Germophobe Chapter VII - Spilling The Beans. (Tuesday.)
Rarity was early up this morning, due to the awful events from the day before, she couldn't sleep very well because she had another 'fun' activity today.
The fashionista was shakingly reading the newspaper, even though her concentration broke every few seconds. After giving up on beginning to read a article for the hunderth time, she lay on her sofa.
"Whatever shall I do?" She asked herself.
She could cancel today's activity, but she just couldn't, her best friends gave up their free time, just to help her.
After shaking her head to make the thought disappear, her mind now focused on what Pinkie said the day before.
"For example, if you come home later, don't shower and just sit on your sofa. What do you think will happen?.......Nothing, at all."
One part of Rarity knew that it actually was true, but the other part just said that is was just a load of horseapples.
As she was in debate with herself, a few subtle knocks came from the door. Rarity cursed awful things in her head as she put on a fake smile and opened the door.
"Hi, Rarity."
"Hello." Rarity simply greeted and stepped into her new boots outside.
"Ohh, new boots?" Fluttershy asked
"Yes, they are fabulous, no?" The fashionista retorted, doing her best to sound like herself and also happy.
Sound like herself.....the unicorn did really feel like she wasn't Rarity the fashionista anymore, like she just mind swapped with another pony.
"Certainly, they are very pretty...Well, shall we go?"
"Yes, where are we going?" Rarity asked, shakingly walking with her friend.
"The spa." The yellow pegasus simply retorted.
It was like the two words that came out of her mouth just punched Rarity in the stomach.
"T-the s-s-spa?" Rarity muttered out, as she started to walk slower.
Fluttershy turned around to her friend, who then stopped walking. She put on a obvious fake smile.
"Oh, come on, it'll be.....nice."
The unicorn already sighed in defeat, Fluttershy was trying to help her, she thought while all sorts of possible events ran through her mind.
"My apologies, but please understand that this is really hard for me. But okay...I'll go." Rarity said and started to walk again, causing Fluttershy to move as well.
"Rarity....I really hope you get professional help soon, I canĀ“t imagine how horrible this all must be for you."
"Yes.....thank you."
They continued their way to the Ponyville spa, every single step causing more anxiety to strike through Rarity's body while no word was spoken between the two.
As they arrived at the spa, Rarity kept struggeling at the entrance, causing Fluttershy put on a obvious fake smile again that now convinced her to enter. Of all her friends, Fluttershy was the last pony who's feeling she would want to hurt. And again, the kind pegasus was trying to help.
"The usual, please." Fluttershy said to the blue coated mare with a pink mane and tail behind the counter.
They went to the sauna, Rarity was cursing things in her mind as she didn't really want to sweat. Well, she didn't want to be here at all.
The two friends were talking about things other than Rarity's problems since she prefered that no other ponies knew of it.
After all the 'relaxing' treatments the two got to the bubblebad and were finally alone. The fashionista knew what was coming.
"So....Rarity.." The timid pony began, whispering. "How long have you exactly been having these problems?"
"Um...Almost three months, I think"
"And you have no idea what happened that caused this? Even if it's not that long ago?"
"No, I do not, I only remember the time that I first felt this way." She admitted as she relived the awful memories. The fear she never felt before when the race almost started, her running, Sweetie Belle yelling behind her in confusion.
"Rarity! Where are you going?!"
Then the events after the race came to her overly active mind.
"Sis, why did you run away?"
"What's wrong? You can tell me."
"Rarity?!" Fluttershy yelled to the unicorn who was completely frozen, a world of terror plastered on her face.
"Why won't you answer me? Did I do something wrong?"
Fluttershy took action. She slided over the traumatised unicorn and began shaking her to snap her back to reality.
One of the spa's beauticians now came back, wondering what the fuss was about, but just stood there and watched.
The yellow pegasus splashed some water in her face as an attempt to bring her back. And it did. She shook her head and looked at her friend in front of her.
"Sorry for that, and this..." She said and jumped out of the tub, sprinting over to the entrance where her boots lay and quickly put them on. She opened the door with her magic and sprinted as fast as she could through the wind with her soaking wet body.
The mare didn't even notice all the strange looks she was getting from the ponies that she passed. It didn't matter, she had to go home.
"What's up? Why are we meeting earlier?" Rainbow asked curiously as she stepped into the library with Applejack and Pinkie Pie.
"Yeah, is there something wrong with Rarity? Please say no, please say no." Pinkie said with her usual active presence as they joined Fluttershy and Twilight at the dinner table.
"Rarity ran away during their spa visit." Twilight began. "After Fluttershy asked what we planned, she said that she only remembered the first time she felt that way, after that she just froze and looked terrified. When Fluttershy got Rarity back to Equestria after a few tries, she said that she was sorry and just ran away.
"Wow!.......What the hay happened a few months back?! This is really bad..." Pinkie replied concerned.
"Yeah...very bad." Applejack added. "Isn't there some other way ta help her?"
A brief moment of silence came between the five friends.
"Um.." Fluttershy began, breaking the silence. "How about we tell Princess Celestia about this? Maybe she could help."
"That's it!" Twilight yelled, looking a bit happier than a few seconds before. "I'll ask have an audiance with us. Spike!"
"Coming!" Came from upstairs. In a matter of seconds he stood at the table. He knew that the conversation was about Rarity and that they needed his help, so he was extra fast.
"Spike, take a letter."
Sorry for posting so little chapters lately. I really lack motivation is all.
Thank you. I hope to be able to continue this some day.
641725 Please do!!! I love this fanfic.
above average 7/10 so far.... But it's on a hiatus hope it continues.