• Published 27th Apr 2014
  • 1,444 Views, 23 Comments

Shadow Dancers - Skijarama

After a wonderful party hosted by Pinkie Pie, Twilight finds herself under attack from the shadows themselves as she returns to the library.

  • ...

Shadow Dancers

Panic. That was the dominant feeling Twilight Sparkle felt as she ran down the midnight streets of Ponyville. The darkness was following her, and she had multiple cuts, scrapes, and bruises to show for it. Her breath came in rapid gasps as she forced her burning legs to keep moving. Several glowing orbs of light floated around her, each one illuminating a different part of her body so that not a single shadow was cast on her form. She glanced to her left and right, trying to find the street that would lead her back to the library.

She groaned in frustration and pain as she was forced to come to a stop by the fact that she was lost. How in the hoof did she get lost?! Her panic surged as she felt the tell-tale tingle under her mane. She cussed violently and took off galloping once more, flaring up the light on her horn again. Her legs felt like they were on fire, and her lungs were about ready to rupture from how heavily she was breathing. At this point, she was running on pure adrenaline.

She rounded a corner, and a smile briefly touched her face. The library was just ahead. Her hope renewed, she forced herself on, praying mentally that she would be able to save herself once inside. All of those hopes were shattered however and her smile faded as she tripped over her hooves. She crashed into the dirt, all of her light fading out. She gasped in pain as the darkness fell over her once again. In that moment, she knew it was over.

The shadows intensified over her, and she screamed in agony as she was consumed.


When next she awoke, it was to infinite darkness in every direction. She was floating, no idea where she was, or what was happening. Twilight gulped as she took in her surroundings. The darkness was so intense she couldn't even see her own body, which sent a spike of fear through her. She heard a deep rumble echoing through the strange void, causing her to panic slightly. That was the same noise she had heard that caused her to start running in the first place.

“Please! Don't hurt me!” Twilight practically begged, tucking up into a ball. Truth be told, she'd never felt so scared, as far as she could remember. Her life was hanging delicately in the hands of the darkness that now surrounded her, and she had no idea what she did to anger them. Them, of course, being Shadow Dancers. Twilight knew that they lived in the darkness, as shadows themselves, and could jump from one shadow to another as long as it was close enough.

Twilight's knowledge of these entities did not reach very far beyond that, and at the moment she was too scared to remember it. They were rarely a threat, as they usually didn't attack ponies. So, why had they suddenly taken such an interest in her? The shadows in front of her seemed to glow for a moment, before a single yellow eye opened, revealing a reptilian slit as a pupil. “You beg for your life?” A voice asked, deep and ominous, reverberating in Twilight's mind as though spoken within it.

“Yes, please! I've done nothing to you. Please don't hurt me!” Twilight repeated, trying to keep herself calm. It wasn't killing her yet? What did it want? The yellow eye blinked slowly, and inched closer to Twilight.

“You have done something.” The eye said, venom dripping from it's tone. Twilight's heart skipped a beat.

“I... I don't understand. What did I do?”

“You have done something.” The Shadow Dancers said in unison, sending sharp pain through Twilight's skull. She gasped, and looked up at the eye as it began to glow brighter, the ominous light it emitted fueled Twilight’s fear to the point of hysteria.

“Please, stop! What did I do?! I don't understand! PLEASE-” Twilight’s screams cut off her words, drowning them out as an invisible force began to bend her backwards, stretching her until her spine began to pop. It was almost as though she was being pulled apart by four Rainbow Dashes flying in separate directions. She felt the tingle running along her stomach, and she widened her eyes. “No, NO! I'M SORRY!” She pleaded, knowing what was about to happen. Her stomach began to ripple, and excruciating pain filled her system as it began to split open. Her flesh split as easily as if warm butter sliced into by a knife. “PLEASE! I'M SORRY!”

The agony continued, invisible hands pulling her belly open further. The split was still small, but it was agonizing all the same. Twilight could feel the blood running down her side from the open wound, matting the fur down as it went. Her screams began to devolve into quiet whimpers as the wound expanded. Her eyelids were getting heavy, and it was becoming harder and harder to breathe. However, in the next instant, something wrapped itself around her and started pulling. Something physical, like forelegs wrapping around her torso.

She tried to reach out and grab at the form now essentially hugging her, but was held in place. The pulling intensified, and she felt almost like her limbs would be ripped free from their sockets, the sound of popping bones emanating from her joints. She heard muffled screams that weren't her own, before the invisible force let go of her, and she was suddenly lurched skyward. Moments later the shadows seemed to disappear beneath her, replaced with the night sky. Twilight let her eyes close, deciding she would be better off taking a nap for now...


When next Twilight awoke, it was in a Ponyville clinic recovery room. Her wounds were bandaged and her stomach had been stitched. She looked to her left and saw sunlight streaming in through the window. Almost instantly, she scrunched herself up against the bed. Light. Light cast shadows. She started to sweat as she glanced left and right, eyes landing on every shadow in the room. She could feel her heart hammering against her ribs like a blacksmith.

She heard the beeping of a heart monitor speed up. Her breathing began to speed up as the memory of the shadow dancers chasing her came back to mind. A gentle knock came to the door before it opened. Twilight shrunk down, pupils shrinking for a moment. She then relaxed as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walked in, each wearing looks of concern. Rainbow Dash had a few minor cuts that had been bandaged. They were followed in by Nurse Redheart. Rainbow beamed. “Twilight! Whew, good to see you awake. You gave us all quite a scare.” She said happily.

“Where are the others?” Twilight asked, voice barely above a whisper.

“They’re sleeping in the waiting room. We’ve all been really worried about you.” Rainbow replied, rubbing the back of her neck absently.

“You've been out since last night, Twilight. What happened? Who hurt you?” Pinkie asked, her tone surprisingly solemn. Twilight bit her lip as the memories came back, a cold sweat covering her brow. She hesitated in telling them, though she wasn’t exactly sure why. Maybe it was her reluctance to voice what had happened to her.

“Twilight, please. Rainbow gave us what she saw, but it doesn't tell us a whole lot. She said she heard you screaming in the middle of a shadow that was smothering you. When she pulled you out, she reported that you were covered in several horrible wounds, most of which we have tended to now.” Redheart reported, looking at Twilight with worry. Twilight hesitated.

“It... I don't know why, but... I was attacked by Shadow Dancers.” Twilight said weakly, tucking further into a ball.

“Uh... Shadow what now?” Rainbow asked confusedly, nervously pawing at the ground with her hoof.

“They're ancient spirits, as old as the princesses. They live in and control shadows. The darker and more complete the shadows, the more control they have over them. They can also effect anything living that has a shadow on it.” Twilight explained tiredly. She smiled at Rainbow. “Oh, and thank you, Rainbow Dash. You saved my life. I owe you big time.”

“Ah, it was nothing. Just me being-”

“Rainbow. I mean it. Thank you...” Twilight said a bit more firmly, softening on the last two words. Rainbow held her tongue and nodded, looking over at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie didn't say anything else, but simply smiled. Twilight gulped nervously. “So, what happened to the Shadow Dancers?”

“Well, I saw the shadows disperse after I pulled you out of them. And judging by the fact you're still breathing, I don't think they're coming after you again.” Rainbow said confidently, smirking.

“They were just big meanies!” Pinkie snapped suddenly, “It was a party day! Why did they attack you after a Pinkie party?!”

“Well, at least they didn't attack during it...” Twilight said, smiling weakly. “Fantastic party, by the way.” Pinkie smiled, still maintaining her solemn expression.

“I hate to cut this short, but I need to be alone with Twilight for a little bit. You two can come back and visit later.” Redheart said gently, nudging them for the door.

“No, please!” Twilight said, desperation and fear in her voice once more. Everypony turned to look at her. “I want them close... I'm sorry, Nurse, but I want my friends close by. I'll feel more safe.”

“Well... Alright, I suppose I can make an exception.” Redheart smiled as she said this, before closing the door. She then sat herself down with a clipboard next to Twilight's bed. “So... start from the beginning. What happened?”

“Well... I was returning to the library after Pinkie Pie's party was done...” Twilight began recounting the tale. At the very least, she decided, she was alive. But she couldn't help but wonder what she did to anger the Shadow Dancers. As she finished recounting the tale, she froze. She swore that for a moment she saw that yellow eye in one of the darker corners of the room.

Author's Note:

This story was written as an answer to a prompt/request on a forum thread. I was happy enough with the result to post it here. Tell me what you think.

Comments ( 23 )

High Spirits - Nights In Black

I wanna know moelre but unfortunately I think this is the end. Though is there more lore to these shadow dancers? If so could you tell me cause I'm curious about them anyway great story if a bit short


There is a bit more to them, but I actually haven't fully fleshed them out in my head yet.

4299060 damn alright bu5 its fine though when you fully flesh them out are you going to be doing a story on them?


Perhaps. I mainly invented the shadow dancers for a MLP DND group I'm running. They stand as the villains there, and I simply decided to incorporate them into this story because when you think about it, Shadow dancers are really creepy.

4299080 I can tell but just from this basic information I've gotten from this story I've gotten really intrigued so I really hope you do flesh them out but I'm fine if you don't cause it can be quite hard to do things like that


Well, even when I do flesh them out, I may not share that information. After all, things are at the absolute scariest when you don't understand them. It's the fear of the unknown, and that is something I was aiming to maintain in this story.

4299102 right well i can understand that since I'm a sucker for horror so yea im fine with that

Yay! I didn't piss anypony off! :pinkiehappy:


4299117 heh nah im a pretty hard person to piss off when it comes to these things but I may even come up with my own theories for just to try and sate my endless curiosity


Well, your curiosity MIGHT get sated. I'm thinking of writing a several chapter long sequel.

4301333 *tries and fails to hide a fist pump* yes uh I mean uh yea thats cool cant wait seriously I cant wait nah your fine

Hmm, an interesting read. I wonder why this story isn't featured yet..?


Probably because I have all of nothing in the form of a reputation.

Aw this was awesome and it definitely deserves waaaaaay more likes great job on it btw can't wait to start the sequel :twilightsmile:

:twilightsheepish: :twilightsmile: Great story. It made me me think about some scary thoughts but overall. Its good. :twilightsmile: :twilightsheepish:

Shadows that eat you? Sounds like the Vashta Nerada. If that had been the case though, Twilight and Rainbow would have been reduced to bare bones in seconds.

They were just big meanies!



How did I never see this comment? XD

I will have PTSD from this now.

JK! i hope...

Your avatar is very fitting

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