• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 896 Views, 15 Comments

Germophobe (ON HIATUS) - Ribgf

A story about the really hard part of Rarity's life.

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Chapter V - A Way To Help.

Germophobe Chapter V - A Way To Help.

It was evening, Rarity's friends had gathered in the library, all of them sitting at the table, except for Pinkie who was hopping around.

"But, how can we actually help her?" Rainbow Dash asked, her gaize changing from one pony to the other.

"Well, talking with her is one thing, talking is good." Twilight suggested.

"Yeah...and we can keep cheering her up, it must be hard to have such a phobia." Applejack added.

"Oh, I know! A party! Auntie Pinkie Pie is the best at cheering ponies up!" Pinkie loudly suggested, bouncing around the library.

"That's your solution to everything." Rainbow said annoyed. "We can't trow a party every single day, you know."

"Well...uhm.." Fluttershy began. "How about...uhm...we go do something fun with her each day. I mean like...another pony every day."

"Yes! That's it!" Pinkie happily exclaimed, still bouncing around with her sugar-fueled body.

"That is indeed a good idea, Fluttershy." Twilight complimented. "Maybe it will even help her with facing her fears. Okay, Do we all agree to do this?"

Agreeing sounds and words came everypony, so Twilight levitated a blank paper, a quill and ink and put it on the table in front of her. Pinkie had stopped hopping and sat at the table too, curious what Twilight wanted to do.

"Let's all pick out a day on which we can each do something with her. Okay, Applejack, which day and time is best for you?" She asked, gaizing at the orange earth pony.

"sunday afternoon sounds good fer me." AJ replied.

"Okay." Twilight said, while writing 'Applejack' after 'sunday'. "What about you, Rainbow Dash?"

"Hmm....saturday morning is fine." She answered, not wanting to give up naptime on a workday.

"Alright. And Pinkie Pie?"

"I'm available everyday, after work that is!"

"Shall I put you at monday afternoon?"

"Okie dokie lokie." She happily answered.

"Ok, Fluttershy?

"Umm....tuesday morning?"

"Yes, that is fine." Twilight said and wrote her after tuesday. "Ok, I'll just put myself on wednesday evening. She'll have enough time to run the boutique on the remaining days.

After she was done, her horn started to glow and shoot at the paper, multiplying it to five pieces of the same paper.

"Take this, so you won't forget it." The unicorn said as she slided them over to each of them.

"Yeah...but, will she even like this?" Applejack asked, unsure if Rarity will be willing to do something with them each day.

"Let's find out." Twilight replied.


Rarity was busy working on a dress, until she heard four knock on the front door. She walked down stairs, a bit nervous, not wanting the clean the house again.

She opened the door with her magic and saw her five friends standing there.

"Good evening, girls come in." Rarity gently told them as she stepped aside to let them in, but they kept standing there.

"Hi, Rarity, we'll just stand here, so you won't have to do your routine again." Pinkie offered.

"Oh, why thank you....So, what's going on?"

"We um...came up with a way to cheer you up everyday...well....almost everyday, but only if you will accept it, ofcourse" Fluttershy said.

"What is it?" Rarity curiously asked, her gaize going from one pony to another.

"Well...we thought about one of us doing something fun with you everyday." Twilight explained, who was holding a piece of paper in the air with her horn.

"Another pony each day." Rainbow added, who was hanging in the air, just above the ground.

"We made a list to see who is on what day." AJ said.

"Uhm...well, if you're alright with this, ofcourse and well um..if the times are alright with you." The timid pegasus added.

Twilight levitated the list she was holding in the air over to Rarity, allowing her to see the times and days.

Rarity observed the list with narrowed eyes for a minute, before she looked up and smiled.

"That is very nice of you all, thank you all so much and yes, the days and times are fine by me. I still have plenty of time to run the boutique this way. I would hug you all...if...you know."

"It's alright, Rarity." Pinkie Pie reassured the unicorn, while hopping in happiness.

"Oh, before I forget.." The lavender coated egghead began. She did the same multiply spell on the list in front of Rarity.

"Here, a...uh...clean one." Twilight offered.

"Thank you...and girls, I really appreciate this, so, thanks again."

"Oh, it's nothing, really." Rainbow Dash replied.

Agreeing words came from everypony.

"I'll see you tommorow, Rarity. It's my turn then." Pinkie excitedly said.

"Yes, ofcourse. Goodbye girls." She responded to the leaving ponies and so they all did too.