• Member Since 16th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 31st, 2015


Ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies


When you're an earth pony you're best talent is help the world grow green... BORING!

Lost Beat is a 18 year old stallion who never leaves the world in his mind. His biggest desire is to soar in the clouds or use all sorts of spells with unicorn magic. Well after yet another normal day in disgusting reality he finds himself tempted to wander inside a beautiful gypsy's tent despite what his friends told him.

His secret desire was revealed so easily... and an offer was put on the table. Will he live to love or regret his choice?

Editing done by HonorableInsanity

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 3 )

Just an fyi. most traits from myself was put into Lost Beat. The love for music, losing mself into a world built from my mind, and desire to be somepony else because i dont exactly enjoy my few skills. Making ok stories (don't get my wrong, i love making them, but i just wish i had the ability to make them better) and being good at some math isnt what i wished to have as a talent. :fluttercry: not to mention the walking with my head down for basicly the same reason.

But Lost Beat does have some amazing things that i dont got. i think my head would explode if bass of that power was blasting directly into my ears. :twilightoops: or solve one of those math problems in just 10 seconds... maybe in 30 :rainbowdetermined2:

Please let me know how you think of the story and dont be afraid to toss out ideas for chapters or how to improve it. :twilightsmile: Thank you so much

Sorry it's so uneventful. :derpyderp1: :derpyderp2: just how the first few chapters of a story always are. It's going to get good pretty soon.

Tell meh what you think of it! :yay:

I like the start you've got to this story, and I look forward to seeing more of it. :twilightsmile: That said, I did notice a few grammatical errors, mostly minor, although there was one main one that stood out, and that is that every time you have a new character speaking you should start a new line. I don't think there were any other big things, although there were a few basic smaller ones.

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