• Member Since 16th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 31st, 2015


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When you're an earth pony you're best talent is help the world grow green... BORING!

Lost Beat is a 18 year old stallion who never leaves the world in his mind. His biggest desire is to soar in the clouds or use all sorts of spells with unicorn magic. Well after yet another normal day in disgusting reality he finds himself tempted to wander inside a beautiful gypsy's tent despite what his friends told him.

His secret desire was revealed so easily... and an offer was put on the table. Will he live to love or regret his choice?

Editing done by HonorableInsanity

Chapters (2)

"Before the terror" is a story of Brightsmile as a child, well before she became a insane flesh wanting mare.

She loves healthy teeth and hates sweets. So of course she'd be the butt of a joke and the girl to be picked on the most...

Who would be HER friend? Well... Maybe a kid or 2... But most likely...

A Demon who has a love of crimson...

Chapters (2)

Brightsmile, the sweetest little mare who has become ponyville's newest dentist. But the day after she first arrives to the town she gains a taste for blood, even though she has a major fear of it, and it soon turns into a need for pony flesh... But being as weakhearted as she is. A voice from her mind that promises to do the deed for her and Bright will not remember what happened when it is in control. She believes this voice is her savior...But can it be her downfall?

Chapter 5 has been proof-read and edited by Ecstatic. Everypony give him a massive thanks!
Also the credit goes to Crimson Dash for help in the making of chapters 3 and 4 and the cover art as well!

Chapters (6)