• Published 21st May 2014
  • 868 Views, 7 Comments

Twilight the science pony! Ep title-that-ruins-your-sense-of-chronological-order - The Psychopath


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Nature is so fascinating

Author's Note:

There's a youtube link early on. Don't click it if you don't like metal.

Also, this is one of, perhaps two or three stories I need to finish before giving up on this site entirely and serving solely as an advisor. No. I'm not finishing the stories I started prior since there is no one to please by doing so. Readers' decision.

Tip of the day: Never forget that an author is nothing without his/her readers. Try and please them and try to adapt to the needs of the majority without compromising your stories or their integrity. NEVER let anything get to your head besides the joy of pleasing others with your creations.

Twilight and Fluttershy had just gone together to the beach west of Canterlot so they could see nature together and record the scientific finds of the animal kingdom. Their hooves would sink gently into the hot sand with every step, and the sun shone brightly on the radiant little orbs, blinding most ponies not used to such intensity. Besides a few of the weird, dry, stringy plants that grew on the edges of the beach's entrance, there was nothing much to pay attention to. The summer breeze at this place was quite chilly, but it was a welcome cold to the burning the sun gave the two mares. Fluttershy took a deep breath and smiled as her lungs filled with fresh, beach iodes.

"So...What are we going to see today, Fluttershy?"

"Oh...Just a few critters. We'll start with little hermit crabs and, maybe, we'll get to see some sharks."

"Oh. Joy." Twilight rolled her eyes.

The first thing the two did was tumble through the sand and find tiny little hermit crabs which came out of the dusty mounds the mares had slid into. Fluttershy gently grabbed one and looked at it with her kind and gentle eyes, and it looked back at her with a semblance of sparkles in its own...until Fluttershy suddenly became enraged and kicked it with her hind leg, far away into the water.

"YEAH! Hermit crabs are great for food but don't get them as pets! HUAAAAGH!" she yelled.

The mare reached into a sand dune and pulled out a brown training bag. She tore it apart and took some paint which she splattered all over her body. She now had a black mane and tail with a white body and black make-up on her face. Twilight pushed a button that she apparently teleported to her position. A brown mecha rose up and lifted its owner with it. The lavender unicorn took a green cap, put it backwards on her head, took an olive green bandana and placed it around her, and put on black-tinted ski glasses. The mechanoid was of a jungle green color and bipedal, like minotaurs. Twilight and Fluttershy both stuck their tongues and began to riff on their air guitars, although Fluttershy's tongue was excessively long here.

The two began rampaging through the beach, scaring the ponies and griffons trying to relax at it.


"Yes! They're great for studying!" Twilight yelled as her mecha flexed.

Fluttershy galloped into a group of ponies, tossing them and sand high into the air and scaring away others. She simply stood in place afterwards for just a moment, then began to shake violently as she lifted a foreleg into the air. Yelling with great strength and loudness, the pegasus slammed her hoofs into the ground, creating a shockwave and a small crater in the sand. She violently pulled out a crab who had one small pincer and a large pincer. She shoved it in the face of everypony in front of her and yelled:

"YOU SEE THIS?! This is a violin crab! They moved their large pincers in a way that makes them look like they're playing violin! It attracts females, and if they lose it, their smaller one grows in its stead and they get another small one in the last one's place!"

"VIOLIN CRABS!" Twilight shouted.

The two arms of her mecha punched into the ground, then threw a huge ball of sand into the air. As ponies' eyes followed it, it dissolved to show hundreds of different crabs to be part of its main mass. They ended up raining down onto the beach, pinching every pony and griffin that they fell on. This plethora of crustaceans was followed by screaming and running around from the afflicted beach dwellers.

"Twilight, a shark!"

"Got it!"

The lavender unicorn ran towards the sea with her mecha and dove into the water. Lots of splashing occurred with a tail or two popping out before a moment of silence over swept the beach. Fluttershy just stared at the foam on the water with her elongated tongue wobbling from left to right. Without warning, a huge blast of water erupted from the ocean like a volcano with something riding on the top of this geyser. It was Twilight who held a shark in a headlock and was already readying herself to body slam it. Many of the beach residents ran out of the way as the mare slammed into the soft beach sand with tremendous force and impact. Almost as quickly, she lift the shark back up and began to box it...FOR SCIENCE!

"Sharks can DIE if they stop moving! Only white-tipped can remain motionless!" Fluttershy yelled at a stallion from point-blank.

"Why are you doing this?!" he yelled.


"I beat up a shark...SCIENCE!" Twilight yelled as her suit twirled up into the air and hovered for a bit."Wait...I sense honorabru disprays."

The two mares looked around to see several crabs wearing strange armor made of various seashells. They even held knife shells as if they were really swords. A gust of cold wind. The air remains silent. Metal shears through it.

"Shogun crabs." Twilight hissed as she squinted her eyes.

"Hmmm. They come to avenge the crabs we dug out earlier. Shogun crabs show acts of honor and expert shellponyship. Not one to back out of a good fight, they seek for worthy adversaries or adversaries that have dishonored them."

They indeed came out for this, for an enormous army had formed on the beachhead, with a crab wearing a helmet and algae as a mustache rode upon a hermit crab in front of his troops. The only sounds he was making were barely audible chittering noises while mangonels were being built behind the soldiers. After a long speech accompanied by curious stares of the nearby griffons and ponies, the crabs attacked. The archers let loose flaming arrows made from the poison darts of scorpion fish upon the beach. Such fury was let out by this tiny foam of that even the jellyfish in the sea trembled in fear! Oh wait...jellyfish are always shaking. SCIENCE OF WOBBLINESS!

"For science!" Twilight yelled as she smashed into the crab masses.

The sounds of shells breaking against her suit were paled in comparison to the stomping size the mare had compared to the little crustaceans. Their cries of combat echoed throughout the beach as Twilight yelled...then curved and ran directly to the ocean and plunged into it, confusing the crabs. When she finally came back out, she was holding what looked like a petrified shark as a sword. It looked around in fear and confusion to its own predicament.

"WATA!" the lavender pony yelled.

Twilight literally cut through the shells of the crabs with the shark and appeared to be a skilled sharkspony. How? It's SCIENCE! You don't need to know how. Never question the almighty science god, heathen. Pure science erupted from Twilight's shark sword as she tore through the ranks of the shogun crabs, that is, until she heard:


It was a royal guard looking for the crazy mare who justly upheld the science of science! Three pegasi flew towards her, but Twilight's cunning sharkponyship saw the three get their armor cut midway towards her, reverting their colors back to normal.

"Twilight. TWILIGHT!" said a voice as it slapped the lavender unicorn several times.

It was a blue earth pony wearing a white coat. Twilight was held in a straight jacket and was currently bouncing around in her padded room.

"What's wrong with her?" the blue stallion wondered.

"She's probably thinking about what she did with Fluttershy one day." a passing nurse added.

"Huh. I wonder where Fluttershy is right now." the pony scratched his head.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the building, and the stallion galloped through the small white corridors towards a window to see what the commotion was about. Fluttershy, wearing her bizarre outfit, was riding a gigantic Ursa Major, with Twilight on its back as well.

"What the...How did she...?"

"Come, Fluttershy. Let us go towards science together! JOLLY COOPERATION!" The lavender unicorn shouted whilst wearing a strange gray armor with white cloth depicting a sun with a face.

The Ursa Major then hopped onto the trees and soon floated towards the sun, with Fluttershy's bizarrely long tongue flying behind. The blue stallion was just left perplexed, as were the hundreds of others who saw the scene.

Comments ( 7 )

Were you on Acid?

4425817 [youtube=2fAjyFbyb4o]

4425840 No way in hell would the Bogeyman act like that.

I think I'm confused. Can't say I disliked it though.

Um... yeah.
Upvote still earned.

7939915 Punch that shark. PUNCH THAT SHARK!

Comment posted by The Psychopath deleted Oct 25th, 2017
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