” Twilight huffed, “They could have at least said ‘hello.’”

“Alex smiled at us,” Fluttershy said simply.

“An’ if yer’ lookin’ for attention, jus’ go see Alpha,” Applejack added.

“I’m sure he’d be happy to appreciate you, darling.” Rarity giggled, as Twilight’s face lit up with a light blush.

Twilight was beyond denying to any of her friends at this point. She had had gotten pretty cozy with Alpha since he moved to Ponyville. But, things still hadn’t… progressed between the two of them just yet. It didn’t help that Twilight would giggle and blush like a school filly every time he made a move.

“Well, I guess if you all say so,” Twilight said simply, levitating her bag to hang in the air next to her, “I guess I’d better go be appreciated by Alpha a little bit, since I know I’m not going to be getting it here!”

Following her cue, Rarity also levitated her luggage off the ground as she made her way toward the exit.

“I have a man of my own to see me when I get home,” She said over her shoulder to her two remaining friends, “I’ll see you both at the party tonight, however!”

With that Rarity left Applejack and Fluttershy standing along on the platform, surrounded by their own bags they had brought back from Manehattan.

“Ah’ wish ah’ could lift these bags with magic…” Applejack muttered, picking up her bag with her teeth, and looking to her friend.

“I still don’t know why we bought all these souvenirs,” Fluttershy muttered, lifting her saddle bag and placing it across her back, “We didn’t even have luggage when we arrived.”

Applejack tried to respond, but with her bag in her mouth, she wasn’t exactly able to form proper words.

“I’ll see you later too,” Fluttershy smiled, walking past Applejack, and turning to head toward her cottage.

Still, despite their cheery outward moods, both were incredibly nervous over what lay ahead for them. And after all they had seen, they truly wished that they had been taken over first, so they didn’t have to put up with this agonizing wait.


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