• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 4,551 Views, 56 Comments

Blackest Twilight - Zanem-Ji

After Celestia and Luna's battle, a new sky was created. Twilight, loving this new sky, did whatever she could to recreate it. But when Celestia disapproves of this creation, Twilight's dark path into a twisted enemy begins...

  • ...


“Spike…” Rarity’s horn fizzled out before she glared at Veil Breaker, “What did you do to him?!”

“I made him better.” She replied. “The lizard has already has power that is beyond that of any dragon, and beyond most creatures on this pitiful planet. His intellect and magical prowess makes him quite a formidable opponent. If you’re as powerful as you claim, then you’d have no problem beating him.”

Rarity stared up into the drake’s eyes. He gave her a sneer and leaned in. theirs eyes were locked onto each other for a moment before the unicorn gave a small nod.

“Very well then…” she brushed a strand of her mane out of her face, “It would seem that you’ve left me very little choice but to fight Spikey Wikey.” She stomped a hoof and closed her eyes. Her horn glowed brighter and angrier than before. When she opened her eyes, her eyes matched the fierce blue of her magic. The ground started to tremble around them. Shards of crystal shot up into the air and swirled around her. Dash backed away from her to avoid any stray shrapnel. Veil Breaker arched a brow and gave her a small smile,

“Hmm…it seems you wield more magic than your initial attack. Well look at you, you little tease!” she turned and sat back down on her throne, “No matter. The lizard will suit just fine in this situation.”

She lightly tapped her hoof to the ground, and Spike let out a roar before charging. He reached out for the unicorn. She barely dodged him and fired off a beam of hot magic at his arm. Her roared in pain as a meaty chunk of his forearm fell to the ground. Light blue fire then engulfed his wound as he focused on her. When it finished healing, he let out an angry snarl.

“My stars, self-healing fire?” Rarity gave a small smirk, “I’m impressed!” she trotted a bit towards him, “Seems like both of us have gained some true magical properties! Now…it’s my turn to show you what I can do…”

She tapped her hoof as well, and the ground began to tremble again, before the earth began to open up beneath him. He jumped to the side in an attempt to avoid it, but his ankle slipped into the hole. He fell toward her, reaching out to grab her once more. She tried to dodge again, but was unsuccessful when he grabbed her tail. She let out a yelp as she hit the cold floor. Dash made a move for her,

“DON’T! YOU! DARE!” Rarity screamed, “Fluttershy needs you!!”

He dragged her closer, getting the chance to fully encompass his claws around her. He pulled her close until she started to choke on the smoke billowing from his mouth and nostrils. He opened his mouth, and Fluttershy jumped up to start galloping towards her. Dash tackled her, crying as they were about to watch the inevitable. His maw began to glow of bright green fire as it creeped up his throat. Rarity gave him a tranquil-like stare. She closed her eyes as the fire poured from his mouth and encircled her. Fluttershy screamed as Dash gripped onto to her and looked on. The smoke cleared, and there was no trace of the unicorn. Spike looked at his hand in confusion, before looking at Veil Breaker,

“What are you staring at me for, you fucking idiot?! Destroy them!”

He quickly got on his feet, but was knocked down by a beam of light. Veil Breaker’s eyes went wide as they fell on Miracle, who had a badly burned Rarity tossed onto her back,

“Ah…so it appears you can use magic without a horn.” Veil Breaker looked back at Spike, “It also seems you knocked out my little experiment, and save that pathetic creature. Bravo…”

“This has to end.” Miracle stated as she passed Rarity off to Dash, “You must be destroyed.”

Veil Breaker belted out a laugh, “Priceless…fucking priceless!” she got up and took a couple steps forward, “But I really don’t have time for your jokes.” her horn came alight, “Time to put you all in your place; in a fucking grave.”

There was another rumble.

Time seemed to dilate as she watched another crystal burst from the earth.

She felt something slam into her.

Time returned to normal once more.

She rolled across the ground, slightly dazed. She quickly jumped to her hooves as she heard Fluttershy let out shrieking sob. She shook her head as she took in the image of Dash in the same position as Dash, except the pegasus was completely unaware of her situation. Fluttershy scrambled and flew up to the pillar as she pulled her wife off the pillar as carefully as she could. Miracle joined her, before taking Dash completely into her forelegs. She placed Dash onto the ground,

“Why…did…she…jump in?” a rasped voice questioned.

Miracle and Fluttershy looked up to see Rarity dragging herself up to the group. Her legs trembled violently as she rose to her hooves. She took a couple steps before collapsing next to the Wonderbolt.

“Rainbow Dash…you buffoon…” she placed a hoof onto one of Dash’s, “I told you…to stay away…”

Dash coughed up blood as she turned to smile at Rarity, “I wasn’t trying to save you, ya prissy princess…” she slowly looked up at Miracle, “I was trying to save her…”

Hot tears started to trail down Miracle’s face, “Why?...”

Dash smiled, “You saved me and my wife…the least I could do is save yours…”

Fluttershy wrapped her hooves tightly around her lover’s frame, “Dash…oh gods…Dashie…”

She placed a hoof to her lips, “Babe…hush. It’ll be okay. Hush now…quiet now…”

Fluttershy gave a weak smile, “It’s time to lay your sleepy head…hush now, quiet now…”

“I-It’s time to…go…to…bed…” Dash finished weakly, before the light left her eyes. Fluttershy stared in disbelief for a moment,

“Dashie?” Fluttershy gently shook the corpse. “Dashie? Dash…” she started to shake a bit harder out of panic, “Dash…Rainbow Dash! RAINBOW DASH!!”

There was no response. No sign of life from her. Fluttershy’s form started to shudder as she clutched onto Dash’s body. Tears fell from Rarity’s eyes in defeat as she slipped into unconsciousness. Miracle attempted to wrap herself around Fluttershy, but was pushed back by a small surge of power. Fluttershy was surrounded by a pink aura as she looked at up Veil Breaker with burning rage behind her eyes.

“You’ve taken over my friend’s body…maimed and killed my friends, my daughter, and my lover…” Fluttershy stated in a dangerous growl, “I am going…to kill you…”

Veil Breaker gave a wicked smile, “Please…show me exactly how you’re going to do that…”

Fluttershy took off, a pink and yellow streak trailing behind her. Veil Breaker’s eyes went wide as she felt Fluttershy slam into her chest, and sent her into a wall. She rubbed her head for a moment, but felt hooves collide into her cheek. Blood spittle sprinkled onto Fluttershy’s face when she smacked Veil Breaker’s face to the right. She kicked the canary colored pegasus off her, sending her flying. She pulled herself out of the pony shaped hole, before her vision was covered by pale yellow and pink, and she felt fangs bury into her neck. She gasp edas a broken piece of EvenTide crystal was rammed into one of her lungs. Veil Breaker snarled, and slammed her forehead into Fluttershy’s snout. Bleary eyed and disoriented, Fluttershy backed off, giving the alicorn the opportunity to tackle her into the ground,

“Vampiric creature…and you say I’m the monster…” Veil Breaker bared her fangs and dug them into Fluttershy’s neck. She growled, before she tore one of Fluttershy’s jugulars open. She leapt into the air, and slammed her full weight onto Fluttershy’s torso, snapping her ribs and sending them into her vital organs. Fluttershy’s head violently snapped back and forth as Veil Breaker unleashed a flurry of punches. Miracle tried her hardest to move, but Veil Breaker’s horn was still burning bright with paralyzing magic. Fluttershy focused through the rapidly approaching concussion as she looked up at Veil Breaker,

“I pray to the gods and goddesses…that you’ll come back to your senses, Twilight…”

The monstrous mare leaned in closed and whispered,

“Your gods and goddesses are not here. They cannot save you. I am the only goddess here…and your prayers will go unanswered…”

She rose a foreleg high above her head, before smashing it onto Fluttershy’s trachea, crushing it, and severing her from the mortal coil. She grabbed the lifeless body with her teeth, and tossed it, causing it to land in front of Miracle. The pegasus, finally being released from Veil Breaker’s grasp, scrambled over to Fluttershy and pulled her close, nuzzling her cooling cheek.

“Get up, please! Please, Miss Fluttershy!!”

She continued to scream for her to move, to do anything to show she was alive.

Fluttershy didn’t move.

“Pathetic…” Veil Breaker spoke up. “All utterly useless in their little shows of power. Such wastes of existences.”

Miracle turned to her, and let out an animalistic roar. Her eyes glowed bright gold once more as a horn started to protrude from her head. Her mane started to light up with golden fire. Veil Breaker grinned, her fangs glimmering as she stared down the Pegasus-turned-Alicorn,

“So that’s what you did!” she chuckled, “In order to save your worthless hide from my spell, you turned into a Pegasus filly? Looks like my host ‘kept you safe’ after all…” she stepped forward, “Either way…it’s still very nice to see you, Celestia…”

Celestia stared at her in barely subdued fury. “You took my sister and my friends from me, corrupted my precious pupil…Ubenox sent me here to destroy you, and I will carry out his will.”

Veil Breaker let out a twisted giggle, “You really think so? You didn’t stop me the last time, and you couldn’t stop me even when I didn’t have full control. What makes you think you can stop me now?” she slightly turned her head to the side and tapped her chin, “Here…I’ll give you a free shot. Go for it.”

She closed her eyes and grinned. What she didn’t expect, was to feel the searing power of the sun blast into her face. She slammed into a wall, letting out a gagging sound as her jaw disconnected. Celestia slammed into her. Ribs cracked and broke, and internal organs burst, spilling lifeblood within her. She tried to sit up, but was pinned down by Celestia. The sun alicorn leered down at her, an orb of swirling magic sitting atop her crackling horn,

“Banishment will not suffice.” Celestia snarled. The orb grew in size. “Mercy…will not suffice.”

The orb suddenly shrank, and gravity rose and crushed the ground beneath them. She reeled her neck bath as she readied herself to unleash her magic.

“White Alicorn…”

Confusion took over her field of view. She looked around the vastness of the white void.

“Turn to me…”

She immediately spun to face Ubenox, and bowed before him,

“An honor to see your face once again, Great One.’

Ubenox smiled, “The honor is mine as well, for you have carried out my will as such…” he looked past her, “But there is another follower who wishes to join you…”

“What do you mean, Great One?” Celestia asked, as she followed his gaze. Her eyes went wide as she had an out of body experience. It was a still image of herself towering over Veil Breaker, the blazing orb of magic still sitting atop her horn. However, she noticed things that simply wouldn’t have noticed if she weren’t in this state. Like, how Spike was awake, and reaching one of his purple clawed hands out for Veil Breaker. His eyes shining brightly, now free of dark magic but full of desperation. There was a look in Veil Breaker’s eyes as well. Her face was a contorted mixture of absolute terror and bitter rage. One iris was corrupted crimion, but the other…

A teary eye purple that Celestia instantly recognized,

“Twilight’s still in there…” Celestia whispered in horror. She spun around to look up at Ubenox, “How do I stop myself from killing her?! Please, tell me!!”

Ubenox focused on her, “Patience, Follower Celestia…everything that happens, is at it should…”

Celestia nodded, though still fearful of the outcome of the fight, “Please Great One, let me return so that I may end this fight…”

Ubenox nodded, “Be careful, Follower Celestia…and may the gods and goddesses walk with you…”

Celestia gasped as she felt her spirit being thrown back into her body. She looked down at Veil Breaker once more, her glare and softening. The orb warbled as her willpower faltered, giving Spike the chance to clamp his hand around Veil Breaker. He snatched her up and looked at Celestia,

“Thank you for stopping…I knew the crystal would not keep hold forever…” he focused on the alicorn struggling in his grasp, pulling her close. “Twilight…I saw the message you left in the tome. Thank you…” he closed his eyes, “I’ll life this burden off your shoulders…” his eyes opened, shining a brilliant white light,

“Spirit of old, to body of new…

Possession by choice, is what I bring to you.

Through long so strong, devoid of strife,

I sacrifice my all, and give you my life.”

As he finished the chant, he opened his maw wide. Veil Breaker’s irises rolled back into her head, and her mouth slack-jawed. Black tendrils violently writhed as they creeped from her mouth, before they latched onto Spike’s lips. Aura in the deepest shade of black traveled down the tendrils and flowed into Spike’s mouth. His body began to spasm, and he dropped the alicorn to keep himself from accidently crushing her in his grip. She vomited up blood upon colliding into the dirt. He snapped his taloned fingers, vanishing in a burst of black fire. Celestia looked down at the weakened mare,


The dark lavender alicorn opened her tired eyes, “Celestia…I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean for any of this to happen!-”

Celestia placed a hoof to her lips, “Stop…you weren’t in control…”

Twilight’s Element began to heal her, giving her the strength to heal. She looked around at the carnage,

“Gods…what have I done? Applejack…Rarity…” her attention focused on the lifeless bodies of her other friends. She covered her eyes, “I-I-I…I killed them…Pinkie…Rainbow…Fluttershy…I killed them all…”

She started to smack herself in the head. The self-inflicted pain was a small retribution to pay for the horror she created. Celestia fiercely grabbed her and pulled her close,

“Stop it, Twilight! Self-harm will do nothing to change what’s happened!”

“But I can…”

Celestia turned around,

“Wait, Follower Celestia…do not turn your gaze upon me while you’re in the waking world, lest you turn to madness like many before you…”

Celestia placed a hoof over Twilight’s eyes before closing her own, “Great One…if that is so, why have you appeared?”

“Your friends, whom were not my followers, still followed you to the end of the world in order to help you carry out my will. I cannot make them forget the things they have seen. So long as they bear the Elements of Harmony, their bodies and the memories that are contained in them, will stray from the path of normal lifespan. I can give them the gift of life once more…but there will need to be a great price in exchange for this deed…”

“They gave their lives to make sure Twilight and I lived. Theirs is no sacrifice that is too great…”

“You must surrender your Alicorn magic…and I will transfer it into them…”


“Your magic will help them as well…Celestia’s magic will bring them back to life, but your magic will aid the Elements in recovering from their fatal injuries.”

“Then take it. I beg of you…”

“Whatever you do, please…do not open your eyes…”

Celestia and Twilight kept their eyes shut, as they felt nigh infinite power touch cool their coats. They felt themselves tiring as their magic was being drained. The air in the room heated up, before dropping to a bone chilling low.

“It is done…farewell, my followers…”

Twilight and Celestia opened their eyes. They looked at each other.

Twilight was one again a Unicorn, albeit much taller than before due to her forcibly transformed body. She gasped when she saw Celestia.

She had shrunk in size, but was eye level with Twilight. Her mane and tail were no longer flowing, and were a blood caked pink hue. Her horn was gone, and her wings were tattered, feathers pointing each and every way from the fight she had endured. They turned to see their friends were alive once more…

But not all of their wounds had completely healed.

They looked fearfully at Twilight, but visibly relaxed as Celestia pulled the unicorn in close. They carefully circled her, their action causing Twilight to break down in shame and sorrow. She did not remain as such for long, as a shudder racked through her body. She looked out the hole Spike had created,

“Spike is out there…we have to save him…”

The others followed her gaze. The dragon had already vanished. They knew he would show face again, in due time. Until then, all they could do now, was prepare…


Spike stood at the rim of the volcano, in a land that he prayed he would never be found in.

‘You think you did something, don’t you? Claiming my powers for your own. I’m impressed. You’re far too powerful to be under the hoof of those worthless ponies.’

“Those ‘worthless ponies’ are my family, and I will not let you hurt them.” He looked down at the bubbling lava, “This volcano is known as the ‘Burning Gate’. Its lava and fire are said to be so hot and pressurized, that it can solidify anything. Even dragon scales can’t keep the heat at bay for too long. I’m going to seal us away, so that you can never harm anyone again…”

He crossed his arms and leapt high into the sky. He hit the viscous surface and slowly sank. Black electricity pulsed through in a final bid for domination. His eyes snapped open. the whites of his eyes turned ebony, and his irises were now a hellfire red…

“I’ve never had such a powerful host…” the Corrupted One muttered, “It wont be long now, before I rise again, and make this universe mine…”

Author's Note:

*Slaps hands on desk* DONE!!

And after taking a small break *cracks knuckles* it shall be time to commence with the threequel!!

Comments ( 18 )

*stands next to the volcano* You will rise again master.....

> > Changeling Drone

4718157 Technically, he didn't tell them about them who the dragon was it, but hey, they figured it out. They're not stupid.

So.... Is Luna in hell becuase of what she did, or is she in Hevean becuase the corrupted possessed her and she wasn't in control of her own actions

4912625 You have to read the threequel to find out :)


But that's not done yet

4915714 I can't say blatantly what happens to her, or that ruins part of the story. However, it's mentioned in the story of what happens to her. You can either read them now, or wait till it's done. Honestly though, it's going to take me a while because I'm trying to move back to America right now (transferring duty stations). Either way, it's up to you.

5230383 I find your sense of sarcasm delightful.

What's the title of the third book? I really would like to read it!!!!!

5231142 Blazing Dragon. I'm glad you're interested;

no, not really, unless they were already corrupted, as you have the power, but you ultimately have to decide what to do with it.

I don't know this story makes me feel like its a Guardian of the Galaxy Reference, but really its not. :applejackunsure:

5633611 Yeah, it's really not. Lol.

5701031 poor fluttershy though:fluttercry:




Nice job.

5981060 You should go through all my stories. I really need a proof reader.

7930654 You'll have to keep reading to find out! :twilightsmile:

So, uh. What's up with this ending?

No seriously, WTF IS UP WITH THIS ENDING?!?!

Urebos offers to false resurrect Twilight's friends...by siphoning both Celestia and Twilight's alicorn magic? REALLY???

Fucking fight over the fate of the universe, and then you are going to just doom the planet afterwards by destroying the ability to control the Sun and Moon. Sure, I SUPPOSE Cadance could take over, but we never see he do it, so we don't know if she can. Just seems like something that shouldn't not be addressed.

Then again, I hated Twilight's giving up her magic to Tirek, because there was no promise at all that Tirek wouldn't maintain the Sun and Moon, so grats Twilight for deciding fuck the planet as long as I can stay with my friends for a few more days.

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