• Member Since 13th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 7th, 2022



You find yourself in Ponyville with no recent memories, a splitting headache, and an odd familiarity with everything around you. You realize that you're completely comfortable with ponies and situations that you have absolutely no experience with. You know for a fact you've never been here before, and yet it's like you've lived here your whole life. Nopony seems to recognize you, but you slip into playful banter with them like you were old friends without even thinking about it. What's going on?

Why does it feel like you've done this all before? And if you have, then why does nopony recognize you?

On a less personal note, what's the deal with your new accessories? You're pretty sure you didn't have them the last time you checked.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 22 )

Reaching into your shirt you pull out a pendant that consists of a brilliant red stone in a thin silver setting.



The vegetable you're thinking of is actually spelled "kale."


That is an excellent point, but you're failing to account for one thing:


Nnyeaaaaaa! *runs away*

'The One Ring and You' by Legendary Frog

Oh Blanchette, where are you now?


We'll want 'We've Got Explosives!' by Goblin Sapper, 'The One Ring and You' by Legendary Frog, History Channel's 'I'm Not Saying It Was Aliens'..."

The single quotes are unnecessary, as book titles only need to be italicized. The authors should be offset with commas since they are nonessential information—when it comes to lists, don't forget you need to use semicolons to separate items containing commas. You also forgot to italicize book titles later in the chapter.

So, despite possibly possibly having the money. He still makes Twilight pay. Kale, you're an a**!:twilightangry2:

Anyway, we're two chapters in and no one has even made a comment regarding that Kale is human.Like nothing, nor has Kale said anything regarding that he's now in a land of magic talking ponies. Both parties just went 'meh' and acted like it was just another day.

Regarding the lack of human reaction: I promise you, there is a reason nopony has reacted to his weird bipedal form. It's written into the backstory and everything. Hopefully I'll get around to touching on it in the next few chapters.

Regarding Cale's assholishness...

Cale is a nice person, but he takes great pains to paint himself as a selfish asshole. His reasoning is that if you're a nice person, everybody takes the nice things you do for granted. However, if you're a jerk who occasionally does nice things, people tend to give you more credit for the occasional nice thing you do. Additionally, if you're a nice person and occasionally act selfish, people can get downright offended that you aren't doing what they want you to.

This leads to the sort of behavior you saw in this chapter, where Cale intentionally behaves like a selfish asshole in order to cement other peoples' perceptions of himself.

"The trick is to do it in such a way that they're laughing even as they call you a jerk."

Uh ok, hopefully your explanation will shed some light on things. Because as it sits now, it doesn't have a leg to stand on..or however that saying goes.

As for your reason behind KALE's actions:

No, just no. That as logical as putting a screen door on a submarine. Or assuming that all girls like 'bad boys.'

Perhaps your wording it funny, because what you put makes ZERO sense.

This story is kinda weird, but I suppose it's because the reader is in the same situation as Cale, who remembers almost nothing. I'll be following this story for each new chapter you post, abcd_z!

Thank you WarpedDigit, that means a lot to me. :pinkiesmile:

before I read, can I know why you cancelled this story?

Two reasons. 1) It wasn't rating as well as I hoped it would, and 2) When I try writing drama or adventure it's like pulling teeth. I feel like I have to slog through the parts I don't care about to get to the parts I do, and it usually causes a bad case of writer's block.

btw, is there a sneaky SAO reference here?

Not intentionally. What did you think was the reference?

it may have been an error, but when I found this story, I was looking up the word 'Elucidator' and as most SAO fans know, Elucidator is the name of the long sword that Kazuto uses, so I only assumed

the stallion said earth. so how does crescent moon know of earth? :applejackunsure::rainbowderp::rainbowhuh::trixieshiftright::duck::trollestia:

hmmm...seems a bit rushed. they just met and twilight seems to have feelings for this boy. plus the fact that twilight being twilight, would be all over him wanting to know everything she can from an "alien". :derpytongue2::trollestia:

5022520 same reaction. SPIKE'S A REAL BOY!! :trollestia: and Rarity breaks down because she can't count to two lol :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

so he's a human no matter what, but with the bracelet, everybody sees him as a four legged, furry pony, but without it, he's seen as a two legged, hairless monster. but either way he's still human. very cliche'd if you ask me. :twilightsmile:

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