• Published 15th Apr 2013
  • 828 Views, 120 Comments

The Crimson Smile. - Cookietheif

A sweet mare first steps into ponyville as their new dentist. Leads to the entire town fearing that they may be eaten during the night by a demon that sleeps within her...

  • ...

When Her Mind Finally Snaps...

“Death may only be the beginning of a new adventure… Maybe our souls will fly free out of this world… And into a world that only you can truly feel safe in…”

~8:18 A.M.~

Brightsmile began to wake up from her cursed slumber… But her last memories snapped her fully awake quicker than any amount of coffee…
The voice killed Blitz… That much she did remember… When she had so much as a speck of control left she still remembered the drill, driving itself into the Pegasus’s throat…
The dark thoughts soon gave way when she realized where she was… And the strange soreness around her neck…

She was in the hospital

Why was she here?! She should be waking up at home, safe and sound! Why is she here?!
Well the answer came from a picture that was lying on the small counter besides her bed… A picture of 2 best friends… one leaning on the other, his own guts wrapped around the other bloody pony’s throat…
This picture made Brightsmile let out a melody of horror echo throughout the hospital… One that could even reach her “friend’s” ears…

~8:20 A.M. Sugercube Corner~

Pinkie Pie was getting ready. Not for a party, but for 2 funerals… Sweetie belle’s bones were released and so were Blitz’s body once it was searched and nothing came up…
Both were going to be buried today and there was simply no joy that was going to come from it… And this obviously affected Pinkie as well…
Even though she was still a bright pink and her hair was curly like always... Any hint of joy in her was gone…
The funerals were going to be at 9 O’ Clock this morning but she wanted to see if Brightsmile was ok first. Maybe she can come to? At least she could be there with a new friend…
She began her way to the hospital, saying hellos and such to anypony she passed by, keeping a smile on as much as she can.
But when she got there something told her that something was going on…

Maybe the broken window with a rope of sheets hanging out of it gave it away?

Pinkie went inside and casually walked up to the pony in the front desk, oblivious to the security guards searching around.
“Hi! May I see Brightsmile?” She asked, as if the answer wasn’t obvious enough…
“She isn’t here if you didn’t notice the broken window! We are currently looking for her at the time. Come back later.” The desk pony said with a huff. Seems like somepony woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning…
“Where could she be? Maybe she was late for work? Or maybe she really wanted to go to the funeral early…” Pinkie Pie thought… Nice one Pinkie…
Either way she needed to find her, but where to start? The dentist office was still roped off, so going on Pinkie’s second ‘brilliant’ idea, she headed to the cemetery.

When Pinkie was there, all she could find was the grave keeper finishing the graves up for the 2 recent victims and… Luna?
The grave keeper somehow took notice that Pinkie was there and glanced over at her. “Are you going to eve’s drop all day, Pinkie?” he said… Was that amusement in his tone?
By now Luna was looking at Pinkie Pie with a sad smile… “Hello Pinkie Pie, a little early don’t you think?” She asked as she began walking to her.
“I was looking for Brightsmile! She wasn’t in the hospital so I was looking for her. Have any of you seen her?” The party pony asked with an anxious bounce, the graveyard was obviously wasn’t where Brightsmile was…
Pinkie was starting to wonder if she was even ok now… What if the killer took her to finish what started last night? She needed to hurry!
It was the grave keeper whom spoke first; he got out of the hole he was making fairly quickly thanks to his webbed wings. But what threw Pinkie off more than the wings…

Was the fact that she has never met this pony before!

This colt was tall and strong, which fitted with his job, with dark fur and long webbed wings that were red at the tip… But what stood out the most was his bandana that covers where the right eye is and what it said on it.

“May your soul fly free…”

While she was lost with the strange colt’s features, she didn’t hear what he even said… “What?” She squeaked as she snapped out of it, a sense of embarrassment hanging over her now.
The strange colt let out a chuckle and began to repeat himself. “I think I saw a white mare run that way.”
He nodded to the direction of Bright’s own home and continued, “I believe she was coming from the hospital’s direction to. That would be here right?”
Luna was now looking concerned… She must be wondering why she would leave the hospital to… Then she finally spoke. “Pinkie, go check her home. I’ll go get Twilight, she can help us look if you don’t find Brightsmile there…”
And with that… The mares ran off in separate ways, even though Pinkie had some questions for the colt… And as for the grave keeper… He went back to his work for the soon coming caskets…

~8:45 A.M. Brightsmile’s home: Bathroom…~

The white mare was in her tub, soaking wet from washing her pelt countless times… No matter how much she scrubbed, she could feel the liquid of life still in her perfectly white fur…
“So much of it… So much…” She repeated for the hundredth time… It only an amazing amount of will power for her to leave the bath tub and dry off.
But with each second out of it…She felt as if a bucket of blood would only get dumped onto her any moment…
The house was dark… It was hard to see anything inside, but that was what she wanted… The outside world was her enemy, just waiting for her to come out to strike…
Once she was in her bedroom, her body took on a mind of its own… Almost by instinct she walked into the closet and looked… At a blank wall… But there was something about it that sparked a strange amount of interest… Why?
The mare ran her hoof down the wall and noticed something…

The wall was tipping over… Towards her!

Brightsmile let out a yelp as she jumped back just in time to avoid the fake wall falling on her, and with amazement she saw what the wall was hiding…
A spare room… That had a weird freezer, a frightening outfit hanging neatly on some hangers, and… A familiar white pony pelt hanging to dry… Crimsonsmile’s lair…
The Dentist went inside… Looking around the room of horror… With a crazed smile slowly forming… This was the true mark of the mare’s insanity…
She studied the pelt, how cute would it be if she made something out of that…? Hell, what about all of the victims? At least they’d be more than a meal. Sadly she didn’t have time to ponder about it…

Knock. Knock. Knock…

Somepony was at the door! Who?! Would they try to take Brightsmile back to the hospital? Never…

Pinkie was stepping inside… “Brightsmile? It’s your pal, Pinkie Pie!” She called out as walked into the bedroom. Foolish mistake…
Behind her the door closed and locked, the light that washed in from it was now banished... Now Pinkie was scared…
The pink pony tried to open the door in panic but it wouldn’t budge. The only thing that got her to turn around was the creek of the floorboards…

But once she turned… It was all over…

Something cool ran across her throat… But it was then replaced with hot pain and fresh blood…
Brightsmile tossed her knife aside and tackled the party pony down and began to drink down her own friend’s blood… Like a leech that luckily latched onto a fresh cut on somepony.
Blood was freely flowing out of her victim... Pinkie managed to kick Brightsmile off but right away she was back on the pink mare... The insane dentist was persistent...
"Stop! Please!" Pinkie gasped... But Bright didn't here her... And then a new pain went through Pinkie, Brightsmile changed her teeth and started biting her neck!
Pinkie tried to screem... But when she did, all she got in reply was a larger hole in her neck... Brightsmile just couldn't stop. She now know what flesh tasted like... And there was no words to describe how good it was...
The struggle didn't last long... Pinkie was losing too much blood too quickly... Not to mention the new holes that Bright made as she was devouring her friend alive... When it was over Brightsmile sat up and looked at her friends glazed eyes... A insane smile spreaded on the dentist's face...
A crimson smile of her own... She didn't need the demon anymore...

Some how... She managed to clean up and head to the cemetary before they even got the caskets over the graves. With a few destractions... Such as a tiiiny... Aka huge... Bush on fire... With that time Brightsmile got what she needed from the 2 peaceful corpses... And make a retreat back home...

Once she was home... She got to work with the collected peices from 3, poor, innocent victims... Crimsonsmile's outfit was good... But how about a dress that can look cute, yet could give anypony scars for life?! Well... that was exactly what she was making... But she needs more victims first... And a safe place to take future victims...
Everfree forest... A perfect place to take her meals to...! "But... Wasn't there a zebra that lived in the forest...?" She thought... A zebra... She began to wonder if they tasted any different...

Lets find out...

It was pretty dark in the forest... even though it was almost the afternoon! She made her way down the only path, straight to Zecora's house...
She was kind of suprised to find what she was looking for... Tribal decorations outside and she guessed inside as well... But what caught her eye was a huge cauldron in the middle of the house... That could be handy...
She made her way inside, looking about casually at the strange decorations and potions that covered the shelves... "Hello?" She called out, slightly hoping that she was home...
"Hello and welcome to my home, i must mark my place in this alchemical tome."
With a thunk of a book, Zecora walks out of a small room to the side. "What brings a pony from town? Usually this place gets them down."
"I heard you make potions... I was wondering if I could buy one from you." Brightsmile said with a growing nervousness... But at the same time... Excitement took a firm grip on her as well.
"I have potions of all kind, what do you have in mind?" As she said this she looked at the white pony with an inquisitive stare.
"I would like something that could help me with falling asleep... With whats been going on in town... Sleep has just been slipping out of my hooves" Brightsmile answered... She needed to think fast before the zebra got too suspicious...
"What has been happening in town? Last I heard they involved the crown." She asked as she looked around the shelves on the wall, sorting through jars of varying sizes and colors. So far so good... She suspected nothing as far as Bright could tell...
"There was a second murder..." She said with a shiver... But not out of fear... Of excitement, silently she levitated a staff for what she guessed was for rituals, high up in the air so Zecora can hopefully not see it. "In my office..."
Zecora turned with intensity, nearly knocking over a jar. "A murder in your office? Your blood must have been cold as ice. Are you sure you want this potion? You wouldn't be roused by even the most commotion. If a killer is that close, you don't want to be almost comatose."
Brightsmile held back a cackle from her worry... It wasn't her fault that she didn't know that the killer was her. "I-its either sleep, or staying up until I pass out in broad daylight..." Excitment almost phisically shook her to the core... Maybe she could try a bit out of Zecora... Maybe her pelt could go great with the dress...?
"Well in that case, I guess the consequences you'll have to face." She warned before continuing. "There's an ingredient I need for this potion to succeed, of your tears I need a single bead."
"A tear?" She echoed... Simple enough, right? She closed her eyes and began imagening the saddest moment of her life... When she was a foal and her father passed on... She could feel the tears forming already, a bead slowly began to slide down from her cheek.
Zecora quickly slid a jar up the side of the white mare's face, collecting the glimmering dot of liquid.
"Thank you for your assistance, now you may want to stay back some distance."
Brightsmile stepped back. this was not exactly going to plan... But the potion may serve it's purpose in the near future... Zecora tipped the jar, one single salty droplet forming on the rim. The tension broke and the drop fell into the cauldron with a small plop. Zecora quickly got down to the floor, hooves over her head for protection. The cauldron emitted a small explosion of green smoke.
The insane mare coughed and gagged when the smoke came, this was her chance... even though she couldn't see, the staff went down and blindly swung at Zecora's head...

But nothing...

The staff swung through the smoke, cutting a path through it clean to the ground, hitting it with a crisp smack. But Zecora was already up and walking towards her shelf with jars to hold potions in when she heard the sound. Her head turned with the speed of a cheetah. "What was that noise? Are you playing with some of my toys?"
Brightsmile went into panic... She bucking missed!!! Without hesitation she lounged at the zebra, no more tricks, this time she needed to do her best to overpower her prey... But this is Zecora...
She saw the wild-eyed white mare charging through the green cloud and was confused. "What's going on, you crazy mor- oof!" The white mare made contact and knocked zecora to the ground, but zecora acted fast and threw no moderate amount of dirt at the mare's eyes.
The mad dentist let out a yelp as her eyes began to sting, even though she was blinded she still let loose a barage of punches at Zecora. The battle for survival began... If Bright wins, she gets a meal and part of her dress... If not, the gallows awaited her...
Finally realising that the crazy mare wanted to harm her, Zecora put her back hooves to the white mare's chest, thrusting with all her might, lifting the crazy white pony into the air and a few feet away. Zecora stood up as fast as she could. A single tooth left her mouth as she spat a blob of blood and saliva to the floor. An enraged mood painted itself across her face.
Brightsmile watched the blood land on the floor with a smirk. "Aww. That was such a waste of good blood..." The dentist's horn began to glow and the staff levitated once more... "It looks you lost a tooth, I can fix it... But I'll have to put you asleep first!" With a cackle she swung the staff at the zebra, aiming for her head.
Zecora ducked as quickly as she could, the staff just grazing her mane. As soon as the staff passed her head, Zecora reared up on her front hooves and gave a powerful kick to one of her hanging jars, which shattered immediately and dropped a deep black smoky veil over the whole room. The smoke was darker than Luna's night without a moon. "If you don't leave my home, I'll have to knock you over your dome!"
Brightsmile gasped as her sight was denied... The bright white mare had to rely on her memory and swung at where Zecora once was. "We both know that only one is coming out of this! Just like the kid who died in my office..." She began to grin and listen...
The clouds of smoke swirled and Zecora knew another attempt was made at her. As silently as she could she made her way to a drawer on the opposite side of the room, close to her bed. The only noise that was made during the seemingly perpetual action was the sound of wood against wood as zecora slid the drawer open. As the noise was made, zecora knew another swing was coming and she lowered herself close to the ground.
And the swings did come... Just scraping her main once again... "I got to say, pony flesh is the finest dish there is!" The mad mare called... She was doing her best to push the Zebra into speaking, but she could only hope for it to work... "I wonder how zebra would taste! If you stand still maybe I could find out."
The voice of the white mare left zecora unaffected as she had dealt with annoying foals before, she was too wise to fall into such a trap. The zebra reached into the drawer after the blow went by and pulled out a small brown sack. Silently she retreated away from the drawer, toward the safety of the darkness.
Bright snarled as strained to hear. But it wasn't working... "Bucking come on out!" She demanded, this was going on far too long for her... "Whats the matter? Scared to become a zebra stew?!" She laughed. Brightsmile pounced into random areas, each time she did she slammed down the staff into the ground, hoping that it'd hit her target...
The swirls of the smoke were enough for the wise zebra to know where the crazy mare moved, each swirl seemingly more distressed than the last. Zecora knew she had one chance to end this with the white mare in prison and her still living, and that chance sat in the little brown bag in her hooves. She slowly undid the drawstring on the satchel and a green glow eminated from the opening of the bag.
The glow was just enough for Bright... She took the staff into her own hooves and lounged, her staff swung wide as she prayed for contact... And with extreeme luck, it did...
A solid hit made contact with a crack. Zecora went tumbling to the ground and the green powder sprayed across the ground from the bag. The zebra, though her face was throbbing in pain, smirked at the fact that her plan could still work. The green glow illuminating her face, she blew the dust into the air. It swirled and took shape, the shape of a timberwolf to be exact. The glowing green beast stood over Zecora, in a protective pose as she lifted herself from the ground and took more dust in her hoof.
The killer dentist let out a gasp as she stared at the wolf... She never saw what Zecora could do, this trick to her was like the real thing! "S-Stay back!" She demanded... She tried to bat the wolf away with her stick, but her fear only grew when nothing seemed to work...
The zebra stood, trying to shake the dizziness from the strike with the staff. The wolf growled at the white mare and assumed a position, ready to pounce. And in Brightsmile's eyes... Her fate is quickly sealing...
The panicng dentist had was running out of options... The time to end this was now... But how will she pull it off...? Well there was the potion besides her...
She ran behind the cauldron, panic gaving her strength, and she tipped the cauldron towards the tricky zebra... The potion splashed out of it and onto Zecora...
Zecora knew she had mere moments to act before the potion took effect. She dragged herself up to the shelves, scattering jars everywhere, shattering them on the ground. Her eyes locked on the one she needed, but they were already closing. She reached for the container but lost her strength, dropping to the floor in an unconscious heap.

It was over...

Brightsmile stood over her in victory, the smoke was gone... The dust stopped making the timber wolf... And now the fourth victim was laying before her...

Can anypony stop this bloodshed...?

Author's Note:

This i gotta say, this took quite a bit of thought to make. And this was my first attempt to make it without using my flashdrive, i hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed making it!

Also thank you Crimson Dash! He and I Roleplayed the entire scene with zacora, he is the rhyme master XD i doubt i could have finished this without him.