• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 478 Views, 6 Comments

Between Worlds - TimeRarity64

After watching her father get murder before her eyes and home burn down, Diamond Tiara makes it her life-determined goal in gaining her revengeance against the killers that took away everything she loved.

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II: The Experienced Witness (Edited)

The mistress can be so…cruel. Isolated from her friends, yet still carrying that prissy attitude towards lesser folks, as well as higher ranking ones. She has no sympathy, only anger and aggression. I still have to watch over her, out of Master Rich’s wishes. It is my duty as the family’s loyal butler to do so. Sometimes I wish I was given the right to object to any demand or action done by her that would put her life on the line. Master Rich had told me, before her birth, “I know it will be too much of me to ask. Seeing how this economy is being infiltrated unnoticeably, I request you take the role as the foster father to my daughter, Equated Wisdom.” Such a difficult task I did not expected to bring only sadness and confinement to all reasoning. The mistress never enjoys hearing my voice of opinion.

She was her mother after all; exclude the kindness and…insolence carried through her ignorant attitude held with contempt. But who was I say to such things that are so negative. She was still a filly, not aware of the real outside world. Trying to show her that would be pointless, since she might just reject it; I am a butler after all.

That vile demon she talks to only increases my wariness. It wants her soul, nothing more than that and the heads of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Her father would not be so please of this, but truly he would understand like I that his daughter…gave up and became something terrifying. I fear her the most than I do with those cults running about under the princesses’ noses. The mistress is quickly learning in becoming a weapon than an avenger. Sometimes I wonder if she really wants the cult to come after her.

Her only friend, Ms. Silver Spoon tried to gain contact with her, but mistress denied her request. It was disheartening to see such a good filly be rejected from her only friend; best friend might I add. I questioned the mistress, but her words came out with venom:

“Friends, I have no friends. If I did, they’ll only slow me down. She means nothing to me. Is nothing to me! Will never be anything to me! Nopony will.”

If only she shown some tone of regret in those hollow words. I was so glad Ms. Silver Spoon was not around to hear it. Her heart would break and tears will begin to rain upon the soul. The mistress, understanding to this point was cold.


Something in the back of my head began pondering her lack of social activity and rude behavior. She was not herself, obviously, or just the worse of it. She did not want to be slow down. If anypony she befriended were to figure her act for vengeance, they would surely report her or worse…get in her way. Mistress was not a foal to be taken lightly. She was intelligent and dangerous. I am sure she will cut down anypony in her path that prevents her from achieving vengeance.

Still, she did not wanted friends. She…perhaps…did not want to suffer even more after losing her father. To see Ms. Silver Spoon used as some hostage or kill by the blasted cult, it would surely make her give up completely on the world and raise hell on it without any remorse. Maybe that is why she does not wish to have any contact with Ms. Silver Spoon or any other pony. It is for their sake they stay away from her. It is her only way to see them live on if she ever failed; to remember her, instead of having her remember them if they were to die.

I was not so sure, though. Was this a hidden personality within the mistress, if so, she did well to keep it hidden. If it is so true, without any further questioning, I will follow it. I will assist her the best possible way I can, though I know she does not care one bit about me. Ever since she was only four months that she hated me for no reason. She believed I was only a piece of filth that had to be wiped clean in order to make the world a better place. Honestly, I agree with her in every possible way.

Like her, I, too, am carrying hate. I was born different from many other ponies. The only ones capable of noticing my strange behavior was Master Rich, and his father Grand Master Gold. My father had died in the war against Zebrafrica, just a month before my birthday when peace was declared on that poor-desolated civil-war bounded country. My mother had no time to notice my abnormality for she was busy trying to keep food on the table working as a housemaid for the royal family.

Master Rich and Grand Master Gold took me as their own respectively. They taught me to use my best skill on those that truly deserve it. They had a monster like I, hunt down other monsters like the cults or some rapist. They told me that I was not the only one, for there were many ponies like me who used their terrifying abnormality for the greater good. Princess Celestia knew of it, too.

You see, I was a natural-born-killer. I enjoy seeing my victims suffer painfully and remember my face as I torment them for their sins. I enjoy it a lot. They remember everything, either plead for death or forgiveness, and I act as their judge and executioner. Being messy with blood is so…relaxing. I thank them, my loyalty is bound to that family, though…I kept this secret from my mother and I am also glad that my father will never be aware of this.

When those eyes looked at me, I saw resentment and hatred. I was to consider a dog that fetched the stick without question. I somehow carried this presence that made young foals cried upon my sight, took to their mother sides, or simply ran away without any last words to say. My presence was that of Death, though…I knew Death will make his presence before me to commemorate my doings.

Ms. Silver Spoon, however, saw differently. It was as if she and the mistress had heightened senses that saw through my complexion. That was what I could see through her eyes. Mistress saw a dog, collared by her father; as Silver Spoon saw a fatherly figure and protector of good. They were probably right and not right. Honestly, I could not agree or disagree with my own assumption. Maybe they saw something different in me. Maybe they just assumed. At least they did not see the monster I truly was, their views would either be different or reinforced.

I hated that demon. The mistress spent more time with him than me and I was mostly used for gaining information purposes. I did not feel comfortable seeing her speak to the sword most of the time. It was unhealthy. At least spark a conversation with me…never mind about that part, but at least use your time with school work. I was homeschooling her, making sure no suspicion would arouse if ponies found out she was gaining no teachings. She made it more difficult for me for many reasons I am sure I’ve explained before.

There did come a time when she did do her work. I share no words for her on doing great, for I knew she rather see my tongue get cut off than listen to a simple, “You did great,” type of line. How saddening, but expecting and acceptable.

Her ears did perked whenever I mentioned information leading to the cult. She had demanded information immediately, giving me no time to regain my composure. I explained with detail that there were two possibly cult members hidden in the town and knew leads on where the others resided. Requesting I take a more strategic approach, she allowed me permission, but demanded that I capture these possible cultists and inform her so she may pay a personal visit. My blood ran cold…but…not trying to sound inappropriate in any matter…it felt good. Those words…those intentions…they were obvious. She was going to get her first kills. I remember mine. They were so…memorable.

If only she allowed me to tell her my first kill…but her father would not want that. It would be best to leave the poor filly’s mind free of my past sinful hobbies.

So I did what I was told. I went after these ponies. They were both earth ponies and they went by the name Lily and Rosebud. They were gardeners, enjoying the flowers they made and putting them up for sale. The cutie marks on their flanks did not really expressed much about them, though it did give me a clear point of their personality than talent. Rosebud was shy and sometimes calm, while Lily was an outgoing mare, willing to go as far as to bribery in order to get what she wanted. Simply to say, they were partners that both contained their ups and downs, though…Rosebuds was a mystery…for now.

If Diamond Tiara knew my true-self, I would teach her how to properly get a kill. Master Rich and Grand Master Gold taught me this. It was essential that I took down as many cult members or criminals out there perfectly, without leaving a single trace behind that would arouse suspicion from the police or royal guard. Princess Celestia knew of my work and informed me of decent isolated places where nopony would bother finding my victims mutitlated into pieces or unrecognizable due to blunt objects; just hearing the sound of bones crushing send a euphoric thrill up my back. But I had to act civilize in public and not spark suspicion from anypony…not even the mistress.

I studied these two, trying to pick up patterns that would leave them exposed and for me to sweep in and take them somewhere isolated. They were truly open for the taking. I guess the public does not know they are members of the cult, possible cult members. I did not want my mistress to kill innocent ponies. It would stay in her head forever. Her father would not be proud.

It only took two days for me to actually figure out the distinguishing activities Rosebud and Lily participated in. Rosebud stood in her home with Lily as a cloaked figure from the back snuck into the window every night. Who was that cloaked figure? I figure they would surely tell me if I were to capture them and interrogate them for answers.

It was obvious that I made my move as soon as the cloak figure left two hours later. I had to get word first from Princess Celestia if there was any isolated area in Ponyville without telling her about the mistress’ thirst for vengeance. Though I was questioned about it, I told her that the mistress is still suffering and is only isolating herself from her friends so they would not see the grief that had befallen upon her. I was glad the princess kept it at that as she sent one of her private guards to lead me to a shed located in the midst of Ponyville’s Everfree Forest. It was perfect, for there were tools on display along with a table. Everything was set up perfectly so no evidence would be left behind.

When I returned to the mistress, she was asleep, and beside her were the sword and a bowl of rice. I had forgotten the sword was of Eastern decent and that rice was one of its favourites beside meat. I was a bit curious to how it tasted since I only ate little on my time away from her. So, I found a pot in the kitchen and gave myself a bowl of white rice. It was nothing different, but it sent gentle warmth throughout my body, relaxing my muscles as I felt a tasteful pleasure course through my taste buds.

Soon, after finishing my short meal, I returned to my sleeping mistress and carried her off to bed. Her coat against mine was smooth and thick. I soon then noticed that she had been growing up lately, her along with the other foals at her school were near being pre-teens, but were still young to be release out into the world. She was…light as a feather…but warm once touched. She was beautiful…almost like her mother.

When I set her down on the bed, I covered her with her blanket and went off to fetch her sword, but I stopped once she muttered out my name. I turned to her with a surprised expression to see her staring at me with drowsy eyes, only to be casted with an angry expression. Had I angered her? No, it was different for that angry expression of hers was replaced with tears that revealed only anguish and lament. I was confused for a while. I only shown saddened feelings for Ms. Silver Spoon, due to her view about me, but mistress…sure I was sad about Master Rich’s death, but her…I could not describe what I felt. It was…abnormal.

Then…I realized that what I had mentioned earlier that shown some sympathy for her was only but lies; truthfully, I did not care. I only did what I was told. I was collared. Unknown in what to do about this, I approached her cautiously. I only did what I was supposed to do and that was watching over her and obeying anything without further question.

Then I noticed it. Within her eyes resided weakness. She was afraid. I have seen these eyes before plenty of times, but never had I spotted them for my mistress. I did what I thought would soothe her pain and decided to hug her as my mother would if she was sad. If only she truly saw that she was hugging a monster. Mistress hugged back, sinking her hooves into my back. Then I recognized her actions and felt only a rush of pain course through my body. She was punishing me. Tormenting me with these alien emotions! Her hooves…those blasted hooves were pressing further down against my back. Pain increased when she bit my shoulder, sinking her fangs into my flesh. This was punishment, not a beacon for comfort.

I did not move or opposed this. I let her have her way, releasing her anger upon me so that it would calm her down. Her tail brushed against me, enticing me to strike her, to do something that would give her the right to strike back and perhaps kill me. Her mother did the same thing behind Master Rich’s back. She knew how to make me suffer. This…was not one of them. This was new and…impressive in a sick sense.

When she finished, I released a quiet pant as she rested on her back staring at me with a sadistic grin. Those demon eyes were visible before me, causing me to freeze and stare back not aware that I was over this filly, staring down into those alluring orbs.

“Do you want this body? Do you want to see what’s inside of it? Do you wish to bite and chew on it? Do you want to see how stuff you can pull out? Or…” Her tail brushed against my stomach, moving slowly down, “Do you want to ravage it?”

These were not her words. She hated me. She hated me! She HATED me! I could do no such thing to her. No, attractions like this…they meant nothing to me. I felt it was not really necessary for a monster like me! But…those words…the position I was in, my body…acted differently. I backed away, only to fall back and groan in pain. Blood dribbled down my shoulder, causing me to spot her sharp fangs. This was her demon self, the being born once she came contact with that damned blade. This was not her.

She licked her lips slowly, letting her tongue traced on the soft flesh before moving it back into her dark mouth. She wanted me to do something. Do something her mother was not capable of understanding if she knew what I was capable of. But I was not going to do it. I had self-control. I was…a monster that kills for good, not bad.

“Out my room, be sure to leave my blade where it is. I don’t want your dirty hooves touching it. By the way…” Her tone became grim, “The next time you back away like that from me…I’ll be sure to kill you on the spot and handle things by myself. Tell me what you found about those two tomorrow, be sure to when I awake with a good meal. Now leave!”

I nodded my head and exited the room quickly, closing the door behind me hard. I could feel my heart pumping rapidly, as blood continued to sink down my shoulder. I pressed my back pressed against the wooden surface lightly, before slowly sinking down onto the floor, grinning lightly. Those words…they were…


-To Be Continued-

Author's Note:

The butler's point-of-view is quite...dark. I intend to have him as the witness to Diamond Tiara's mission. I will admit, I was astonished and shocked when I was doing this chapter for a while that I stopped for a few days and began watching Dexter (a nice TV show on Showtime and you can find it on Netflix), that Dexter was a perfect example for a sociopath that killed for good. Of course, I went over my work and changed up many things because I felt that it was not perfect. It had to be rewritten. So I did, using what I gained from Dexter. I made sure not to have my butler not so connected with him that they are replicas with different bodies, but their methods of killings were exactly similar. Being a monster that killed other monsters or heartless killers in this world.

So there you go, a butler who enjoys doing things others would find wrong, but understand...it is for the greater good.

Comments ( 4 )

She knew what I was and what I was capable of.

Mistress saw a monster, collared by her father;

If Diamond Tiara knew my true-self, I would teach her how to properly get your kill.

If only she truly saw that she was hugging a monster.

She knows he's a monster yet she doesn't know he's a monster. Wouldn't you say that's a little contradictory? Also, how does the butler know what Silver Spoon thinks of him? Did he see it in her eyes like he did with Diamond? Because the way you phrased it, it sounds like he read her mind.

Master Rich and Grand Master Gold took the role as brother (Rich) figure and Father (Gold) figure.

You can throw out the parentheses if you end the sentence with the word 'respectively'. It'll make it sound less stilted.

Why exactly was Diamond upset with her butler? He backed away from her? Was she just looking for an excuse to torture him?

3771462 I think I found my personal proofreading reader.:twilightsmile: That's if you want to be one for me on this story. I will surely fix the chapter when I am finish with some stuff (reading mostly).

I'm always looking to improve my ability to critically analyze the works of others, and everyone else that contracted me is currently on hiatus. Sure, I can help you out with some proofreading.

3771731 Beautiful!:heart: Thank you very much. When...I get another chapter done, I shall send you it through PM and get your critique input. :pinkiesmile: Thank you very much.:rainbowkiss:

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