• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 16,112 Views, 406 Comments

Instant Mom - SeasonTheWiccan

When Rainbow Dash takes in a baby Pegasus left on her doorstep, she learns what it means to be a mother to a child with special needs when it's revealed that she is completely blind.

  • ...

The Gala

Cumulus was allowed to leave the hospital after two days, though Rainbow had to put a special salve on Cue's back every night before bed to make sure the burns healed properly.

Throughout those 2 days, Cue got a visit from her friends and Aunt Scootaloo. When her friends visited, they signed her cast and Dandelion showed that she had gotten her cutie mark, she said that she got it by pressing flowers. She started pressing when she was 7, it was the only thing she would sit still for and at first she didn't think anything of it. Then she began putting the flowers on journals and bookmarks to sell at her Mom's flower shop, then she had the epiphany that she was not only good at it, she loved it. She received her cutie mark while making Cue's get well soon present (a bookmark with pressed dandelions and rose petals on it). Since she used dandelions as a way of signing her work, it became her cutie mark. Cumulus knew that her dear friend felt that the dandelion was a deeply unappreciated flower.

"I'm happy for you Dandelion!" Cumulus said wholeheartedly.

"We're proud of you," said Rainbow.

"Thanks! Now the only one left is Autumn."

"Thanks for that," he grumbled.

"Don't feel bad, it'll come," said Rainbow. She had slowly warmed up to him after all the times he stood up for Cue. Of course she saw that he still had a crush on her daughter, but she has gotten used to it.

The next day, when Scootaloo visited Cue had to keep herself from jumping out of the bed to hug her. Apparently, word got out to her about what happened while she was in Manehattan for a show. She was visiting Sweetie Belle after a show when she asked Scootaloo if she got 'the note.' Scootaloo didn't know what she meant but Sweetie told her anyway. Scootaloo then went back and cancelled the rest of her tour and got on the next train to Ponyville.

"Sorry that Aunt Sweetie Belle isn't here. She has her show on Bridleway and they need her for that," Scootaloo explained.

"It's okay, we understand," said Rainbow.

Scootaloo only smiled and tousled Cue's mane, "So how's my favorite niece?"

"Uh, Aunt Scootaloo? I'm your only niece."

"Oh yeah! That's right!"

Cue giggled, "I'm fine, it's just that this cast itches."

"Don't worry, it'll be off before you know it."

When Cumulus didn't have visitors, Rainbow did her best to entertain her. Rainbow read Daring Do to her and she made up stories with her and even wrote them down. Cumulus felt more guilty than ever for doubting her mother's love for her when she was doing all of this for her. She was giving up comfort in her own bed for her, for all she knew, her mother could be visiting her once a day then going home and leaving her there alone with the doctors, nurses and other patients who sometimes had really scary ailments. But no, Rainbow stayed beside her the entire time and it got Cumulus thinking how hard it must have been to raise her all by herself, to make a decision like that, it made Cue appreciate and put her mom on a pedestal as her hero. All the sacrifices that she made, it was all for her! It was then that Cue got an idea for the song for the talent show!

When she was released from the hospital, she wanted to go straight home to work on it before the idea escaped her mind. It would mean rewriting the entire song, because before it was a song telling how much she loved her Mother, but now she saw another song in the rhythm she and Aunt Fluttershy came up with. Once they were at the house, Cue hobbled up to her room and started typing in braille with her only good arm.

'You tucked me in, turned out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that

Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to fly me everywhere
You were always there when I looked bad'

She ran her hoof over the bumps and liked what she was reading, she continued. Telling how her Mother was her hero, she typed and retyped lyrics until late into the afternoon. When she felt that she had reached perfection, she typed it in normal text for her friends so they could rehearse with it. She then slid these into her saddlebags for the next day.

Her first day back at school since the 'incident' was bittersweet, Gem and Bit made rude and sometimes outright cruel comments about Cue's origins and even picked at her talent saying how lame it was. But she didn't care, if there was one thing Rainbow had taught her while she was in the hospital. She was concerned about the others making comments about her being adopted, Rainbow told her that she had to be loyal to yourself, to your family and to your friends; she didn't understand how one could be loyal to themselves until now. She now knew it meant to stick up for yourself, her mother wasn't always going to be there to fight her battles; so, she had to fight her own. She shot back at them by telling them that her mother loved her with all her heart, she proved this to them by telling them how she saved her life in the wildfire, "If you don't think that's love...then you don't know what love is!"

Gem and Bit were shocked that their lifelong target suddenly got a backbone!

"Well...your talent is still stupid!" said Shiny Bit eager to tear her down in some way.

"Well then that's YOUR problem!"

On the upside, she had her friends around her helping her since she had 3 hooves instead of 4 to work with, they loved the song she wrote but Dandelion felt that the song should be simple which included her not singing in the background.

"Why? We signed up together!"

"I'll still be included, just as your manager! Autumn will play guitar, you'll sing and I'll make sure you're there for rehearsals!"

Cumulus was still unsure, "I don't know...I feel really guilty leaving you out like that."

"I'm fine with it...really!"

"Well....alright...if you're sure."

"I'm sure," said Dandelion as she smiled and hugged her friend.

With the way she was sticking with her friends and standing up for herself, it was evident that Cue was evolving into her mother; this definitely showed later that day after school.

Rainbow decided to take the 3 of them to get ice cream. Cue got a chocolate ice cream cone, Dandelion got a sundae and Autumn got a milkshake; after they got their orders, Rainbow went to talk to Twilight who was there with a special delivery for her while they ate.

"So Autumn, what are we going to do for your mark?" asked Cumulus.

Autumn shrugged, "I don't know."

"Well, we could try - " Dandelion began before she was interrupted by a shrill voice.

"Getting a life?"

Cumulus felt her face going hot, she would not let Diamond Tiara rub her true origins in her face like her brother attempted to do.

"Ooh look Silver! Ice cream!" Tiara then took Dandelion's sundae.

"Hey! That's mine!" she shrieked.

"Really? I didn't see the name of a weed on it!"

Cumulus heard her best friend gasp and pant like she was about to cry, Dandelion was very sensitive about her name and she hated being called a weed.

"I can't believe your talents include the lamest things! Cloud sculpting? Flower pressing? You might as well have gotten them for reading!"

Cumulus was now being pushed to her breaking point.

"Oh and you know what else is pathetic? The fact that you still hang out with the last blank flank in your class."

Autumn shrunk down in his seat; at this point, Cue had enough! "Hey Diamond...you're an earth pony right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"I'm just wondering what you would look like as a unicorn."

Her friends looked at her as if they were asking, 'Where are you going with this?'

Diamond however, was flattered, "Well, I would probably look good...also with the magic and all that."

"Well, why don't we find out?"

Diamond began laughing, "Oh! And how are you going to do - "

But before Diamond could finish, Cue took her ice cream cone and stuck it to Diamonds forehead! This caused her to scream which gained them an audience. Cue wasn't satisfied yet, she began spreading the ice cream all over Diamond's hair to whet her appetite for revenge. Rainbow, Twilight and Pinkie were all watching wide eyed and while Twilight and Pinkie were watching in shock, Rainbow was trying her best not to laugh.

When Cue felt that Diamond had enough, she stopped with an evil grin.

"Cumulus Dash, you're such a freak!" Diamond shrieked at her.

Cue heard her friends behind her either laughing or breathing only one word, "Whoa!"

"Yeah, I know I'm a freak...I will never be your definition of perfect, the same way you will never stop being a jerk."

Rainbow couldn't hide her laugh anymore, she snickered and Twilight caught her, "Are you SERIOUSLY going to encourage this?"

"Okay, okay, I got this," Rainbow said with a tight voice, trying her best not to burst out laughing.

She went over to them, attempting to be serious and said, "Dandelion, Autumn, I'll take you home...Cue, you and I are gonna have a talk."

Cue and the others began to walk away when Diamond Tiara ranted to Rainbow Dash.

"Good! I hope you ground her for months!" she shrieked as she took the cone from her head and threw it on the ground.

Rainbow's humor was suddenly gone as she turned to face Diamond and Silver sternly, "Excuse me? How I punish my daughter is not your problem!"

"But she - "

"I know what she did! And honestly, you got what you deserved!"

"I what?!"

"You heard me! She wouldn't have burns on her back or a broken leg if it weren't for you!"

Diamond couldn't think of a comeback for that, so she admitted smugly, "Yes...and?"

"And I suggest you, your friend, your brother and his filly friend leave my daughter and her friends alone, or you will have to answer to me!"

Diamond almost looked intimidated, but it quickly subsided, "Hmph, fine...come on Silver Spoon, let's go wash this out before it becomes permanent."

Cue heard them leave and her mother call her and her friends in a stern voice, they then left to drop off Dandelion and Autumn off at their homes. Once that was done, Cue and Rainbow headed home with Rainbow giving Cumulus a lecture along the way, "Cue, you know better than to do something like that," Rainbow tried to lecture with a straight face.

While she was trying to be a good parent by letting her daughter know that what she did wasn't the right thing to do, she couldn't help but see herself in that moment. When Rainbow was Cue's age, she would readily stick up for Fluttershy in the same way, Rainbow now saw that some of her personality at that age was rubbing off on Cumulus.

"Mom, it was funny and you know it!"

"Cue, it's not funny!"

"Really Mom? It wasn't?"

Rainbow finally gave in, she snorted a laugh, "Okay, it was a little funny. But still..."

"Mom, if you would've heard the stuff she was saying...and not just to me but to Dandelion and Autumn...you'd agree with me."

As Rainbow thought about it, she understood what had happened, "Okay, I appreciate you sticking up for your friends. But that should be your last resort. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Good, because your Aunt Twilight gave you and your friends tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala."

Cumulus' grey eyes lit up, "Really? Are you serious?!"

"I'm serious, but...there's a catch."

"What's the catch?"

"You've got to behave until then, are we agreed?"



"Wait, will my cast be off before then?"

"Yeah, it'll be off before then, about a month beforehoof."

Cue breathed a sigh of relief as Rainbow continued.

"Look, Cue...you should know that I want you to have your confidence in yourself....but there is a limit."

"What do you mean?"

"Trust me, before you came along, my confidence went past the clouds."


"Yeah, I turned it down a bit after you came...rather unexpectedly."

Cue giggled, knowing it was true, she has coped with the fact that she was adopted and honestly - she wouldn't have it any other way. Rainbow and Cue were at the house by then, Rainbow took Cue on her back and flew up.

The Gala was 5 months from that day and Cue's cast would come off at 4 months. Cue told her friends about being invited to the Gala and it was agreed between them to keep it on low profile. As much as they would like to brag to Gem and Bit, they knew they would only try to get on Cue's good side to go instead of her real friends. Then, as soon as they got what they wanted, they would turn right around and humiliate her. Rarity heard from Twilight that Cue and her friends would be going as well she asked them to come to the boutique for her to get their measurements and as soon as she had them, she went straight to work on a suit for Autumn and a dress for Cumulus and Dandelion. They were finished within a week and Rainbow took them to try them on to make sure that they fit properly. When they entered Carousel Boutique, there were 3 mannequins with a tarp over them. Apparently Rarity wanted to make a big reveal, and she began with Autumn's suit. She took the tarp in her mouth and pulled it off to reveal a black suit with a rusty orange tie with an orange leaf embroidered on it. When Autumn tried it on, it fit him perfectly.

'He certainly cleans up nice,' Rainbow commented in her mind.

Dandelion's was next, hers was a shimmering spring green with long sleeves, a skirt that trailed behind her and a green bow to tie her ringlets back with a set of daisy earrings. When she tried hers on she said, "It reminds me of when I look up through the trees!"

"Well, I thought since you like plants that, well, you'd want a nature inspired dress. Is there any problems dear?"

"None that I can see or think of."

"Alright then...and finally, for my niece."

When she took the tarp off of Cumulus' dress, Rainbow couldn't help but have a sharp intake of breath. The dress was a shade of royal purple, it was quilted on the front half with tiny pink pearls on the corners of the diamonds, on the chest was a bright pink bow, along the collar was a sheer baby pink fabric and the long sleeves ended with the same sheer baby pink fabric for the cuffs. The skirt went to the floor and would follow her in a purple train lined at the bottom with baby pink lace, on the inside of the skirt, there was a gold fabric interfacing and it subtly shimmered in the light. It would be paired with a purple and pink star barrette and bright pink gloves. Rainbow described the dress to her and she was rendered speechless!

When she didn't say anything, Rarity worried, "You don't like it?"

Cumulus exclaimed, "I love it!"

Rarity made a sigh of relief, "You had me worried you silly filly."


"It's no problem, now go try it on."

When Cumulus came out, Rainbow wasn't sure it was even her daughter! She looked so different, she looked - grown up! Rainbow saddened at this thought and Rarity saw it.

"Rainbow Dash, what's wrong?"

"She's growing too fast for me, I'm noticing that her wings are even getting bigger. One day, she's going to use them and leave."

Rarity understood what was going on, "Rainbow, I know what your going through...but I would suggest that you stay in the present. She's only 11; yes she's growing but just think about how she'll have you to thank for raising her, especially under the circumstances."

Rainbow hung her head, realizing that she was right. Even if Cumulus wasn't hers by birth, she was still hers; Rainbow still couldn't believe the contrast of this Cumulus to the one that she dropped off at school all those years ago. Back then, she was so shy and timid, Rainbow thought that she was going to be her complete opposite when she grew up. But no, she was growing up to be this sometimes still timid but spunky and loving filly. Her heart was always open and she was now quick to stand up for herself and her friends instead of others standing up for her. This made Rainbow smile with pride.

The day Cue got her cast taken off she was overjoyed! Though she flinched when she heard that they were going to take it of with a tiny saw. When she was in the office and heard the saw, she stuck her arm out and squeezed her eyes shut. Rainbow took her other hoof and rubbed it reassuringly as the doctor cut through the cast long ways. Once Cumulus felt that her arm was free, she flexxed it, "Hey! It works!" she exclaimed as Rainbow and the doctor laughed.

The doctor allowed her to keep the cast, seeing that everyone she knew signed it.

The night before their departure for Canterlot, Cumulus decided to send Princess Celestia the list. But how would she know what it was? Then she got an idea! She leapt out of bed, ran over to her typewriter and began typing a note:

'Dear Princess Celestia,
My name is Cumulus Alexandria Dash, I'm 11 years old and this is the list of 10 things I would like to see. You see I'm blind, I can't see what these things look like, especially my mother. I would like to see my mother the most out of all these things. So, if you could grant my wish, I would be eternally grateful. Even if it's temporary, I'll still be grateful.

Your Loyal Subject,

She then got her list in the regular print and put both the note and the list in her saddle bags. When the day of their departure arrived, Rainbow and Cue waited with Twilight and Spike at the train station for the others. Cue then pulled Spike aside to talk to him, "Can you send the Princess something for me?"

"I don't know, the Princess is very busy...what is it?" he asked.

"A list...and a note."

"A list of what?"

Cumulus cringed, "Promise not to tell?"

He recited the Pinkie Promise with the gesture.

"It's the 10 things I would like to see."

Spike was taken aback, "Cue! Why would you make a list like that?"

"It doesn't have to be permanent, it could be temporary for all I care!"

"But Cue...I - "

"Please?" she put on what she felt was the best puppy dog face she could muster.

"Oh no, nono...you're not pulling that one on me."

She kept making the face while Spike tried to resist.

"Doh...no - with the face and the eyes and the rahh! Alright! Give them to me."

Cue pulled out the note and list out of her bags while Spike checked to make sure they weren't being watched. Rainbow was deep in a conversation with Twilight to notice, Cue handed Spike the papers; he then rolled them into a scroll and breathed his fire. The fire burned them both and it sent them to the Princess.

After a long train ride to Canterlot, they approached the castle and once there, they heaed to their suites. Everyone had their own rooms except Rainbow and Cumulus who were sharing a bedroom.

Cumulus was unpacking with nervous spirits, she was nervous about the next night. What if the Princesses couldn't grant her long time wish? 'I'll just accept it, no questions asked,' she told herself.

She could hardly sleep that night either, she had to keep herself from tossing and turning too much so she wouldn't wake her mother. But finally, she had to so she could help her, "Mom?"

"Hmm?" she groaned. "What is it Cue?"

She didn't say anything, her eyes said it all.

'She must be nervous about being surrounded by adults that whole night,' Rainbow thought to herself.

"C'mere," Rainbow whispered gently with her arms open.

Cue scooted over to her, Rainbow's arms locked around Cue's tiny body. She rested her head against her mother's chest, she soon felt vibrations from her mother humming a tune. It didn't take long to realize that it was the song Rainbow sang at Cue's Cute-ceniera; it quickly lulled her to sleep.

Then, the next night came - if you asked Cumulus, it came too quickly. That morning was only filled with preparation: ironing this, getting that ready, what are we going to do with your mane? It was only an hour before the Gala started when Rarity was working on Cue's mane while Fluttershy worked on Dandelion's.

"And we're almost done..." said Rarity curling the last chunk of hair. She then clicked the barrette in with a snap and told her to get her dress on.

"Just be careful with your mane!" she cautioned as Cue ran to her room.

Cumulus came into her room, Rainbow Dash was already dressed and set to go. When Rainbow saw Cue in the mirror, she quickly turned to see her and make sure she wasn't seeing things. She gasped, "Cue, you look beautiful!"


"Let's get your dress on."

Rainbow gently slipped it on, being careful of her hair and trying not to mess up Rarity's hard work. Once the dress was on and hanging right, Rainbow took a step back and was on the verge of tears, 'She's come a long way from the basket.'

"Ready Mom?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Meanwhile, Spike and Autumn were waiting by the entrance to the Gala for the girls. Spike looked perfectly calm while Autumn was insanely nervous.

"What's wrong with you?" Spike asked.

"I'm hoping to get a dance..."

"With who?"


"Well, just ask her!"

"How? She probably doesn't even like me like that! What if she says no? What if she just laughs in my face?"

Spike grabbed him by the muzzle, "For once in your life, be bold!"

He let go and continued, "Besides, a mare appreciates a stallion who can make her laugh!"

Autumn just glared at him.

"Okay, okay just take a deep breath..."

They took a deep breath together and Autumn felt better, his confidence boosted, "Okay, I'm gonna ask her as soon as I see her."

Spike looked along the path and a smug look on his face grew, "Well, here's your chance, they're coming."

Autumn saw Cumulus; he was speechless! His mind went blank, he couldn't find his voice, he was nervous and lovestruck at the same time. He'd seen the dress on her before but this time it looked like a totally different Cumulus! He swore he saw her purposely swing her mane and slowly blink at him.

"Autumn?" he heard her say but he was too out of it. He was then woken up when Spike poked him in the side with his claw.

"Umm...Cue...I was wondering if...you would...uh..."

He looked back at Spike, who just mouthed the word, 'Go!'


Cumulus looked confused, "Sorry, I didn't catch that?"

Spike face palmed with a groan.

Autumn slowed down when he asked again, "I was wondering if you would like to dance with me?"

"Oh! Sure!"

Autumn felt like he was going to pass out, "R-really?"


He then led her in as Rainbow looked on with a feeling of heartbreak, Cumulus was growing and this showed that it was happening.

Luckily, for Rainbow, it didn't turn into anything serious. Cue was too eager to meet everypony there to dance for too long with Autumn, and he was okay with it. He actually wanted to listen to the music more than dance, but that dance with his long time crush would never be forgotten. Cue spent most of the evening mingling and talking to her family and friends. She had talked to everypony except her mom since they came, she then went out into the crowd to find her. She found her talking to Commander Spitfire! Cue had been told loads of stories of this amazing aerial team, she herself was a fan since her Mom took her to some of the shows and told her stories. Rainbow saw Cue standing there and knew she recognized Spitfire's voice.

"Commander Spitfire, this is my daughter Cumulus," Rainbow introduced.

'Commander S-spitfire? THE Commander Spitfire?!' Cue exclaimed in her thoughts.

Spitfire spoke as Cue approached them nervously.

"Well, well, well, I'm finally meeting you! Your Mom talks about you at every Gala."


"Yeah, makes me feel like part of the family. She was just telling me that you earned your Cutie Mark."

Cue nodded, "Mm-hm! Cloud shaping!"

"Well, we need plenty of those!"

Rainbow then wanted to talk privately with Spitfire again, "Hey, Cue...go find Auntie Pinkie and make sure she's not singing the 'Pony Pokey' again."

"Alright, it was nice meeting you Commander Spitfire!"

"You too!"

Cumulus then turned and navigated herself through the crowd, she was stopped by a guard when she entered the ballroom, "The Princesses would like an audience with a Ms Cumulus Alexandria Dash - are you her?"

Cumulus gulped, was she in trouble or were they going to grant her wish? "Y-yes?"

"Follow me please."

Cumulus tentatively followed, she was silent as she walked behind the guard, not knowing where she was being taken. 'This is it,' she thought, 'They will either tell you that they can grant your wish, or they won't.'

She then heard two doors open while they still walked, she was being led into a long hall of stained glass windows. She heard the doors shut behind her and heard a voice as sweet as honey say, "Come closer my dear."

She obeyed nervously, "A-are you Princess Celestia?"

"Yes, and this is my sister...Princess Luna."

"Greetings to you Cumulus," said Luna.

"You must know why we have asked for a private audience with you," said Celestia.

"Is it about my note?"


"The guards are gathering your family - for they will witness a miracle," said Luna with a sense of happiness in her voice.

Cue could not believe what she was hearing, were they saying what she thought they were saying? Or was she just getting tired? "You - you mean - "

"Now, this is only temporary...consider it a Cinderella effect," Celestia explained.

"So...I get until midnight?"

"10:30...one hour."

"But...Cinderella got until midnight."

Celestia chuckled, "Cinderella wasn't 11 years old though; besides, magic can't cure everything."

"Alright, I'm okay with temporary."

Celestia's horn lit, "Now close your eyes."

Cumulus obeyed and Celestia began the spell, causing Cumulus to levitate a few hooves in the air. Once the spell was complete, she slowly floated down with her eyes still closed.

"Keep them closed, there is somepony I want you to meet."

Celestia then nodded to the guard who opened the doors. Cue heard this and hooves stepping in, she also heard the visitor try to speak but was silenced by Celestia raising her hoof.

"Turn around, keep your eyes closed," said Luna.

Cumulus did this, then asked slightly impatient, "Can I open them?"

Celestia nodded, "Now."

Cumulus opened her eyes and could not believe the colors she was seeing - the COLORS! Especially on the pony standing in front of her who looked like she was completely stunned! When Cumulus saw the mare standing a few yards away from her, she didn't even know who this was! She had 6 different colors on her mane and tail as well as on the dress that she was wearing. She looked like a walking - rainbow! Rainbow Dash?

Cue gulped, was this her mother? If so, she wished that the spell wasn't temporary! She was beautiful! Her cyan blue coat, her rainbow colors and her magenta eyes she was the prettiest mare she had ever seen! There was only one way to find out if this was her mother, "Mommy?"

Rainbow nodded, her eyes misting, she could SEE her! Really, truly see her! And she was the first pony she saw! The thought made her so happy that - this is where the tears came. Cumulus' eyes were no longer clouded, but glossy and full of color the color of her eyes were a shade of indigo which made her heart burst with happiness. She was actually seeing her.

Cue took two tentative steps toward her, trying to be under control in front of the Princesses. But her emotions fought her mind and her emotions won, she then ran up to her mother and leapt into her arms sobbing. Rainbow held her tightly as she wept happy tears.

"My baby...my baby..." Rainbow sobbed.

Rainbow kissed her Little Cue's cheeks and forehead in pure, unending joy, this was a night that neither one of them would soon forget.