• Published 7th Dec 2013
  • 9,914 Views, 277 Comments

Nightmares Are Tragic - Jordan179

Nightmare Moon spends a thousand years banished to the Moon, then returns to seek her revenge. From HER point of view.

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Chapter 16: An End to Nightmares?

Luna dreamed ...

It was a strange dream by her standards, for as soon as it began she realized that she could not control it.

She was drifting through space, floating toward the Moon. There was a strange dread in her, which had nothing to do with fear of her former imprisonment. She knew she was dreaming, she knew that when she woke up she would be back in her room in the Palace at Canterlot.

She saw the Moon’s familiar features grow in her vision. She saw that she was falling toward Tranquility, the great lava plain growing in her vision. In fact, she was falling towards the old landing site, the one she had so often haunted in her time alone.

But her emotion was one neither of sadness, nor of happiness because she now knew that Dusk Skyshine was once again in the world. It was of fear – but what could she fear, on the dream-Moon?

As she dropped she saw the old metal of the Descent Stage glinting in the last rays of the Sun. The long Lunar day was ending, the Lunar night beginning. Something she had seen over ten thousand times before …

The shadows were crawling.

Because they were the Nightshadows. But never had she seen them in such numbers.

She knew these dream-shadows could not hurt her, yet still she cringed from their unwholesomeness. Now that she was free of the Shadows within, she could for the first time fully grasp their loathsomeness, the sick abnormality that they represented in any environment of a sane world. She feared that if she fully opened her psychic senses, she would hear their foul whispers in her mind, insinuations of stark, alien cosmic evil.

She feared that if this happened, something still buried deep in her own soul might answer them.

She was coasting over the Lunar surface now, over the swarming Shadows. Had there truly been so many of them? Had she just never noticed? Or was something, some event, stirring them to far greater than normal activity.

Anger filled her at the sight of them defiling her Moon. For a thousand years she had been unable to prevent this desecration. For a thousand years she had been at their mercy, their helpless tool. She was still weak, but someday – someday soon – she would return in truth to this orb and cleanse it of their contamination, restore it for the Ponies that they might return to what they had won by their mettle.

But even with the anger there was still the fear.

She was gliding quite rapidly over the Lunar surface, not galloping or flying or even hurtling on some ballistic arc, but sliding smoothly along as if being pulled across an invisible surface. Below boiled the Shadows. She realized that they all seemed to be going in the opposite direction from her. Was she approaching some sort of origin point of these tenebrous horrors?

There was a hill ahead, the remnant of some ancient volcanic convulsion, perhaps in response to the colossal impact that had created the lava sea. She had seen this hill many times before, but never thought much of it. Now she saw that it seemed to be her destination.

The hill filled her field of view, until it seemed as though she might crash into it. With dream-logic she instead swooped into a crevice which must in reality have been far too small to contain her tangible form. There was a rushing sensation, as she hurtled down a series of cracks in the hill which must have been the result of aeons of thermal stress weathering, prying the rocks apart along the faults between the remnants of different volcanic eruptions.

Suddenly she emerged into a great cave, perhaps the remnant of some long-exhausted magma chamber. She must have been miles beneath the regolith now, in formations caused by the Moon’s responses to its titanic violation during the Late Heavy Bombardment Era. No Earthly vacuity would have remained open for so long at such depths, but conditions were less unforgiving under the Moon’s milder gravity.

It was of course utterly dark in there, but she could see with a gentle pulse of gravitons, something she could have done in the waking world as well.

She shuddered at what she saw.

The cave was full of Shadows. Writhing, squirming, oozing over one another with their eagerness to climb toward the surface. They were impelled both by their own unguessable lusts, and by the pressures of the ones coming from behind.

Coming from a sort of crack in the rock near the back of the cave.

She drifted toward that crack. She probed it with gravitons – and was shaken by what she sensed.

The gravitons, curled, twisted, transformed into other particles as they approached that void. Those which went within did not return.

This was not merely a crack in the rock.

It was a crack in the continuum.

And the Shadows were streaming out from it.

Into our Universe.

As she drifted toward the crack she felt a pressure, the force of the Shadows emerging from that flaw in spacetime. She felt them ooze around and through her, a horrid sensation like being bathed in earthworms without and within. She tried to fly, walk, or otherwise move away from them.

She could not stop her motion.

Then her terror became personal when saw that she was still drifting toward the crack in the continuum.

This is only a dream! she thought. Not even fully lucid. If it was then I could control it – couldn’t I?

The flaw in her assumptions suddenly exploded in her mind.

I’m assuming that someone – or something else – isn’t overriding my control.

With that she began to frantically struggle, to exert every intangible ability she had in a desperate attempt to wake up, or at least to pull away from that dreadful abyss in Creation toward which she was now ever faster and faster drifting.

To no avail. She was a chip in the foam of some awful compulsion. No, she thought, not again …

She screamed ...

And the dream ended.

She sat up, gasping in terror.

The dream was fading from her mind. Still exhausted, she lay her head down again, and went back to sleep.


When she woke twelve hours later, she did not even remember she had dreamed.


Author's Note:

My original concept for this dream was even nastier, but then I realized I was giving away too much. Heh-heh-heh.

To be continued, eventually, in my planned sequel All the Way Back, which will detail Luna's re-adaptation to a very different Equestria than the one she left a thousand years ago. This will fill in the (long) gap between "Nightmares Are Tragic" and "A Meeting By Moonlight."

I'm really grateful to everyone for all the encouragement I've received in writing this. You know who you are.

Comments ( 86 )


I am so glad that you liked what I wrote. Seriously. :twilightblush:

Is the next story going to include Luna Eclipsed? Also, are you going to write a story about Twilight acting on Luna's reveal in A Meeting By Moonlight? This is a great series you've made, and you perfectly captured the romantic feelings even without anypony actually getting together, but I would really like to see Luna and Twilight actually try to start a relationship. In any case, I'm looking forward to more.

Uh-oh, looks like poor Luna's troubles with the Shadows are far from over. Though at least the next time she'll have the hard-won virtues of experience to help her, AND she should have some ponies like her big sis and the Mane Six that she can approach for help.


Probably -- this seems the logical place for it, and I pretty much have to do my own version of it, if I'm going to focus on Luna's recovery. Plus, this is when Luna started to really become friends with Twilight herself, rather than just loving her memory of who Twilight used to be. Different Aspects are also different people, though sometimes they can be very similar.


I had Byron in mind when I wrote this, yes. And Luna is in many ways a Byronic heroine -- though she's actually far nicer than Lord Byron ever was (Byron was a total jerk to his family and friends). She thinks she's a lot worse than she really is, though. Right now, she's very much the Atoner.

So your next story is going to be like Hiatus? Except, of course, full of metaphysics and inquiries into the apparent nature of evil itself.

I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to this because you consistently write very well, or dreading it because big words hurt puny human brain


Well, she knows better now than to actually call upon them. And she also realizes that her rebellion was insane, even the parts of it she engage in when she was still Luna.

Celestia, for her part, now knows better than to take her sister for granted.

The Shadows aren't going to leave Equestria alone. They didn't, if you consider the way that I have linked Sombra to it, and beyond that, if you consider a likely possibility regarding the insane aggressiveness of a particular Queen.

Luna knows things about the Shadows, things which could be very useful. She doesn't remember all of it that well, though.

Luna is also utterly terrified by the prospect of ever falling under their control again. But she's brave enough that this won't stop her from doing her duty.

Yes, I love that character.:twilightsmile:


Now I am wondering if I should read Hiatus before doing All The Way Back, or if I should avoid unnecessary plagiarism. Since this is fanfic, I'm by necessity being somewhat plagiaristic, and I'm not shy about gobbling up bits of other people's fanon if it's good, but it might be a bad thing to basically read someone else's previously written version of the very same story before writing my own ...

3704699 Your words about Byron remind me of the description he got in both Wellman's one story about him, 'The Black Drama', and that truly amazing Tim Powers novel 'The Stress of Her Regard', which I consider to be the creepiest and best vampire novel of the last 100 years, not least for the sheer alienness of its vampires.

3704731 I very much doubt you'd copy anything from the dude who Wrote Hiatus, vargas I think his name is.
Main reason being he wrote it with more of a slice of life story, where each chapter is a "month" despite the fact I remember the chapters focusing more on a span of two three days. Emphasis on the "slice of life", the worst (saddest) thing to happen in the story is the Christmas special.

Where it turns out Luna became Nightmare moon because her sister specifically ignored her in favor of doing her job. And Nightmare was a plan of Luna's to emulate her gone awry.


Well, in my world Luna's rebellion -- the saner part of it, and it was never all that sane -- began as plotting to increase her own power and influence out of resentment for being slighted by most Equestrians. The point at which Luna really lost control was when she began treating with the Shadows, which I imply here she learned of from Sombra. When she let the Shadow possess her, at that point she was no longer in control of her own actions. But she'd done some rather morally questionable things before that, and Luna sets herself fairly high standards of honesty and loyalty, so she now hates herself for those actions.


A long while ago I read The Stress of Her Regard. It is also true that the Romantic poets had a strange obsession with vampires.

This is interesting in light of some of my theories about the Alicorn Avatars. No, they're not "vampires." But they are capable of emotivory, because they have the capabilities of all kind of Ponies -- not just the three main ones. And not just the ones that have remained recognizably in their original forms.

I think you know of what I speak.

I liked this story, it is good story that expands well on the first two episodes, I liked the dynamic between the two and Luna's mentions of the lost Age of Wonders. The expansion on Nightmare Moon and Luna as well as on general headcanon about ponies and the main cast was also good, will definitely be looking out for the sequel when it comes.

Absolutely fantastic world-building. You've altered my headcanon on several salient points, although I guess I'll have to hold on for the sequel in hopes of eventual smooches. (No worries, the story more than made up for it. Especially Pinkie and that tie-in to the original series.)

I enjoyed the hell out of this story. :pinkiehappy:


I love Pinkie, because she makes me happy almost every time I see her. Which is of course why her friends love her, too.

Pinkie is not only More Than She Seems, but More Than More Than She Seems. Without changing her personality, or turning her into Pinakmena Maria Susannah God Mode Pie, either.

Is that mysterious enough? :raritywink:


Wait, "not much shipping" where? My story, that other story, or somewhere else. I'm confused ... I mean there's one big obvious ship in Nightmares Are Tragic ... :twilightblush:

... as in the whole climax hinges on it.


And you heard a lot of hype about Nightmares Are Tragic? Where? Are people actually talking about it somewhere off my blog?


Yes. Exactly. Watching the original version of this I saw that Nightmare Moon was holding back, and the obvious reason was that Princess Luna herself wasn't evil and didn't want to casually kill them.

3886964 TV Tropes.org has a page about it. :pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:
3886960 I don't hold with reincarnation, but you provided enough context to make :twilightsmile: and :rainbowdetermined2: 's prior relationships with Luna make sense. Still not my headcanon, but I declare a truce. :rainbowlaugh:


My take on reincarnation here isn't precisely the Buddhist or Hindu one, nor does it preclude other afterlives if that's what's bothering you.

I really like seen-fron-the-other-side fics, an this is an exceptionally well-done one!


Thank you! I thought I explained the choreographic issues with S1E2 very nicely -- there were long pauses during which Nightmare Moon wasn't doing anything and she should have been. Trying to figure out why she didn't do anything was the genesis of this tale.


Actually, that flag was planted by the Ponies of the Age of Wonders. Their civilization and ours was what GURPS would call a "strange resonant alternate history" to ours -- the name of the culture which launched Dusk Skyshine to the Moon was the United States of Amareica.

Yes. Nightmare Moon is very much a fragmented composite entity. More so than Luna consciously realizes at this point.


Twilight hasn't had time to sort that library -- plus, even when she does, her sorting technique can be idiosyncratic. She's brilliant, but eccentric.


Second time I made that typo in this story. Thank you for finding these!


I am now interested in seeing what sort of culture Nightmare Moon comes from where sworn bloodsisters are commonplace enough to just assume they exist for... well, no real reason at all, really, except maybe that the mane six look like a team of battle-hardened champions, and that's just what champions do.

When Princess Luna last walked the Earth, she and Celestia had just finished a centuries-long process of politically-unifying Equestria. Before this time, there were numerous noble and royal Houses ruling various-sized polities, and sometimes fighting one another. Luna was the War Princess: she was the one whose job it was to salvage matters when Celestia's diplomacy failed. Celestia fought too, of course, but only when her presence on the battlefield was important. Celestia's talents are for administration, diplomacy and politics; Luna's for strategy, operations and tactics.

Before even that, Luna spent a while as "Monasdrommir," leading Northern barbarians against Discordian raiders, and defending the eastern ports of the Crystal Empire from them. That's where she picked up the specific term "bloodsister" to describe a very close companionship such that one would see to one's bloodsister's safety first in battle. That gets mentioned, obliquely, in other stuff I wrote -- eventually, Luna will probably explicitly explain this to someone.

On a different note, it's always felt kind of weak how Applejack doesn't just tell Twilight, "Let go, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy will catch you." I wonder if someone could puzzle out an actual reason for that decision, rather than just using it for dramatic tension. Hmm...

Thinking about it, Applejack may be worried that whoever launched the initial attack might still be watching and able to interfere if she explicitly states the rescue strategy. Applejack is smart. And she would be right in her assumption, though Nightmare Moon didn't follow up on the attack. But then Applejack has no way of knowing that their enemy is internally-conflicted.


Thank you for noticing those types ...

Heh ... Luna knows her sister. She's well aware that Celestia prefers to work by subterfuge. In a way, this is just a deadly version of the games they played together over a thousand years ago.


~Pinkie Pie used musical number. It's super effective!~

LOL!!! Yep! :pinkiehappy:

Ah. Well, that makes more sense. I wasn't quite sure how all that fit in before, but that clears it up.

Still. Rockets. To the Moon. For the win.


On Luna's opinion of Twilight and Luna's wish magic -- this is a good point. I will have to think about it, and may change it in a revision.


The juxtaposition between how effortless and natural everything looked in the episodes and how meticulously planned out everything looks from Luna's perspective is hilarious.

Thank you.

What has actually happened is that Celestia has created a pattern in which events are likely to unfold to her advantage. The town of Ponyville and many of its inhabitants were largely pre-positioned to make something like this sequence of events probable. There were multiple backup Element Bearers.

Celestia's not trying to micromanage victory. She's set up a situation in which the nature of things, coupled with some very subtle magics, make her victory likely. She's that sneaky and manipulative.

Luna is brilliant, but she's a very simple Concept compared to her sister.


... though when you read An Extended Performance and see Celestia's thoughts on the matter, you'll realize that Celestia wasn't all that sure she'd win.


No, you're right. I screwed up the italicizing a bit. Will fix.

Again, what appeared to be a simple broken bridge was actually a carefully calculated strategy to separate the group, making them vulnerable to Nightmare Moon's predation. So much thought has gone into these traps, it's almost a shame to see them be so completely ineffective.

What's even funnier is that Nightmare Moon fell into one of Celestia's traps there. The prolonged conversation with someone who is the reincarnation of one of Moondreamer's best friends is shaking the Shadow's control over Luna, because Luna is rebelling against the idea of slaying a friend. As you've probably noticed by now. :twilightsmile:


Eh ... perhaps "crystals" in the sense of an internal crystalline structure. Then again, Luna used to be good friends with the guy who practically invented advanced crystals magic, Crimson Quartz.

A.k.a. King Sombra.


Celestia is a sterling example of why "good" and "honest" are not synonymous. She is extremely good, and also very manipulative. In canon she has repeatedly manipulated others (most obviously Twilight Sparkle) into actions which have benefitted both the subject and herself. I'm guessing the original beneficiary and victim of this behavior was Princess Luna, many many times. Probably even before their current incarnation.


In this timeline, the Humans died a hundred thousand years ago, in the Final War of the Eldren, leaving the Ponies to inherit the Earth -- just as in our timeline, the Ponies died back then, leaving the Humans in like wise position.


Oh ... see, The Megan didn't come from the Pony world at all.

What is this Final War of the Elderen you speak of?


The late-Pleistocene one between Atlantis and Lemuria that -- in our world -- cleared the Earth for Mankind; and in their world cleared the Earth for Ponykind to arise as the successors to the Eldren. The Eldren -- the Elder Race of Man -- are the species which is known to our legends as the Elves.

Well that's interesting, I sort of subscribed to the "Shadowrun" explanation of how Thera (enshrined in myth as Atlantis) Fell, basically that magic waned and dissipated from the Earth for about 5,200 years before it came back.

And where did you get that Final War thing from anyway? Just curious.


Originally from my version of the Mythos: my prehistory of the Pony verse essentially assumes that the major difference was that in that bundle of universes, the hominid lines were mostly wiped out by tailored plagues during the last war of the Eldren, and Uplifted equid descendants occupied the "dominant sapient" niche instead.

This is fully justified by the original G1 My Little Pony, by the way, in which there are evidently hominids in their past, who are also very obviously a dying race represented by a few survivors such as the Moochick and the Three Witches. All of whom tend to be magically adept, or classic "servitor" races similar to classic Orcs and Trolls. Note in my current Blog Post where I describe The Advent of the Megan -- about 6 thousand years in the past from the current TV series.


Why thank you -- I hoped you'd like my take on the characters. I hope you like the other stories I've written in this universe.

I came across this while generically searching for shipfics with Luna in them, and I'm very grateful that I did. The depth and mythos in here is a real treat.


You might then want to check out my other stories, all of which are set against this background (and all but one of which are canon to it) -- and my original inspiration, Alex Warlorn's PonyPOVerse.


I'm glad you like this story. Yes, the focus is very much on the conflict between Luna and the Nightmare.


Thanks for spotting that -- a subtle mistake embedded in a story I wrote long ago, which I might otherwise have missed for a long time. Hope you like the tale. :twilightsmile:


Also, this chapter made me cry. I love the 'spread of technoology' thing, and this was particularly well done, especially Luna's reactions.

I'm really glad it produced that reaction in you. My background in history makes me a great technophile, because I am well aware of how much technology improves lives -- whether Human or Pony. I go into this a bit more in All the Way Back, where even though she feels out of place in the new Equestria, she is very glad that the Ponies are climbing back toward the heights of their ancestors -- she is specifically glad that the new Equestria has less poverty, famine and disease. My Luna, of course, is very technophilic -- as Moondreamer she was an aerospace engineer whose dream was to help send Ponies to the stars.

I'll let you in on a secret -- I sometimes have extreme emotional reactions, including tears, when I write certain scenes. Sometimes when I re-read them. :twilightsheepish:


It's a matter of divergent problem-solving strategies. When Celestia sees a problem, her first thought is "I must manipulate other Ponies into behavior such that this problem is solved." When Luna sees a problem, her first thought is "I must fight those who cause the problem and win so that the problem is solved."

Both of them will rally others to help them solve the problem -- they are both natural leaders and were even when they were in wholly Earth Pony form in their earlier lives as Sundreamer and Moondreamer. This is only made the more effective by the fact that as Alicorns they are beautiful and imposing.

But even here the approach is different. Celestia would think "I must imperceptibly nudge my little Ponies into actions so that they see the need of doing what they must do to help me solve this problem." Luna would think "I must approach my friends and tell them 'There is a problem. I need your help to solve this problem!'"

Celestia, in short, is subtle. Luna is direct.

Each admires the virtues of the other and undervalues her own. Celestia thinks "I am a smiling schemer, while my sister is an honest heroine." Luna thinks "I am rough and clumsy and hard to love, while my sister is smooth and sophisticated and beloved by all." They love each other very much, but neither substitutes well for the other because of their two very different approaches to solving problems.

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