• Member Since 16th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 31st, 2015


Ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies


Status Report!!! · 7:54pm Oct 29th, 2013

Welcome to the world that is my mind... Comfy? Hope not...

Ahem! er... don't go in there... >.> anyways heres the latest news.

haaaalf way done with crimson smile... maybe. depends on what i add or not.

Before the terror will have a bit of a long delay. nopony reads it anyways i think so i'll just set it in the closet until i got time for it.

The curse named desire is on the third part of my to do list. and the crimson smile is actually second!

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Slight delay. · 4:50pm Oct 24th, 2013

I got the outline for chapter 5 thanks to Ecstatic!

and even another chapter idea came to mind for before the terror and the curse named desire.

buuuut school has the trollface on... Advisory periods were bucked up so i couldnt spend time in the library, aims led me to lose lunch times to even attempt making some progress (if minecraft wasn't an option) aaand today i have anime club after school... And friday plus most of the weekends will be busy so i cant work on any of them!

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Horrid needs to type... · 3:43pm Oct 20th, 2013

Well... For a while i had an idea for a new stroy about an o.c. i had for a while... But i am waiting to finish the crimson smile first. Then yesterday i spent the day hanging out with my aunt, her friends, and a guy around my age who was also a brony. Well he had 9 short chapters to a story he wrote based off ideas some guy gave him, and they were GREAT! He added himself into the story and to be honost he was a perfect pony form of himself in it.

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A new chapter of the crimson smile goes "dun dun... dun dun... dundundundun" · 3:49pm Sep 17th, 2013

I am more than half way done with the chapter... i think.
buuuuuuut its still good progress!
a few more parts to edit and the rest of the story is still needed. The biggest reason why its taking so long is because:

1: i'm waiting for you guys to fill up your shelves with omnoms(snacks) for plenty of reading.

2: as i mentioned last blog i have a limited time to work on it and my lunch time is never long enough for me to begin.

3: its going to be the longest chapter yet!!!!

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And so it begins... again. · 7:03pm Sep 4th, 2013

Ok thanks to Crimsondash i got the yet finished crimsonsmile chapter.


....i dont know either.

Maybe i'll just begin finishing it.

which will take me a while. oh well!

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I. AM. FINALLY. BACK! · 10:20pm Aug 22nd, 2013

ok... i am back and ready for some stories! ...i hope. whats next on my list is finading time to work on my stories again and push them in.
3 problems.

1: CrimsonDash couldnt work on the chapter either. so crimsonsmile is far from finished.

2: What he did do on the chapter is on my gmail and since i dont have internet at home anymore and my school blocked gmail i am in trouble...

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Sorry. But this might be a long break · 2:53am May 15th, 2013

I cant make my stories because thr finals are here.. And idk if I can make stories during the summer... I'll try to make it work but idk. My pc doesnt have microsoft word and thats what I always use.

I'll try to post chapter 4 but i'll have to finish it. Unless I pull a few favors.

Hide your cookies before I eat them

Slenderpony knows where you live

And have a epic night

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Luck finally got on my side! Also, story idea helpped by my good pal. · 11:06pm Apr 26th, 2013

I got my flash drive!!!

And a new story shall come up after chapter 4. maybe before.

its about... Brightsmile as a foal?! -le gasp-

until then.

Hide your cookies before i eat them

Slenderpony knows where he lives

And have a epic day!

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bad bucking luck. · 6:42pm Apr 21st, 2013

I cant believe it... i freaking lost my flash drive! without it i may have to stop the makings of crimson smile and any other planned stories for a while until i find it or replace it. >.< I've searched where i could have dropped and would never drop like 10 times! so replacing it may be the plan.

Until then:

Hide your cookies before i eat them

Slenderpony knows where you live

And have a epic day!

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My answer to the fans, and a question to them. · 11:36pm Apr 18th, 2013

Chap 2 of the crimson smile is almost here! like the first chap, the good stuff is at the end. who will be the next victim?
A o.c. of a friend of mine >:D and he shall be yummy. It should be getting posted either tomorrow, or some time next week. (school is constantly getting in the way)

Also i want to ask folks about "bringing death to a world near you" Its something i wasn't 100% into. and i got some thumbs down on that. Should i end that fic? I want to hear what you think first.

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