Germophobe II
"So, Rarity..." The purple baby dragon began. "Why didn't you just tell us?"
"I was...just so afraid that you all would think that I'm crazy."
"No, 'course not, Rare." The pink mare said in her usual good mood. "We're your friends and by the way, it isn't weird, really!"
"Well....if you say so, Pinkie Pie."
"That's the spirit!" Pinkie exclaimed, her smile covering half her pink coated face.
"So when you get home this evening, Rarity, will you perform your usual ritual?" Twilight asked curiously.
"Yes, I feel more need to take a shower every minute. No offense to you all, but I just can't let it go...yet."
"None taken." They responded in unison.
"Are ya seeing somepony about this?" Applejack asked. "Ah mean like a therapist or somethin'?"
"No, I do not, for the same reasons."
"Ah see, well...ya should. Those ponies have heard much worse things. They won't think yer crazy."
"Hmm...I suppose I should."
"Okay then, well..Ah gotta leave too, family's waiting. Good night."
They all said farewell and AJ trotted off into the darkness of the quiet town.
The ponies and the dragon kept talking for a few minutes, eventually everypony left to go eat supper.
Twilight, Spike and Rarity walked through the darkness on their way to the library, which was not far from the cafe. Rarity got nervous of the thought of going to somepony else's home, she began hyperventilating a bit. Twilight immediately know what was going on.
"You're nervous about going home with me aren't you?"
"To be honest, yes."
"Don't worry, Rarity." Spike said to comfort her. "Number one assistant Spike keeps the library as clean as a operating room." He said with his usual self-confident attitude.
The two ponies chuckled at the bad joke, but it didn't relief the white coated mare non the less and kept continuing with the mild hyperventilation.
"Try to breathe calmy Rarity, just relax, please." Twilight noted, she really meant it noticed Rarity. Her mind now filled a bit with hapiness, but not overtaking the anxiety and sadness.
"Thank you, Twilight....and Spike, ofcourse. It really means much to me that you all care about me."
"Nopony deserves this, Rarity. I don't know how it is to live with, but I'm sure it's really hard." The lavender unicorn replied. "Together, we stand strong. We will win this fight. Believe that." She added, almost like a true leader in war. The axienty in her body and mind lowered, allowing her to breathe normally.
The white mare simply smiled to her as response as they arrived at the front door of the library, she realized that and the anxiety came back already.
Spike opened the door with his key. He walked inside and quickly lighted up the hanging lantern in the middle of the room.
Twilight walked inside, but Rarity was struggeling, just like always when she visited her friends. She stood there for a few seconds, but decided to just slowly step inside. The anxiety flowed through her entire body like a racing pegasus pony, she started to sweat a bit and her breathing was now even deeper and faster.
Twilight noticed it, unlike the times before and turned around to see the terrified white mare just standing there.
Twilight sighed and began a new speech.
"I know that it's easier said than done, but you have to face your fears to overcome this problem. Well, unless we find a spell for it, ofcourse. Please, try to relax and breath normally."
"You're right, I just have to fight the urge to shower."
"That cleaning is ofcourse something you have to face, but not yet. First the small stuff. Well, just try to stop thinking about it for now." her gaize went to Spike who was finishing up some choirs that he was doing before the meeting.
"Spike can you go and make us supper? We'll search here for a spell."
"Yes, ma'am." He saluted and dashed to the kitchen, causing some giggles by the ponies he left behind. Spike probably did it to cheer up Rarity and it did, a bit.
Twilight's gaize went from the kitchen, back to the fashionista.
"Well, shall we?"
After a half hour of unsuccesfull non-stop searching for a spell Spike finished cooking dinner. Rarity was happy to be an unicorn again, she really didn't want to touch the dusty old books in the library, her horn sure came in handy sometimes.
Spike called them to the kitchen. The magnificant aroma that hung in the library for about fifteen minutes now sure made the mare hungry.
Rarity and Twilight walked into the kitchen, to see the eating table full of tasty looking food.
Tomato soup, crispy hayfries, salad and as desert: chocolate ice cream.
The thought of that she was about to eat at her friend' house maybe her a bit nervous again. Are the plates really clean? No! Spike touched them, oh wait, he probably washed his claws. Oh well, Rarity could always use the mouthwash she just bought recently.
The mare was deeply in thought until Twilight brought her back to the real world be waving her hoof in front of Rarity's eyes.
"Hello? Equestria to Rarity."
The white shook her head and chuckled. "Oh, uhm...I was just deep in thought."
"You think the plates are dirty, don't you?"
"Darling, it's like you can read my mind."
" was pretty obvious. No worries, Spike washed his claws, didn't you Spike?"
"Sure did, don't worry Rarity. The plates are as clean as a whistle too." He responded cheerfully.
"Thank you, Spikey-Wikey." The white unicorn replied, causing Spike's smile to get even larger.
"Now, let's eat before it gets cold." Twilight suggested.
It all indeed was as delicous as it looked, maybe even better.
"That was simply divine, Spike. Really." The white unicorn said to the baby dragon, her stomach full with the delicious treats.
"Thanks, Rarity." He blushed a bit and tried to avoid eye contact by looking at the table.
"It was delicous Spike. Now, Rarity, shall we get back to work?"
Thanks for the comments. I know this is amateuristic compared to some of the masterpieces on this site, but you gotta start somewhere. I'm now focusing on including more emotion and making longer sentences.