• Published 15th Jul 2014
  • 2,235 Views, 107 Comments

A Reign Of Blood - MegatronsPen

Princess Celestia has an unquenchable thirst and there is only one thing that will sate it: blood.

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Comments ( 97 )

Jesus right after this story comes Pinkie pie is adorable

Argh it cut of my comment again
What I mean was
Right after this story comes pinkie pie is adorable to get that image out of my head

That picture is disturbing the fuck out of me... Maybe I should stop looking at it.

I agree. Chilling but really Good work

Holy hell, that cover image...

I don't normaly go in for fics like this but it has my attention

Awesomely scary cover art and I'm glad I voted for this to be written first.

Don't forget now kids, don't stick your D in crazy. :trollestia:

this story definitely deserves a like and a favorite. hopefully next chapter really soon!

I've seen this picture before, not sure where... Anyone have the source?

Completely and utterly fucked in every single imaginable way.

Just how I like it!

Imma follow this story like a psychotic stalker. :pinkiehappy:

I love stories going dark, but I'd say this was both not built up enough, and didn't go far enough. The ending is quite abrupt and doesn't fully embrace the true grimdark horror of that nightmare fuel image. It's just too short.

FINE! I'll read the bloody gorefic! Can't be that much fun...
Oh fuck the hell yes.

On one hand, I know what's the purpose of this story ; horror story and all.

Yet... given Celestia's nature and her being the only one in this setting... my mind wandered off to the following silly idea:

Celestia truly has those nightmare traits because she's "pure", a order version of Discord and ultimately, beneath her beautiful shape, just as warped as him ; unlike in canon and most fanfics, the "Alicorn" did not split off into several 'avatars' and retained the form of only a single, super-powerful, truly immortal alicorn through history.

... but this came at the cost of making her very alien and probably making it difficult for her to keep her powers in check, not unlike Discord. Likewise, this version of Celestia, being much longer-lived, probably went through a lot more personality changes and philosophical changes ; she's probably much wiser than canon... but also very alien, having let go of some morals that mortals cling to in order to adopt a more conceptual view of things.

By extension, though I guess the intent is that she killed Flash Sentry... I actually doubt that she'd actually kill the ponies she ensnare and drain (especially if she plan to do as she do in the cover pic eventually). She is effectively tasting the "essence" of whoever she picked as a lover for the night, allowing him to feel and taste her true self. He might be horrified and will likewise feel a part of him deadened or somehow "touched" by Celestia's essence but who would ever believe him?

Besides, she probably care not that he does not understand now, or maybe ever. He is but one pony and if he is incapable of understanding, then she got to taste him and enjoy the night if anything else.

I bet my interpretation is most definitely not the intended one and may seem extremely strange... but oh well. Here it is. A dumb theory from yours truly.

4695501 If someone can find it, I'd appreciate the find so I can properly credit the artist. :pinkiecrazy:

4696355 I liked reading your theory. I won't go into my head fanon on this one, but it is on a level of... well. I am referencing Celestia to a creature that exists in horror.

I understood and yeah, I get that this is indeed horror. Not sure from which setting this version of Celestia is referencing though ; many monsters have heads described like at the end.

To elaborate/clarify on my previous theory, it was that Celestia had the weird tentacles and stuff because she's a 'pure' deity instead of simply a powerful semi-divine being... so she have eldritch traits that make her *really* alien and that can prove just as repulsive as Discord's extraordinarily malformed body (as Tirek proved, the villains of MLP FiM look cutesy largely because of the show's style. Discord, if in another style, would probably look extremely monstrous and alien).

4696059 I love stories going dark as well, very much so. The impact to a dark fic is always about the build up to it.

I'm just setting a base level with this chapter/prologue to outline just how very bleak and abrupt the darkness will be in this fic.

I do know this fic is going to get a bunch of downvotes and negative attention due to the way I handle the dark aspect and its subject, but this is just the surface.

Either way, thanks for the read. Hopefully you'll stick around for the rest of it. :rainbowkiss:

4696442 I never did say you were wrong. :rainbowkiss:

If you want to avoid the downvotes and what not, then I guess it probably rely on one factor.

Namely, the killing of main characters. Given the story can have a good ending or at least, end with the characters coping with the events in some manner, you'll avoid the dreaded downvote storm. Generally, killing off any of the Mane Six without being subjected to a downvote frenzy is difficult.

I guess I must be a weirdo... but though I don't doubt this will be very bleak, I prefer when it's dark as a logical consequence of in-story events and not dark for the sake of being dark (AKA avoiding reaching 'grimderp' levels). In particular, and especially given the summary assume Celestia is either still benevolent or capable of keeping up a facade, what really interest me is in how the characters deal with how disturbing and eldritch Celestia truly is.

... and ironically, this makes me think of a point ; the Alicorn, in most timelines, chose to 'split' herself, to limit herself to a mortal shell so she could relate as a mortal. Not unlike the lovecraftian old ones, this version of Celestia might suffer from a 'distant' perception dissonance ; she has to constantly focus to avoid time passing by her without doing anything for centuries or to actually notice ponies that are standing in front of her. Likewise, due to her conceptual level, she is too busy feeling, mixing, and touching the essence of lovers to notice the horror she cause in them or the fact that she shortened their lifespan far more than she wanted ; what felt like just taking away a fraction more of a pony's life could result in said mortal crumbling to dust.

In a way... I think it could even be interesting for the horror angle ; she's not a vampire or some evil being. The ponies cannot even find comfort in hating her ; she's a lovecraftian deity who truly care for them, truly do bring forth a good world... and is truly so much above them that she isn't even noticing that the touch of her true form is horrifying and killing them.

She loves them. And they're so utterly small, so utterly insignificant that their bodies and minds break from the merest touch of her true essence purely from accident. How frail and pathetic flesh and bone can prove itself to be...

that cover is probably the most disturbing art for mlp I seen so far.

4696515 I definitely agree with you on the grimdark material(and I'm keeping the term "grimderp" for future usage, thank you very much): darkness is only good when there is some sort of method to the madness, and there needs to be at least a flicker of hope to make the darkness sweeter.

Also I wonder how well the story will relate to the picture: what exactly is going to happen to Twilight? Good grief, that picture keeps drawing me back. There's nothing on Derpibooru on it...

just by looking at the cover I know its gonna :raritystarry:

disturbing is H.P. Lovecraft not this knockoff:ajsmug:
even then I really don't find anything to disturb me anymore

4696914 well I seen far more disturbing, but this is it so far for mlp related content.

4696914 Woot for knock offs. :twilightsmile:

4696515 Whatever may come, downvote storm or no, this won't be dark for dark sakes.

I don't forsee this fic getting a whole lot of positive attention off of just the prologue/chp. 1, as it contains no development of note towards the main characters Twlight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. That comes next chapter.

4696807 this gonna be good

yes knock-offs have their up's and downs and good for you this does deserve a list amongst popular or features list

4697189 Thanks, I hope I can justify its position on the pop list with the next chapter. :heart:

Interesting, I'll put it on my read later list

4696402 I can't find the source, but you can reverse google image search it to find bigger versions.

Well, Celestia should get some dental work done cause I don't think ponies should have sharp teeth... Or a gaping Maw with tentacles.

Aww man... someone beat me to using this pic and the almost same type of story!:fluttershbad:
Great start though. :fluttercry:

4698263 Sorry bro. :twilightsheepish: And thanks.

HOLY SHIT BALLS, BATMAN! I pictured this all in my head, and now it won't leave!:raritydespair:

I LOVE IT!!!:pinkiecrazy:

Huh, interesting story to come back too.

4699055 good to see you again, bro. :heart: May need ur help soon if ur up for it?

4699106 I am at your service. :twilightsmile:

It reminds me of the leviathans from Supernatural... And Hentai... much hentai:facehoof:

The author of this fanart is vaniljazero. But he/she made it clear on his/her account: he/she doesn't draw ponies anymore. Shame. This one's one of my favorite MLP fanart ever.

4699456 And mine. Thanks for that. Adding the name to teh summary. :heart:

4699593 Is this a clop fic?

4699833 Not really, no. There is going to be clop in this fic, but the fic itself is not going to center around the sex specifically in every single chapter as its primary theme. It isn't the plot point. The sex tag and tagged clopfics group is only because there is going to be some pretty graphic scenes throughout, which is technically clop.


That probably did not answer your question. :twilightblush:

4699876 You answered it well enough. thank you
also hot profile pic is hot.:rainbowkiss:

Oh look, a vampire plus tentacles.


Can I just blow it up and be done with it now?

4699902 Aaaaaaaaaaaaactually it isn't a Vampire tentacle monster thing, but yeah, I can see why you'd think that.

4699913 It drinks blood, has fangs, and has the condescending aire of a vamp.

Makes it Alucard as far as I'm concerned.

Needs to be blown up with extreme prejudice. :pinkiecrazy:

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