• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 896 Views, 15 Comments

Germophobe (ON HIATUS) - Ribgf

A story about the really hard part of Rarity's life.

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Chapter IV - Ever Changing Mood.

Germophobe Chapter IV - Ever Changing Mood.

It was sunday morning, birds chirped, the sun shane over Ponyville, ponies looked happy. Well, except Rarity.

The mare woke up, but didn't want to get out of bed. She kept laying there under her blanket, thinking about what to do today. A visit to the doctor about her problem would be smart, so she reluctantly stood up and went over to her make-up table and did her things.

Once she was done the white coated mare gloomely walked down the stairs to make herself some breakfast, even though she wasn't that hungry.

Rarity made herself some scrambled eggs, it wasn't very tasty, but that was probably because she was gloomy.

She cleaned everything up, walked out the door with a sigh and put on the hideous boots that were standing next to the door outside. They were cold, obviously, they had been standing there all night long, just another reason to feel down.

On the the way to the doctor she could feel the tension in her chest, just like always when she felt dirty.

Rarity gloomely walked through Ponyville, seeing all the happy ponies made her a bit jelous, even though she wouldn't even admit it in her mind.

What did she do to deserve this? Sure, she wasn't the nicest pony in Equestria, but she wasn't that bad.

Rarity arrived at the Health Centre of Ponyville after the trial of bad memories, jelousy, anger, sadness and anxiety.

Visiting a public building always made her anxious, no execption this time.

The mare spoke to the receptionist about wanting to see a doctor and took a seat in the 'dirty' waiting room of the Health Centre.

There were some other ponies in the waiting room, but Rarity chose out a seat as far away as possible from anypony.

Rarity sat there, uncomfortably, nervous, anxious waiting on the doctor that would come and get her to talk about the mare's problems. Minutes passed by which seemed like hours of nervousness until she was the only pony and the waiting room. Rarity kept stairing at the clock, like trying to move it forward a few minutes until one of the office doors opened.

A big brown coated stallion came out, obviously a patient and the doctor followed a minute later.

"Miss...." he began, then looked at his clipboard. "Rarity?"

Rarity gave no response, walked up to the doctor and reluctantly gave him a hoofshake. Now she really felt nervous, causing a shiver running up and down her spine and her arm pits to get a little moisty and by that causing more nevousness.

"G-good morning." She nervously said and then walked into the office after the doctor.

"Take a seat." The doctor said as he sat down on his on the other end of the white. He looked just like the stereotype doctor, he was a unicorn with a grey mane and tail, a light brown coat, a glasses on his muzzle and a long white lab coat around him.

Rarity took a look at the chair to check for any reason to feel dirty and sat down, not that she didn't feel more dirty now, but the mare now always does it before she sits down.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" He asked as he pushed his glasses higher up his brown coated muzzle with his hoof.

"I think...Well, no.....I am a germophobe." Rarity began. "For a few months now, I have been doing this cleaning ritual every time I feel dirty. I mostly feel the need for it when I have been outside my house or when I have a customer in my boutique. First I always shower myself, using decontaminating soap for my entire body, then I mop the entire building, while trying to avoid standing on the spots where I have been before my shower. And if I somepony over, I perform the same ritual, but then also clean anything that he or she has touched, not matter who it is."

She felt ashamed to tell such a thing to a pony who wasn't her friend, but then reminded what her friend Applejack told her, doctors hear much worse things than this. Non the less, she was still sitting uncomfortably, constant,y moving out of nervousness.

The doctor finished writing and looked up at the mare through his glasses

"I see. And when you do not perform these rituals?" He asked.

"I get really anxious and start avoiding things to not make them dirty." Rarity simply replied.

"Are you feeling dirty right now?" The stallion asked her.

"Yes." Rarity replied. Yes I do."

He stopped writing, put his glasses on the white table and placed his forehoofs under his chin.

"Ok. So, would you like to get therapy for his?" The doctor asked her.

"Yes, please."

A little smile appeared on her face.

"Alright. What about medication that could help you with it?"

"I suppose that wouldn't hurt. Yes."

"Alright." He began as he leviated some papers and a pencil behind him with his horn and placed them on the table in front of Rarity. "If you can just fill in this information."

"Fine." She simply replied and filled in the paperwork with her horn.

When the mare filled it all it she placed it in front of the doctor with her magic.

The doctor put his glasses back on and quickly observed the papers.

"Ok. You will be contacted soon." He said as he stood up.

"Yes, well...thank you." Rarity said as she shook the doctor's hoof.

She walked out the door and said goodbye to the doctor. Well that was easy and quick.

Her mood was pretty good then, she was actually still smiling a bit.

The fashionista walked out of the health centre and headed for Fluttershy's cottage, she was already dirty anyway.

On her way Rarity came by Applejack's stand on the market, it was on the way to Fluttershy anyway.

Applejack wasn't having many customers and was just looking around in boredom until she spotted the white coated mare with the hideous boots walking to her stand.

"Howdy partner. How are ya feelin'?" AJ asked her. The earth pony looked happy to see her.

"Greetings, Applejack. I feel quite good actually, thank you, how about you?"

"Ah'm fine, but a little bored. Not much customers today, Ah might aswell leave. So...did ya find anythin' in the library?"

Rarity smile faded.

"Sadly, no. But I have spoken with a doctor. He asked if I wanted therapy and medication. And I said yes to both, I will get contacted soon."

Her little smile came back with the thought of the now bright future. AJ now smiled too.

"That's great for ya, Rarity. So, do ya need any help with something or do ya have something that you want to talk about? Ah've got nothin' to do here anyway." The orange pony offered.

"Why thank you for the offer, but I am fine."

"Alrighty then, just say so whenever you do. Ah'm happy to help."

"Thank you again Applejack. I'll see you later."

"See ya later sugarcube."

Rarity's friendship with Applejack had really grown since that sleepover at Twilight. They began respecting each others differences after that, but still jokingly argued sometimes. Another thing to be happy about.

The fashionista continued walking the path to Fluttershy's cottage with a good mood, unlike earlier. She was curious how it went with Sweetie Belle and wanted to see Opal. Not that she didn't feel the need to shower.

Once the mare arrived at the cottage, she reluctantly knocked on the door, but immediately shook her head after that, everything's going to be fine. She can shower after this.

The door opened, showing the yellowed coated pegasus standing in the door way, she also looked happy to see Rarity.

"Oh, hi Rarity. Come in." Fluttershy said and stepped aside to let Rarity enter.

"Good morning." She greeted and walked inside.

The pink maned pony shut the door behind her friend.

"Take a seat. Would you like some tea?"

"No, thank you." The purple maned pony answered as she walked over to one of the couches. She didn't want to flush her mouth with that disgusting mouthwash again. She took a seat and so did Fluttershy.

"Anything else?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, nothing. Thank you." Rarity replied, gently.

"Ok, me neither then. So, how are you Rarity?" The pegasus asked with a smile.

"I'm fine." Rarity responded with a smile "I just went to the doctor and he can get me therapy and medication. I will be contacted soon, he said. How are you?"

"Oh, that's great. I'm really happy for you Rarity. And, yes, I'm fine"

"Good. Well, how did it go with Sweetie Belle yesterday?"

"Oh, it was no problem. Your parents weren't angry at all."

"I'm glad, thank you."

"No problem Rarity. Say....Do you need any help with your problem at the moment? Or..or Do you want get something of your chest?" She asked, just like Applejack.

Rarity was really happy with her friends, they were always there for her.

"No, I can't think of anything at the moment. But, thank you anyway." She said, thanking Fluttershy once again.

Fluttershy visibly blushed a bit and looked away.

"No uhm...problem. I'm...uh always there for you when you do."

"I'll keep that in mind." She said, instead of thanking her again. Suddenly Rarity's mind came up with something, the anxiety made her forget some things from time to time.

"How is Opalescence?"

Fluttershy's blush dissapppeared and looked back up at Rarity with a sad look. "Oh, well...um, I still don't think she really likes it here actually."

Fluttershy's eyes suddenly grew bigger, she discovered something and Rarity knew what that was. Oh well...It isn't a secret anymore.

"Oooooh. Your Mysophobia, is that why you gave her to me?"

"To be honest..yes." Rarity confessed. "I can give her to somepony else you know."

"No, no, no...ofcourse not. Wait, I'll bring here..I mean, if you want to."

"Certainly, I would like to see her."

Rarity kept sitting on the sofa as Fluttershy walked upstairs. She missed Opal and she did wanted to see her, but ofcourse...she was too dirty to touch.

The unicorn snapped back out of thought as she heard a loud growl from upstairs, followed by shriek, obviously by Fluttershy.

"Everything alright up there?!" Rarity exclaimed.

She didn't get an answer, instead the pegasus just came down the stairs with the annoyed cat on her back.

Fluttershy sat her on the sofa next to Rarity and kept standing where she was to leave room for Opal.

The cat just sat there, paying no attention to the mare as she always. Rarity didn't touch the critter, but just spoke to her.

"Hello, Opalescence. How are you?" Rarity asked with a smile.

Opal's gaize went to Rarity and then back to the floor.

"Once I'm better, you can come home again. I promise."

The cat didn't pay any attention to Rarity, but she was happy to see her non the less.

Rarity kept talking to the uninterested cat for minutes and then left. She still had a boutique to run and still felt the need to shower.